# This file was generated by buildscripts/generate_resmoke_suites.py and manual edits should also be # made to replica_sets_ese.yml in order to ensure running the full test suite locally matches the # behavior of running parts of the test suite in Evergreen. It was generated against commit range: # 2e31167d0e2cf179a228afeec71853cfb0f0683f - f4652f501d7b5642a1ad965bc8eefad7803bd120 # with the following options: # Namespace(branch='master', duration_days=14, end_commit=None, execution_time_minutes=20, owner='mongodb', project='mongo', start_commit=None, task=['sharding_auth'], variants='linux-64-debug,enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit,enterprise-windows-64-2k8', verbose=True) # Section that is ignored by resmoke.py. config_variables: - &keyFile jstests/libs/authTestsKey - &keyFileData Thiskeyisonlyforrunningthesuitewithauthenticationdontuseitinanytestsdirectly test_kind: js_test selector: # The following tests take approximately # 13 minutes to run on enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit # 17 minutes to run on linux-64-debug # 16 minutes to run on enterprise-windows-64-2k8 roots: - jstests/sharding/mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance.js - jstests/sharding/top_chunk_autosplit.js executor: config: shell_options: global_vars: TestData: auth: true authMechanism: SCRAM-SHA-1 keyFile: *keyFile keyFileData: *keyFileData nodb: '' readMode: commands