"""Parser for command line arguments.""" from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import os import os.path import datetime import optparse from . import config as _config from . import utils from .. import resmokeconfig ResmokeConfig = collections.namedtuple( "ResmokeConfig", ["list_suites", "find_suites", "dry_run", "suite_files", "test_files", "logging_config"]) def _make_parser(): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements """Create and return the command line arguments parser.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("--suites", dest="suite_files", metavar="SUITE1,SUITE2", help=("Comma separated list of YAML files that each specify the configuration" " of a suite. If the file is located in the resmokeconfig/suites/" " directory, then the basename without the .yml extension can be" " specified, e.g. 'core'. If a list of files is passed in as" " positional arguments, they will be run using the suites'" " configurations")) parser.add_option("--log", dest="logger_file", metavar="LOGGER", help=("A YAML file that specifies the logging configuration. If the file is" " located in the resmokeconfig/suites/ directory, then the basename" " without the .yml extension can be specified, e.g. 'console'.")) parser.add_option("--archiveFile", dest="archive_file", metavar="ARCHIVE_FILE", help=("Sets the archive file name for the Evergreen task running the tests." " The archive file is JSON format containing a list of tests that were" " successfully archived to S3. If unspecified, no data files from tests" " will be archived in S3. Tests can be designated for archival in the" " task suite configuration file.")) parser.add_option("--archiveLimitMb", type="int", dest="archive_limit_mb", metavar="ARCHIVE_LIMIT_MB", help=("Sets the limit (in MB) for archived files to S3. A value of 0" " indicates there is no limit.")) parser.add_option("--archiveLimitTests", type="int", dest="archive_limit_tests", metavar="ARCHIVE_LIMIT_TESTS", help=("Sets the maximum number of tests to archive to S3. A value" " of 0 indicates there is no limit.")) parser.add_option("--basePort", dest="base_port", metavar="PORT", help=("The starting port number to use for mongod and mongos processes" " spawned by resmoke.py or the tests themselves. Each fixture and Job" " allocates a contiguous range of ports.")) parser.add_option("--buildloggerUrl", action="store", dest="buildlogger_url", metavar="URL", help="The root url of the buildlogger server.") parser.add_option("--continueOnFailure", action="store_true", dest="continue_on_failure", help="Executes all tests in all suites, even if some of them fail.") parser.add_option("--dbpathPrefix", dest="dbpath_prefix", metavar="PATH", help=("The directory which will contain the dbpaths of any mongod's started" " by resmoke.py or the tests themselves.")) parser.add_option("--dbtest", dest="dbtest_executable", metavar="PATH", help="The path to the dbtest executable for resmoke to use.") parser.add_option("--excludeWithAnyTags", action="append", dest="exclude_with_any_tags", metavar="TAG1,TAG2", help=("Comma separated list of tags. Any jstest that contains any of the" " specified tags will be excluded from any suites that are run.")) parser.add_option("-f", "--findSuites", action="store_true", dest="find_suites", help="Lists the names of the suites that will execute the specified tests.") parser.add_option("--includeWithAnyTags", action="append", dest="include_with_any_tags", metavar="TAG1,TAG2", help=("Comma separated list of tags. For the jstest portion of the suite(s)," " only tests which have at least one of the specified tags will be" " run.")) parser.add_option("-n", action="store_const", const="tests", dest="dry_run", help="Outputs the tests that would be run.") # TODO: add support for --dryRun=commands parser.add_option("--dryRun", type="choice", action="store", dest="dry_run", choices=("off", "tests"), metavar="MODE", help=("Instead of running the tests, outputs the tests that would be run" " (if MODE=tests). Defaults to MODE=%default.")) parser.add_option("-j", "--jobs", type="int", dest="jobs", metavar="JOBS", help=("The number of Job instances to use. Each instance will receive its" " own MongoDB deployment to dispatch tests to.")) parser.add_option("-l", "--listSuites", action="store_true", dest="list_suites", help="Lists the names of the suites available to execute.") parser.add_option("--mongo", dest="mongo_executable", metavar="PATH", help="The path to the mongo shell executable for resmoke.py to use.") parser.add_option("--mongod", dest="mongod_executable", metavar="PATH", help="The path to the mongod executable for resmoke.py to use.") parser.add_option("--mongodSetParameters", dest="mongod_set_parameters", metavar="{key1: value1, key2: value2, ..., keyN: valueN}", help=("Passes one or more --setParameter options to all mongod processes" " started by resmoke.py. The argument is specified as bracketed YAML -" " i.e. JSON with support for single quoted and unquoted keys.")) parser.add_option("--mongoebench", dest="mongoebench_executable", metavar="PATH", help=("The path to the mongoebench (benchrun embedded) executable for" " resmoke.py to use.")) parser.add_option("--mongos", dest="mongos_executable", metavar="PATH", help="The path to the mongos executable for resmoke.py to use.") parser.add_option("--mongosSetParameters", dest="mongos_set_parameters", metavar="{key1: value1, key2: value2, ..., keyN: valueN}", help=("Passes one or more --setParameter options to all mongos processes" " started by resmoke.py. The argument is specified as bracketed YAML -" " i.e. JSON with support for single quoted and unquoted keys.")) parser.add_option("--nojournal", action="store_true", dest="no_journal", help="Disables journaling for all mongod's.") parser.add_option("--numClientsPerFixture", type="int", dest="num_clients_per_fixture", help="Number of clients running tests per fixture.") parser.add_option("--perfReportFile", dest="perf_report_file", metavar="PERF_REPORT", help="Writes a JSON file with performance test results.") parser.add_option("--shellConnString", dest="shell_conn_string", metavar="CONN_STRING", help="Overrides the default fixture and connect to an existing MongoDB" " cluster instead. This is useful for connecting to a MongoDB" " deployment started outside of resmoke.py including one running in a" " debugger.") parser.add_option("--shellPort", dest="shell_port", metavar="PORT", help="Convenience form of --shellConnString for connecting to an" " existing MongoDB cluster with the URL mongodb://localhost:[PORT]." " This is useful for connecting to a server running in a debugger.") parser.add_option("--repeat", type="int", dest="repeat", metavar="N", help="Repeats the given suite(s) N times, or until one fails.") parser.add_option("--reportFailureStatus", type="choice", action="store", dest="report_failure_status", choices=("fail", "silentfail"), metavar="STATUS", help="Controls if the test failure status should be reported as failed" " or be silently ignored (STATUS=silentfail). Dynamic test failures will" " never be silently ignored. Defaults to STATUS=%default.") parser.add_option("--reportFile", dest="report_file", metavar="REPORT", help="Writes a JSON file with test status and timing information.") parser.add_option("--seed", type="int", dest="seed", metavar="SEED", help=("Seed for the random number generator. Useful in combination with the" " --shuffle option for producing a consistent test execution order.")) parser.add_option("--serviceExecutor", dest="service_executor", metavar="EXECUTOR", help="The service executor used by jstests") parser.add_option("--transportLayer", dest="transport_layer", metavar="TRANSPORT", help="The transport layer used by jstests") parser.add_option("--shellReadMode", type="choice", action="store", dest="shell_read_mode", choices=("commands", "compatibility", "legacy"), metavar="READ_MODE", help="The read mode used by the mongo shell.") parser.add_option("--shellWriteMode", type="choice", action="store", dest="shell_write_mode", choices=("commands", "compatibility", "legacy"), metavar="WRITE_MODE", help="The write mode used by the mongo shell.") parser.add_option("--shuffle", action="store_const", const="on", dest="shuffle", help=("Randomizes the order in which tests are executed. This is equivalent" " to specifying --shuffleMode=on.")) parser.add_option("--shuffleMode", type="choice", action="store", dest="shuffle", choices=("on", "off", "auto"), metavar="ON|OFF|AUTO", help=("Controls whether to randomize the order in which tests are executed." " Defaults to auto when not supplied. auto enables randomization in" " all cases except when the number of jobs requested is 1.")) parser.add_option("--staggerJobs", type="choice", action="store", dest="stagger_jobs", choices=("on", "off"), metavar="ON|OFF", help=("Enables or disables the stagger of launching resmoke jobs." " Defaults to %default.")) parser.add_option("--storageEngine", dest="storage_engine", metavar="ENGINE", help="The storage engine used by dbtests and jstests.") parser.add_option("--storageEngineCacheSizeGB", dest="storage_engine_cache_size_gb", metavar="CONFIG", help="Sets the storage engine cache size configuration" " setting for all mongod's.") parser.add_option("--tagFile", dest="tag_file", metavar="OPTIONS", help="A YAML file that associates tests and tags.") parser.add_option("--wiredTigerCollectionConfigString", dest="wt_coll_config", metavar="CONFIG", help="Sets the WiredTiger collection configuration setting for all mongod's.") parser.add_option("--wiredTigerEngineConfigString", dest="wt_engine_config", metavar="CONFIG", help="Sets the WiredTiger engine configuration setting for all mongod's.") parser.add_option("--wiredTigerIndexConfigString", dest="wt_index_config", metavar="CONFIG", help="Sets the WiredTiger index configuration setting for all mongod's.") parser.add_option("--executor", dest="executor_file", help="OBSOLETE: Superceded by --suites; specify --suites=SUITE path/to/test" " to run a particular test under a particular suite configuration.") evergreen_options = optparse.OptionGroup( parser, title="Evergreen options", description=("Options used to propagate information about the Evergreen task running this" " script.")) parser.add_option_group(evergreen_options) evergreen_options.add_option("--buildId", dest="build_id", metavar="BUILD_ID", help="Sets the build ID of the task.") evergreen_options.add_option("--distroId", dest="distro_id", metavar="DISTRO_ID", help=("Sets the identifier for the Evergreen distro running the" " tests.")) evergreen_options.add_option("--executionNumber", type="int", dest="execution_number", metavar="EXECUTION_NUMBER", help=("Sets the number for the Evergreen execution running the" " tests.")) evergreen_options.add_option("--gitRevision", dest="git_revision", metavar="GIT_REVISION", help=("Sets the git revision for the Evergreen task running the" " tests.")) evergreen_options.add_option("--patchBuild", action="store_true", dest="patch_build", help=("Indicates that the Evergreen task running the tests is a" " patch build.")) evergreen_options.add_option("--projectName", dest="project_name", metavar="PROJECT_NAME", help=("Sets the name of the Evergreen project running the tests.")) evergreen_options.add_option("--revisionOrderId", dest="revision_order_id", metavar="REVISION_ORDER_ID", help="Sets the chronological order number of this commit.") evergreen_options.add_option("--taskName", dest="task_name", metavar="TASK_NAME", help="Sets the name of the Evergreen task running the tests.") evergreen_options.add_option("--taskId", dest="task_id", metavar="TASK_ID", help="Sets the Id of the Evergreen task running the tests.") evergreen_options.add_option("--variantName", dest="variant_name", metavar="VARIANT_NAME", help=("Sets the name of the Evergreen build variant running the" " tests.")) evergreen_options.add_option("--versionId", dest="version_id", metavar="VERSION_ID", help="Sets the version ID of the task.") benchmark_options = optparse.OptionGroup( parser, title="Benchmark/Benchrun test options", description="Options for running Benchmark/Benchrun tests") parser.add_option_group(benchmark_options) benchmark_options.add_option("--benchmarkFilter", type="string", dest="benchmark_filter", metavar="BENCHMARK_FILTER", help="Regex to filter Google benchmark tests to run.") benchmark_options.add_option("--benchmarkListTests", dest="benchmark_list_tests", action="store_true", metavar="BENCHMARK_LIST_TESTS", help=("Lists all Google benchmark test configurations in each" " test file.")) benchmark_min_time_help = ( "Minimum time to run each benchmark/benchrun test for. Use this option instead of " "--benchmarkRepetitions to make a test run for a longer or shorter duration.") benchmark_options.add_option("--benchmarkMinTimeSecs", type="int", dest="benchmark_min_time_secs", metavar="BENCHMARK_MIN_TIME", help=benchmark_min_time_help) benchmark_repetitions_help = ( "Set --benchmarkRepetitions=1 if you'd like to run the benchmark/benchrun tests only once." " By default, each test is run multiple times to provide statistics on the variance" " between runs; use --benchmarkMinTimeSecs if you'd like to run a test for a longer or" " shorter duration.") benchmark_options.add_option("--benchmarkRepetitions", type="int", dest="benchmark_repetitions", metavar="BENCHMARK_REPETITIONS", help=benchmark_repetitions_help) parser.set_defaults(logger_file="console", dry_run="off", find_suites=False, list_suites=False, suite_files="with_server", shuffle="auto", stagger_jobs="off") return parser def parse_command_line(): """Parse the command line arguments passed to resmoke.py.""" parser = _make_parser() options, args = parser.parse_args() _validate_options(parser, options, args) _update_config_vars(options) return ResmokeConfig(list_suites=options.list_suites, find_suites=options.find_suites, dry_run=options.dry_run, suite_files=options.suite_files.split(","), test_files=args, logging_config=_get_logging_config(options.logger_file)) def _validate_options(parser, options, args): """Do preliminary validation on the options and error on any invalid options.""" if options.shell_port is not None and options.shell_conn_string is not None: parser.error("Cannot specify both `shellPort` and `shellConnString`") if options.executor_file: parser.error("--executor is superseded by --suites; specify --suites={} {} to run the" " test(s) under those suite configuration(s)".format( options.executor_file, " ".join(args))) def validate_benchmark_options(): """Error out early if any options are incompatible with benchmark test suites. :return: None """ if _config.REPEAT > 1: raise optparse.OptionValueError( "--repeat cannot be used with benchmark tests. Please use --benchmarkMinTimeSecs to " "increase the runtime of a single benchmark configuration.") if _config.JOBS > 1: raise optparse.OptionValueError( "--jobs=%d cannot be used for benchmark tests. Parallel jobs affect CPU cache access " "patterns and cause additional context switching, which lead to inaccurate benchmark " "results. Please use --jobs=1" % _config.JOBS) def _update_config_vars(values): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements """Update the variables of the config module.""" config = _config.DEFAULTS.copy() # Override `config` with values from command line arguments. cmdline_vars = vars(values) for cmdline_key in cmdline_vars: if cmdline_key not in _config.DEFAULTS: # Ignore options that don't map to values in config.py continue if cmdline_vars[cmdline_key] is not None: config[cmdline_key] = cmdline_vars[cmdline_key] _config.ARCHIVE_FILE = config.pop("archive_file") _config.ARCHIVE_LIMIT_MB = config.pop("archive_limit_mb") _config.ARCHIVE_LIMIT_TESTS = config.pop("archive_limit_tests") _config.BASE_PORT = int(config.pop("base_port")) _config.BUILDLOGGER_URL = config.pop("buildlogger_url") _config.DBPATH_PREFIX = _expand_user(config.pop("dbpath_prefix")) _config.DBTEST_EXECUTABLE = _expand_user(config.pop("dbtest_executable")) _config.DRY_RUN = config.pop("dry_run") _config.EXCLUDE_WITH_ANY_TAGS = _tags_from_list(config.pop("exclude_with_any_tags")) _config.FAIL_FAST = not config.pop("continue_on_failure") _config.INCLUDE_WITH_ANY_TAGS = _tags_from_list(config.pop("include_with_any_tags")) _config.JOBS = config.pop("jobs") _config.MONGO_EXECUTABLE = _expand_user(config.pop("mongo_executable")) _config.MONGOD_EXECUTABLE = _expand_user(config.pop("mongod_executable")) _config.MONGOD_SET_PARAMETERS = config.pop("mongod_set_parameters") _config.MONGOEBENCH_EXECUTABLE = _expand_user(config.pop("mongoebench_executable")) _config.MONGOS_EXECUTABLE = _expand_user(config.pop("mongos_executable")) _config.MONGOS_SET_PARAMETERS = config.pop("mongos_set_parameters") _config.NO_JOURNAL = config.pop("no_journal") _config.NUM_CLIENTS_PER_FIXTURE = config.pop("num_clients_per_fixture") _config.PERF_REPORT_FILE = config.pop("perf_report_file") _config.RANDOM_SEED = config.pop("seed") _config.REPEAT = config.pop("repeat") _config.REPORT_FAILURE_STATUS = config.pop("report_failure_status") _config.REPORT_FILE = config.pop("report_file") _config.SERVICE_EXECUTOR = config.pop("service_executor") _config.SHELL_READ_MODE = config.pop("shell_read_mode") _config.SHELL_WRITE_MODE = config.pop("shell_write_mode") _config.STAGGER_JOBS = config.pop("stagger_jobs") == "on" _config.STORAGE_ENGINE = config.pop("storage_engine") _config.STORAGE_ENGINE_CACHE_SIZE = config.pop("storage_engine_cache_size_gb") _config.TAG_FILE = config.pop("tag_file") _config.TRANSPORT_LAYER = config.pop("transport_layer") # Evergreen options. _config.EVERGREEN_BUILD_ID = config.pop("build_id") _config.EVERGREEN_DISTRO_ID = config.pop("distro_id") _config.EVERGREEN_EXECUTION = config.pop("execution_number") _config.EVERGREEN_PATCH_BUILD = config.pop("patch_build") _config.EVERGREEN_PROJECT_NAME = config.pop("project_name") _config.EVERGREEN_REVISION = config.pop("git_revision") _config.EVERGREEN_REVISION_ORDER_ID = config.pop("revision_order_id") _config.EVERGREEN_TASK_ID = config.pop("task_id") _config.EVERGREEN_TASK_NAME = config.pop("task_name") _config.EVERGREEN_VARIANT_NAME = config.pop("variant_name") _config.EVERGREEN_VERSION_ID = config.pop("version_id") # Wiredtiger options. _config.WT_COLL_CONFIG = config.pop("wt_coll_config") _config.WT_ENGINE_CONFIG = config.pop("wt_engine_config") _config.WT_INDEX_CONFIG = config.pop("wt_index_config") # Benchmark options. _config.BENCHMARK_FILTER = config.pop("benchmark_filter") _config.BENCHMARK_LIST_TESTS = config.pop("benchmark_list_tests") benchmark_min_time = config.pop("benchmark_min_time_secs") if benchmark_min_time is not None: _config.BENCHMARK_MIN_TIME = datetime.timedelta(seconds=benchmark_min_time) _config.BENCHMARK_REPETITIONS = config.pop("benchmark_repetitions") shuffle = config.pop("shuffle") if shuffle == "auto": # If the user specified a value for --jobs > 1 (or -j > 1), then default to randomize # the order in which tests are executed. This is because with multiple threads the tests # wouldn't run in a deterministic order anyway. _config.SHUFFLE = _config.JOBS > 1 else: _config.SHUFFLE = shuffle == "on" conn_string = config.pop("shell_conn_string") port = config.pop("shell_port") if port is not None: conn_string = "mongodb://localhost:" + port if conn_string is not None: _config.SHELL_CONN_STRING = conn_string if config: raise optparse.OptionValueError("Unknown option(s): %s" % (config.keys())) def _get_logging_config(pathname): """Read YAML configuration from 'pathname' how to log tests and fixtures.""" # Named loggers are specified as the basename of the file, without the .yml extension. if not utils.is_yaml_file(pathname) and not os.path.dirname(pathname): if pathname not in resmokeconfig.NAMED_LOGGERS: raise optparse.OptionValueError("Unknown logger '%s'" % pathname) pathname = resmokeconfig.NAMED_LOGGERS[pathname] # Expand 'pathname' to full path. if not utils.is_yaml_file(pathname) or not os.path.isfile(pathname): raise optparse.OptionValueError("Expected a logger YAML config, but got '%s'" % pathname) return utils.load_yaml_file(pathname).pop("logging") def _expand_user(pathname): """Provide wrapper around os.path.expanduser() to do nothing when given None.""" if pathname is None: return None return os.path.expanduser(pathname) def _tags_from_list(tags_list): """Return the list of tags from a list of tag parameter values. Each parameter value in the list may be a list of comma separated tags, with empty strings ignored. """ tags = [] if tags_list is not None: for tag in tags_list: tags.extend([t for t in tag.split(",") if t != ""]) return tags return None