test_kind: js_test selector: roots: - jstests/change_streams/**/*.js exclude_files: # Parallel Shell - we do not signal the override to end a txn when a parallel shell closes. - jstests/change_streams/only_wake_getmore_for_relevant_changes.js exclude_with_any_tags: # These tests would fail with "Cowardly refusing to override write concern of command: ..." - assumes_write_concern_unchanged # No need to use a passthrough to add transactions to a test that already has its own # transactions. - uses_transactions # These tests make assumptions about change stream results that are no longer true once operations # get bundled into transactions. - change_stream_does_not_expect_txns executor: archive: hooks: - CheckReplDBHash - CheckReplOplogs - ValidateCollections config: shell_options: global_vars: TestData: networkErrorAndTxnOverrideConfig: wrapCRUDinTransactions: true # Enable the transactions passthrough. eval: >- var testingReplication = true; load('jstests/libs/override_methods/enable_sessions.js'); load('jstests/libs/override_methods/txn_passthrough_cmd_massage.js'); load('jstests/libs/override_methods/network_error_and_txn_override.js'); hooks: # The CheckReplDBHash hook waits until all operations have replicated to and have been applied # on the secondaries, so we run the ValidateCollections hook after it to ensure we're # validating the entire contents of the collection. - class: CheckReplOplogs - class: CheckReplDBHash - class: ValidateCollections - class: CleanEveryN n: 20 fixture: class: ReplicaSetFixture mongod_options: bind_ip_all: '' set_parameters: enableTestCommands: 1 num_nodes: 1