""" Sharded cluster fixture for executing JSTests against. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import copy import os.path import socket import time import pymongo from . import interface from . import standalone from . import replicaset from ... import config from ... import core from ... import errors from ... import utils from ...utils import registry class ShardedClusterFixture(interface.Fixture): """ Fixture which provides JSTests with a sharded cluster to run against. """ _CONFIGSVR_REPLSET_NAME = "config-rs" _SHARD_REPLSET_NAME_PREFIX = "shard-rs" def __init__(self, logger, job_num, mongos_executable=None, mongos_options=None, mongod_executable=None, mongod_options=None, dbpath_prefix=None, preserve_dbpath=False, num_shards=1, num_rs_nodes_per_shard=None, separate_configsvr=True, enable_sharding=None, auth_options=None): """ Initializes ShardedClusterFixture with the different options to the mongod and mongos processes. """ interface.Fixture.__init__(self, logger, job_num) if "dbpath" in mongod_options: raise ValueError("Cannot specify mongod_options.dbpath") self.mongos_executable = mongos_executable self.mongos_options = utils.default_if_none(mongos_options, {}) self.mongod_executable = mongod_executable self.mongod_options = utils.default_if_none(mongod_options, {}) self.preserve_dbpath = preserve_dbpath self.num_shards = num_shards self.num_rs_nodes_per_shard = num_rs_nodes_per_shard self.separate_configsvr = separate_configsvr self.enable_sharding = utils.default_if_none(enable_sharding, []) self.auth_options = auth_options # Command line options override the YAML configuration. dbpath_prefix = utils.default_if_none(config.DBPATH_PREFIX, dbpath_prefix) dbpath_prefix = utils.default_if_none(dbpath_prefix, config.DEFAULT_DBPATH_PREFIX) self._dbpath_prefix = os.path.join(dbpath_prefix, "job%d" % (self.job_num), config.FIXTURE_SUBDIR) self.configsvr = None self.mongos = None self.shards = [] def setup(self): if self.separate_configsvr: if self.configsvr is None: self.configsvr = self._new_configsvr() self.configsvr.setup() if not self.shards: for i in xrange(self.num_shards): if self.num_rs_nodes_per_shard is None: shard = self._new_standalone_shard(i) elif isinstance(self.num_rs_nodes_per_shard, int): if self.num_rs_nodes_per_shard <= 0: raise ValueError("num_rs_nodes_per_shard must be a positive integer") shard = self._new_rs_shard(i, self.num_rs_nodes_per_shard) else: raise TypeError("num_rs_nodes_per_shard must be an integer or None") self.shards.append(shard) # Start up each of the shards for shard in self.shards: shard.setup() def await_ready(self): # Wait for the config server if self.configsvr is not None: self.configsvr.await_ready() # Wait for each of the shards for shard in self.shards: shard.await_ready() if self.mongos is None: self.mongos = self._new_mongos() # Start up the mongos self.mongos.setup() # Wait for the mongos self.mongos.await_ready() self.port = self.mongos.port client = utils.new_mongo_client(port=self.port) if self.auth_options is not None: auth_db = client[self.auth_options["authenticationDatabase"]] auth_db.authenticate(self.auth_options["username"], password=self.auth_options["password"], mechanism=self.auth_options["authenticationMechanism"]) # Inform mongos about each of the shards for shard in self.shards: self._add_shard(client, shard) # Enable sharding on each of the specified databases for db_name in self.enable_sharding: self.logger.info("Enabling sharding for '%s' database...", db_name) client.admin.command({"enablesharding": db_name}) def _do_teardown(self): """ Shuts down the sharded cluster. """ running_at_start = self.is_running() success = True # Still a success even if nothing is running. if not running_at_start: self.logger.info( "Sharded cluster was expected to be running in _do_teardown(), but wasn't.") if self.configsvr is not None: if running_at_start: self.logger.info("Stopping config server...") success = self.configsvr.teardown() and success if running_at_start: self.logger.info("Successfully terminated the config server.") if self.mongos is not None: if running_at_start: self.logger.info("Stopping mongos...") success = self.mongos.teardown() and success if running_at_start: self.logger.info("Successfully terminated the mongos.") if running_at_start: self.logger.info("Stopping shards...") for shard in self.shards: success = shard.teardown() and success if running_at_start: self.logger.info("Successfully terminated all shards.") return success def is_running(self): """ Returns true if the config server, all shards, and the mongos are all still operating, and false otherwise. """ return (self.configsvr is not None and self.configsvr.is_running() and all(shard.is_running() for shard in self.shards) and self.mongos is not None and self.mongos.is_running()) def get_internal_connection_string(self): if self.mongos is None: raise ValueError("Must call setup() before calling get_internal_connection_string()") return "%s:%d" % (socket.gethostname(), self.mongos.port) def get_driver_connection_url(self): return "mongodb://" + self.get_internal_connection_string() def _new_configsvr(self): """ Returns a replicaset.ReplicaSetFixture configured to be used as the config server of a sharded cluster. """ mongod_logger = self.logger.new_fixture_node_logger("configsvr") mongod_options = copy.deepcopy(self.mongod_options) mongod_options["configsvr"] = "" mongod_options["dbpath"] = os.path.join(self._dbpath_prefix, "config") mongod_options["replSet"] = ShardedClusterFixture._CONFIGSVR_REPLSET_NAME mongod_options["storageEngine"] = "wiredTiger" return replicaset.ReplicaSetFixture(mongod_logger, self.job_num, mongod_executable=self.mongod_executable, mongod_options=mongod_options, preserve_dbpath=self.preserve_dbpath, num_nodes=3, auth_options=self.auth_options, replset_config_options={"configsvr": True}) def _new_rs_shard(self, index, num_rs_nodes_per_shard): """ Returns a replicaset.ReplicaSetFixture configured to be used as a shard in a sharded cluster. """ mongod_logger = self.logger.new_fixture_node_logger("shard%d" % index) mongod_options = copy.deepcopy(self.mongod_options) mongod_options["shardsvr"] = "" mongod_options["dbpath"] = os.path.join(self._dbpath_prefix, "shard%d" % (index)) mongod_options["replSet"] = ShardedClusterFixture._SHARD_REPLSET_NAME_PREFIX + str(index) return replicaset.ReplicaSetFixture(mongod_logger, self.job_num, mongod_executable=self.mongod_executable, mongod_options=mongod_options, preserve_dbpath=self.preserve_dbpath, num_nodes=num_rs_nodes_per_shard, auth_options=self.auth_options, replset_config_options={"configsvr": False}) def _new_standalone_shard(self, index): """ Returns a standalone.MongoDFixture configured to be used as a shard in a sharded cluster. """ mongod_logger = self.logger.new_fixture_node_logger("shard%d" % index) mongod_options = copy.deepcopy(self.mongod_options) mongod_options["shardsvr"] = "" mongod_options["dbpath"] = os.path.join(self._dbpath_prefix, "shard%d" % (index)) return standalone.MongoDFixture(mongod_logger, self.job_num, mongod_executable=self.mongod_executable, mongod_options=mongod_options, preserve_dbpath=self.preserve_dbpath) def _new_mongos(self): """ Returns a _MongoSFixture configured to be used as the mongos for a sharded cluster. """ mongos_logger = self.logger.new_fixture_node_logger("mongos") mongos_options = copy.deepcopy(self.mongos_options) configdb_hostname = socket.gethostname() if self.separate_configsvr: configdb_replset = ShardedClusterFixture._CONFIGSVR_REPLSET_NAME configdb_port = self.configsvr.port mongos_options["configdb"] = "%s/%s:%d" % (configdb_replset, configdb_hostname, configdb_port) else: mongos_options["configdb"] = "%s:%d" % (configdb_hostname, self.shards[0].port) return _MongoSFixture(mongos_logger, self.job_num, mongos_executable=self.mongos_executable, mongos_options=mongos_options) def _add_shard(self, client, shard): """ Add the specified program as a shard by executing the addShard command. See https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/command/addShard for more details. """ connection_string = shard.get_internal_connection_string() self.logger.info("Adding %s as a shard..." % (connection_string)) client.admin.command({"addShard": "%s" % (connection_string)}) class _MongoSFixture(interface.Fixture): """ Fixture which provides JSTests with a mongos to connect to. """ REGISTERED_NAME = registry.LEAVE_UNREGISTERED def __init__(self, logger, job_num, mongos_executable=None, mongos_options=None): interface.Fixture.__init__(self, logger, job_num) # Command line options override the YAML configuration. self.mongos_executable = utils.default_if_none(config.MONGOS_EXECUTABLE, mongos_executable) self.mongos_options = utils.default_if_none(mongos_options, {}).copy() self.mongos = None def setup(self): if "port" not in self.mongos_options: self.mongos_options["port"] = core.network.PortAllocator.next_fixture_port(self.job_num) self.port = self.mongos_options["port"] mongos = core.programs.mongos_program(self.logger, executable=self.mongos_executable, **self.mongos_options) try: self.logger.info("Starting mongos on port %d...\n%s", self.port, mongos.as_command()) mongos.start() self.logger.info("mongos started on port %d with pid %d.", self.port, mongos.pid) except: self.logger.exception("Failed to start mongos on port %d.", self.port) raise self.mongos = mongos def await_ready(self): deadline = time.time() + standalone.MongoDFixture.AWAIT_READY_TIMEOUT_SECS # Wait until the mongos is accepting connections. The retry logic is necessary to support # versions of PyMongo <3.0 that immediately raise a ConnectionFailure if a connection cannot # be established. while True: # Check whether the mongos exited for some reason. exit_code = self.mongos.poll() if exit_code is not None: raise errors.ServerFailure("Could not connect to mongos on port %d, process ended" " unexpectedly with code %d." % (self.port, exit_code)) try: # Use a shorter connection timeout to more closely satisfy the requested deadline. client = utils.new_mongo_client(self.port, timeout_millis=500) client.admin.command("ping") break except pymongo.errors.ConnectionFailure: remaining = deadline - time.time() if remaining <= 0.0: raise errors.ServerFailure( "Failed to connect to mongos on port %d after %d seconds" % (self.port, standalone.MongoDFixture.AWAIT_READY_TIMEOUT_SECS)) self.logger.info("Waiting to connect to mongos on port %d.", self.port) time.sleep(0.1) # Wait a little bit before trying again. self.logger.info("Successfully contacted the mongos on port %d.", self.port) def _do_teardown(self): running_at_start = self.is_running() success = True # Still a success even if nothing is running. if not running_at_start and self.mongos is not None: self.logger.info( "mongos on port %d was expected to be running in _do_teardown(), but wasn't. " "Exited with code %d.", self.port, self.mongos.poll()) if self.mongos is not None: if running_at_start: self.logger.info("Stopping mongos on port %d with pid %d...", self.port, self.mongos.pid) self.mongos.stop() exit_code = self.mongos.wait() success = exit_code == 0 if running_at_start: self.logger.info("Successfully terminated the mongos on port %d, exited with code" " %d", self.port, exit_code) return success def is_running(self): return self.mongos is not None and self.mongos.poll() is None