#!/usr/bin/env python # smoke.py: run some mongo tests. # Bugs, TODOs: # 0 Some tests hard-code pathnames relative to the mongo repository, # so the smoke.py process and all its children must be run with the # mongo repo as current working directory. That's kinda icky. # 1 The tests that are implemented as standalone executables ("test", # "perftest"), don't take arguments for the dbpath, but # unconditionally use "/tmp/unittest". # 2 mongod output gets intermingled with mongo output, and it's often # hard to find error messages in the slop. Maybe have smoke.py do # some fancier wrangling of child process output? # 3 Some test suites run their own mongods, and so don't need us to # run any mongods around their execution. (It's harmless to do so, # but adds noise in the output.) # 4 Running a separate mongo shell for each js file is slower than # loading js files into one mongo shell process. Maybe have runTest # queue up all filenames ending in ".js" and run them in one mongo # shell at the "end" of testing? # 5 Right now small-oplog implies master/slave replication. Maybe # running with replication should be an orthogonal concern. (And # maybe test replica set replication, too.) # 6 We use cleanbb.py to clear out the dbpath, but cleanbb.py kills # off all mongods on a box, which means you can't run two smoke.py # jobs on the same host at once. So something's gotta change. from datetime import datetime import glob from optparse import OptionParser import os import parser import pprint import re import shutil import shlex import socket import stat from subprocess import (Popen, PIPE, call) import sys import time from pymongo import Connection from pymongo.errors import OperationFailure import utils try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle try: from hashlib import md5 # new in 2.5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5 # deprecated in 2.5 try: import json except: try: import simplejson as json except: json = None # TODO clean this up so we don't need globals... mongo_repo = os.getcwd() #'./' failfile = os.path.join(mongo_repo, 'failfile.smoke') test_path = None mongod_executable = None mongod_port = None shell_executable = None continue_on_failure = None file_of_commands_mode = False start_mongod = True tests = [] winners = [] losers = {} fails = [] # like losers but in format of tests # For replication hash checking replicated_collections = [] lost_in_slave = [] lost_in_master = [] screwy_in_slave = {} smoke_db_prefix = '' small_oplog = False small_oplog_rs = False all_test_results = [] # This class just implements the with statement API, for a sneaky # purpose below. class Nothing(object): def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): return not isinstance(value, Exception) def buildlogger(cmd, is_global=False): # if the environment variable MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER # is set to 'true', then wrap the command with a call # to buildlogger.py, which sends output to the buidlogger # machine; otherwise, return as usual. if os.environ.get('MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER', '').lower().strip() == 'true': if is_global: return [utils.find_python(), 'buildscripts/buildlogger.py', '-g'] + cmd else: return [utils.find_python(), 'buildscripts/buildlogger.py'] + cmd return cmd class mongod(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs self.proc = None self.auth = False def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): try: self.stop() except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, "error shutting down mongod" print >> sys.stderr, e return not isinstance(value, Exception) def ensure_test_dirs(self): utils.ensureDir(smoke_db_prefix + "/tmp/unittest/") utils.ensureDir(smoke_db_prefix + "/data/") utils.ensureDir(smoke_db_prefix + "/data/db/") def check_mongo_port(self, port=27017): sock = socket.socket() sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) sock.settimeout(1) sock.connect(("localhost", int(port))) sock.close() def did_mongod_start(self, port=mongod_port, timeout=300): while timeout > 0: time.sleep(1) try: self.check_mongo_port(int(port)) return True except Exception,e: print >> sys.stderr, e timeout = timeout - 1 print >> sys.stderr, "timeout starting mongod" return False def setup_admin_user(self, port=mongod_port): try: Connection( "localhost" , int(port) ).admin.command("createUser", "admin", pwd="password", roles=["readWriteAnyDatabase", "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "userAdminAnyDatabase", "clusterAdmin"]) except OperationFailure, e: if e.message == 'need to login': pass # SERVER-4225 else: raise e def start(self): global mongod_port global mongod if self.proc: print >> sys.stderr, "probable bug: self.proc already set in start()" return self.ensure_test_dirs() dir_name = smoke_db_prefix + "/data/db/sconsTests/" self.port = int(mongod_port) self.slave = False if 'slave' in self.kwargs: dir_name = smoke_db_prefix + '/data/db/sconsTestsSlave/' srcport = mongod_port self.port += 1 self.slave = True if os.path.exists(dir_name): if 'slave' in self.kwargs: argv = [utils.find_python(), "buildscripts/cleanbb.py", '--nokill', dir_name] else: argv = [utils.find_python(), "buildscripts/cleanbb.py", dir_name] call(argv) utils.ensureDir(dir_name) argv = [mongod_executable, "--port", str(self.port), "--dbpath", dir_name] # These parameters are alwas set for tests # SERVER-9137 Added httpinterface parameter to keep previous behavior argv += ['--setParameter', 'enableTestCommands=1', '--httpinterface'] if self.kwargs.get('small_oplog'): argv += ["--master", "--oplogSize", "511"] params = self.kwargs.get('set_parameters', None) if params: for p in params.split(','): argv += ['--setParameter', p] if self.kwargs.get('small_oplog_rs'): argv += ["--replSet", "foo", "--oplogSize", "511"] if self.slave: argv += ['--slave', '--source', 'localhost:' + str(srcport)] if self.kwargs.get('no_journal'): argv += ['--nojournal'] if self.kwargs.get('no_preallocj'): argv += ['--nopreallocj'] if self.kwargs.get('auth'): argv += ['--auth'] authMechanism = self.kwargs.get('authMechanism', 'MONGODB-CR') if authMechanism != 'MONGODB-CR': argv += ['--setParameter', 'authenticationMechanisms=' + authMechanism] self.auth = True if self.kwargs.get('use_ssl'): argv += ['--sslOnNormalPorts', '--sslPEMKeyFile', 'jstests/libs/server.pem', '--sslCAFile', 'jstests/libs/ca.pem', '--sslWeakCertificateValidation'] print "running " + " ".join(argv) self.proc = self._start(buildlogger(argv, is_global=True)) if not self.did_mongod_start(self.port): raise Exception("Failed to start mongod") if self.auth: self.setup_admin_user(self.port) if self.slave: local = Connection(port=self.port, slave_okay=True).local synced = False while not synced: synced = True for source in local.sources.find(fields=["syncedTo"]): synced = synced and "syncedTo" in source and source["syncedTo"] def _start(self, argv): """In most cases, just call subprocess.Popen(). On windows, add the started process to a new Job Object, so that any child processes of this process can be killed with a single call to TerminateJobObject (see self.stop()). """ if os.sys.platform == "win32": # Create a job object with the "kill on job close" # flag; this is inherited by child processes (ie # the mongod started on our behalf by buildlogger) # and lets us terminate the whole tree of processes # rather than orphaning the mongod. import win32job # Magic number needed to allow job reassignment in Windows 7 # see: MSDN - Process Creation Flags - ms684863 CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB = 0x01000000 proc = Popen(argv, creationflags=CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB) self.job_object = win32job.CreateJobObject(None, '') job_info = win32job.QueryInformationJobObject( self.job_object, win32job.JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation) job_info['BasicLimitInformation']['LimitFlags'] |= win32job.JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE win32job.SetInformationJobObject( self.job_object, win32job.JobObjectExtendedLimitInformation, job_info) win32job.AssignProcessToJobObject(self.job_object, proc._handle) else: proc = Popen(argv) return proc def stop(self): if not self.proc: print >> sys.stderr, "probable bug: self.proc unset in stop()" return try: if os.sys.platform == "win32": import win32job win32job.TerminateJobObject(self.job_object, -1) import time # Windows doesn't seem to kill the process immediately, so give it some time to die time.sleep(5) else: # This function not available in Python 2.5 self.proc.terminate() except AttributeError: from os import kill kill(self.proc.pid, 15) self.proc.wait() sys.stderr.flush() sys.stdout.flush() def wait_for_repl(self): Connection(port=self.port).test.smokeWait.insert({}, w=2, wtimeout=5*60*1000) class Bug(Exception): def __str__(self): return 'bug in smoke.py: ' + super(Bug, self).__str__() class TestFailure(Exception): pass class TestExitFailure(TestFailure): def __init__(self, *args): self.path = args[0] self.status=args[1] def __str__(self): return "test %s exited with status %d" % (self.path, self.status) class TestServerFailure(TestFailure): def __init__(self, *args): self.path = args[0] self.status = -1 # this is meaningless as an exit code, but # that's the point. def __str__(self): return 'mongod not running after executing test %s' % self.path def check_db_hashes(master, slave): # Need to pause a bit so a slave might catch up... if not slave.slave: raise(Bug("slave instance doesn't have slave attribute set")) print "waiting for slave to catch up" master.wait_for_repl() print "caught up!" # FIXME: maybe make this run dbhash on all databases? for mongod in [master, slave]: mongod.dbhash = Connection(port=mongod.port, slave_okay=True).test.command("dbhash") mongod.dict = mongod.dbhash["collections"] global lost_in_slave, lost_in_master, screwy_in_slave, replicated_collections replicated_collections += master.dict.keys() for coll in replicated_collections: if coll not in slave.dict: lost_in_slave.append(coll) mhash = master.dict[coll] shash = slave.dict[coll] if mhash != shash: mTestDB = Connection(port=master.port, slave_okay=True).test sTestDB = Connection(port=slave.port, slave_okay=True).test mCount = mTestDB[coll].count() sCount = sTestDB[coll].count() stats = {'hashes': {'master': mhash, 'slave': shash}, 'counts':{'master': mCount, 'slave': sCount}} try: stats["docs"] = {'master':list(mTestDB[coll].find(limit=10)), 'slave':list(sTestDB[coll].find(limit=10))} except Exception, e: stats["error-docs"] = e; screwy_in_slave[coll] = stats for db in slave.dict.keys(): if db not in master.dict: lost_in_master.append(db) def ternary( b , l="true", r="false" ): if b: return l return r # Blech. def skipTest(path): basename = os.path.basename(path) parentPath = os.path.dirname(path) parentDir = os.path.basename(parentPath) if small_oplog: # For tests running in parallel if basename in ["cursor8.js", "indexh.js", "dropdb.js", "connections_opened.js", "opcounters.js"]: return True if auth or keyFile: # For tests running with auth # Skip any tests that run with auth explicitly if parentDir == "auth" or "auth" in basename: return True if parentPath == mongo_repo: # Skip client tests return True if parentDir == "tool": # SERVER-6368 return True if parentDir == "dur": # SERVER-7317 return True if parentDir == "disk": # SERVER-7356 return True authTestsToSkip = [("jstests", "drop2.js"), # SERVER-8589, ("jstests", "killop.js"), # SERVER-10128 ("sharding", "replmonitor_bad_seed.js"), # SERVER-10420 ("sharding", "trace_missing_docs_test.js"), # SERVER-10640 ("sharding", "sync3.js"), # SERVER-6388 for this and those below ("sharding", "sync6.js"), ("sharding", "parallel.js"), ("jstests", "bench_test1.js"), ("jstests", "bench_test2.js"), ("jstests", "bench_test3.js"), ] if os.path.join(parentDir,basename) in [ os.path.join(*test) for test in authTestsToSkip ]: return True return False def runTest(test): # test is a tuple of ( filename , usedb ) # filename should be a js file to run # usedb is true if the test expects a mongod to be running (path, usedb) = test (ignore, ext) = os.path.splitext(path) if skipTest(path): print "skipping " + path return if file_of_commands_mode: # smoke.py was invoked like "--mode files --from-file foo", # so don't try to interpret the test path too much if os.sys.platform == "win32": argv = [path] else: argv = shlex.split(path) path = argv[0] # if the command is a python script, use the script name if os.path.basename(path) in ('python', 'python.exe'): path = argv[1] elif ext == ".js": argv = [shell_executable, "--port", mongod_port, '--authenticationMechanism', authMechanism] if not usedb: argv += ["--nodb"] if small_oplog or small_oplog_rs: argv += ["--eval", 'testingReplication = true;'] if use_ssl: argv += ["--ssl", "--sslPEMKeyFile", "jstests/libs/client.pem", "--sslCAFile", "jstests/libs/ca.pem"] argv += [path] elif ext in ["", ".exe"]: # Blech. if os.path.basename(path) in ["test", "test.exe", "perftest", "perftest.exe"]: argv = [path] # more blech elif os.path.basename(path) in ['mongos', 'mongos.exe']: argv = [path, "--test"] else: argv = [test_path and os.path.abspath(os.path.join(test_path, path)) or path, "--port", mongod_port] else: raise Bug("fell off in extension case: %s" % path) if keyFile: f = open(keyFile, 'r') keyFileData = re.sub(r'\s', '', f.read()) # Remove all whitespace f.close() os.chmod(keyFile, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) else: keyFileData = None mongo_test_filename = os.path.basename(path) if 'sharedclient' in path: mongo_test_filename += "-sharedclient" # sys.stdout.write() is more atomic than print, so using it prevents # lines being interrupted by, e.g., child processes sys.stdout.write(" *******************************************\n") sys.stdout.write(" Test : %s ...\n" % mongo_test_filename) sys.stdout.flush() # FIXME: we don't handle the case where the subprocess # hangs... that's bad. if ( argv[0].endswith( 'mongo' ) or argv[0].endswith( 'mongo.exe' ) ) and not '--eval' in argv : evalString = 'TestData = new Object();' + \ 'TestData.testPath = "' + path + '";' + \ 'TestData.testFile = "' + os.path.basename( path ) + '";' + \ 'TestData.testName = "' + re.sub( ".js$", "", os.path.basename( path ) ) + '";' + \ 'TestData.setParameters = "' + ternary( set_parameters, set_parameters, "" ) + '";' + \ 'TestData.noJournal = ' + ternary( no_journal ) + ";" + \ 'TestData.noJournalPrealloc = ' + ternary( no_preallocj ) + ";" + \ 'TestData.auth = ' + ternary( auth ) + ";" + \ 'TestData.keyFile = ' + ternary( keyFile , '"' + str(keyFile) + '"' , 'null' ) + ";" + \ 'TestData.keyFileData = ' + ternary( keyFile , '"' + str(keyFileData) + '"' , 'null' ) + ";" + \ 'TestData.authMechanism = ' + ternary( authMechanism, '"' + str(authMechanism) + '"', 'null') + ";" if os.sys.platform == "win32": # double quotes in the evalString on windows; this # prevents the backslashes from being removed when # the shell (i.e. bash) evaluates this string. yuck. evalString = evalString.replace('\\', '\\\\') if auth and usedb: evalString += 'jsTest.authenticate(db.getMongo());' argv = argv + [ '--eval', evalString] if argv[0].endswith( 'test' ) and no_preallocj : argv = argv + [ '--nopreallocj' ] sys.stdout.write(" Command : %s\n" % ' '.join(argv)) sys.stdout.write(" Date : %s\n" % datetime.now().ctime()) sys.stdout.flush() os.environ['MONGO_TEST_FILENAME'] = mongo_test_filename t1 = time.time() r = call(buildlogger(argv), cwd=test_path) t2 = time.time() del os.environ['MONGO_TEST_FILENAME'] timediff = t2 - t1 # timediff is seconds by default scale = 1 suffix = "seconds" # if timediff is less than 10 seconds use ms if timediff < 10: scale = 1000 suffix = "ms" # if timediff is more than 60 seconds use minutes elif timediff > 60: scale = 1.0 / 60.0 suffix = "minutes" sys.stdout.write(" %10.4f %s\n" % ((timediff) * scale, suffix)) sys.stdout.flush() if r != 0: raise TestExitFailure(path, r) if start_mongod: try: c = Connection(host="", port=int(mongod_port), ssl=use_ssl) except Exception,e: print "Exception from pymongo: ", e raise TestServerFailure(path) print "" def run_tests(tests): # FIXME: some suites of tests start their own mongod, so don't # need this. (So long as there are no conflicts with port, # dbpath, etc., and so long as we shut ours down properly, # starting this mongod shouldn't break anything, though.) # The reason we want to use "with" is so that we get __exit__ semantics # but "with" is only supported on Python 2.5+ if start_mongod: master = mongod(small_oplog_rs=small_oplog_rs, small_oplog=small_oplog, no_journal=no_journal, set_parameters=set_parameters, no_preallocj=no_preallocj, auth=auth, authMechanism=authMechanism, use_ssl=use_ssl).__enter__() else: master = Nothing() try: if small_oplog: slave = mongod(slave=True, set_parameters=set_parameters).__enter__() elif small_oplog_rs: slave = mongod(slave=True, small_oplog_rs=small_oplog_rs, small_oplog=small_oplog, no_journal=no_journal, set_parameters=set_parameters, no_preallocj=no_preallocj, auth=auth, authMechanism=authMechanism, use_ssl=use_ssl).__enter__() primary = Connection(port=master.port, slave_okay=True); primary.admin.command({'replSetInitiate' : {'_id' : 'foo', 'members' : [ {'_id': 0, 'host':'localhost:%s' % master.port}, {'_id': 1, 'host':'localhost:%s' % slave.port,'priority':0}]}}) ismaster = False while not ismaster: result = primary.admin.command("ismaster"); ismaster = result["ismaster"] time.sleep(1) else: slave = Nothing() try: if small_oplog or small_oplog_rs: master.wait_for_repl() tests_run = 0 for tests_run, test in enumerate(tests): test_result = { "test": test[0], "start": time.time() } try: fails.append(test) runTest(test) fails.pop() winners.append(test) test_result["passed"] = True test_result["end"] = time.time() all_test_results.append( test_result ) if small_oplog or small_oplog_rs: master.wait_for_repl() elif test[1]: # reach inside test and see if "usedb" is true if (tests_run+1) % 20 == 0: # restart mongo every 20 times, for our 32-bit machines master.__exit__(None, None, None) master = mongod(small_oplog_rs=small_oplog_rs, small_oplog=small_oplog, no_journal=no_journal, set_parameters=set_parameters, no_preallocj=no_preallocj, auth=auth, authMechanism=authMechanism, use_ssl=use_ssl).__enter__() except TestFailure, f: test_result["passed"] = False test_result["end"] = time.time() test_result["error"] = str(f) all_test_results.append( test_result ) try: print f # Record the failing test and re-raise. losers[f.path] = f.status raise f except TestServerFailure, f: return 2 except TestFailure, f: if not continue_on_failure: return 1 if isinstance(slave, mongod): check_db_hashes(master, slave) finally: slave.__exit__(None, None, None) finally: master.__exit__(None, None, None) return 0 def report(): print "%d tests succeeded" % len(winners) num_missed = len(tests) - (len(winners) + len(losers.keys())) if num_missed: print "%d tests didn't get run" % num_missed if losers: print "The following tests failed (with exit code):" for loser in losers: print "%s\t%d" % (loser, losers[loser]) def missing(lst, src, dst): if lst: print """The following collections were present in the %s but not the %s at the end of testing:""" % (src, dst) for db in lst: print db missing(lost_in_slave, "master", "slave") missing(lost_in_master, "slave", "master") if screwy_in_slave: print """The following collections has different hashes in master and slave at the end of testing:""" for coll in screwy_in_slave.keys(): stats = screwy_in_slave[coll] print "collection: %s\t (master/slave) hashes: %s/%s counts: %i/%i" % (coll, stats['hashes']['master'], stats['hashes']['slave'], stats['counts']['master'], stats['counts']['slave']) if "docs" in stats: print "Master docs (limited):" pprint.pprint(stats["docs"]["master"], indent=2) print "Slave docs (limited):" pprint.pprint(stats["docs"]["slave"], indent=2) if "error-docs" in stats: print "Error getting docs to diff:" pprint.pprint(stats["error-docs"]) if (small_oplog or small_oplog_rs) and not (lost_in_master or lost_in_slave or screwy_in_slave): print "replication ok for %d collections" % (len(replicated_collections)) if losers or lost_in_slave or lost_in_master or screwy_in_slave: raise Exception("Test failures") # Keys are the suite names (passed on the command line to smoke.py) # Values are pairs: (filenames, ) suiteGlobalConfig = {"js": ("[!_]*.js", True), "quota": ("quota/*.js", True), "jsPerf": ("perf/*.js", True), "disk": ("disk/*.js", True), "jsSlowNightly": ("slowNightly/*.js", True), "jsSlowWeekly": ("slowWeekly/*.js", False), "parallel": ("parallel/*.js", True), "clone": ("clone/*.js", False), "repl": ("repl/*.js", False), "replSets": ("replsets/*.js", False), "dur": ("dur/*.js", False), "auth": ("auth/*.js", False), "sharding": ("sharding/*.js", False), "tool": ("tool/*.js", False), "aggregation": ("aggregation/*.js", True), "multiVersion": ("multiVersion/*.js", True), "failPoint": ("fail_point/*.js", False), "ssl": ("ssl/*.js", True) } def expand_suites(suites,expandUseDB=True): globstr = None tests = [] for suite in suites: if suite == 'all': return expand_suites(['test', 'perf', 'client', 'js', 'jsPerf', 'jsSlowNightly', 'jsSlowWeekly', 'clone', 'parallel', 'repl', 'auth', 'sharding', 'tool'],expandUseDB=expandUseDB) if suite == 'test': if os.sys.platform == "win32": program = 'test.exe' else: program = 'test' (globstr, usedb) = (program, False) elif suite == 'perf': if os.sys.platform == "win32": program = 'perftest.exe' else: program = 'perftest' (globstr, usedb) = (program, False) elif suite == 'client': paths = ["firstExample", "secondExample", "whereExample", "authTest", "clientTest", "httpClientTest"] if os.sys.platform == "win32": paths = [path + '.exe' for path in paths] if not test_path: # If we are testing 'in-tree', then add any files of the same name from the # sharedclient directory. The out of tree client build doesn't have shared clients. scpaths = ["sharedclient/" + path for path in paths] scfiles = glob.glob("sharedclient/*") paths += [scfile for scfile in scfiles if scfile in scpaths] # hack tests += [(test_path and path or os.path.join(mongo_repo, path), False) for path in paths] elif suite == 'mongosTest': if os.sys.platform == "win32": program = 'mongos.exe' else: program = 'mongos' tests += [(os.path.join(mongo_repo, program), False)] elif os.path.exists( suite ): usedb = True for name in suiteGlobalConfig: if suite in glob.glob( "jstests/" + suiteGlobalConfig[name][0] ): usedb = suiteGlobalConfig[name][1] break tests += [ ( os.path.join( mongo_repo , suite ) , usedb ) ] else: try: globstr, usedb = suiteGlobalConfig[suite] except KeyError: raise Exception('unknown test suite %s' % suite) if globstr: if usedb and not expandUseDB: tests += [ (suite,False) ] else: if globstr.endswith('.js'): loc = 'jstests/' else: loc = '' globstr = os.path.join(mongo_repo, (os.path.join(loc, globstr))) globstr = os.path.normpath(globstr) paths = glob.glob(globstr) paths.sort() tests += [(path, usedb) for path in paths] return tests def add_exe(e): if os.sys.platform.startswith( "win" ) and not e.endswith( ".exe" ): e += ".exe" return e def set_globals(options, tests): global mongod_executable, mongod_port, shell_executable, continue_on_failure, small_oplog, small_oplog_rs global no_journal, set_parameters, no_preallocj, auth, authMechanism, keyFile, smoke_db_prefix, test_path, start_mongod global use_ssl global file_of_commands_mode start_mongod = options.start_mongod if hasattr(options, 'use_ssl'): use_ssl = options.use_ssl #Careful, this can be called multiple times test_path = options.test_path mongod_executable = add_exe(options.mongod_executable) if not os.path.exists(mongod_executable): raise Exception("no mongod found in this directory.") mongod_port = options.mongod_port shell_executable = add_exe( options.shell_executable ) if not os.path.exists(shell_executable): raise Exception("no mongo shell found in this directory.") continue_on_failure = options.continue_on_failure smoke_db_prefix = options.smoke_db_prefix small_oplog = options.small_oplog if hasattr(options, "small_oplog_rs"): small_oplog_rs = options.small_oplog_rs no_journal = options.no_journal set_parameters = options.set_parameters no_preallocj = options.no_preallocj if options.mode == 'suite' and tests == ['client']: # The client suite doesn't work with authentication if options.auth: print "Not running client suite with auth even though --auth was provided" auth = False; keyFile = False; authMechanism = None else: auth = options.auth authMechanism = options.authMechanism keyFile = options.keyFile if auth and not keyFile: # if only --auth was given to smoke.py, load the # default keyFile from jstests/libs/authTestsKey keyFile = os.path.join(mongo_repo, 'jstests', 'libs', 'authTestsKey') # if smoke.py is running a list of commands read from a # file (or stdin) rather than running a suite of js tests file_of_commands_mode = options.File and options.mode == 'files' def file_version(): return md5(open(__file__, 'r').read()).hexdigest() def clear_failfile(): if os.path.exists(failfile): os.remove(failfile) def run_old_fails(): global tests try: f = open(failfile, 'r') state = pickle.load(f) f.close() except Exception: try: f.close() except: pass clear_failfile() return # This counts as passing so we will run all tests if ('version' not in state or state['version'] != file_version()): print "warning: old version of failfile.smoke detected. skipping recent fails" clear_failfile() return testsAndOptions = state['testsAndOptions'] tests = [x[0] for x in testsAndOptions] passed = [] try: for (i, (test, options)) in enumerate(testsAndOptions): # SERVER-5102: until we can figure out a better way to manage # dependencies of the --only-old-fails build phase, just skip # tests which we can't safely run at this point path, usedb = test if not os.path.exists(path): passed.append(i) winners.append(test) continue filename = os.path.basename(path) if filename in ('test', 'test.exe') or filename.endswith('.js'): set_globals(options, [filename]) oldWinners = len(winners) run_tests([test]) if len(winners) != oldWinners: # can't use return value due to continue_on_failure passed.append(i) finally: for offset, i in enumerate(passed): testsAndOptions.pop(i - offset) if testsAndOptions: f = open(failfile, 'w') state = {'version':file_version(), 'testsAndOptions':testsAndOptions} pickle.dump(state, f) else: clear_failfile() report() # exits with failure code if there is an error def add_to_failfile(tests, options): try: f = open(failfile, 'r') testsAndOptions = pickle.load(f)["testsAndOptions"] except Exception: testsAndOptions = [] for test in tests: if (test, options) not in testsAndOptions: testsAndOptions.append( (test, options) ) state = {'version':file_version(), 'testsAndOptions':testsAndOptions} f = open(failfile, 'w') pickle.dump(state, f) def main(): global mongod_executable, mongod_port, shell_executable, continue_on_failure, small_oplog, no_journal, set_parameters, no_preallocj, auth, keyFile, smoke_db_prefix, test_path parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: smoke.py [OPTIONS] ARGS*") parser.add_option('--mode', dest='mode', default='suite', help='If "files", ARGS are filenames; if "suite", ARGS are sets of tests (%default)') # Some of our tests hard-code pathnames e.g., to execute, so until # that changes we don't have the freedom to run from anyplace. # parser.add_option('--mongo-repo', dest='mongo_repo', default=None, parser.add_option('--test-path', dest='test_path', default=None, help="Path to the test executables to run, " "currently only used for 'client' (%default)") parser.add_option('--mongod', dest='mongod_executable', default=os.path.join(mongo_repo, 'mongod'), help='Path to mongod to run (%default)') parser.add_option('--port', dest='mongod_port', default="27999", help='Port the mongod will bind to (%default)') parser.add_option('--mongo', dest='shell_executable', default=os.path.join(mongo_repo, 'mongo'), help='Path to mongo, for .js test files (%default)') parser.add_option('--continue-on-failure', dest='continue_on_failure', action="store_true", default=False, help='If supplied, continue testing even after a test fails') parser.add_option('--from-file', dest='File', help="Run tests/suites named in FILE, one test per line, '-' means stdin") parser.add_option('--smoke-db-prefix', dest='smoke_db_prefix', default=smoke_db_prefix, help="Prefix to use for the mongods' dbpaths ('%default')") parser.add_option('--small-oplog', dest='small_oplog', default=False, action="store_true", help='Run tests with master/slave replication & use a small oplog') parser.add_option('--small-oplog-rs', dest='small_oplog_rs', default=False, action="store_true", help='Run tests with replica set replication & use a small oplog') parser.add_option('--nojournal', dest='no_journal', default=False, action="store_true", help='Do not turn on journaling in tests') parser.add_option('--nopreallocj', dest='no_preallocj', default=False, action="store_true", help='Do not preallocate journal files in tests') parser.add_option('--auth', dest='auth', default=False, action="store_true", help='Run standalone mongods in tests with authentication enabled') parser.add_option('--authMechanism', dest='authMechanism', default='MONGODB-CR', help='Use the given authentication mechanism, when --auth is used.') parser.add_option('--keyFile', dest='keyFile', default=None, help='Path to keyFile to use to run replSet and sharding tests with authentication enabled') parser.add_option('--ignore', dest='ignore_files', default=None, help='Pattern of files to ignore in tests') parser.add_option('--only-old-fails', dest='only_old_fails', default=False, action="store_true", help='Check the failfile and only run all tests that failed last time') parser.add_option('--reset-old-fails', dest='reset_old_fails', default=False, action="store_true", help='Clear the failfile. Do this if all tests pass') parser.add_option('--with-cleanbb', dest='with_cleanbb', default=False, action="store_true", help='Clear database files from previous smoke.py runs') parser.add_option('--dont-start-mongod', dest='start_mongod', default=True, action='store_false', help='Do not start mongod before commencing test running') parser.add_option('--use-ssl', dest='use_ssl', default=False, action='store_true', help='Run mongo shell and mongod instances with SSL encryption') parser.add_option('--set-parameters', dest='set_parameters', default="", help='Adds --setParameter for each passed in items in the csv list - ex. "param1=1,param2=foo" ') # Buildlogger invocation from command line parser.add_option('--buildlogger-builder', dest='buildlogger_builder', default=None, action="store", help='Set the "builder name" for buildlogger') parser.add_option('--buildlogger-buildnum', dest='buildlogger_buildnum', default=None, action="store", help='Set the "build number" for buildlogger') parser.add_option('--buildlogger-credentials', dest='buildlogger_credentials', default=None, action="store", help='Path to Python file containing buildlogger credentials') parser.add_option('--buildlogger-phase', dest='buildlogger_phase', default=None, action="store", help='Set the "phase" for buildlogger (e.g. "core", "auth") for display in the webapp (optional)') global tests (options, tests) = parser.parse_args() set_globals(options, tests) buildlogger_opts = (options.buildlogger_builder, options.buildlogger_buildnum, options.buildlogger_credentials) if all(buildlogger_opts): os.environ['MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER'] = 'true' os.environ['MONGO_BUILDER_NAME'] = options.buildlogger_builder os.environ['MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER'] = options.buildlogger_buildnum os.environ['BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS'] = options.buildlogger_credentials if options.buildlogger_phase: os.environ['MONGO_PHASE'] = options.buildlogger_phase elif any(buildlogger_opts): # some but not all of the required options were sete raise Exception("you must set all of --buildlogger-builder, --buildlogger-buildnum, --buildlogger-credentials") if options.File: if options.File == '-': tests = sys.stdin.readlines() else: f = open(options.File) tests = f.readlines() tests = [t.rstrip('\n') for t in tests] if options.only_old_fails: run_old_fails() return elif options.reset_old_fails: clear_failfile() return # If we're in suite mode, tests is a list of names of sets of tests. if options.mode == 'suite': tests = expand_suites(tests) elif options.mode == 'files': tests = [(os.path.abspath(test), start_mongod) for test in tests] if options.ignore_files != None : ignore_patt = re.compile( options.ignore_files ) print "Ignoring files with pattern: ", ignore_patt def ignore_test( test ): if ignore_patt.search( test[0] ) != None: print "Ignoring test ", test[0] return False else: return True tests = filter( ignore_test, tests ) if not tests: print "warning: no tests specified" return if options.with_cleanbb: dbroot = os.path.join(options.smoke_db_prefix, 'data', 'db') call([utils.find_python(), "buildscripts/cleanbb.py", "--nokill", dbroot]) try: run_tests(tests) finally: add_to_failfile(fails, options) f = open( "smoke-last.json", "wb" ) f.write( json.dumps( { "results" : all_test_results } ) ) f.close() report() if __name__ == "__main__": main()