test_kind: js_test selector: roots: - jstests/aggregation/**/*.js exclude_files: # The files in these directories contain utilities for use in other tests, not tests. - jstests/aggregation/extras/*.js - jstests/aggregation/data/*.js # This test makes assertions about whether aggregations will need to spill to disk, which assumes # all the data is located on a single shard. - jstests/aggregation/spill_to_disk.js # This test modifies internal parameter on primary node. In order for this test to run # successfully in this passthrough, it would need to run setParameter on every shardsvr in the # cluster. - jstests/aggregation/sources/unionWith/unionWith.js # TODO: Remove when SERVER-23229 is fixed. - jstests/aggregation/bugs/groupMissing.js # TODO SERVER-32311: These tests use getAggPlanStage(), which can't handle sharded explain output. - jstests/aggregation/match_swapping_renamed_fields.js - jstests/aggregation/use_query_project_and_sort.js - jstests/aggregation/use_query_projection.js - jstests/aggregation/use_query_sort.js # TODO SERVER-32309: Enable once $lookup with pipeline supports sharded foreign collections. - jstests/aggregation/sources/lookup/lookup_subpipeline.js - jstests/aggregation/sources/graphLookup/variables.js exclude_with_any_tags: # The next tag corresponds to the special error thrown by the set_read_preference_secondary.js # override when it refuses to replace the readPreference of a particular command. Above each tag # are the message(s) that cause the tag to be warranted. # # "Cowardly refusing to override read preference of command: ..." # "Cowardly refusing to run test with overridden read preference when it reads from a # non-replicated collection: ..." - assumes_read_preference_unchanged - does_not_support_causal_consistency # These tests assume that the 'db' object refers to unsharded cluster. - assumes_against_mongod_not_mongos # These tests cannot work with 'implicitly_shard_accessed_collections.js' override. - assumes_no_implicit_collection_creation_after_drop - assumes_unsharded_collection - cannot_create_unique_index_when_using_hashed_shard_key # collStats and dbStats are not causally consistent. - requires_collstats - requires_dbstats # These tests attempt to read from the "system.profile" collection, which may be missing entries # if a write was performed on the primary of the replica set instead. - requires_profiling # These tests start their own ShardingTest, ReplicaSetTest, or mongods, respectively. - requires_sharding - requires_replication - requires_spawning_own_processes executor: archive: hooks: - CheckReplDBHash - CheckReplOplogs - ValidateCollections config: shell_options: eval: >- var testingReplication = true; load('jstests/libs/override_methods/enable_causal_consistency.js'); load('jstests/libs/override_methods/detect_spawning_own_mongod.js'); load("jstests/libs/override_methods/implicitly_shard_accessed_collections.js") readMode: commands hooks: # The CheckReplDBHash hook waits until all operations have replicated to and have been applied # on the secondaries, so we run the ValidateCollections hook after it to ensure we're # validating the entire contents of the collection. - class: CheckReplOplogs - class: CheckReplDBHash - class: ValidateCollections - class: CleanEveryN n: 20 fixture: class: ShardedClusterFixture mongos_options: set_parameters: enableTestCommands: 1 mongod_options: set_parameters: enableTestCommands: 1 num_rs_nodes_per_shard: 2 enable_sharding: - test