/* clientcursor.h */ /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* Cursor -- and its derived classes -- are our internal cursors. ClientCursor is a wrapper that represents a cursorid from our database application's perspective. */ #pragma once #include "../pch.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "jsobj.h" #include "../util/message.h" #include "../util/background.h" #include "diskloc.h" #include "dbhelpers.h" #include "matcher.h" #include "../client/dbclient.h" namespace mongo { typedef long long CursorId; /* passed to the client so it can send back on getMore */ class Cursor; /* internal server cursor base class */ class ClientCursor; class ParsedQuery; /* todo: make this map be per connection. this will prevent cursor hijacking security attacks perhaps. */ typedef map CCById; typedef multimap CCByLoc; extern BSONObj id_obj; class ClientCursor { friend class CmdCursorInfo; DiskLoc _lastLoc; // use getter and setter not this (important) unsigned _idleAgeMillis; // how long has the cursor been around, relative to server idle time /* 0 = normal 1 = no timeout allowed 100 = in use (pinned) -- see Pointer class */ unsigned _pinValue; bool _doingDeletes; ElapsedTracker _yieldSometimesTracker; static CCById clientCursorsById; static CCByLoc byLoc; static boost::recursive_mutex ccmutex; // must use this for all statics above! static CursorId allocCursorId_inlock(); public: /* use this to assure we don't in the background time out cursor while it is under use. if you are using noTimeout() already, there is no risk anyway. Further, this mechanism guards against two getMore requests on the same cursor executing at the same time - which might be bad. That should never happen, but if a client driver had a bug, it could (or perhaps some sort of attack situation). */ class Pointer : boost::noncopyable { public: ClientCursor *_c; void release() { if( _c ) { assert( _c->_pinValue >= 100 ); _c->_pinValue -= 100; } _c = 0; } Pointer(long long cursorid) { recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex); _c = ClientCursor::find_inlock(cursorid, true); if( _c ) { if( _c->_pinValue >= 100 ) { _c = 0; uassert(12051, "clientcursor already in use? driver problem?", false); } _c->_pinValue += 100; } } ~Pointer() { release(); } }; // This object assures safe and reliable cleanup of the ClientCursor. // The implementation assumes that there will be no duplicate ids among cursors // (which is assured if cursors must last longer than 1 second). class CleanupPointer : boost::noncopyable { public: CleanupPointer() : _c( 0 ), _id( -1 ) {} void reset( ClientCursor *c = 0 ) { if ( c == _c ) { return; } if ( _c ) { // be careful in case cursor was deleted by someone else ClientCursor::erase( _id ); } if ( c ) { _c = c; _id = c->cursorid; } else { _c = 0; _id = -1; } } ~CleanupPointer() { DESTRUCTOR_GUARD ( reset(); ); } operator bool() { return _c; } ClientCursor * operator-> () { return _c; } private: ClientCursor *_c; CursorId _id; }; /*const*/ CursorId cursorid; string ns; shared_ptr c; int pos; // # objects into the cursor so far BSONObj query; int _queryOptions; // see enum QueryOptions dbclient.h OpTime _slaveReadTill; ClientCursor(int queryOptions, shared_ptr& _c, const string& _ns) : _idleAgeMillis(0), _pinValue(0), _doingDeletes(false), _yieldSometimesTracker(128,10), ns(_ns), c(_c), pos(0), _queryOptions(queryOptions) { if( queryOptions & QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout ) noTimeout(); recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex); cursorid = allocCursorId_inlock(); clientCursorsById.insert( make_pair(cursorid, this) ); } ~ClientCursor(); DiskLoc lastLoc() const { return _lastLoc; } shared_ptr< ParsedQuery > pq; shared_ptr< FieldMatcher > fields; // which fields query wants returned Message originalMessage; // this is effectively an auto ptr for data the matcher points to /* Get rid of cursors for namespaces that begin with nsprefix. Used by drop, dropIndexes, dropDatabase. */ static void invalidate(const char *nsPrefix); /** * @param microsToSleep -1 : ask client * >=0 : sleep for that amount * do a dbtemprelease * note: caller should check matcher.docMatcher().atomic() first and not yield if atomic - * we don't do herein as this->matcher (above) is only initialized for true queries/getmore. * (ie not set for remote/update) * @return if the cursor is still valid. * if false is returned, then this ClientCursor should be considered deleted - * in fact, the whole database could be gone. */ bool yield( int microsToSleep = -1 ); /** * @return same as yield() */ bool yieldSometimes(); static int yieldSuggest(); static void staticYield( int micros ); struct YieldData { CursorId _id; bool _doingDeletes; }; bool prepareToYield( YieldData &data ); static bool recoverFromYield( const YieldData &data ); struct YieldLock : boost::noncopyable { explicit YieldLock( ptr cc ) : _canYield(cc->c->supportYields()) { if ( _canYield ){ cc->prepareToYield( _data ); _unlock.reset(new dbtempreleasecond()); } } ~YieldLock(){ if ( _unlock ){ log( LL_WARNING ) << "ClientCursor::YieldLock not closed properly" << endl; relock(); } } bool stillOk(){ if ( ! _canYield ) return true; relock(); return ClientCursor::recoverFromYield( _data ); } void relock(){ _unlock.reset(); } private: bool _canYield; YieldData _data; scoped_ptr _unlock; }; // --- some pass through helpers for Cursor --- BSONObj indexKeyPattern() { return c->indexKeyPattern(); } bool ok(){ return c->ok(); } bool advance(){ return c->advance(); } bool currentMatches(){ if ( ! c->matcher() ) return true; return c->matcher()->matchesCurrent( c.get() ); } BSONObj current(){ return c->current(); } private: void setLastLoc_inlock(DiskLoc); static ClientCursor* find_inlock(CursorId id, bool warn = true) { CCById::iterator it = clientCursorsById.find(id); if ( it == clientCursorsById.end() ) { if ( warn ) OCCASIONALLY out() << "ClientCursor::find(): cursor not found in map " << id << " (ok after a drop)\n"; return 0; } return it->second; } public: static ClientCursor* find(CursorId id, bool warn = true) { recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex); ClientCursor *c = find_inlock(id, warn); // if this asserts, your code was not thread safe - you either need to set no timeout // for the cursor or keep a ClientCursor::Pointer in scope for it. massert( 12521, "internal error: use of an unlocked ClientCursor", c == 0 || c->_pinValue ); return c; } static bool erase(CursorId id) { recursive_scoped_lock lock(ccmutex); ClientCursor *cc = find_inlock(id); if ( cc ) { assert( cc->_pinValue < 100 ); // you can't still have an active ClientCursor::Pointer delete cc; return true; } return false; } /* call when cursor's location changes so that we can update the cursorsbylocation map. if you are locked and internally iterating, only need to call when you are ready to "unlock". */ void updateLocation(); void mayUpgradeStorage() { /* if ( !ids_.get() ) return; stringstream ss; ss << ns << "." << cursorid; ids_->mayUpgradeStorage( ss.str() );*/ } /** * @param millis amount of idle passed time since last call */ bool shouldTimeout( unsigned millis ){ _idleAgeMillis += millis; return _idleAgeMillis > 600000 && _pinValue == 0; } void storeOpForSlave( DiskLoc last ); void updateSlaveLocation( CurOp& curop ); unsigned idleTime(){ return _idleAgeMillis; } static void idleTimeReport(unsigned millis); private: // cursors normally timeout after an inactivy period to prevent excess memory use // setting this prevents timeout of the cursor in question. void noTimeout() { _pinValue++; } public: void setDoingDeletes( bool doingDeletes ){ _doingDeletes = doingDeletes; } static unsigned byLocSize(); // just for diagnostics static void informAboutToDeleteBucket(const DiskLoc& b); static void aboutToDelete(const DiskLoc& dl); static void find( const string& ns , set& all ); }; class ClientCursorMonitor : public BackgroundJob { public: void run(); string name() { return "ClientCursorMonitor"; } }; extern ClientCursorMonitor clientCursorMonitor; } // namespace mongo