// client.cpp /** * Copyright (C) 2009 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Client represents a connection to the database (the server-side) and corresponds to an open socket (or logical connection if pooling on sockets) from a client. */ #include "pch.h" #include "db.h" #include "client.h" #include "curop-inl.h" #include "json.h" #include "security.h" #include "commands.h" #include "instance.h" #include "../s/d_logic.h" #include "dbwebserver.h" #include "../util/mongoutils/html.h" #include "../util/mongoutils/checksum.h" #include "../util/file_allocator.h" namespace mongo { Client* Client::syncThread; mongo::mutex Client::clientsMutex("clientsMutex"); set Client::clients; // always be in clientsMutex when manipulating this boost::thread_specific_ptr currentClient; /* each thread which does db operations has a Client object in TLS. call this when your thread starts. */ Client& Client::initThread(const char *desc, AbstractMessagingPort *mp) { assert( currentClient.get() == 0 ); Client *c = new Client(desc, mp); currentClient.reset(c); mongo::lastError.initThread(); return *c; } Client::Client(const char *desc, AbstractMessagingPort *p) : _context(0), _shutdown(false), _desc(desc), _god(0), _lastOp(0), _mp(p) { _connectionId = setThreadName(desc); _curOp = new CurOp( this ); scoped_lock bl(clientsMutex); clients.insert(this); } Client::~Client() { _god = 0; if ( _context ) error() << "Client::~Client _context should be null but is not; client:" << _desc << endl; if ( ! _shutdown ) { error() << "Client::shutdown not called: " << _desc << endl; } scoped_lock bl(clientsMutex); if ( ! _shutdown ) clients.erase(this); delete _curOp; } bool Client::shutdown() { _shutdown = true; if ( inShutdown() ) return false; { scoped_lock bl(clientsMutex); clients.erase(this); if ( isSyncThread() ) { syncThread = 0; } } return false; } BSONObj CachedBSONObj::_tooBig = fromjson("{\"$msg\":\"query not recording (too large)\"}"); AtomicUInt CurOp::_nextOpNum; Client::Context::Context( string ns , Database * db, bool doauth ) : _client( currentClient.get() ) , _oldContext( _client->_context ) , _path( dbpath ) , _lock(0) , _justCreated(false) { assert( db && db->isOk() ); _ns = ns; _db = db; _client->_context = this; if ( doauth ) _auth(); } Client::Context::Context(const string& ns, string path , mongolock * lock , bool doauth ) : _client( currentClient.get() ) , _oldContext( _client->_context ) , _path( path ) , _lock( lock ) , _ns( ns ), _db(0) { _finishInit( doauth ); } /* this version saves the context but doesn't yet set the new one: */ Client::Context::Context() : _client( currentClient.get() ) , _oldContext( _client->_context ), _path( dbpath ) , _lock(0) , _justCreated(false), _db(0) { _client->_context = this; clear(); } void Client::Context::_finishInit( bool doauth ) { int lockState = dbMutex.getState(); assert( lockState ); if ( lockState > 0 && FileAllocator::get()->hasFailed() ) { uassert(14031, "Can't take a write lock while out of disk space", false); } _db = dbHolder.get( _ns , _path ); if ( _db ) { _justCreated = false; } else if ( lockState > 0 ) { // already in a write lock _db = dbHolder.getOrCreate( _ns , _path , _justCreated ); assert( _db ); } else if ( lockState < -1 ) { // nested read lock :( assert( _lock ); _lock->releaseAndWriteLock(); _db = dbHolder.getOrCreate( _ns , _path , _justCreated ); assert( _db ); } else { // we have a read lock, but need to get a write lock for a bit // we need to be in a write lock since we're going to create the DB object // to do that, we're going to unlock, then get a write lock // this is so that if this is the first query and its long doesn't block db // we just have to check that the db wasn't closed in the interim where we unlock for ( int x=0; x<2; x++ ) { { dbtemprelease unlock; writelock lk( _ns ); dbHolder.getOrCreate( _ns , _path , _justCreated ); } _db = dbHolder.get( _ns , _path ); if ( _db ) break; log() << "db was closed on us right after we opened it: " << _ns << endl; } uassert( 13005 , "can't create db, keeps getting closed" , _db ); } switch ( _client->_curOp->getOp() ) { case dbGetMore: // getMore's are special and should be handled else where case dbUpdate: // update & delete check shard version in instance.cpp, so don't check here as well case dbDelete: break; default: { string errmsg; if ( ! shardVersionOk( _ns , errmsg ) ) { ostringstream os; os << "[" << _ns << "] shard version not ok in Client::Context: " << errmsg; msgassertedNoTrace( StaleConfigInContextCode , os.str().c_str() ); } } } _client->_context = this; _client->_curOp->enter( this ); if ( doauth ) _auth( lockState ); } void Client::Context::_auth( int lockState ) { if ( _client->_ai.isAuthorizedForLock( _db->name , lockState ) ) return; // before we assert, do a little cleanup _client->_context = _oldContext; // note: _oldContext may be null stringstream ss; ss << "unauthorized db:" << _db->name << " lock type:" << lockState << " client:" << _client->clientAddress(); uasserted( 10057 , ss.str() ); } Client::Context::~Context() { DEV assert( _client == currentClient.get() ); _client->_curOp->leave( this ); _client->_context = _oldContext; // note: _oldContext may be null } bool Client::Context::inDB( const string& db , const string& path ) const { if ( _path != path ) return false; if ( db == _ns ) return true; string::size_type idx = _ns.find( db ); if ( idx != 0 ) return false; return _ns[db.size()] == '.'; } void Client::appendLastOp( BSONObjBuilder& b ) const { if( theReplSet ) { b.append("lastOp" , (long long) _lastOp); } else { OpTime lo(_lastOp); if ( ! lo.isNull() ) b.appendTimestamp( "lastOp" , lo.asDate() ); } } string Client::clientAddress(bool includePort) const { if( _curOp ) return _curOp->getRemoteString(includePort); return ""; } string Client::toString() const { stringstream ss; if ( _curOp ) ss << _curOp->infoNoauth().jsonString(); return ss.str(); } string sayClientState() { Client* c = currentClient.get(); if ( !c ) return "no client"; return c->toString(); } Client* curopWaitingForLock( int type ) { Client * c = currentClient.get(); assert( c ); CurOp * co = c->curop(); if ( co ) { co->waitingForLock( type ); } return c; } void curopGotLock(Client *c) { assert(c); CurOp * co = c->curop(); if ( co ) co->gotLock(); } void KillCurrentOp::interruptJs( AtomicUInt *op ) { if ( !globalScriptEngine ) return; if ( !op ) { globalScriptEngine->interruptAll(); } else { globalScriptEngine->interrupt( *op ); } } void KillCurrentOp::killAll() { _globalKill = true; interruptJs( 0 ); } void KillCurrentOp::kill(AtomicUInt i) { bool found = false; { scoped_lock l( Client::clientsMutex ); for( set< Client* >::const_iterator j = Client::clients.begin(); !found && j != Client::clients.end(); ++j ) { for( CurOp *k = ( *j )->curop(); !found && k; k = k->parent() ) { if ( k->opNum() == i ) { k->kill(); for( CurOp *l = ( *j )->curop(); l != k; l = l->parent() ) { l->kill(); } found = true; } } } } if ( found ) { interruptJs( &i ); } } CurOp::~CurOp() { if ( _wrapped ) { scoped_lock bl(Client::clientsMutex); _client->_curOp = _wrapped; } _client = 0; } BSONObj CurOp::infoNoauth() { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append("opid", _opNum); bool a = _active && _start; b.append("active", a); if ( _lockType ) b.append("lockType" , _lockType > 0 ? "write" : "read" ); b.append("waitingForLock" , _waitingForLock ); if( a ) { b.append("secs_running", elapsedSeconds() ); } b.append( "op" , opToString( _op ) ); b.append("ns", _ns); _query.append( b , "query" ); // b.append("inLock", ?? stringstream clientStr; clientStr << _remote.toString(); b.append("client", clientStr.str()); if ( _client ) b.append( "desc" , _client->desc() ); if ( ! _message.empty() ) { if ( _progressMeter.isActive() ) { StringBuilder buf(128); buf << _message.toString() << " " << _progressMeter.toString(); b.append( "msg" , buf.str() ); } else { b.append( "msg" , _message.toString() ); } } if( killed() ) b.append("killed", true); return b.obj(); } void Client::gotHandshake( const BSONObj& o ) { BSONObjIterator i(o); { BSONElement id = i.next(); assert( id.type() ); _remoteId = id.wrap( "_id" ); } BSONObjBuilder b; while ( i.more() ) b.append( i.next() ); _handshake = b.obj(); } class HandshakeCmd : public Command { public: void help(stringstream& h) const { h << "internal"; } HandshakeCmd() : Command( "handshake" ) {} virtual LockType locktype() const { return NONE; } virtual bool slaveOk() const { return true; } virtual bool adminOnly() const { return false; } virtual bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) { Client& c = cc(); c.gotHandshake( cmdObj ); return 1; } } handshakeCmd; class ClientListPlugin : public WebStatusPlugin { public: ClientListPlugin() : WebStatusPlugin( "clients" , 20 ) {} virtual void init() {} virtual void run( stringstream& ss ) { using namespace mongoutils::html; ss << "\n"; ss << "" << th( a("", "Connections to the database, both internal and external.", "Client") ) << th( a("http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Viewing+and+Terminating+Current+Operation", "", "OpId") ) << "" << "" << "" << "" << "" << th( a("http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Developer+FAQ#DeveloperFAQ-What%27sa%22namespace%22%3F", "", "Namespace") ) << "" << "" << "" << "" << "\n"; { scoped_lock bl(Client::clientsMutex); for( set::iterator i = Client::clients.begin(); i != Client::clients.end(); i++ ) { Client *c = *i; CurOp& co = *(c->curop()); ss << ""; tablecell( ss , co.opNum() ); tablecell( ss , co.active() ); { int lt = co.getLockType(); if( lt == -1 ) tablecell(ss, "R"); else if( lt == 1 ) tablecell(ss, "W"); else tablecell( ss , lt); } tablecell( ss , co.isWaitingForLock() ); if ( co.active() ) tablecell( ss , co.elapsedSeconds() ); else tablecell( ss , "" ); tablecell( ss , co.getOp() ); tablecell( ss , co.getNS() ); if ( co.haveQuery() ) { tablecell( ss , co.query() ); } else tablecell( ss , "" ); tablecell( ss , co.getRemoteString() ); tablecell( ss , co.getMessage() ); tablecell( ss , co.getProgressMeter().toString() ); ss << "\n"; } } ss << "
" << c->desc() << "
\n"; } } clientListPlugin; int Client::recommendedYieldMicros( int * writers , int * readers ) { int num = 0; int w = 0; int r = 0; { scoped_lock bl(clientsMutex); for ( set::iterator i=clients.begin(); i!=clients.end(); ++i ) { Client* c = *i; if ( c->curop()->isWaitingForLock() ) { num++; if ( c->curop()->getLockType() > 0 ) w++; else r++; } } } if ( writers ) *writers = w; if ( readers ) *readers = r; int time = r * 100; time += w * 500; time = min( time , 1000000 ); // there has been a kill request for this op - we should yield to allow the op to stop // This function returns empty string if we aren't interrupted if ( killCurrentOp.checkForInterruptNoAssert( false )[0] != '\0' ) { return 100; } return time; } int Client::getActiveClientCount( int& writers, int& readers ) { writers = 0; readers = 0; scoped_lock bl(clientsMutex); for ( set::iterator i=clients.begin(); i!=clients.end(); ++i ) { Client* c = *i; if ( ! c->curop()->active() ) continue; int l = c->curop()->getLockType(); if ( l > 0 ) writers++; else if ( l < 0 ) readers++; } return writers + readers; } }