#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Provides data regarding mongodbtoolchain.""" import argparse import enum import os import pathlib import string import sys import warnings from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterator, List, Mapping from typing import Optional, Set, Sequence, Tuple, Union import yaml __all__ = [ 'DEFAULT_DATA_FILE', 'Toolchain', 'ToolchainConfig', 'ToolchainDataException', 'ToolchainReleaseName', 'ToolchainVersionName', 'Toolchains', ] DEFAULT_DATA_FILE: pathlib.Path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / '../etc/toolchains.yaml' class ToolchainVersionName(str, enum.Enum): """Represents a "named" toolchain version, such as "stable" or "testing".""" STABLE = 'stable' TESTING = 'testing' # pylint: disable=invalid-str-returned def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value class ToolchainReleaseName(str, enum.Enum): """Represents a "named" toolchain release, such as "rollback" or "current".""" ROLLBACK = 'rollback' CURRENT = 'current' LATEST = 'latest' # pylint: disable=invalid-str-returned def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value class ToolchainDistroName(Tuple[str, ...], enum.Enum): """Represents a distribution for which the toolchain is built.""" AMAZON1_2012 = ( 'amazon1-2012', 'linux-64-amzn', ) AMAZON1_2018 = ('amazon1-2018', ) AMAZON2 = ('amazon2', ) ARCHLINUX = ('archlinux', ) CENTOS6 = ('centos6', ) DEBIAN8 = ('debian81', ) DEBIAN9 = ('debian92', ) DEBIAN10 = ('debian10', ) DEBIAN11 = ('debian11', ) MACOS1012 = ('macos-1012', ) MACOS1014 = ('macos-1014', ) MACOS1100 = ('macos-1100', ) RHEL6 = ('rhel6', 'rhel62', 'rhel67') RHEL7 = ('rhel7', 'rhel70', 'rhel71', 'rhel72', 'rhel76', 'ubi7') RHEL8 = ('rhel8', 'rhel80', 'rhel81', 'rhel82', 'rhel83', 'rhel84', 'ubi8') SUSE12 = ('suse12', 'suse12-sp5') SUSE15 = ('suse15', 'suse15-sp0', 'suse15-sp2') UBUNTU1404 = ('ubuntu1404', ) UBUNTU1604 = ('ubuntu1604', ) UBUNTU1804 = ('ubuntu1804', ) UBUNTU2004 = ('ubuntu2004', ) DEFAULT = ('default', ) @classmethod def from_str(cls, text: str) -> 'ToolchainDistroName': """Return the enumeration object matching a given string.""" for distro in cls: if text in distro.value: return distro raise ValueError(f"Unknown distro string: {text}") # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value[0] class ToolchainArchName(Tuple[str, ...], enum.Enum): """Represents an architecture for which the toolchain is built.""" ARM64 = ('arm64', 'aarch64') PPC64LE = ('ppc64le', 'power8') S390X = ('s390x', 'zSeries') X86_64 = ('x86_64', ) DEFAULT = ('', ) @classmethod def from_str(cls, text: str) -> 'ToolchainArchName': """Return the enumeratrion object matching a given string.""" for arch in cls: if text in arch.value: return arch raise ValueError(f"Unknown arch string: {text}") # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object def __str__(self) -> str: return self.value[0] class ToolchainDataException(Exception): """Represents a problem encountered while reading or querying toolchain data.""" class ToolchainPlatform: """Represents a platform for which the toolchain is built.""" def __init__(self, distro_id: str, arch: Optional[ToolchainArchName] = None) -> None: """Parse a distro_id into a full toolchain platform.""" self._distro_id: str = distro_id self._distro: Optional[ToolchainDistroName] = None self._arch: Optional[ToolchainArchName] = arch self._tag: Optional[str] = None # These two actions are order-dependent! self._distro_length: int = self._find_distro_length() self._arch_span: Tuple[int, int] = self._find_arch_span() def _split_distro_id(self, start: int = 0) -> Tuple[str, str]: return self._distro_id[start:].split('-', 1)[0], self._distro_id[start:].split('.')[0] def _find_distro_length(self) -> int: for distro in ToolchainDistroName: for name in distro.value: if not name: continue if name.lower() in self._split_distro_id(): return len(name) raise ValueError(f"Failed to match distro from distro_id: `{self._distro_id}'") def _find_arch_span(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: arch_span: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None for arch in ToolchainArchName: for name in arch.value: if not name: continue iter_start = self._distro_length + 1 while iter_start < len(self._distro_id): if name.lower() in self._split_distro_id(self._distro_length): arch_span = (iter_start, len(name)) iter_start += len(name) if iter_start < len(self._distro_id) and self._distro_id[iter_start] in ('-', '.'): iter_start += 1 if arch_span is None: arch_span = (self._distro_length, 0) return arch_span @property def distro_id(self) -> str: """Return the distro_id.""" return self._distro_id @property def distro(self) -> ToolchainDistroName: """Return the distro component of the distro_id.""" if self._distro is None: distro_length: int = self._distro_length self._distro = ToolchainDistroName.from_str(self._distro_id[:distro_length]) return self._distro @property def arch(self) -> ToolchainArchName: """Return the architecture component of the distro_id.""" if self._arch is None: arch_span: Tuple[int, int] = self._arch_span if arch_span[1] == 0: # There is no architecture specified in the distro_id if self.distro == ToolchainDistroName.DEFAULT: # The "default" distro is allowed to have a nonexistent arch self._arch = ToolchainArchName.DEFAULT else: self._arch = ToolchainArchName.X86_64 else: self._arch = ToolchainArchName.from_str( self.distro_id[arch_span[0]:arch_span[0] + arch_span[1]]) return self._arch @property def tag(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the descriptive tag component of the distro_id.""" if self._tag is None: arch_span: Tuple[int, int] = self._arch_span if arch_span[0] + arch_span[1] + 1 < len(self._distro_id): self._tag = self._distro_id[arch_span[0] + arch_span[1] + 1:] else: self._tag = '' if self._tag: return self._tag return None def __str__(self) -> str: result: str = f"{self.distro}" if self.arch != ToolchainArchName.DEFAULT: result += f".{self.arch}" if self.tag is not None: result += f".{self.tag}" return result class ToolchainConfig: """Represents a toolchain configuration.""" def __init__(self, data_file: pathlib.Path, platform: ToolchainPlatform) -> None: """Construct a toolchain configuration from a data file.""" try: with open(data_file.absolute(), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as yaml_stream: self._data = yaml.safe_load(yaml_stream) except yaml.YAMLError as parent_exc: raise ToolchainDataException( f"Could not read toolchain data file: `{data_file}'") from parent_exc self._platform: ToolchainPlatform = platform @property def base_path(self) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the base (installed) path for toolchain releases.""" return pathlib.Path(self._data['toolchains']['base_path']) @property def all_releases(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]: """Return all known releases in the data file.""" try: return self._data['toolchains']['releases'] except (KeyError, TypeError): return {} @property def releases(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return all releases for a the current platform.""" # Successively match the distro and/or platform against available toolchains. # If none is found, use the default entry. If the default entry doesn't exist, # we want to know about it because that's a misconfiguration. platform_section: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None if self._platform.distro_id in self.all_releases: platform_section = self.all_releases[self._platform.distro_id] elif self._platform.distro != ToolchainDistroName.DEFAULT: if str(self._platform) in self.all_releases: platform_section = self.all_releases[str(self._platform)] elif f"{self._platform.distro}.{self._platform.arch}" in self.all_releases: platform_section = self.all_releases[ f"{self._platform.distro}.{self._platform.arch}"] elif f"{self._platform.distro}.{self._platform.tag}" in self.all_releases: platform_section = self.all_releases[ f"{self._platform.distro}.{self._platform.tag}"] elif f"{self._platform.distro}" in self.all_releases: platform_section = self.all_releases[f"{self._platform.distro}"] if not platform_section: try: platform_section = self.all_releases['default'] except KeyError: return {} return platform_section @property def versions(self) -> List[str]: """Return all known versions in the data file.""" return self._data['toolchains']['versions'] @property def aliases(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Return all known version aliases in the data file.""" return self._data['toolchains']['version_aliases'] @property def revisions_dir(self) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]: """Return the legacy revisions directory for toolchain releases.""" warnings.warn(("This is legacy toolchain usage. " f"Call {self.__class__.__name__}.releases_dir() instead."), DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.base_path.joinpath('revisions') @property def releases_dir(self) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the directory where toolchain releases are installed.""" return self.base_path.joinpath('releases') def search_releases(self, release_name: str) -> Optional[str]: """Search configured releases for a given release name.""" try: return self.releases[release_name] except KeyError: return None class Toolchain: """Represents the raw toolchain data.""" def __init__(self, config: ToolchainConfig, release: str) -> None: """Construct a toolchain object from a supplied release and version.""" self._config = config self._release = release @property def release(self) -> str: """Return the toolchain release ID.""" return self._release @property def install_path(self) -> pathlib.Path: """Return the path to where the toolchain should be installed.""" path = self._config.releases_dir / self.release # We need to determine if the configured release is a legacy release # that only appears in revisions_dir. We can tell the difference # because legacy releases are all identified by git commit hashes. if len(self.release) == 40 and set(self.release) <= set(string.hexdigits): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if self._config.revisions_dir: path = self._config.revisions_dir / self.release return path def exec_path(self, version: Union[ToolchainVersionName, str]) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]: """Return a path to a specific toolchain version.""" install_path = self.install_path if isinstance(version, ToolchainVersionName): version = version.value if version not in self._config.versions: try: version = self._config.aliases[version] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Toolchain version `{version}' not defined in data file") from None return install_path / version class Toolchains(Mapping[Union[ToolchainReleaseName, str], Toolchain]): """Represents a collection of toolchains that may or may not be installed on a system.""" def __init__(self, config: ToolchainConfig) -> None: """Manipulate raw toolchain configuration data.""" self._config = config self._available: Optional[List[str]] = None def _search_filesystem(self) -> List[str]: release_dirs: List[pathlib.Path] = [] releases_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = self._config.releases_dir if releases_dir and releases_dir.exists(): release_dirs.extend([path for path in releases_dir.iterdir() if path.is_dir()]) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") revisions_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path] = self._config.revisions_dir if revisions_dir and revisions_dir.exists(): release_dirs.extend([path for path in revisions_dir.iterdir() if path.is_dir()]) if release_dirs: return [ path.name for path in sorted(release_dirs, key=lambda path: path.stat().st_mtime, reverse=True) ] return [] @property def available(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of all installed toolchain releases ordered from newest to oldest.""" if self._available is None: self._available = self._search_filesystem() return self._available @property def configured(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list of all configured toolchain releases.""" configured: Set[Union[str, None]] = { self._config.search_releases(name.value) for name in ToolchainReleaseName } configured.add(self._config.search_releases('default')) return [release for release in configured if release is not None] @property def latest(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the latest installed toolchain release. This can possibly be different from available[0] because we take into account the "latest" symlink present on end-user toolchain installations, which could potentially not be the "newest" for any reason. Therefore, these methods can be used to determine whether the "latest" symlink is out of date. """ latest_symlink: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None try: latest_symlink = self._config.releases_dir.joinpath('latest') except AttributeError: latest_symlink = None if latest_symlink and latest_symlink.exists(): return pathlib.Path(os.readlink(latest_symlink.absolute())).name return self.available[0] or None def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: for release in set(self.available).union(set(self.configured)): yield release def __len__(self) -> int: return len(list(self.__iter__())) def __getitem__(self, key: Union[ToolchainReleaseName, str]) -> Toolchain: """Return the named toolchain release. This method supports two disjoint use cases: 1. We don't know the release ID and pass a release name. Here, we are attempting to determine the release ID corresponding to the name for the current platform. If no such release name is configured, we raise an exception to indicate a potential misconfiguration or code error. 2. We know the release ID and want to determine whether it is installed. In this case, None is returned if the release is not available to indicate it is not installed. """ release: Optional[str] = None if isinstance(key, ToolchainReleaseName): # We don't know the release ID and are querying by name. This supports use case 1. if key == ToolchainReleaseName.LATEST: latest = self.latest if latest is None: raise KeyError(key) release = self.latest release = self._config.search_releases(str(key)) else: # We know the release ID and want to know whether it's installed. This supports use # case 2. This is the "short path" for the method because any string other than a # real release ID or release name causes a return. if key == str(ToolchainReleaseName.LATEST): release = self.latest if key in self.available: release = key if key in [name.value for name in ToolchainReleaseName]: release = self._config.search_releases(key) if release is None: raise KeyError(key) return Toolchain(self._config, release) class _FormatterClass: """A protocol for a formatter class. HelpFormatter is missing this protocol in its inheritance tree in some versions of the mypy typeshed, which causes a spurious mypy error when trying to assign a custom HelpFormatter subclass. This is just here for NicerHelpFormatter to inherit from it and prevent the error. """ def __call__(self, _: str) -> argparse.HelpFormatter: ... # pylint: disable=protected-access class NicerHelpFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter, _FormatterClass): """A HelpFormatter with nicer output than the default.""" def __init__(self, prog: str, indent_increment: int = 2, max_help_position: int = 32, width=None) -> None: super().__init__(prog=prog, indent_increment=indent_increment, max_help_position=max_help_position, width=width) def __call__(self, prog: str) -> argparse.HelpFormatter: return NicerHelpFormatter(prog) def _format_action(self, action: argparse.Action) -> str: result = super()._format_action(action) if isinstance(action, (argparse._SubParsersAction, DictChoiceAction)): return (" " * self._current_indent) + f"{result.lstrip()}" return result def _format_action_invocation(self, action: argparse.Action) -> str: if isinstance(action, (argparse._SubParsersAction, DictChoiceAction)): return "" if not action.option_strings: default = self._get_default_metavar_for_optional(action) metavar, = self._metavar_formatter(action, default)(1) return metavar parts: List[str] = [] if action.nargs == 0: parts.extend(action.option_strings) else: default = self._get_default_metavar_for_optional(action) args_string = self._format_args(action, default) for option_string in action.option_strings: parts.append(option_string) return f"{' '.join(parts)} {args_string}" return ' '.join(parts) def _iter_indented_subactions( self, action: argparse.Action) -> Generator[argparse.Action, None, None]: if isinstance(action, (argparse._SubParsersAction, DictChoiceAction)): try: get_subactions = action._get_subactions except AttributeError: pass else: for subaction in get_subactions(): yield subaction else: for subaction in super()._iter_indented_subactions(action): yield subaction def _metavar_formatter(self, action: argparse.Action, default_metavar: str) -> Callable[[int], Tuple[str, ...]]: if action.metavar is not None: result = action.metavar elif action.choices is not None: choice_strs = [f"{choice}" for choice in action.choices] result = f"{' | '.join(choice_strs)}" if action.required: result = f"({result})" else: result = f"[{result}]" else: result = default_metavar def _format(tuple_size: int) -> Tuple[str, ...]: if isinstance(result, tuple): return result return (result, ) * tuple_size return _format # pylint: disable=protected-access, redefined-builtin, redefined-outer-name class DictChoiceAction(argparse._StoreAction): """An action with nicer per-choice formatting.""" class _ChoicesPseudoAction(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, name: str, aliases: List[str], help: Optional[str] = None) -> None: metavar = dest = name if aliases: metavar += f" {' | '.join(aliases)}" if self.required: metavar = f"({metavar})" else: metavar = f"[{metavar})" super().__init__(option_strings=[], dest=dest, help=help, metavar=metavar) def __call__(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: argparse.Namespace, values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: Optional[str] = None) -> None: parser.print_help() parser.exit() # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, option_strings: List[str], dest: str, nargs: Optional[int] = None, const: Optional[Any] = None, default: Optional[Any] = None, type: Optional[type] = None, choices: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, required: bool = False, help: Optional[str] = None, metavar: Optional[str] = None) -> None: super().__init__(option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, nargs=nargs, const=const, default=default, type=type, choices=choices, required=required, help=help, metavar=metavar) self.choices: Dict[str, str] = {} if choices: self.choices = choices def _get_subactions(self): choices_actions: List[argparse.Action] = [] for name, help_text in self.choices.items(): choice_action = self._ChoicesPseudoAction(name, [], help_text) choices_actions.append(choice_action) return choices_actions class NicerArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """An argument parser with nicer help output.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, prog: Optional[str] = None, usage: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, epilog: Optional[str] = None, parents: Optional[List[argparse.ArgumentParser]] = None, prefix_chars: str = '-', fromfile_prefix_chars: Optional[str] = None, argument_default: Optional[Any] = None, conflict_handler: str = 'error', add_help: bool = True, allow_abbrev: bool = True) -> None: """Initialize a NicerParser.""" super().__init__(prog=prog, usage=usage, description=description, epilog=epilog, parents=parents if parents else [], formatter_class=NicerHelpFormatter, prefix_chars=prefix_chars, fromfile_prefix_chars=fromfile_prefix_chars, argument_default=argument_default, conflict_handler=conflict_handler, add_help=add_help, allow_abbrev=allow_abbrev) self._optionals.title = 'Options' self._positionals.title = 'Queries' def format_help(self) -> str: formatter = self._get_formatter() formatter.add_text(self.description) formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions, self._mutually_exclusive_groups, prefix='Usage:\n ') for action_group in self._action_groups: formatter.start_section(action_group.title) formatter.add_text(action_group.description) formatter.add_arguments(action_group._group_actions) formatter.end_section() formatter.add_text(self.epilog) return formatter.format_help() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = NicerArgumentParser( description='Tool for querying information about mongodbtoolchain.', add_help=False) parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='Show this help message and exit') parser.add_argument('-f', '--from-file', help='Specify a toolchain data file', metavar='FILE', type=str, default=str(DEFAULT_DATA_FILE)) parser.add_argument('-d', '--distro-id', help='Evergreen distro_id', type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument('-a', '--arch', help='Host architecture', type=str) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Commands', dest='command', required=True) show_parser = subparsers.add_parser( 'show', description='Shows general toolchain collection info.', add_help=False, help='Show general toolchain collection info') config_parser = subparsers.add_parser('config', description='Shows toolchain configuration info.', add_help=False, help='Show toolchain configuration info') platform_parser = subparsers.add_parser('platform', description='Shows component parts of a distro_id.', add_help=False, help='Show parts of a distro_id') toolchain_parser = subparsers.add_parser('toolchain', description='Shows specific toolchain info.', add_help=False, help='Show specific toolchain info') show_parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='Show this help message and exit') show_parser.add_argument( 'query', action=DictChoiceAction, type=str, choices={ 'available': 'All installed toolchains', 'configured': 'Toolchains configured for the distro_id', 'latest': 'The most recent installed toolchain', }) config_parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='Show this help message and exit') config_parser.add_argument( 'query', action=DictChoiceAction, type=str, choices={ 'base_path': 'Toolchain base execution path', 'releases': 'All defined release names', 'versions': 'All defined version names', 'aliases': 'All defined aliases for version names', }) platform_parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='Show this help message and exit') platform_parser.add_argument( 'query', action=DictChoiceAction, type=str, choices={ 'distro': 'Show the "distro" component of the distro_id', 'arch': 'Show the "arch" component of the distro_id', 'tag': 'Show the information tag component of the distro_id', }) toolchain_parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='Show this help message and exit') toolchain_parser.add_argument('-v', '--toolchain-version', help='Toolchain version', type=str, default=str(ToolchainVersionName.STABLE)) toolchain_parser.add_argument('-r', '--release', help="Toolchain release", type=str, default=str(ToolchainReleaseName.CURRENT)) toolchain_parser.add_argument( 'query', action=DictChoiceAction, type=str, choices={ 'install_path': 'Toolchain installation path', 'exec_path': 'Toolchain execution path', }) parsed_args = parser.parse_args() obj: Optional[object] = None # Set up the objects required for each command toolchain_platform = ToolchainPlatform(distro_id=parsed_args.distro_id, arch=parsed_args.arch) if parsed_args.command == 'platform': obj = toolchain_platform elif parsed_args.command in ('show', 'config', 'toolchain'): try: toolchain_config = ToolchainConfig( pathlib.Path(parsed_args.from_file), platform=toolchain_platform) except ToolchainDataException as exc: print(exc, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) toolchains = Toolchains(config=toolchain_config) if parsed_args.command == 'show': obj = toolchains elif parsed_args.command == 'config': obj = toolchain_config elif parsed_args.command == 'toolchain': obj = toolchains[parsed_args.release] else: print(f"Unknown command: {parsed_args.command}", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) # Get and handle output output: Any attribute = getattr(obj, parsed_args.query) if callable(attribute): if attribute.__name__ == 'exec_path': output = attribute(parsed_args.toolchain_version) else: output = attribute() else: output = attribute # If there is no output, it should indicate an error to the caller. # pylint: disable=invalid-name if output is not None: if isinstance(output, (tuple, list)): output = str.join(" ", output) elif isinstance(output, dict): output = '\n'.join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in output.items()]) elif not isinstance(output, str): output = str(output) if output: print(output) else: sys.exit(1)