"""The unittest.TestCase instances for setting up and tearing down fixtures.""" from buildscripts.resmokelib import errors from buildscripts.resmokelib.testing.fixtures import interface as fixture_interface from buildscripts.resmokelib.testing.fixtures.external import ExternalFixture from buildscripts.resmokelib.testing.testcases import interface from buildscripts.resmokelib.utils import registry class FixtureTestCase(interface.TestCase): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """Base class for the fixture test cases.""" REGISTERED_NAME = registry.LEAVE_UNREGISTERED def __init__(self, logger, job_name, phase): """Initialize the FixtureTestCase.""" interface.TestCase.__init__(self, logger, "Fixture test", "{}_fixture_{}".format( job_name, phase), dynamic=True) self.job_name = job_name class FixtureSetupTestCase(FixtureTestCase): """TestCase for setting up a fixture.""" REGISTERED_NAME = registry.LEAVE_UNREGISTERED PHASE = "setup" def __init__(self, logger, fixture, job_name, times_set_up): """Initialize the FixtureSetupTestCase.""" specific_phase = "{phase}_{times_set_up}".format(phase=self.PHASE, times_set_up=times_set_up) FixtureTestCase.__init__(self, logger, job_name, specific_phase) self.fixture = fixture def run_test(self): """Set up the fixture and wait for it to be ready.""" try: self.return_code = 2 self.logger.info("Starting the setup of %s.", self.fixture) self.fixture.setup() self.logger.info("Waiting for %s to be ready.", self.fixture) self.fixture.await_ready() if not isinstance(self.fixture, (fixture_interface.NoOpFixture, ExternalFixture)): self.fixture.mongo_client().admin.command({"refreshLogicalSessionCacheNow": 1}) self.logger.info("Finished the setup of %s.", self.fixture) self.return_code = 0 except errors.ServerFailure as err: self.logger.error("An error occurred during the setup of %s: %s", self.fixture, err) raise except: self.logger.exception("An error occurred during the setup of %s.", self.fixture) raise class FixtureTeardownTestCase(FixtureTestCase): """TestCase for tearing down a fixture.""" REGISTERED_NAME = registry.LEAVE_UNREGISTERED PHASE = "teardown" def __init__(self, logger, fixture, job_name): """Initialize the FixtureTeardownTestCase.""" FixtureTestCase.__init__(self, logger, job_name, self.PHASE) self.fixture = fixture def run_test(self): """Tear down the fixture.""" try: self.return_code = 2 self.logger.info("Starting the teardown of %s.", self.fixture) self.fixture.teardown(finished=True) self.logger.info("Finished the teardown of %s.", self.fixture) self.return_code = 0 except errors.ServerFailure as err: self.logger.error("An error occurred during the teardown of %s: %s", self.fixture, err) raise except: self.logger.exception("An error occurred during the teardown of %s.", self.fixture) raise class FixtureAbortTestCase(FixtureTestCase): """TestCase for killing a fixture. Intended for use before archiving a failed test.""" REGISTERED_NAME = registry.LEAVE_UNREGISTERED PHASE = "abort" def __init__(self, logger, fixture, job_name, times_set_up): """Initialize the FixtureAbortTestCase.""" specific_phase = "{phase}_{times_set_up}".format(phase=self.PHASE, times_set_up=times_set_up) FixtureTestCase.__init__(self, logger, job_name, specific_phase) self.fixture = fixture def run_test(self): """Tear down the fixture.""" try: self.return_code = 2 # Test return code of 2 is used for fixture failures. self.logger.info("Aborting the fixture %s due to test failure.", self.fixture) self.fixture.teardown(finished=False, mode=fixture_interface.TeardownMode.ABORT) self.logger.info("Finished aborting %s.", self.fixture) self.return_code = 0 except errors.ServerFailure: # If the server wasn't already running, we can't exactly fail to abort it. self.logger.info("Finished aborting %s.", self.fixture) self.return_code = 0 except: self.logger.exception("An error occurred while aborting %s.", self.fixture) raise