// db.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "db.h" #include "../grid/message.h" #include "../util/mmap.h" #include "../util/hashtab.h" #include "../util/goodies.h" #include "pdfile.h" #include "jsobj.h" #include "javajs.h" #include "query.h" #include "introspect.h" #include "repl.h" bool slave = false; bool master = false; // true means keep an op log bool useJNI = true; extern const char *dbpath; extern int curOp; /* only off if --nocursors which is for debugging. */ bool useCursors = true; boost::mutex dbMutex; int dbLocked = 0; void closeAllSockets(); void startReplication(); struct MyStartupTests { MyStartupTests() { assert( sizeof(OID) == 12 ); } } mystartupdbcpp; /* 0 = off; 1 = writes, 2 = reads, 3 = both 7 = log a few reads, and all writes. */ int opLogging = 0; struct OpLog { ofstream *f; OpLog() : f(0) { } void init() { stringstream ss; ss << "oplog." << hex << time(0); string name = ss.str(); f = new ofstream(name.c_str(), ios::out | ios::binary); if ( ! f->good() ){ problem() << "couldn't open log stream" << endl; throw 1717; } } void readop(char *data, int len) { bool log = (opLogging & 4) == 0; OCCASIONALLY log = true; if( log ) f->write(data,len); } } _oplog; void flushOpLog() { _oplog.f->flush(); } #define oplog (*(_oplog.f)) #define OPWRITE if( opLogging & 1 ) oplog.write((char *) m.data, m.data->len); #define OPREAD if( opLogging & 2 ) _oplog.readop((char *) m.data, m.data->len); /* example for var zz = { x: 3, y: "foo", v: { z:5, arr: [1, 2] } } zz.v.arr.prop = "zoo"; */ void quicktest() { cout << "quicktest()\n"; MemoryMappedFile mmf; char *m = (char *) mmf.map("/tmp/quicktest", 16384); // cout << "mmf reads: " << m << endl; strcpy_s(m, 1000, "hello worldz"); } void pdfileInit(); class DbMessage { public: DbMessage(Message& _m) : m(_m) { theEnd = _m.data->_data + _m.data->dataLen(); int *r = (int *) _m.data->_data; reserved = *r; r++; data = (const char *) r; nextjsobj = data; } const char * getns() { return data; } void getns(Namespace& ns) { ns = data; } int pullInt() { if( nextjsobj == data ) nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace int i = *((int *)nextjsobj); nextjsobj += 4; return i; } long long pullInt64() { if( nextjsobj == data ) nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace long long i = *((long long *)nextjsobj); nextjsobj += 8; return i; } OID* getOID() { return (OID *) (data + strlen(data) + 1); // skip namespace } void getQueryStuff(const char *&query, int& ntoreturn) { int *i = (int *) (data + strlen(data) + 1); ntoreturn = *i; i++; query = (const char *) i; } /* for insert and update msgs */ bool moreJSObjs() { return nextjsobj != 0; } JSObj nextJsObj() { if( nextjsobj == data ) nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace JSObj js(nextjsobj); assert( js.objsize() < ( theEnd - data ) ); if( js.objsize() <= 0 ) nextjsobj = null; else { nextjsobj += js.objsize(); if( nextjsobj >= theEnd ) nextjsobj = 0; } return js; } private: Message& m; int reserved; const char *data; const char *nextjsobj; const char *theEnd; }; void killCursors(int n, long long *ids); void receivedKillCursors(Message& m) { int *x = (int *) m.data->_data; x++; // reserved int n = *x++; assert( n >= 1 ); if( n > 2000 ) { problem() << "Assertion failure, receivedKillCursors, n=" << n << endl; assert( n < 30000 ); } killCursors(n, (long long *) x); } void receivedUpdate(Message& m, stringstream& ss) { DbMessage d(m); const char *ns = d.getns(); assert(*ns); setClient(ns); if( client->profile ) ss << ns << ' '; int flags = d.pullInt(); JSObj query = d.nextJsObj(); assert( d.moreJSObjs() ); assert( query.objsize() < m.data->dataLen() ); JSObj toupdate = d.nextJsObj(); assert( toupdate.objsize() < m.data->dataLen() ); assert( query.objsize() + toupdate.objsize() < m.data->dataLen() ); updateObjects(ns, toupdate, query, flags & 1, ss); } void receivedDelete(Message& m) { DbMessage d(m); const char *ns = d.getns(); assert(*ns); setClient(ns); int flags = d.pullInt(); bool justOne = flags & 1; assert( d.moreJSObjs() ); JSObj pattern = d.nextJsObj(); deleteObjects(ns, pattern, justOne); logOp("d", ns, pattern, 0, &justOne); } /* we defer response until we unlock. don't want a blocked socket to keep things locked. */ struct DbResponse { Message *response; MSGID responseTo; DbResponse(Message *r, MSGID rt) : response(r), responseTo(rt) { } DbResponse() { response = 0; } ~DbResponse() { delete response; } }; void receivedQuery(DbResponse& dbresponse, /*AbstractMessagingPort& dbMsgPort, */Message& m, stringstream& ss, bool logit) { MSGID responseTo = m.data->id; DbMessage d(m); const char *ns = d.getns(); if( opLogging && logit ) { if( strstr(ns, "$cmd") ) { /* $cmd queries are "commands" and usually best treated as write operations */ OPWRITE; } else { OPREAD; } } setClient(ns); int ntoskip = d.pullInt(); int ntoreturn = d.pullInt(); JSObj query = d.nextJsObj(); auto_ptr< set > fields; if( d.moreJSObjs() ) { fields = auto_ptr< set >(new set()); d.nextJsObj().getFieldNames(*fields); } QueryResult* msgdata; try { msgdata = runQuery(m, ns, ntoskip, ntoreturn, query, fields, ss, m.data->dataAsInt()); } catch( AssertionException ) { ss << " exception "; problem() << " Caught Assertion in runQuery ns:" << ns << endl; log() << " ntoskip:" << ntoskip << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn << '\n'; log() << " query:" << query.toString() << '\n'; msgdata = (QueryResult*) malloc(sizeof(QueryResult)); QueryResult *qr = msgdata; qr->_data[0] = 0; qr->_data[1] = 0; qr->_data[2] = 0; qr->_data[3] = 0; qr->len = sizeof(QueryResult); qr->operation = opReply; qr->cursorId = 0; qr->startingFrom = 0; qr->nReturned = 0; } Message *resp = new Message(); resp->setData(msgdata, true); // transport will free dbresponse.response = resp; dbresponse.responseTo = responseTo; if( client ) { if( client->profile ) ss << " bytes:" << resp->data->dataLen(); } else { if( strstr(ns, "$cmd") == 0 ) // (this condition is normal for $cmd dropDatabase) log() << "ERROR: receiveQuery: client is null; ns=" << ns << endl; } // dbMsgPort.reply(m, resp, responseTo); } QueryResult* emptyMoreResult(long long); void receivedGetMore(DbResponse& dbresponse, /*AbstractMessagingPort& dbMsgPort, */Message& m, stringstream& ss) { DbMessage d(m); const char *ns = d.getns(); ss << ns; setClient(ns); int ntoreturn = d.pullInt(); long long cursorid = d.pullInt64(); ss << " cid:" << cursorid; ss << " ntoreturn:" << ntoreturn; QueryResult* msgdata; try { msgdata = getMore(ns, ntoreturn, cursorid); } catch( AssertionException ) { ss << " exception "; msgdata = emptyMoreResult(cursorid); } Message *resp = new Message(); resp->setData(msgdata, true); ss << " bytes:" << resp->data->dataLen(); ss << " nreturned:" << msgdata->nReturned; dbresponse.response = resp; dbresponse.responseTo = m.data->id; //dbMsgPort.reply(m, resp); } void receivedInsert(Message& m, stringstream& ss) { // cout << "GOT MSG id:" << m.data->id << endl; DbMessage d(m); while( d.moreJSObjs() ) { JSObj js = d.nextJsObj(); const char *ns = d.getns(); assert(*ns); setClient(ns); ss << ns; theDataFileMgr.insert(ns, (void*) js.objdata(), js.objsize()); logOp("i", ns, js); } } void testTheDb() { stringstream ss; setClient("sys.unittest.pdfile"); /* this is not validly formatted, if you query this namespace bad things will happen */ theDataFileMgr.insert("sys.unittest.pdfile", (void *) "hello worldx", 13); theDataFileMgr.insert("sys.unittest.pdfile", (void *) "hello worldx", 13); JSObj j1((const char *) &js1); deleteObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, false); theDataFileMgr.insert("sys.unittest.delete", &js1, sizeof(js1)); deleteObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, false); updateObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, j1, true,ss); updateObjects("sys.unittest.delete", j1, j1, false,ss); auto_ptr c = theDataFileMgr.findAll("sys.unittest.pdfile"); while( c->ok() ) { Record* r = c->_current(); c->advance(); } cout << endl; client = 0; } int port = DBPort; MessagingPort *grab = 0; void connThread(); class OurListener : public Listener { public: OurListener(int p) : Listener(p) { } virtual void accepted(MessagingPort *mp) { assert( grab == 0 ); grab = mp; boost::thread thr(connThread); while( grab ) sleepmillis(1); } }; /* versions 114 bad memory bug fixed 115 replay, opLogging */ void listen(int port) { const char *Version = "db version: 121"; problem() << Version << endl; pdfileInit(); //testTheDb(); log() << "waiting for connections on port " << port << "..." << endl; OurListener l(port); startReplication(); l.listen(); } int ctr = 0; extern int callDepth; class JniMessagingPort : public AbstractMessagingPort { public: JniMessagingPort(Message& _container) : container(_container) { } void reply(Message& received, Message& response, MSGID) { container = response; } void reply(Message& received, Message& response) { container = response; } Message & container; }; /* a call from java/js to the database locally. m - inbound message out - outbound message, if there is any, will be set here. if there is one, out.data will be non-null on return. The out.data buffer will automatically clean up when out goes out of scope (out.freeIt==true) note we should already be in the mutex lock from connThread() at this point. */ void jniCallback(Message& m, Message& out) { Client *clientOld = client; JniMessagingPort jmp(out); callDepth++; int curOpOld = curOp; try { stringstream ss; char buf[64]; time_t_to_String(time(0), buf); buf[20] = 0; // don't want the year ss << buf << " dbjs "; { Timer t; bool log = false; curOp = m.data->operation; if( m.data->operation == dbQuery ) { // on a query, the Message must have m.freeIt true so that the buffer data can be // retained by cursors. As freeIt is false, we make a copy here. assert( m.data->len > 0 && m.data->len < 32000000 ); Message copy(malloc(m.data->len), true); memcpy(copy.data, m.data, m.data->len); DbResponse dbr; receivedQuery(dbr, copy, ss, false); jmp.reply(m, *dbr.response, dbr.responseTo); } else if( m.data->operation == dbInsert ) { ss << "insert "; receivedInsert(m, ss); } else if( m.data->operation == dbUpdate ) { ss << "update "; receivedUpdate(m, ss); } else if( m.data->operation == dbDelete ) { ss << "remove "; receivedDelete(m); } else if( m.data->operation == dbGetMore ) { DEV log = true; ss << "getmore "; DbResponse dbr; receivedGetMore(dbr, m, ss); jmp.reply(m, *dbr.response, dbr.responseTo); } else if( m.data->operation == dbKillCursors ) { try { log = true; ss << "killcursors "; receivedKillCursors(m); } catch( AssertionException ) { problem() << "Caught Assertion in kill cursors, continuing" << endl; ss << " exception "; } } else { cout << " jnicall: operation isn't supported: " << m.data->operation << endl; assert(false); } int ms = t.millis(); log = log || ctr++ % 128 == 0; if( log || ms > 100 ) { ss << ' ' << t.millis() << "ms"; cout << ss.str().c_str() << endl; } if( client && client->profile >= 1 ) { if( client->profile >= 2 || ms >= 100 ) { // profile it profile(ss.str().c_str()+20/*skip ts*/, ms); } } } } catch( AssertionException ) { problem() << "Caught AssertionException in jniCall()" << endl; } curOp = curOpOld; callDepth--; if( client != clientOld ) { client = clientOld; wassert(false); } } /* we create one thread for each connection from an app server client. app server will open a pool of threads. */ void connThread() { try { MessagingPort& dbMsgPort = *grab; grab = 0; Message m; while( 1 ) { m.reset(); stringstream ss; if( !dbMsgPort.recv(m) ) { log() << "end connection " << dbMsgPort.farEnd.toString() << endl; dbMsgPort.shutdown(); break; } char buf[64]; time_t_to_String(time(0), buf); buf[20] = 0; // don't want the year ss << buf; // ss << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << ' '; DbResponse dbresponse; { dblock lk; Timer t; client = 0; curOp = 0; int ms; bool log = false; curOp = m.data->operation; #if 0 /* use this if you only want to process operations for a particular namespace. maybe add to cmd line parms or something fancier. */ DbMessage ddd(m); if( strncmp(ddd.getns(), "clusterstock", 12) != 0 ) { static int q; if( ++q < 20 ) cout << "TEMP skip " << ddd.getns() << endl; goto skip; } #endif if( m.data->operation == dbMsg ) { ss << "msg "; char *p = m.data->_data; int len = strlen(p); if( len > 400 ) cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << " long msg received, len:" << len << " ends with: " << p + len - 10 << endl; bool end = strcmp("end", p) == 0; Message *resp = new Message(); resp->setData(opReply, "i am fine"); dbresponse.response = resp; dbresponse.responseTo = m.data->id; //dbMsgPort.reply(m, resp); if( end ) { cout << curTimeMillis() % 10000 << " end msg " << dbMsgPort.farEnd.toString() << endl; if( dbMsgPort.farEnd.isLocalHost() ) { dbMsgPort.shutdown(); sleepmillis(50); problem() << "exiting end msg" << endl; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else { cout << " (not from localhost, ignoring end msg)" << endl; } } } else if( m.data->operation == dbQuery ) { receivedQuery(dbresponse, m, ss, true); } else if( m.data->operation == dbInsert ) { OPWRITE; try { ss << "insert "; receivedInsert(m, ss); } catch( AssertionException ) { problem() << " Caught Assertion insert, continuing" << endl; ss << " exception "; } } else if( m.data->operation == dbUpdate ) { OPWRITE; try { ss << "update "; receivedUpdate(m, ss); } catch( AssertionException ) { problem() << " Caught Assertion update, continuing" << endl; ss << " exception "; } } else if( m.data->operation == dbDelete ) { OPWRITE; try { ss << "remove "; receivedDelete(m); } catch( AssertionException ) { problem() << " Caught Assertion receivedDelete, continuing" << endl; ss << " exception "; } } else if( m.data->operation == dbGetMore ) { OPREAD; DEV log = true; ss << "getmore "; receivedGetMore(dbresponse, m, ss); } else if( m.data->operation == dbKillCursors ) { OPREAD; try { log = true; ss << "killcursors "; receivedKillCursors(m); } catch( AssertionException ) { problem() << " Caught Assertion in kill cursors, continuing" << endl; ss << " exception "; } } else { cout << " operation isn't supported: " << m.data->operation << endl; assert(false); } ms = t.millis(); log = log || ctr++ % 512 == 0; DEV log = true; if( log || ms > 100 ) { ss << ' ' << t.millis() << "ms"; cout << ss.str().c_str() << endl; } //skip: if( client && client->profile >= 1 ) { if( client->profile >= 2 || ms >= 100 ) { // profile it profile(ss.str().c_str()+20/*skip ts*/, ms); } } } /* end lock */ if( dbresponse.response ) dbMsgPort.reply(m, *dbresponse.response, dbresponse.responseTo); } } catch( AssertionException ) { problem() << "Uncaught AssertionException, terminating" << endl; exit(15); } } void msg(const char *m, const char *address, int port, int extras = 0) { SockAddr db(address, port); // SockAddr db("", DBPort); // SockAddr db("", MessagingPort::DBPort); // SockAddr db("", MessagingPort::DBPort); // SockAddr db("", MessagingPort::DBPort); MessagingPort p; if( !p.connect(db) ) return; const int Loops = 1; for( int q = 0; q < Loops; q++ ) { Message send; Message response; send.setData( dbMsg , m); int len = send.data->dataLen(); for( int i = 0; i < extras; i++ ) p.say(/*db, */send); Timer t; bool ok = p.call(send, response); double tm = t.micros() + 1; cout << " ****ok. response.data:" << ok << " time:" << tm / 1000.0 << "ms " << ((double) len) * 8 / 1000000 / (tm/1000000) << "Mbps" << endl; if( q+1 < Loops ) { cout << "\t\tSLEEP 8 then sending again as a test" << endl; sleepsecs(8); } } sleepsecs(1); p.shutdown(); } void msg(const char *m, int extras = 0) { msg(m, "", DBPort, extras); } #if !defined(_WIN32) #include void pipeSigHandler( int signal ) { psignal( signal, "Signal Received : "); } int segvs = 0; void segvhandler(int x) { if( ++segvs > 1 ) { signal(x, SIG_DFL); if( segvs == 2 ) { cout << "\n\n\n got 2nd SIGSEGV" << endl; sayDbContext(); } return; } problem() << "got SIGSEGV " << x << ", terminating :-(" << endl; sayDbContext(); // closeAllSockets(); // MemoryMappedFile::closeAllFiles(); // flushOpLog(); dbexit(14); } void mysighandler(int x) { signal(x, SIG_IGN); cout << "got kill or ctrl c signal " << x << ", will terminate after current cmd ends" << endl; problem() << "got kill or ctrl c signal " << x << ", will terminate after current cmd ends" << endl; { dblock lk; problem() << " now exiting" << endl; exit(12); } } void setupSignals() { assert( signal(SIGINT, mysighandler) != SIG_ERR ); assert( signal(SIGTERM, mysighandler) != SIG_ERR ); } #else void setupSignals() {} #endif void initAndListen(int listenPort, const char *dbPath, const char *appserverLoc = null) { if( opLogging ) log() << "opLogging = " << opLogging << endl; _oplog.init(); #if !defined(_WIN32) assert( signal(SIGSEGV, segvhandler) != SIG_ERR ); #endif /* * ensure that the dbpath ends w/ '/' as that's key in preventing things like * /data/dbadmin.ns */ if (dbPath && dbPath[strlen(dbPath)-1] != '/') { char *t = (char *) malloc(strlen(dbPath) + 2); strcpy(t, dbPath); strcat(t, "/"); dbPath = t; } dbpath = dbPath; #if !defined(_WIN32) pid_t pid = 0; pid = getpid(); #else int pid=0; #endif log() << "Mongo DB : starting : pid = " << pid << " port = " << port << " dbpath = " << dbpath << " master = " << master << " slave = " << slave << endl; if( useJNI ) { JavaJS = new JavaJSImpl(appserverLoc); javajstest(); } setupSignals(); listen(listenPort); } //ofstream problems("dbproblems.log", ios_base::app | ios_base::out); int test2(); void testClient(); int main(int argc, char* argv[], char *envp[] ) { DEV cout << "warning: DEV mode enabled\n"; #if !defined(_WIN32) signal(SIGPIPE, pipeSigHandler); #endif srand(curTimeMillis()); if( argc >= 2 ) { if( strcmp(argv[1], "quicktest") == 0 ) { quicktest(); return 0; } if( strcmp(argv[1], "test2") == 0 ) { return test2(); } if( strcmp(argv[1], "msg") == 0 ) { // msg(argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "ping"); const char *m = "ping"; int thePort = DBPort; if (argc >= 3) { m = argv[2]; if (argc > 3) { thePort = atoi(argv[3]); } } msg(m, "", thePort); return 0; } if( strcmp(argv[1], "msglots") == 0 ) { msg(argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "ping", 1000); return 0; } if( strcmp( argv[1], "testclient") == 0 ) { testClient(); return 0; } if( strcmp(argv[1], "zzz") == 0 ) { msg(argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "ping", 1000); return 0; } if( strcmp(argv[1], "run") == 0 ) { initAndListen(port, dbpath); return 0; } if( strcmp(argv[1], "longmsg") == 0 ) { char buf[800000]; memset(buf, 'a', 799999); buf[799999] = 0; buf[799998] = 'b'; buf[0] = 'c'; msg(buf); return 0; } /* * *** POST STANDARD SWITCH METHOD - if we don't satisfy, we switch to a * slightly different mode where "run" is assumed and we can set values */ char *appsrvPath = null; for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if( argv[i] == 0 ) continue; string s = argv[i]; if( s == "--port" ) port = atoi(argv[++i]); else if( s == "--nojni" ) useJNI = false; else if( s == "--master" ) master = true; else if( s == "--slave" ) slave = true; else if( s == "--dbpath" ) dbpath = argv[++i]; else if( s == "--appsrvpath" ) appsrvPath = argv[++i]; else if( s == "--nocursors" ) useCursors = false; else if( strncmp(s.c_str(), "--oplog", 7) == 0 ) { int x = s[7] - '0'; if( x < 0 || x > 7 ) { cout << "can't interpret --oplog setting" << endl; exit(13); } opLogging = x; } } initAndListen(port, dbpath, appsrvPath); exit(0); } cout << "Mongo db usage:\n"; cout << " run run db" << endl; cout << " msg end [port] shut down db server listening on port (or default)" << endl; cout << " msg [msg] [port] send a request to the db server listening on port (or default)" << endl; cout << " msglots send a bunch of test messages, and then wait for answer on the last one" << endl; cout << " longmsg send a long test message to the db server" << endl; cout << " quicktest just check basic assertions and exit" << endl; cout << " test2 run test2() - see code" << endl; cout << endl << "Alternate Usage :" << endl; cout << " --master --slave" << endl; cout << " --port --dbpath --appsrvpath " << endl; cout << " --nocursors --nojni" << endl; cout << " --oplog 0=off 1=W 2=R 3=both 7=W+some reads" << endl; cout << endl; return 0; } //#if !defined(_WIN32) //int main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] ) { // return _tmain(argc, 0); //} //#endif #undef exit void dbexit(int rc, const char *why) { cout << " dbexit: " << why << "; flushing op log and files" << endl; flushOpLog(); /* must do this before unmapping mem or you may get a seg fault */ closeAllSockets(); MemoryMappedFile::closeAllFiles(); cout << " dbexit: really exiting now" << endl; exit(rc); }