"""Module for generating the test results file fed into the perf plugin.""" import collections import datetime import json from buildscripts.resmokelib import config as _config from buildscripts.resmokelib.testing.hooks import interface class CombineBenchmarkResults(interface.Hook): """CombineBenchmarkResults class. The CombineBenchmarkResults hook combines test results from individual benchmark files to a single file. This is useful for generating the json file to feed into the Evergreen performance visualization plugin. """ DESCRIPTION = "Combine JSON results from individual benchmarks" def __init__(self, hook_logger, fixture): """Initialize CombineBenchmarkResults.""" interface.Hook.__init__(self, hook_logger, fixture, CombineBenchmarkResults.DESCRIPTION) self.report_file = _config.PERF_REPORT_FILE # Reports grouped by name without thread. self.benchmark_reports = {} self.create_time = None self.end_time = None @staticmethod def _strftime(time): return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") def after_test(self, test, test_report): """Update test report.""" if self.report_file is None: return bm_report_path = test.report_name() with open(bm_report_path, "r") as report_file: report_dict = json.load(report_file) self._parse_report(report_dict) def before_suite(self, test_report): """Set suite start time.""" self.create_time = datetime.datetime.now() def after_suite(self, test_report): """Update test report.""" if self.report_file is None: return self.end_time = datetime.datetime.now() report = self._generate_perf_plugin_report() with open(self.report_file, "w") as fh: json.dump(report, fh) def _generate_perf_plugin_report(self): """Format the data to look like a perf plugin report.""" perf_report = { "start": self._strftime(self.create_time), "end": self._strftime(self.end_time), "errors": [], # There are no errors if we have gotten this far. "results": [] } for name, report in list(self.benchmark_reports.items()): test_report = { "name": name, "context": report.context._asdict(), "results": report.generate_perf_plugin_dict() } perf_report["results"].append(test_report) return perf_report def _parse_report(self, report_dict): context = report_dict["context"] for benchmark_res in report_dict["benchmarks"]: bm_name_obj = _BenchmarkThreadsReport.parse_bm_name(benchmark_res["name"]) # Don't show Benchmark's included statistics to prevent cluttering up the graph. if bm_name_obj.statistic_type is not None: continue if bm_name_obj.base_name not in self.benchmark_reports: self.benchmark_reports[bm_name_obj.base_name] = _BenchmarkThreadsReport(context) self.benchmark_reports[bm_name_obj.base_name].add_report(bm_name_obj, benchmark_res) # Capture information from a Benchmark name in a logical format. _BenchmarkName = collections.namedtuple("_BenchmarkName", ["base_name", "thread_count", "statistic_type"]) class _BenchmarkThreadsReport(object): """_BenchmarkThreadsReport class. Class representation of a report for all thread levels of a single benchmark test. Each report is designed to correspond to one graph in the Evergreen perf plugin. A raw Benchmark report looks like the following: { "context": { "date": "2015/03/17-18:40:25", "execuable": "./build/opt/mongo/db/concurrency/lock_manager_bm" "num_cpus": 40, "mhz_per_cpu": 2801, "cpu_scaling_enabled": false, "caches": [ ], "library_build_type": "debug" }, "benchmarks": [ { "name": "BM_SetInsert/arg name:1024/threads:10", "iterations": 21393, "real_time": 32724, "cpu_time": 33355, "bytes_per_second": 1199226, "items_per_second": 299807 } ] } """ CONTEXT_FIELDS = [ "date", "cpu_scaling_enabled", "num_cpus", "mhz_per_cpu", "library_build_type", "executable", "caches" ] Context = collections.namedtuple("Context", CONTEXT_FIELDS) # type: ignore def __init__(self, context_dict): self.context = self.Context(**context_dict) # list of benchmark runs for each thread. self.thread_benchmark_map = collections.defaultdict(list) def add_report(self, bm_name_obj, report): """Add to report.""" self.thread_benchmark_map[bm_name_obj.thread_count].append(report) def generate_perf_plugin_dict(self): """Generate perf plugin data points of the following format. "1": { "error_values": [ 0, 0, 0 ], "ops_per_sec": 9552.108279243452, "ops_per_sec_values": [ 9574.812658450564, 9522.642340821469, 9536.252775275878 ] }, """ res = {} for thread_count, reports in list(self.thread_benchmark_map.items()): thread_report = { "error_values": [0 for _ in range(len(reports))], "ops_per_sec_values": [] # This is actually storing latency per op, not ops/s } # Take the negative of the latency numbers to preserve the higher is better semantics. for report in reports: thread_report["ops_per_sec_values"].append(-1 * report["cpu_time"]) thread_report["ops_per_sec"] = sum(thread_report["ops_per_sec_values"]) / len(reports) res[thread_count] = thread_report return res @staticmethod def parse_bm_name(name_str): """ Split the benchmark name into base_name, thread_count and statistic_type. The base name is the benchmark name minus the thread count and any statistics. Testcases of the same group will be shown on a single perf graph. name_str look like the following: "BM_SetInsert/arg name:1024/threads:10_mean" "BM_SetInsert/arg 1/arg 2" "BM_SetInsert_mean" """ base_name = None thread_count = None statistic_type = None # Step 1: get the statistic type. if name_str.count("_") == 2: # There is statistics. statistic_type = name_str.rsplit("_", 1)[-1] # Remove the statistic type suffix from the name. name_str = name_str[:-len(statistic_type) - 1] # Step 2: Get the thread count and name. thread_section = name_str.rsplit("/", 1)[-1] if thread_section.startswith("threads:"): base_name = name_str.rsplit("/", 1)[0] thread_count = thread_section.split(":")[-1] else: # There is no explicit thread count, so the thread count is 1. thread_count = "1" base_name = name_str return _BenchmarkName(base_name, thread_count, statistic_type)