"""Facade wrapping the resmokelib dependencies used by fixtures.""" from buildscripts.resmokelib import config from buildscripts.resmokelib import core from buildscripts.resmokelib import errors from buildscripts.resmokelib import utils from buildscripts.resmokelib import logging from buildscripts.resmokelib.utils.history import make_historic as _make_historic from buildscripts.resmokelib.testing.fixtures import interface from buildscripts.resmokelib.multiversionconstants import LAST_LTS_MONGOD_BINARY, LAST_LTS_MONGOS_BINARY class FixtureLib(object): """Class that exposes the resmokelib API that fixtures can use.""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use ################# # Logger tools # ################# def assert_logger(self, logger): """Assert that the given logger has the correct type.""" if not isinstance(logger, logging.Logger): raise TypeError("logger must be a Logger instance") def close_loggers(self, handler): """Add 'handler' to the queue so that it is closed later by the flush thread. Return the scheduled event which may be used for later cancelation (see cancel()). """ return logging.flush.close_later(handler) def new_fixture_node_logger(self, fixture_class, job_num, node_name): """Create a logger for a particular element in a multi-process fixture.""" return logging.loggers.new_fixture_node_logger(fixture_class, job_num, node_name) ############ # Programs # ############ def mongod_program(self, logger, job_num, executable, process_kwargs, mongod_options): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ Return a Process instance that starts mongod arguments constructed from 'mongod_options'. @param logger - The logger to pass into the process. @param executable - The mongod executable to run. @param process_kwargs - A dict of key-value pairs to pass to the process. @param mongod_options - A HistoryDict describing the various options to pass to the mongod. """ return core.programs.mongod_program(logger, job_num, executable, process_kwargs, mongod_options) def mongos_program( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, logger, job_num, test_id=None, executable=None, process_kwargs=None, mongos_options=None): """Return a Process instance that starts a mongos with arguments constructed from 'kwargs'.""" return core.programs.mongos_program(logger, job_num, test_id, executable, process_kwargs, mongos_options) def generic_program(self, logger, args, job_num, test_id=None, process_kwargs=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """Return a Process instance that starts an arbitrary executable. The executable arguments are constructed from 'kwargs'. The args parameter is an array of strings containing the command to execute. """ return core.programs.generic_program(logger, args, job_num, test_id, process_kwargs, **kwargs) ######### # Utils # ######### ServerFailure = errors.ServerFailure def make_historic(self, obj): """Convert a python object into a corresponding Historic to track history.""" return _make_historic(obj) def default_if_none(self, *values): """Return the first argument that is not 'None'.""" return utils.default_if_none(*values) def get_config(self): """Return an objects whose attributes are fixture config values.""" return _FixtureConfig() class _FixtureConfig(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Class that stores fixture configuration info.""" def __init__(self): """Initialize FixtureConfig, setting values.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.MONGOD_EXECUTABLE = config.MONGOD_EXECUTABLE self.DEFAULT_MONGOD_EXECUTABLE = config.DEFAULT_MONGOD_EXECUTABLE self.MONGOD_SET_PARAMETERS = config.MONGOD_SET_PARAMETERS self.FIXTURE_SUBDIR = config.FIXTURE_SUBDIR self.ALWAYS_USE_LOG_FILES = config.ALWAYS_USE_LOG_FILES self.LAST_LTS_MONGOD_BINARY = LAST_LTS_MONGOD_BINARY self.LAST_LTS_MONGOS_BINARY = LAST_LTS_MONGOS_BINARY self.EVERGREEN_TASK_ID = config.EVERGREEN_TASK_ID self.FLOW_CONTROL = config.FLOW_CONTROL self.FLOW_CONTROL_TICKETS = config.FLOW_CONTROL_TICKETS self.MAJORITY_READ_CONCERN = config.MAJORITY_READ_CONCERN self.NO_JOURNAL = config.NO_JOURNAL self.STORAGE_ENGINE = config.STORAGE_ENGINE self.STORAGE_ENGINE_CACHE_SIZE = config.STORAGE_ENGINE_CACHE_SIZE self.TRANSPORT_LAYER = config.TRANSPORT_LAYER self.WT_COLL_CONFIG = config.WT_COLL_CONFIG self.WT_ENGINE_CONFIG = config.WT_ENGINE_CONFIG self.WT_INDEX_CONFIG = config.WT_INDEX_CONFIG self.MIXED_BIN_VERSIONS = config.MIXED_BIN_VERSIONS self.LINEAR_CHAIN = config.LINEAR_CHAIN self.NUM_REPLSET_NODES = config.NUM_REPLSET_NODES self.NUM_SHARDS = config.NUM_SHARDS self.DEFAULT_MONGOS_EXECUTABLE = config.DEFAULT_MONGOS_EXECUTABLE self.MONGOS_EXECUTABLE = config.MONGOS_EXECUTABLE self.MONGOS_SET_PARAMETERS = config.MONGOS_SET_PARAMETERS self.DBPATH_PREFIX = config.DBPATH_PREFIX self.DEFAULT_DBPATH_PREFIX = config.DEFAULT_DBPATH_PREFIX