#!/usr/bin/env python """ Command line utility for executing MongoDB tests of all kinds. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os.path import random import sys import time # Get relative imports to work when the package is not installed on the PYTHONPATH. if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None: sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from buildscripts import resmokelib def _execute_suite(suite): """ Executes the test suite, failing fast if requested. Returns true if the execution of the suite was interrupted by the user, and false otherwise. """ logger = resmokelib.logging.loggers.EXECUTOR_LOGGER if resmokelib.config.SHUFFLE: logger.info("Shuffling order of tests for %ss in suite %s. The seed is %d.", suite.test_kind, suite.get_name(), resmokelib.config.RANDOM_SEED) random.seed(resmokelib.config.RANDOM_SEED) random.shuffle(suite.tests) if resmokelib.config.DRY_RUN == "tests": sb = [] sb.append("Tests that would be run for %ss in suite %s:" % (suite.test_kind, suite.get_name())) if len(suite.tests) > 0: for test in suite.tests: sb.append(test) else: sb.append("(no tests)") logger.info("\n".join(sb)) # Set a successful return code on the test suite because we want to output the tests # that would get run by any other suites the user specified. suite.return_code = 0 return True if len(suite.tests) == 0: logger.info("Skipping %ss, no tests to run", suite.test_kind) return True executor_config = suite.get_executor_config() executor = resmokelib.testing.executor.TestSuiteExecutor(logger, suite, **executor_config) try: executor.run() if resmokelib.config.FAIL_FAST and suite.return_code != 0: return False except resmokelib.errors.UserInterrupt: suite.return_code = 130 # Simulate SIGINT as exit code. return True except: logger.exception("Encountered an error when running %ss of suite %s.", suite.test_kind, suite.get_name()) suite.return_code = 2 return False def _log_summary(logger, suites, time_taken): if len(suites) > 1: resmokelib.testing.suite.Suite.log_summaries(logger, suites, time_taken) def _summarize_suite(suite): sb = [] suite.summarize(sb) return "\n".join(sb) def _dump_suite_config(suite, logging_config): """ Returns a string that represents the YAML configuration of a suite. TODO: include the "options" key in the result """ sb = [] sb.append("YAML configuration of suite %s" % (suite.get_name())) sb.append(resmokelib.utils.dump_yaml({"test_kind": suite.get_test_kind_config()})) sb.append("") sb.append(resmokelib.utils.dump_yaml({"selector": suite.get_selector_config()})) sb.append("") sb.append(resmokelib.utils.dump_yaml({"executor": suite.get_executor_config()})) sb.append("") sb.append(resmokelib.utils.dump_yaml({"logging": logging_config})) return "\n".join(sb) def find_suites_by_test(suites): """ Looks up what other resmoke suites run the tests specified in the suites parameter. Returns a dict keyed by test name, value is array of suite names. """ memberships = {} test_membership = resmokelib.parser.create_test_membership_map() for suite in suites: for test in suite.tests: memberships[test] = test_membership[test] return memberships def main(): start_time = time.time() values, args = resmokelib.parser.parse_command_line() logging_config = resmokelib.parser.get_logging_config(values) resmokelib.logging.loggers.configure_loggers(logging_config) resmokelib.logging.flush.start_thread() resmokelib.parser.update_config_vars(values) exec_logger = resmokelib.logging.loggers.EXECUTOR_LOGGER resmoke_logger = exec_logger.new_resmoke_logger() if values.list_suites: suite_names = resmokelib.parser.get_named_suites() resmoke_logger.info("Suites available to execute:\n%s", "\n".join(suite_names)) sys.exit(0) # Log the command line arguments specified to resmoke.py to make it easier to re-run the # resmoke.py invocation used by an Evergreen task. resmoke_logger.info("resmoke.py invocation: %s", " ".join(sys.argv)) interrupted = False suites = resmokelib.parser.get_suites(values, args) # Register a signal handler or Windows event object so we can write the report file if the task # times out. resmokelib.sighandler.register(resmoke_logger, suites, start_time) # Run the suite finder after the test suite parsing is complete. if values.find_suites: suites_by_test = find_suites_by_test(suites) for test in sorted(suites_by_test): suite_names = suites_by_test[test] resmoke_logger.info("%s will be run by the following suite(s): %s", test, suite_names) sys.exit(0) try: for suite in suites: resmoke_logger.info(_dump_suite_config(suite, logging_config)) suite.record_suite_start() interrupted = _execute_suite(suite) suite.record_suite_end() resmoke_logger.info("=" * 80) resmoke_logger.info("Summary of %s suite: %s", suite.get_name(), _summarize_suite(suite)) if interrupted or (resmokelib.config.FAIL_FAST and suite.return_code != 0): time_taken = time.time() - start_time _log_summary(resmoke_logger, suites, time_taken) sys.exit(suite.return_code) time_taken = time.time() - start_time _log_summary(resmoke_logger, suites, time_taken) # Exit with a nonzero code if any of the suites failed. exit_code = max(suite.return_code for suite in suites) sys.exit(exit_code) finally: if not interrupted: resmokelib.logging.flush.stop_thread() resmokelib.reportfile.write(suites) if __name__ == "__main__": main()