test_kind: js_test selector: roots: - jstests/core/txns/**/*.js exclude_files: # Profile can only be run against the admin database on mongos. - jstests/core/txns/transactions_profiling.js - jstests/core/txns/transactions_profiling_with_drops.js # No featureCompatibilityVersion parameter on mongos. - jstests/core/txns/abort_unprepared_transactions_on_FCV_downgrade.js # Implicitly creates a database through a collection rename, which does not work in a sharded # cluster. - jstests/core/txns/transactions_block_ddl.js # transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds parameter is not available in mongos. - jstests/core/txns/abort_expired_transaction.js - jstests/core/txns/abort_transaction_thread_does_not_block_on_locks.js - jstests/core/txns/kill_op_on_txn_expiry.js # Uses hangAfterCollectionInserts failpoint not available on mongos. - jstests/core/txns/speculative_snapshot_includes_all_writes.js # View tests aren't expected to work when collections are implicitly sharded. - jstests/core/txns/view_reads_in_transaction.js # TODO(SERVER-45368) re-enable once collection creation is permitted in cross-shard transactions. - jstests/core/txns/create_collection.js - jstests/core/txns/create_collection_parallel.js exclude_with_any_tags: - assumes_against_mongod_not_mongos # Tests tagged with the following will fail because they assume collections are not sharded. - assumes_no_implicit_collection_creation_after_drop - assumes_no_implicit_index_creation - assumes_unsharded_collection - cannot_create_unique_index_when_using_hashed_shard_key # Transactions are not allowed to operate on capped collections. - requires_capped # Prepare is not a command on mongos. - uses_prepare_transaction executor: archive: hooks: - ValidateCollections config: shell_options: eval: >- var testingReplication = true; load('jstests/libs/override_methods/implicitly_shard_accessed_collections.js'); readMode: commands hooks: # We don't execute dbHash or oplog consistency checks since there is only a single replica set # node. - class: ValidateCollections - class: CleanEveryN n: 20 fixture: class: ShardedClusterFixture mongos_options: set_parameters: enableTestCommands: 1 mongod_options: set_parameters: enableTestCommands: 1 num_shards: 2