// @file distlock.h /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "pch.h" #include "dbclient.h" #include "distlock.h" namespace mongo { static string lockPingNS = "config.lockpings"; static string locksNS = "config.locks"; ThreadLocalValue distLockIds(""); /* ================== * Module initialization */ boost::once_flag _init = BOOST_ONCE_INIT; static string* _cachedProcessString = NULL; static void initModule() { // cache process string stringstream ss; ss << getHostName() << ":" << time(0) << ":" << rand(); _cachedProcessString = new string( ss.str() ); } /* =================== */ string getDistLockProcess() { boost::call_once( initModule, _init ); assert( _cachedProcessString ); return *_cachedProcessString; } string getDistLockId() { string s = distLockIds.get(); if ( s.empty() ) { stringstream ss; ss << getDistLockProcess() << ":" << getThreadName() << ":" << rand(); s = ss.str(); distLockIds.set( s ); } return s; } void _distLockPingThread( ConnectionString addr ) { setThreadName( "LockPinger" ); log() << "creating dist lock ping thread for: " << addr << endl; static int loops = 0; while( ! inShutdown() ) { string process = getDistLockProcess(); log(4) << "dist_lock about to ping for: " << process << endl; try { ScopedDbConnection conn( addr ); // refresh the entry corresponding to this process in the lockpings collection conn->update( lockPingNS , BSON( "_id" << process ) , BSON( "$set" << BSON( "ping" << DATENOW ) ) , true ); string err = conn->getLastError(); if ( ! err.empty() ) { warning() << "dist_lock process: " << process << " pinging: " << addr << " failed: " << err << endl; conn.done(); sleepsecs(30); continue; } // remove really old entries from the lockpings collection if they're not holding a lock // (this may happen if an instance of a process was taken down and no new instance came up to // replace it for a quite a while) // if the lock is taken, the take-over mechanism should handle the situation auto_ptr c = conn->query( locksNS , BSONObj() ); vector pids; while ( c->more() ) { BSONObj lock = c->next(); if ( ! lock["process"].eoo() ) { pids.push_back( lock["process"].valuestrsafe() ); } } Date_t fourDays = jsTime() - ( 4 * 86400 * 1000 ); // 4 days conn->remove( lockPingNS , BSON( "_id" << BSON( "$nin" << pids ) << "ping" << LT << fourDays ) ); err = conn->getLastError(); if ( ! err.empty() ) { warning() << "dist_lock cleanup request from process: " << process << " to: " << addr << " failed: " << err << endl; conn.done(); sleepsecs(30); continue; } // create index so remove is fast even with a lot of servers if ( loops++ == 0 ) { conn->ensureIndex( lockPingNS , BSON( "ping" << 1 ) ); } conn.done(); } catch ( std::exception& e ) { warning() << "dist_lock exception during ping: " << e.what() << endl; } log( loops % 10 == 0 ? 0 : 1) << "dist_lock pinged successfully for: " << process << endl; sleepsecs(30); } } void distLockPingThread( ConnectionString addr ) { try { _distLockPingThread( addr ); } catch ( std::exception& e ) { error() << "unexpected error in distLockPingThread: " << e.what() << endl; } catch ( ... ) { error() << "unexpected unknown error in distLockPingThread" << endl; } } class DistributedLockPinger { public: DistributedLockPinger() : _mutex( "DistributedLockPinger" ) { } void got( const ConnectionString& conn ) { string s = conn.toString(); scoped_lock lk( _mutex ); if ( _seen.count( s ) > 0 ) return; boost::thread t( boost::bind( &distLockPingThread , conn ) ); _seen.insert( s ); } set _seen; mongo::mutex _mutex; } distLockPinger; DistributedLock::DistributedLock( const ConnectionString& conn , const string& name , unsigned takeoverMinutes ) : _conn(conn),_name(name),_takeoverMinutes(takeoverMinutes) { _id = BSON( "_id" << name ); _ns = "config.locks"; distLockPinger.got( conn ); } bool DistributedLock::lock_try( string why , BSONObj * other ) { // write to dummy if 'other' is null BSONObj dummyOther; if ( other == NULL ) other = &dummyOther; ScopedDbConnection conn( _conn ); BSONObjBuilder queryBuilder; queryBuilder.appendElements( _id ); queryBuilder.append( "state" , 0 ); { // make sure its there so we can use simple update logic below BSONObj o = conn->findOne( _ns , _id ).getOwned(); if ( o.isEmpty() ) { try { log(4) << "dist_lock inserting initial doc in " << _ns << " for lock " << _name << endl; conn->insert( _ns , BSON( "_id" << _name << "state" << 0 << "who" << "" ) ); } catch ( UserException& e ) { log() << "dist_lock could not insert initial doc: " << e << endl; } } else if ( o["state"].numberInt() > 0 ) { BSONObj lastPing = conn->findOne( lockPingNS , o["process"].wrap( "_id" ) ); if ( lastPing.isEmpty() ) { // if a lock is taken but there's no ping for it, we're in an inconsistent situation // if the lock holder (mongos or d) does not exist anymore, the lock could safely be removed // but we'd require analysis of the situation before a manual intervention error() << "config.locks: " << _name << " lock is taken by old process? " << "remove the following lock if the process is not active anymore: " << o << endl; *other = o; conn.done(); return false; } unsigned long long now = jsTime(); unsigned long long pingTime = lastPing["ping"].Date(); if ( now < pingTime ) { // clock skew warning() << "dist_lock has detected clock skew of " << ( pingTime - now ) << "ms" << endl; *other = o; conn.done(); return false; } unsigned long long elapsed = now - pingTime; elapsed = elapsed / ( 1000 * 60 ); // convert to minutes if ( elapsed > ( 60 * 24 * 365 * 100 ) /* 100 years */ ) { warning() << "distlock elapsed time seems impossible: " << lastPing << endl; } if ( elapsed <= _takeoverMinutes ) { log(1) << "dist_lock lock failed because taken by: " << o << " elapsed minutes: " << elapsed << endl; *other = o; conn.done(); return false; } log() << "dist_lock forcefully taking over from: " << o << " elapsed minutes: " << elapsed << endl; conn->update( _ns , _id , BSON( "$set" << BSON( "state" << 0 ) ) ); string err = conn->getLastError(); if ( ! err.empty() ) { warning() << "dist_lock take over from: " << o << " failed: " << err << endl; *other = o.getOwned(); other->getOwned(); conn.done(); return false; } } else if ( o["ts"].type() ) { queryBuilder.append( o["ts"] ); } } OID ts; ts.init(); bool gotLock = false; BSONObj now; BSONObj lockDetails = BSON( "state" << 1 << "who" << getDistLockId() << "process" << getDistLockProcess() << "when" << DATENOW << "why" << why << "ts" << ts ); BSONObj whatIWant = BSON( "$set" << lockDetails ); try { log(4) << "dist_lock about to aquire lock: " << lockDetails << endl; conn->update( _ns , queryBuilder.obj() , whatIWant ); BSONObj o = conn->getLastErrorDetailed(); now = conn->findOne( _ns , _id ); if ( o["n"].numberInt() == 0 ) { *other = now; other->getOwned(); log() << "dist_lock error trying to aquire lock: " << lockDetails << " error: " << o << endl; gotLock = false; } else { gotLock = true; } } catch ( UpdateNotTheSame& up ) { // this means our update got through on some, but not others log(4) << "dist_lock lock did not propagate properly" << endl; for ( unsigned i=0; ifindOne( _ns , _id ); if ( now.isEmpty() || now["ts"] < temp2["ts"] ) { now = temp2.getOwned(); } temp.done(); } if ( now["ts"].OID() == ts ) { log(4) << "dist_lock completed lock propagation" << endl; gotLock = true; conn->update( _ns , _id , whatIWant ); } else { log() << "dist_lock error trying to complete propagation" << endl; gotLock = false; } } conn.done(); log(2) << "dist_lock lock gotLock: " << gotLock << " now: " << now << endl; return gotLock; } void DistributedLock::unlock() { const int maxAttempts = 3; int attempted = 0; while ( ++attempted <= maxAttempts ) { try { ScopedDbConnection conn( _conn ); conn->update( _ns , _id, BSON( "$set" << BSON( "state" << 0 ) ) ); log(2) << "dist_lock unlock: " << conn->findOne( _ns , _id ) << endl; conn.done(); return; } catch ( std::exception& e) { log( LL_WARNING ) << "dist_lock " << _name << " failed to contact config server in unlock attempt " << attempted << ": " << e.what() << endl; sleepsecs(1 << attempted); } } log( LL_WARNING ) << "dist_lock couldn't consumate unlock request. " << "Lock " << _name << " will be taken over after " << _takeoverMinutes << " minutes timeout" << endl; } }