test_kind: js_test selector: roots: - jstests/core/**/*.js exclude_files: # In MongoDB 4.0, transactions are not supported in sharded clusters. - jstests/core/txns/**/*.js # The following tests fail because a certain command or functionality is not supported on # mongos. This command or functionality is placed in a comment next to the failing test. - jstests/core/apitest_db.js # profiling. - jstests/core/apply_ops*.js # applyOps, SERVER-1439. - jstests/core/capped6.js # captrunc. - jstests/core/capped_convertToCapped1.js # cloneCollectionAsCapped. - jstests/core/capped_empty.js # emptycapped. - jstests/core/capped_update.js # uses godinsert and can't run under replication. - jstests/core/check_shard_index.js # checkShardingIndex. - jstests/core/collection_truncate.js # emptycapped. - jstests/core/collmod_without_uuid.js # applyOps, SERVER-1439 - jstests/core/compact_keeps_indexes.js # compact. - jstests/core/currentop.js # uses fsync. - jstests/core/dbadmin.js # "local" database. - jstests/core/dbhash.js # dbhash. - jstests/core/dbhash2.js # dbhash. - jstests/core/diagdata.js # Command not supported in mongos - jstests/core/do_txn*.js # doTxn - jstests/core/dropdb_race.js # syncdelay. - jstests/core/evalb.js # profiling. - jstests/core/fsync.js # uses fsync. - jstests/core/geo_haystack*.js # geoSearch. - jstests/core/geo_s2cursorlimitskip.js # profiling. - jstests/core/geo_update_btree2.js # notablescan. - jstests/core/index_bigkeys_nofail.js # failIndexKeyTooLong. - jstests/core/index_bigkeys_validation.js # failIndexKeyTooLong. - jstests/core/index_id_options.js # "local" database. - jstests/core/index9.js # "local" database. - jstests/core/max_time_ms.js # sleep, SERVER-2212. - jstests/core/notablescan.js # notablescan. - jstests/core/profile*.js # profiling. - jstests/core/queryoptimizera.js # "local" database. - jstests/core/repair_database.js # repairDatabase - jstests/core/repair_database_input_validation.js # repairDatabase - jstests/core/repair_server12955.js # repairDatabase - jstests/core/stages*.js # stageDebug. - jstests/core/startup_log.js # "local" database. - jstests/core/top.js # top. # The following tests fail because mongos behaves differently from mongod when testing certain # functionality. The differences are in a comment next to the failing test. - jstests/core/explain_missing_database.js # Behavior with no db different on mongos. - jstests/core/geo_2d_explain.js # executionSuccess in different spot in explain(). - jstests/core/geo_s2explain.js # inputStage in different spot in explain(). - jstests/core/geo_s2sparse.js # keysPerIndex in different spot in validate(). - jstests/core/operation_latency_histogram.js # Stats are counted differently on mongos, SERVER-24880. # TODO: SERVER-27269: mongos can't establish cursor if view has $collStats and views another view. - jstests/core/views/views_coll_stats.js - jstests/core/killop_drop_collection.js # Uses fsyncLock. # The following tests fail because of divergent dropCollection behavior between standalones and # sharded clusters. These tests expect a second drop command to error, whereas in sharded clusters # we expect a second drop to return status OK. - jstests/core/drop.js - jstests/core/explain_upsert.js exclude_with_any_tags: - assumes_against_mongod_not_mongos executor: archive: hooks: - CheckReplDBHash - ValidateCollections config: shell_options: rpcProtocols: opQueryOnly readMode: commands hooks: - class: CheckReplDBHash - class: ValidateCollections - class: CleanEveryN n: 20 fixture: class: ShardedClusterFixture mongos_options: set_parameters: enableTestCommands: 1 mongod_options: set_parameters: enableTestCommands: 1 numInitialSyncAttempts: 1 enable_sharding: - test