/** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "diskloc.h" #include "jsobj.h" #include "namespace-inl.h" #include "../util/message.h" #include "../client/constants.h" namespace mongo { /* db response format Query or GetMore: // see struct QueryResult int resultFlags; int64 cursorID; int startingFrom; int nReturned; list of marshalled JSObjects; */ extern bool objcheck; #pragma pack(1) struct QueryResult : public MsgData { long long cursorId; int startingFrom; int nReturned; const char *data() { return (char *) (((int *)&nReturned)+1); } int resultFlags() { return dataAsInt(); } int& _resultFlags() { return dataAsInt(); } void setResultFlagsToOk() { _resultFlags() = ResultFlag_AwaitCapable; } }; #pragma pack() /* For the database/server protocol, these objects and functions encapsulate the various messages transmitted over the connection. See http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Mongo+Wire+Protocol */ class DbMessage { public: DbMessage(const Message& _m) : m(_m) { // for received messages, Message has only one buffer theEnd = _m.singleData()->_data + _m.header()->dataLen(); char *r = _m.singleData()->_data; reserved = (int *) r; data = r + 4; nextjsobj = data; } /** the 32 bit field before the ns */ int& reservedField() { return *reserved; } const char * getns() const { return data; } void getns(Namespace& ns) const { ns = data; } const char * afterNS() const { return data + strlen( data ) + 1; } int getInt( int num ) const { const int * foo = (const int*)afterNS(); return foo[num]; } int getQueryNToReturn() const { return getInt( 1 ); } void resetPull() { nextjsobj = data; } int pullInt() const { return pullInt(); } int& pullInt() { if ( nextjsobj == data ) nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace int& i = *((int *)nextjsobj); nextjsobj += 4; return i; } long long pullInt64() const { return pullInt64(); } long long &pullInt64() { if ( nextjsobj == data ) nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace long long &i = *((long long *)nextjsobj); nextjsobj += 8; return i; } OID* getOID() const { return (OID *) (data + strlen(data) + 1); // skip namespace } void getQueryStuff(const char *&query, int& ntoreturn) { int *i = (int *) (data + strlen(data) + 1); ntoreturn = *i; i++; query = (const char *) i; } /* for insert and update msgs */ bool moreJSObjs() const { return nextjsobj != 0; } BSONObj nextJsObj() { if ( nextjsobj == data ) { nextjsobj += strlen(data) + 1; // skip namespace massert( 13066 , "Message contains no documents", theEnd > nextjsobj ); } massert( 10304 , "Client Error: Remaining data too small for BSON object", theEnd - nextjsobj > 3 ); BSONObj js(nextjsobj); massert( 10305 , "Client Error: Invalid object size", js.objsize() > 3 ); massert( 10306 , "Client Error: Next object larger than space left in message", js.objsize() < ( theEnd - data ) ); if ( objcheck && !js.valid() ) { massert( 10307 , "Client Error: bad object in message", false); } nextjsobj += js.objsize(); if ( nextjsobj >= theEnd ) nextjsobj = 0; return js; } const Message& msg() const { return m; } void markSet() { mark = nextjsobj; } void markReset() { nextjsobj = mark; } private: const Message& m; int* reserved; const char *data; const char *nextjsobj; const char *theEnd; const char * mark; }; /* a request to run a query, received from the database */ class QueryMessage { public: const char *ns; int ntoskip; int ntoreturn; int queryOptions; BSONObj query; BSONObj fields; /* parses the message into the above fields */ QueryMessage(DbMessage& d) { ns = d.getns(); ntoskip = d.pullInt(); ntoreturn = d.pullInt(); query = d.nextJsObj(); if ( d.moreJSObjs() ) { fields = d.nextJsObj(); } queryOptions = d.msg().header()->dataAsInt(); } }; } // namespace mongo #include "../client/dbclient.h" namespace mongo { inline void replyToQuery(int queryResultFlags, AbstractMessagingPort* p, Message& requestMsg, void *data, int size, int nReturned, int startingFrom = 0, long long cursorId = 0 ) { BufBuilder b(32768); b.skip(sizeof(QueryResult)); b.appendBuf(data, size); QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) b.buf(); qr->_resultFlags() = queryResultFlags; qr->len = b.len(); qr->setOperation(opReply); qr->cursorId = cursorId; qr->startingFrom = startingFrom; qr->nReturned = nReturned; b.decouple(); Message resp(qr, true); p->reply(requestMsg, resp, requestMsg.header()->id); } } // namespace mongo //#include "bsonobj.h" #include "instance.h" namespace mongo { /* object reply helper. */ inline void replyToQuery(int queryResultFlags, AbstractMessagingPort* p, Message& requestMsg, BSONObj& responseObj) { replyToQuery(queryResultFlags, p, requestMsg, (void *) responseObj.objdata(), responseObj.objsize(), 1); } /* helper to do a reply using a DbResponse object */ inline void replyToQuery(int queryResultFlags, Message &m, DbResponse &dbresponse, BSONObj obj) { BufBuilder b; b.skip(sizeof(QueryResult)); b.appendBuf((void*) obj.objdata(), obj.objsize()); QueryResult* msgdata = (QueryResult *) b.buf(); b.decouple(); QueryResult *qr = msgdata; qr->_resultFlags() = queryResultFlags; qr->len = b.len(); qr->setOperation(opReply); qr->cursorId = 0; qr->startingFrom = 0; qr->nReturned = 1; Message *resp = new Message(); resp->setData(msgdata, true); // transport will free dbresponse.response = resp; dbresponse.responseTo = m.header()->id; } string debugString( Message& m ); } // namespace mongo