"""Configuration options for resmoke.py.""" import collections import datetime import itertools import os.path import time # Subdirectory under the dbpath prefix that contains directories with data files of mongod's started # by resmoke.py. FIXTURE_SUBDIR = "resmoke" # Subdirectory under the dbpath prefix that contains directories with data files of mongod's started # by individual tests. MONGO_RUNNER_SUBDIR = "mongorunner" ## # Default values. There are two types of default values: "DEFAULT_" prefixed module variables, # and values in the "DEFAULTS" dictionary. The former is used to set the default value manually. # (e.g. if the default value needs to be reconciled with suite-level configuration) # The latter is set automatically as part of resmoke's option parsing on startup. ## # We default to search for executables in the current working directory or in /data/multiversion # which are both part of the PATH. DEFAULT_DBTEST_EXECUTABLE = os.path.join(os.curdir, "dbtest") DEFAULT_MONGO_EXECUTABLE = "mongo" DEFAULT_MONGOD_EXECUTABLE = "mongod" DEFAULT_MONGOS_EXECUTABLE = "mongos" DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_REPETITIONS = 3 DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_MIN_TIME = datetime.timedelta(seconds=5) # Default root directory for where resmoke.py puts directories containing data files of mongod's it # starts, as well as those started by individual tests. DEFAULT_DBPATH_PREFIX = os.path.normpath("/data/db") # Default directory that we expect to contain binaries for multiversion testing. This directory is # added to the PATH when calling programs.make_process(). DEFAULT_MULTIVERSION_DIR = os.path.normpath("/data/multiversion") # Default location for the genny executable. Override this in the YAML suite configuration if # desired. DEFAULT_GENNY_EXECUTABLE = os.path.normpath("genny/build/src/driver/genny") # Names below correspond to how they are specified via the command line or in the options YAML file. DEFAULTS = { "always_use_log_files": False, "archive_limit_mb": 5000, "archive_limit_tests": 10, "base_port": 20000, "backup_on_restart_dir": None, "buildlogger_url": "https://logkeeper.mongodb.org", "continue_on_failure": False, "dbpath_prefix": None, "dbtest_executable": None, "dry_run": None, "exclude_with_any_tags": None, "flow_control": None, "flow_control_tickets": None, "fuzz_mongod_configs": False, "config_fuzz_seed": None, "genny_executable": None, "include_with_any_tags": None, "install_dir": None, "jobs": 1, "logger_file": "console", "mongo_executable": None, "mongod_executable": None, "mongod_set_parameters": [], "mongos_executable": None, "mongos_set_parameters": [], "mrlog": None, "no_journal": False, "num_clients_per_fixture": 1, "perf_report_file": None, "repeat_suites": 1, "repeat_tests": 1, "repeat_tests_max": None, "repeat_tests_min": None, "repeat_tests_secs": None, "replay_file": None, "report_failure_status": "fail", "report_file": None, "seed": int(time.time() * 256), # Taken from random.py code in Python 2.7. "service_executor": None, "shell_conn_string": None, "shell_port": None, "shell_read_mode": None, "shell_write_mode": None, "shuffle": None, "spawn_using": None, "stagger_jobs": None, "majority_read_concern": None, # Default is set on the commandline. "storage_engine": None, "storage_engine_cache_size_gb": None, "suite_files": "with_server", "tag_file": None, "test_files": [], "transport_layer": None, "user_friendly_output": None, "mixed_bin_versions": None, "linear_chain": None, "num_replset_nodes": None, "num_shards": None, # Internal testing options. "internal_params": [], # Evergreen options. "build_id": None, "distro_id": None, "execution_number": 0, "git_revision": None, "patch_build": False, "project_name": "mongodb-mongo-master", "revision_order_id": None, "task_id": None, "task_name": None, "variant_name": None, "version_id": None, # Cedar options. "cedar_url": "cedar.mongodb.com", "cedar_rpc_port": "7070", # WiredTiger options. "wt_coll_config": None, "wt_engine_config": None, "wt_index_config": None, # Benchmark options. "benchmark_filter": None, "benchmark_list_tests": None, "benchmark_min_time_secs": None, "benchmark_repetitions": None, # Config Dir "config_dir": "buildscripts/resmokeconfig", # UndoDB options "undo_recorder_path": None } _SuiteOptions = collections.namedtuple("_SuiteOptions", [ "description", "fail_fast", "include_tags", "num_jobs", "num_repeat_suites", "num_repeat_tests", "num_repeat_tests_max", "num_repeat_tests_min", "time_repeat_tests_secs", "report_failure_status", ]) class SuiteOptions(_SuiteOptions): """Represent top-level options to resmoke.py that can also be set at the suite-level.""" INHERIT = object() ALL_INHERITED = None @classmethod def combine(cls, *suite_options_list): """Return SuiteOptions instance. This object represents the combination of all SuiteOptions in 'suite_options_list'. """ combined_options = cls.ALL_INHERITED._asdict() include_tags_list = [] for suite_options in suite_options_list: for field in cls._fields: value = getattr(suite_options, field) if value is cls.INHERIT: continue if field == "description": # We discard the description of each of the individual SuiteOptions when they # are combined. continue if field == "include_tags": if value is not None: include_tags_list.append(value) continue combined_value = combined_options[field] if combined_value is not cls.INHERIT and combined_value != value: raise ValueError("Attempted to set '{}' option multiple times".format(field)) combined_options[field] = value if include_tags_list: combined_options["include_tags"] = {"$allOf": include_tags_list} return cls(**combined_options) def resolve(self): """Return a SuiteOptions instance. This represents the options overridden at the suite-level and the inherited options from the top-level. """ description = None include_tags = None parent = dict( list( zip(SuiteOptions._fields, [ description, FAIL_FAST, include_tags, JOBS, REPEAT_SUITES, REPEAT_TESTS, REPEAT_TESTS_MAX, REPEAT_TESTS_MIN, REPEAT_TESTS_SECS, REPORT_FAILURE_STATUS, ]))) options = self._asdict() for field in SuiteOptions._fields: if options[field] is SuiteOptions.INHERIT: options[field] = parent[field] return SuiteOptions(**options) SuiteOptions.ALL_INHERITED = SuiteOptions( # type: ignore **dict(list(zip(SuiteOptions._fields, itertools.repeat(SuiteOptions.INHERIT))))) ## # Variables that are set by the user at the command line or with --options. ## # Log to files located in the db path and don't clean dbpaths after tests. ALWAYS_USE_LOG_FILES = False # The limit size of all archive files for an Evergreen task. ARCHIVE_LIMIT_MB = None # The limit number of tests to archive for an Evergreen task. ARCHIVE_LIMIT_TESTS = None # The starting port number to use for mongod and mongos processes spawned by resmoke.py and the # mongo shell. BASE_PORT = None # The root url of the buildlogger server. BUILDLOGGER_URL = None # URL to connect to the Cedar service. CEDAR_URL = None # Cedar gRPC service port. CEDAR_RPC_PORT = None # Root directory for where resmoke.py puts directories containing data files of mongod's it starts, # as well as those started by individual tests. DBPATH_PREFIX = None # The path to the dbtest executable used by resmoke.py. DBTEST_EXECUTABLE = None # If set to "tests", then resmoke.py will output the tests that would be run by each suite (without # actually running them). DRY_RUN = None # An identifier consisting of the project name, build variant name, commit hash, and the timestamp. # For patch builds, it also includes the patch version id. EVERGREEN_BUILD_ID = None # The identifier for the Evergreen distro that resmoke.py is being run on. EVERGREEN_DISTRO_ID = None # The number of the Evergreen execution that resmoke.py is being run on. EVERGREEN_EXECUTION = None # If true, then resmoke.py is being run as part of a patch build in Evergreen. EVERGREEN_PATCH_BUILD = None # The name of the Evergreen project that resmoke.py is being run on. EVERGREEN_PROJECT_NAME = None # The git revision of the Evergreen task that resmoke.py is being run on. EVERGREEN_REVISION = None # A number for the chronological order of this revision. EVERGREEN_REVISION_ORDER_ID = None # The identifier for the Evergreen task that resmoke.py is being run under. If set, then the # Evergreen task id value will be transmitted to logkeeper when creating builds and tests. EVERGREEN_TASK_ID = None # The name of the Evergreen task that resmoke.py is being run for. EVERGREEN_TASK_NAME = None # The name of the Evergreen build variant that resmoke.py is being run on. EVERGREEN_VARIANT_NAME = None # The identifier consisting of the project name and the commit hash. For patch builds, it is just # the commit hash. EVERGREEN_VERSION_ID = None # If set, then any jstests that have any of the specified tags will be excluded from the suite(s). EXCLUDE_WITH_ANY_TAGS = None # A tag which is implicited excluded. This is useful for temporarily disabling a test. EXCLUDED_TAG = "__TEMPORARILY_DISABLED__" # If true, then a test failure or error will cause resmoke.py to exit and not run any more tests. FAIL_FAST = None FUZZ_MONGOD_CONFIGS = False CONFIG_FUZZ_SEED = None # Executable file for genny, passed in as a command line arg. GENNY_EXECUTABLE = None # If set, then only jstests that have at least one of the specified tags will be run during the # jstest portion of the suite(s). INCLUDE_WITH_ANY_TAGS = None # Params that can be set to change internal resmoke behavior. Used to test resmoke and should # not be set by the user. INTERNAL_PARAMS = [] # If set, then resmoke.py starts the specified number of Job instances to run tests. JOBS = None # Yaml file that specified logging configuration. LOGGER_FILE = None # Where to find the MONGO*_EXECUTABLE binaries INSTALL_DIR = None # The path to the mongo executable used by resmoke.py. MONGO_EXECUTABLE = None # The path to the mongod executable used by resmoke.py. MONGOD_EXECUTABLE = None # The --setParameter options passed to mongod. MONGOD_SET_PARAMETERS = [] # The path to the mongos executable used by resmoke.py. MONGOS_EXECUTABLE = None # The --setParameter options passed to mongos. MONGOS_SET_PARAMETERS = [] # If true, then all mongod's started by resmoke.py and by the mongo shell will not have journaling # enabled. NO_JOURNAL = None # If set, then each fixture runs tests with the specified number of clients. NUM_CLIENTS_PER_FIXTURE = None # Report file for the Evergreen performance plugin. PERF_REPORT_FILE = None # If set, then the RNG is seeded with the specified value. Otherwise uses a seed based on the time # this module was loaded. RANDOM_SEED = None # If set, then each suite is repeated the specified number of times. REPEAT_SUITES = None # If set, then each test is repeated the specified number of times inside the suites. REPEAT_TESTS = None # If set and REPEAT_TESTS_SECS is set, then each test is repeated up to specified number of # times inside the suites. REPEAT_TESTS_MAX = None # If set and REPEAT_TESTS_SECS is set, then each test is repeated at least specified number of # times inside the suites. REPEAT_TESTS_MIN = None # If set, then each test is repeated the specified time (seconds) inside the suites. REPEAT_TESTS_SECS = None # Controls if the test failure status should be reported as failed or be silently ignored. REPORT_FAILURE_STATUS = None # If set, then resmoke.py will write out a report file with the status of each test that ran. REPORT_FILE = None # IF set, then mongod/mongos's started by resmoke.py will use the specified service executor SERVICE_EXECUTOR = None # If set, resmoke will override the default fixture and connect to the fixture specified by this # connection string instead. SHELL_CONN_STRING = None # If set, then mongo shells started by resmoke.py will use the specified read mode. SHELL_READ_MODE = None # If set, then mongo shells started by resmoke.py will use the specified write mode. SHELL_WRITE_MODE = None # If true, then the order the tests run in is randomized. Otherwise the tests will run in # alphabetical (case-insensitive) order. SHUFFLE = None # Possible values are python and jasper. If python, resmoke uses the python built-in subprocess # or subprocess32 module to spawn threads. If jasper, resmoke uses the jasper module. SPAWN_USING = None # The connection string to the jasper service, populated when the service is # initialized in TestRunner. JASPER_CONNECTION_STR = None # If true, the launching of jobs is staggered in resmoke.py. STAGGER_JOBS = None # If set to true, it enables read concern majority. Else, read concern majority is disabled. MAJORITY_READ_CONCERN = None # Specifies the binary versions of each node we should run for a replica set. MIXED_BIN_VERSIONS = None # Specifies the number of replica set members in a ReplicaSetFixture. NUM_REPLSET_NODES = None # Specifies the number of replica sets in a MultiReplicaSetFixture. NUM_REPLSETS = None # Specifies the number of shards in a ShardedClusterFixture. NUM_SHARDS = None # If true, run ReplicaSetFixture with linear chaining. LINEAR_CHAIN = None # If set to "on", it enables flow control. If set to "off", it disables flow control. If left as # None, the server's default will determine whether flow control is enabled. FLOW_CONTROL = None # If set, it ensures Flow Control only ever assigns this number of tickets in one second. FLOW_CONTROL_TICKETS = None # If set, then all mongod's started by resmoke.py and by the mongo shell will use the specified # storage engine. STORAGE_ENGINE = None # If set, then all mongod's started by resmoke.py and by the mongo shell will use the specified # storage engine cache size. STORAGE_ENGINE_CACHE_SIZE = None # Yaml suites that specify how tests should be executed. SUITE_FILES = None # The tag file to use that associates tests with tags. TAG_FILE = None # The test files to execute. TEST_FILES = None # If set, then mongod/mongos's started by resmoke.py will use the specified transport layer. TRANSPORT_LAYER = None # If set, then all mongod's started by resmoke.py and by the mongo shell will use the specified # WiredTiger collection configuration settings. WT_COLL_CONFIG = None # If set, then all mongod's started by resmoke.py and by the mongo shell will use the specified # WiredTiger storage engine configuration settings. WT_ENGINE_CONFIG = None # If set, then all mongod's started by resmoke.py and by the mongo shell will use the specified # WiredTiger index configuration settings. WT_INDEX_CONFIG = None # Benchmark options that map to Google Benchmark options when converted to lowercase. BENCHMARK_FILTER = None BENCHMARK_LIST_TESTS = None BENCHMARK_MIN_TIME = None BENCHMARK_REPETITIONS = None # UndoDB options UNDO_RECORDER_PATH = None ## # Internally used configuration options that aren't exposed to the user ## # The name of the archive JSON file used to associate S3 archives to an Evergreen task. ARCHIVE_FILE = "archive.json" # S3 Bucket to upload archive files. ARCHIVE_BUCKET = "mongodatafiles" # Benchmark options set internally by resmoke.py BENCHMARK_OUT_FORMAT = "json" # Default sort order for test execution. Will only be changed if --suites wasn't specified. ORDER_TESTS_BY_NAME = True # Default file names for externally generated lists of tests created during the build. DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_TEST_LIST = "build/benchmarks.txt" DEFAULT_UNIT_TEST_LIST = "build/unittests.txt" DEFAULT_INTEGRATION_TEST_LIST = "build/integration_tests.txt" DEFAULT_LIBFUZZER_TEST_LIST = "build/libfuzzer_tests.txt" # External files or executables, used as suite selectors, that are created during the build and # therefore might not be available when creating a test membership map. EXTERNAL_SUITE_SELECTORS = (DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_TEST_LIST, DEFAULT_UNIT_TEST_LIST, DEFAULT_INTEGRATION_TEST_LIST, DEFAULT_DBTEST_EXECUTABLE, DEFAULT_LIBFUZZER_TEST_LIST) # Where to look for logging and suite configuration files CONFIG_DIR = None NAMED_SUITES = None LOGGER_DIR = None # Generated logging config for the current invocation. LOGGING_CONFIG: dict = {}