// json.cpp /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "json.h" #include "../util/builder.h" #include "../util/base64.h" using namespace boost::spirit; namespace mongo { struct ObjectBuilder { BSONObjBuilder *back() { return builders.back().get(); } // Storage for field names of elements within builders.back(). const char *fieldName() { return fieldNames.back().c_str(); } bool empty() const { return builders.size() == 0; } void init() { boost::shared_ptr< BSONObjBuilder > b( new BSONObjBuilder() ); builders.push_back( b ); fieldNames.push_back( "" ); indexes.push_back( 0 ); } void pushObject( const char *fieldName ) { boost::shared_ptr< BSONObjBuilder > b( new BSONObjBuilder( builders.back()->subobjStart( fieldName ) ) ); builders.push_back( b ); fieldNames.push_back( "" ); indexes.push_back( 0 ); } void pushArray( const char *fieldName ) { boost::shared_ptr< BSONObjBuilder > b( new BSONObjBuilder( builders.back()->subarrayStart( fieldName ) ) ); builders.push_back( b ); fieldNames.push_back( "" ); indexes.push_back( 0 ); } BSONObj pop() { BSONObj ret; if ( back()->owned() ) ret = back()->obj(); else ret = back()->done(); builders.pop_back(); fieldNames.pop_back(); indexes.pop_back(); return ret; } void nameFromIndex() { fieldNames.back() = BSONObjBuilder::numStr( indexes.back() ); } string popString() { string ret = ss.str(); ss.str( "" ); return ret; } // Cannot use auto_ptr because its copy constructor takes a non const reference. vector< boost::shared_ptr< BSONObjBuilder > > builders; vector< string > fieldNames; vector< int > indexes; stringstream ss; string ns; OID oid; string binData; BinDataType binDataType; string regex; string regexOptions; unsigned long long date; }; struct objectStart { objectStart( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char &c ) const { if ( b.empty() ) b.init(); else b.pushObject( b.fieldName() ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct arrayStart { arrayStart( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char &c ) const { b.pushArray( b.fieldName() ); b.nameFromIndex(); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct arrayNext { arrayNext( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char &c ) const { ++b.indexes.back(); b.nameFromIndex(); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct ch { ch( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char c ) const { b.ss << c; } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct chE { chE( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char c ) const { char o = '\0'; switch ( c ) { case '\"': o = '\"'; break; case '\'': o = '\''; break; case '\\': o = '\\'; break; case '/': o = '/'; break; case 'b': o = '\b'; break; case 'f': o = '\f'; break; case 'n': o = '\n'; break; case 'r': o = '\r'; break; case 't': o = '\t'; break; default: assert( false ); } b.ss << o; } ObjectBuilder &b; }; namespace hex { int val( char c ) { if ( '0' <= c && c <= '9' ) return c - '0'; if ( 'a' <= c && c <= 'f' ) return c - 'a' + 10; if ( 'A' <= c && c <= 'F' ) return c - 'A' + 10; assert( false ); return 0xff; } char val( const char *c ) { return ( val( c[ 0 ] ) << 4 ) | val( c[ 1 ] ); } } // namespace hex struct chU { chU( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { unsigned char first = hex::val( start ); unsigned char second = hex::val( start + 2 ); if ( first == 0 && second < 0x80 ) b.ss << second; else if ( first < 0x08 ) { b.ss << char( 0xc0 | ( ( first << 2 ) | ( second >> 6 ) ) ); b.ss << char( 0x80 | ( ~0xc0 & second ) ); } else { b.ss << char( 0xe0 | ( first >> 4 ) ); b.ss << char( 0x80 | ( ~0xc0 & ( ( first << 2 ) | ( second >> 6 ) ) ) ); b.ss << char( 0x80 | ( ~0xc0 & second ) ); } } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct chClear { chClear( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char c ) const { b.popString(); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct fieldNameEnd { fieldNameEnd( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { string name = b.popString(); massert( "Invalid use of reserved field name", name != "$oid" && name != "$binary" && name != "$type" && name != "$date" && name != "$regex" && name != "$options" ); b.fieldNames.back() = name; } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct unquotedFieldNameEnd { unquotedFieldNameEnd( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { string name( start, end ); b.fieldNames.back() = name; } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct stringEnd { stringEnd( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.back()->append( b.fieldName(), b.popString() ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct numberValue { numberValue( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( double d ) const { b.back()->append( b.fieldName(), d ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct intValue { intValue( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( long long num ) const { if (num >= numeric_limits::min() && num <= numeric_limits::max()) b.back()->append( b.fieldName(), (int)num ); else b.back()->append( b.fieldName(), num ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct subobjectEnd { subobjectEnd( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.pop(); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct arrayEnd { arrayEnd( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.pop(); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct trueValue { trueValue( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.back()->appendBool( b.fieldName(), true ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct falseValue { falseValue( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.back()->appendBool( b.fieldName(), false ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct nullValue { nullValue( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.back()->appendNull( b.fieldName() ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct dbrefNS { dbrefNS( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.ns = b.popString(); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; // NOTE s must be 24 characters. OID stringToOid( const char *s ) { OID oid; char *oidP = (char *)( &oid ); for ( int i = 0; i < 12; ++i ) oidP[ i ] = hex::val( s + ( i * 2 ) ); return oid; } struct oidValue { oidValue( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.oid = stringToOid( start ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct dbrefEnd { dbrefEnd( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.back()->appendDBRef( b.fieldName(), b.ns.c_str(), b.oid ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct oidEnd { oidEnd( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.back()->appendOID( b.fieldName(), &b.oid ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct binDataBinary { binDataBinary( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { massert( "Badly formatted bindata", ( end - start ) % 4 == 0 ); string encoded( start, end ); b.binData = base64::decode( encoded ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct binDataType { binDataType( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.binDataType = BinDataType( hex::val( start ) ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct binDataEnd { binDataEnd( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.back()->appendBinData( b.fieldName(), b.binData.length(), b.binDataType, b.binData.data() ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct dateValue { dateValue( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( unsigned long long v ) const { b.date = v; } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct dateEnd { dateEnd( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.back()->appendDate( b.fieldName(), b.date ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct regexValue { regexValue( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.regex = b.popString(); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct regexOptions { regexOptions( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.regexOptions = string( start, end ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; struct regexEnd { regexEnd( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} void operator() ( const char *start, const char *end ) const { b.back()->appendRegex( b.fieldName(), b.regex.c_str(), b.regexOptions.c_str() ); } ObjectBuilder &b; }; // One gotcha with this parsing library is probably best ilustrated with an // example. Say we have a production like this: // z = ( ch_p( 'a' )[ foo ] >> ch_p( 'b' ) ) | ( ch_p( 'a' )[ foo ] >> ch_p( 'c' ) ); // On input "ac", action foo() will be called twice -- once as the parser tries // to match "ab", again as the parser successfully matches "ac". Sometimes // the grammar can be modified to eliminate these situations. Here, for example: // z = ch_p( 'a' )[ foo ] >> ( ch_p( 'b' ) | ch_p( 'c' ) ); // However, this is not always possible. In my implementation I've tried to // stick to the following pattern: store fields fed to action callbacks // temporarily as ObjectBuilder members, then append to a BSONObjBuilder once // the parser has completely matched a nonterminal and won't backtrack. It's // worth noting here that this parser follows a short-circuit convention. So, // in the original z example on line 3, if the input was "ab", foo() would only // be called once. struct JsonGrammar : public grammar< JsonGrammar > { public: JsonGrammar( ObjectBuilder &_b ) : b( _b ) {} template < typename ScannerT > struct definition { definition( JsonGrammar const &self ) { object = ch_p( '{' )[ objectStart( self.b ) ] >> !members >> '}'; members = list_p((fieldName >> ':' >> value) , ','); fieldName = str[ fieldNameEnd( self.b ) ] | singleQuoteStr[ fieldNameEnd( self.b ) ] | unquotedFieldName[ unquotedFieldNameEnd( self.b ) ]; array = ch_p( '[' )[ arrayStart( self.b ) ] >> !elements >> ']'; elements = list_p(value, ch_p(',')[arrayNext( self.b )]); value = oid[ oidEnd( self.b ) ] | dbref[ dbrefEnd( self.b ) ] | bindata[ binDataEnd( self.b ) ] | date[ dateEnd( self.b ) ] | regex[ regexEnd( self.b ) ] | str[ stringEnd( self.b ) ] | singleQuoteStr[ stringEnd( self.b ) ] | number | integer | object[ subobjectEnd( self.b ) ] | array[ arrayEnd( self.b ) ] | lexeme_d[ str_p( "true" ) ][ trueValue( self.b ) ] | lexeme_d[ str_p( "false" ) ][ falseValue( self.b ) ] | lexeme_d[ str_p( "null" ) ][ nullValue( self.b ) ]; // NOTE lexeme_d and rules don't mix well, so we have this mess. // NOTE We use range_p rather than cntrl_p, because the latter is locale dependent. str = lexeme_d[ ch_p( '"' )[ chClear( self.b ) ] >> *( ( ch_p( '\\' ) >> ( ch_p( '"' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( '\\' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( '/' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'b' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'f' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'n' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'r' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 't' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ( ch_p( 'u' ) >> ( repeat_p( 4 )[ xdigit_p ][ chU( self.b ) ] ) ) ) ) | ( ~range_p( 0x00, 0x1f ) & ~ch_p( '"' ) & ( ~ch_p( '\\' ) )[ ch( self.b ) ] ) ) >> '"' ]; singleQuoteStr = lexeme_d[ ch_p( '\'' )[ chClear( self.b ) ] >> *( ( ch_p( '\\' ) >> ( ch_p( '\'' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( '\\' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( '/' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'b' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'f' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'n' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'r' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 't' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ( ch_p( 'u' ) >> ( repeat_p( 4 )[ xdigit_p ][ chU( self.b ) ] ) ) ) ) | ( ~range_p( 0x00, 0x1f ) & ~ch_p( '\'' ) & ( ~ch_p( '\\' ) )[ ch( self.b ) ] ) ) >> '\'' ]; // real_p accepts numbers with nonsignificant zero prefixes, which // aren't allowed in JSON. Oh well. number = strict_real_p[ numberValue( self.b ) ]; static int_parser::digits10 + 1> long_long_p; integer = long_long_p[ intValue(self.b) ]; // We allow a subset of valid js identifier names here. unquotedFieldName = lexeme_d[ ( alpha_p | ch_p( '$' ) | ch_p( '_' ) ) >> *( ( alnum_p | ch_p( '$' ) | ch_p( '_' )) ) ]; dbref = dbrefS | dbrefT; dbrefS = ch_p( '{' ) >> "\"$ref\"" >> ':' >> str[ dbrefNS( self.b ) ] >> ',' >> "\"$id\"" >> ':' >> quotedOid >> '}'; dbrefT = str_p( "Dbref" ) >> '(' >> str[ dbrefNS( self.b ) ] >> ',' >> quotedOid >> ')'; oid = oidS | oidT; oidS = ch_p( '{' ) >> "\"$oid\"" >> ':' >> quotedOid >> '}'; oidT = str_p( "ObjectId" ) >> '(' >> quotedOid >> ')'; quotedOid = lexeme_d[ '"' >> ( repeat_p( 24 )[ xdigit_p ] )[ oidValue( self.b ) ] >> '"' ]; bindata = ch_p( '{' ) >> "\"$binary\"" >> ':' >> lexeme_d[ '"' >> ( *( range_p( 'A', 'Z' ) | range_p( 'a', 'z' ) | range_p( '0', '9' ) | ch_p( '+' ) | ch_p( '/' ) ) >> *ch_p( '=' ) )[ binDataBinary( self.b ) ] >> '"' ] >> ',' >> "\"$type\"" >> ':' >> lexeme_d[ '"' >> ( repeat_p( 2 )[ xdigit_p ] )[ binDataType( self.b ) ] >> '"' ] >> '}'; date = dateS | dateT; dateS = ch_p( '{' ) >> "\"$date\"" >> ':' >> uint_parser< unsigned long long >()[ dateValue( self.b ) ] >> '}'; dateT = str_p( "Date" ) >> '(' >> uint_parser< unsigned long long >()[ dateValue( self.b ) ] >> ')'; regex = regexS | regexT; regexS = ch_p( '{' ) >> "\"$regex\"" >> ':' >> str[ regexValue( self.b ) ] >> ',' >> "\"$options\"" >> ':' >> lexeme_d[ '"' >> ( *( alpha_p ) )[ regexOptions( self.b ) ] >> '"' ] >> '}'; // FIXME Obviously it would be nice to unify this with str. regexT = lexeme_d[ ch_p( '/' )[ chClear( self.b ) ] >> *( ( ch_p( '\\' ) >> ( ch_p( '"' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( '\\' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( '/' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'b' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'f' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'n' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 'r' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ch_p( 't' )[ chE( self.b ) ] | ( ch_p( 'u' ) >> ( repeat_p( 4 )[ xdigit_p ][ chU( self.b ) ] ) ) ) ) | ( ~range_p( 0x00, 0x1f ) & ~ch_p( '/' ) & ( ~ch_p( '\\' ) )[ ch( self.b ) ] ) ) >> str_p( "/" )[ regexValue( self.b ) ] >> ( *( ch_p( 'i' ) | ch_p( 'g' ) | ch_p( 'm' ) ) )[ regexOptions( self.b ) ] ]; } rule< ScannerT > object, members, array, elements, value, str, number, integer, dbref, dbrefS, dbrefT, oid, oidS, oidT, bindata, date, dateS, dateT, regex, regexS, regexT, quotedOid, fieldName, unquotedFieldName, singleQuoteStr; const rule< ScannerT > &start() const { return object; } }; ObjectBuilder &b; }; BSONObj fromjson( const char *str ) { if ( ! strlen(str) ) return BSONObj(); ObjectBuilder b; JsonGrammar parser( b ); parse_info<> result = parse( str, parser, space_p ); if ( !result.full ) { int len = strlen( result.stop ); if ( len > 10 ) len = 10; stringstream ss; ss << "Failure parsing JSON string near: " << string( result.stop, len ); massert( ss.str(), false ); } return b.pop(); } BSONObj fromjson( const string &str ) { return fromjson( str.c_str() ); } } // namespace mongo