import os import sys sys.path.append( "." ) sys.path.append( ".." ) sys.path.append( "../../" ) sys.path.append( "../../../" ) import simples3 import settings import subprocess # this pushes all source balls as tgz and zip def run_git( args ): cmd = "git " + args cmd = cmd.split( " " ) x = subprocess.Popen( ( "git " + args ).split( " " ) , stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() return x[0] def push_tag( bucket , tag , extension , gzip=False ): localName = "mongodb-src-" + tag + "." + extension remoteName = "src/" + localName if gzip: remoteName += ".gz" for ( key , modify , etag , size ) in bucket.listdir( prefix=remoteName ): print( "found old: " + key + " uploaded on: " + str( modify ) ) return if os.path.exists( localName ): os.remove( localName ) print( "need to do: " + remoteName ) cmd = "archive --format %s --output %s --prefix mongodb-src-%s/ %s" % ( extension , localName , tag , tag ) run_git( cmd ) print( "\t" + cmd ) if not os.path.exists( localName ) or os.path.getsize(localName) == 0 : raise( Exception( "creating archive failed: " + cmd ) ) if gzip: newLocalName = localName + ".gz" if ( os.path.exists( newLocalName ) ): os.remove( newLocalName ) [ "gzip" , localName ] ) localName = newLocalName if not os.path.exists( localName ) or os.path.getsize(localName) == 0 : raise( Exception( "gzipping failed" ) ) bucket.put( remoteName , open( localName , "rb" ).read() , acl="public-read" ) print( "\t uploaded to:" % ( , remoteName ) ) os.remove( localName ) def push_all(): tags = run_git("tag -l").strip().split( "\n" ) bucket = simples3.S3Bucket( settings.bucket , , settings.key ) for tag in tags: push_tag( bucket , tag , "tar" , True ) push_tag( bucket , tag , "zip" ) if __name__ == "__main__": push_all()