// btree.h /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "../stdafx.h" #include "jsobj.h" #include "storage.h" #include "pdfile.h" #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) struct _KeyNode { DiskLoc prevChildBucket; DiskLoc recordLoc; short keyDataOfs() { return (short) _kdo; } unsigned short _kdo; void setKeyDataOfs(short s) { _kdo = s; assert(s>=0); } void setKeyDataOfsSavingUse(short s) { _kdo = s; assert(s>=0); } void setUnused() { /* Setting ofs to odd is the sentinel for unused, as real recordLoc's are always even numbers. Note we need to keep its value basically the same as we use the recordLoc as part of the key in the index (to handle duplicate keys efficiently). */ recordLoc.GETOFS() |= 1; } int isUnused() { return recordLoc.getOfs() & 1; } int isUsed() { return !isUnused(); } }; #pragma pack(pop) class BucketBasics; /* wrapper - this is our in memory representation of the key. _KeyNode is the disk representation. */ class KeyNode { public: KeyNode(BucketBasics& bb, _KeyNode &k); DiskLoc& prevChildBucket; DiskLoc& recordLoc; JSObj key; }; #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) /* this class is all about the storage management */ class BucketBasics { friend class KeyNode; public: void dumpTree(DiskLoc thisLoc); bool isHead() { return parent.isNull(); } void assertValid(bool force = false); int fullValidate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc); /* traverses everything */ protected: DiskLoc& getChild(int pos) { assert( pos >= 0 && pos <= n ); return pos == n ? nextChild : k(pos).prevChildBucket; } KeyNode keyNode(int i) { assert( i < n ); return KeyNode(*this, k(i)); } char * dataAt(short ofs) { return data + ofs; } void init(); // initialize a new node /* returns false if node is full and must be split keypos is where to insert -- inserted after that key #. so keypos=0 is the leftmost one. */ bool basicInsert(int keypos, const DiskLoc& recordLoc, JSObj& key); void pushBack(const DiskLoc& recordLoc, JSObj& key, DiskLoc prevChild); void _delKeyAtPos(int keypos); // low level version that doesn't deal with child ptrs. /* !Packed means there is deleted fragment space within the bucket. We "repack" when we run out of space before considering the node to be full. */ enum Flags { Packed=1 }; DiskLoc childForPos(int p) { return p == n ? nextChild : k(p).prevChildBucket; } int totalDataSize() const; void pack(); void setNotPacked(); void setPacked(); int _alloc(int bytes); void truncateTo(int N); void markUnused(int keypos); public: DiskLoc parent; string bucketSummary() const { stringstream ss; ss << " Bucket info:" << endl; ss << " n: " << n << endl; ss << " parent: " << parent.toString() << endl; ss << " nextChild: " << parent.toString() << endl; ss << " Size: " << _Size << " flags:" << flags << endl; ss << " emptySize: " << emptySize << " topSize: " << topSize << endl; return ss.str(); } protected: void _shape(int level, stringstream&); DiskLoc nextChild; // child bucket off and to the right of the highest key. int _Size; // total size of this btree node in bytes. constant. int Size() const; int flags; int emptySize; // size of the empty region int topSize; // size of the data at the top of the bucket (keys are at the beginning or 'bottom') int n; // # of keys so far. int reserved; _KeyNode& k(int i) { return ((_KeyNode*)data)[i]; } char data[4]; }; class BtreeBucket : public BucketBasics { friend class BtreeCursor; public: void dump(); static DiskLoc addHead(IndexDetails&); /* start a new index off, empty */ int insert(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc recordLoc, JSObj& key, bool dupsAllowed, IndexDetails& idx, bool toplevel); bool unindex(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, JSObj& key, const DiskLoc& recordLoc); /* locate may return an "unused" key that is just a marker. so be careful. looks for a key:recordloc pair. */ DiskLoc locate(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, JSObj& key, int& pos, bool& found, DiskLoc recordLoc, int direction=1); /* advance one key position in the index: */ DiskLoc advance(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, int& keyOfs, int direction, const char *caller); DiskLoc getHead(const DiskLoc& thisLoc); /* get tree shape */ void shape(stringstream&); private: void fixParentPtrs(const DiskLoc& thisLoc); void delBucket(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails&); void delKeyAtPos(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, IndexDetails& id, int p); JSObj keyAt(int keyOfs) { return keyOfs >= n ? JSObj() : keyNode(keyOfs).key; } static BtreeBucket* allocTemp(); /* caller must release with free() */ void insertHere(DiskLoc thisLoc, int keypos, DiskLoc recordLoc, JSObj& key, DiskLoc lchild, DiskLoc rchild, IndexDetails&); int _insert(DiskLoc thisLoc, DiskLoc recordLoc, JSObj& key, bool dupsAllowed, DiskLoc lChild, DiskLoc rChild, IndexDetails&); bool find(JSObj& key, DiskLoc recordLoc, int& pos); static void findLargestKey(const DiskLoc& thisLoc, DiskLoc& largestLoc, int& largestKey); }; class BtreeCursor : public Cursor { friend class BtreeBucket; public: BtreeCursor(IndexDetails&, JSObj& startKey, int direction, bool stopmiss); virtual bool ok() { return !bucket.isNull(); } bool eof() { return !ok(); } virtual bool advance(); virtual bool tempStopOnMiss() { return stopmiss; } virtual void noteLocation(); // updates keyAtKeyOfs... virtual void checkLocation(); _KeyNode& _currKeyNode() { assert( !bucket.isNull() ); _KeyNode& kn = bucket.btree()->k(keyOfs); assert( kn.isUsed() ); return kn; } KeyNode currKeyNode() { assert( !bucket.isNull() ); return bucket.btree()->keyNode(keyOfs); } virtual void aboutToDeleteBucket(const DiskLoc& b) { if( bucket == b ) keyOfs = -1; } virtual DiskLoc currLoc() { return !bucket.isNull() ? _currKeyNode().recordLoc : DiskLoc(); } virtual Record* _current() { return currLoc().rec(); } virtual JSObj current() { return JSObj(_current()); } virtual const char * toString() { return "BtreeCursor"; } private: void checkUnused(); IndexDetails& indexDetails; DiskLoc bucket; int keyOfs; int direction; // 1=fwd,-1=reverse bool stopmiss; JSObj keyAtKeyOfs; // so we can tell if things moved around on us between the query and the getMore call DiskLoc locAtKeyOfs; }; #pragma pack(pop)