// index_key.cpp /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "pch.h" #include "namespace-inl.h" #include "index.h" #include "btree.h" #include "query.h" #include "background.h" namespace mongo { map * IndexPlugin::_plugins; IndexType::IndexType( const IndexPlugin * plugin , const IndexSpec * spec ) : _plugin( plugin ) , _spec( spec ) { } IndexType::~IndexType() { } const BSONObj& IndexType::keyPattern() const { return _spec->keyPattern; } IndexPlugin::IndexPlugin( const string& name ) : _name( name ) { if ( ! _plugins ) _plugins = new map(); (*_plugins)[name] = this; } string IndexPlugin::findPluginName( const BSONObj& keyPattern ) { string pluginName = ""; BSONObjIterator i( keyPattern ); while( i.more() ) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if ( e.type() != String ) continue; uassert( 13007 , "can only have 1 index plugin / bad index key pattern" , pluginName.size() == 0 || pluginName == e.String() ); pluginName = e.String(); } return pluginName; } int IndexType::compare( const BSONObj& l , const BSONObj& r ) const { return l.woCompare( r , _spec->keyPattern ); } void IndexSpec::_init() { assert( keyPattern.objsize() ); // some basics _nFields = keyPattern.nFields(); _sparse = info["sparse"].trueValue(); uassert( 13529 , "sparse only works for single field keys" , ! _sparse || _nFields ); { // build _nullKey BSONObjBuilder b; BSONObjIterator i( keyPattern ); while( i.more() ) { BSONElement e = i.next(); _fieldNames.push_back( e.fieldName() ); _fixed.push_back( BSONElement() ); b.appendNull( "" ); } _nullKey = b.obj(); } { // _nullElt BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendNull( "" ); _nullObj = b.obj(); _nullElt = _nullObj.firstElement(); } { // handle plugins string pluginName = IndexPlugin::findPluginName( keyPattern ); if ( pluginName.size() ) { IndexPlugin * plugin = IndexPlugin::get( pluginName ); if ( ! plugin ) { log() << "warning: can't find plugin [" << pluginName << "]" << endl; } else { _indexType.reset( plugin->generate( this ) ); } } } _finishedInit = true; } void IndexSpec::getKeys( const BSONObj &obj, BSONObjSetDefaultOrder &keys ) const { if ( _indexType.get() ) { //plugin (eg geo) _indexType->getKeys( obj , keys ); return; } vector fieldNames( _fieldNames ); vector fixed( _fixed ); _getKeys( fieldNames , fixed , obj, keys ); if ( keys.empty() && ! _sparse ) keys.insert( _nullKey ); } void IndexSpec::_getKeys( vector fieldNames , vector fixed , const BSONObj &obj, BSONObjSetDefaultOrder &keys ) const { BSONElement arrElt; unsigned arrIdx = ~0; int numNotFound = 0; for( unsigned i = 0; i < fieldNames.size(); ++i ) { if ( *fieldNames[ i ] == '\0' ) continue; BSONElement e = obj.getFieldDottedOrArray( fieldNames[ i ] ); if ( e.eoo() ) { e = _nullElt; // no matching field numNotFound++; } if ( e.type() != Array ) fieldNames[ i ] = ""; // no matching field or non-array match if ( *fieldNames[ i ] == '\0' ) fixed[ i ] = e; // no need for further object expansion (though array expansion still possible) if ( e.type() == Array && arrElt.eoo() ) { // we only expand arrays on a single path -- track the path here arrIdx = i; arrElt = e; } // enforce single array path here if ( e.type() == Array && e.rawdata() != arrElt.rawdata() ) { stringstream ss; ss << "cannot index parallel arrays [" << e.fieldName() << "] [" << arrElt.fieldName() << "]"; uasserted( 10088 , ss.str() ); } } bool allFound = true; // have we found elements for all field names in the key spec? for( vector::const_iterator i = fieldNames.begin(); i != fieldNames.end(); ++i ) { if ( **i != '\0' ) { allFound = false; break; } } if ( _sparse && numNotFound == _nFields ) { // we didn't find any fields // so we're not going to index this document return; } bool insertArrayNull = false; if ( allFound ) { if ( arrElt.eoo() ) { // no terminal array element to expand BSONObjBuilder b(_sizeTracker); for( vector< BSONElement >::iterator i = fixed.begin(); i != fixed.end(); ++i ) b.appendAs( *i, "" ); keys.insert( b.obj() ); } else { // terminal array element to expand, so generate all keys BSONObjIterator i( arrElt.embeddedObject() ); if ( i.more() ) { while( i.more() ) { BSONObjBuilder b(_sizeTracker); for( unsigned j = 0; j < fixed.size(); ++j ) { if ( j == arrIdx ) b.appendAs( i.next(), "" ); else b.appendAs( fixed[ j ], "" ); } keys.insert( b.obj() ); } } else if ( fixed.size() > 1 ) { insertArrayNull = true; } } } else { // nonterminal array element to expand, so recurse assert( !arrElt.eoo() ); BSONObjIterator i( arrElt.embeddedObject() ); if ( i.more() ) { while( i.more() ) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if ( e.type() == Object ) { _getKeys( fieldNames, fixed, e.embeddedObject(), keys ); } } } else { insertArrayNull = true; } } if ( insertArrayNull ) { // x : [] - need to insert undefined BSONObjBuilder b(_sizeTracker); for( unsigned j = 0; j < fixed.size(); ++j ) { if ( j == arrIdx ) { b.appendUndefined( "" ); } else { BSONElement e = fixed[j]; if ( e.eoo() ) b.appendNull( "" ); else b.appendAs( e , "" ); } } keys.insert( b.obj() ); } } bool anyElementNamesMatch( const BSONObj& a , const BSONObj& b ) { BSONObjIterator x(a); while ( x.more() ) { BSONElement e = x.next(); BSONObjIterator y(b); while ( y.more() ) { BSONElement f = y.next(); FieldCompareResult res = compareDottedFieldNames( e.fieldName() , f.fieldName() ); if ( res == SAME || res == LEFT_SUBFIELD || res == RIGHT_SUBFIELD ) return true; } } return false; } IndexSuitability IndexSpec::suitability( const BSONObj& query , const BSONObj& order ) const { if ( _indexType.get() ) return _indexType->suitability( query , order ); return _suitability( query , order ); } IndexSuitability IndexSpec::_suitability( const BSONObj& query , const BSONObj& order ) const { // TODO: optimize if ( anyElementNamesMatch( keyPattern , query ) == 0 && anyElementNamesMatch( keyPattern , order ) == 0 ) return USELESS; return HELPFUL; } IndexSuitability IndexType::suitability( const BSONObj& query , const BSONObj& order ) const { return _spec->_suitability( query , order ); } bool IndexType::scanAndOrderRequired( const BSONObj& query , const BSONObj& order ) const { return ! order.isEmpty(); } }