test_kind: js_test selector: roots: - jstests/core/*.js - jstests/core/txns/**/*.js exclude_files: # The following tests perform a write with a writeConcern of w=2 when 'testingReplication' is # true. This causes the test to hang because the secondary is running with the "rsSyncApplyStop" # failpoint enabled. - jstests/core/geo_update_btree.js # The following tests create large oplog entries, which can cause the secondary to fall off the # primary's oplog when run as a part of burn_in_tests. - jstests/core/max_doc_size.js - jstests/core/mr_bigobject.js - jstests/core/capped_large_docs.js - jstests/core/capped_resize.js - jstests/core/exhaust.js # The following tests also create large oplog entries due to the maximum blocking sort size being # 100 MB. - jstests/core/explain_execution_error.js - jstests/core/sortb.js - jstests/core/sortg.js - jstests/core/sortj.js exclude_with_any_tags: - assumes_standalone_mongod # emptycapped is not supported with rollback using recover-to-timestamp. - requires_emptycapped executor: archive: tests: true hooks: - PeriodicKillSecondaries config: shell_options: eval: "testingReplication = true;" hooks: - class: PeriodicKillSecondaries fixture: class: ReplicaSetFixture mongod_options: syncdelay: 5 wiredTigerEngineConfigString: "debug_mode=(table_logging=true)" set_parameters: enableTestCommands: 1 logComponentVerbosity: replication: heartbeats: 2 rollback: 2 storage: recovery: 2 num_nodes: 2 voting_secondaries: false replset_config_options: settings: # Secondaries don't vote, so turning the election timeout down will not cause undesirable # elections. It will make desirable elections (on fixture restart) go faster though. We # can't turn it down too low since that will lower the heartbeat interval and spam the logs. electionTimeoutMillis: 5000