"""Test hook for cleaning up data files created by the fixture.""" import os from buildscripts.resmokelib.testing.hooks import interface class CleanEveryN(interface.Hook): """Restart the fixture after it has ran 'n' tests. On mongod-related fixtures, this will clear the dbpath. """ DEFAULT_N = 20 def __init__(self, hook_logger, fixture, n=DEFAULT_N): """Initialize CleanEveryN.""" description = "CleanEveryN (restarts the fixture after running `n` tests)" interface.Hook.__init__(self, hook_logger, fixture, description) # Try to isolate what test triggers the leak by restarting the fixture each time. if "detect_leaks=1" in os.getenv("ASAN_OPTIONS", ""): self.logger.info( "ASAN_OPTIONS environment variable set to detect leaks, so restarting" " the fixture after each test instead of after every %d.", n) n = 1 self.n = n # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.tests_run = 0 def after_test(self, test, test_report): """After test cleanup.""" self.tests_run += 1 if self.tests_run < self.n: return hook_test_case = CleanEveryNTestCase.create_after_test(self.logger, test, self) hook_test_case.configure(self.fixture) hook_test_case.run_dynamic_test(test_report) class CleanEveryNTestCase(interface.DynamicTestCase): """CleanEveryNTestCase class.""" def run_test(self): """Execute test hook.""" try: self.logger.info("%d tests have been run against the fixture, stopping it...", self._hook.tests_run) self._hook.tests_run = 0 self.fixture.teardown() self.logger.info("Starting the fixture back up again...") self.fixture.setup() self.fixture.await_ready() except: self.logger.exception("Encountered an error while restarting the fixture.") raise