// oplog.h - writing to and reading from oplog /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* local.oplog.$main is the default */ #pragma once #include "pdfile.h" #include "db.h" #include "dbhelpers.h" #include "query.h" #include "queryoptimizer.h" #include "../client/dbclient.h" #include "../util/optime.h" #include "../util/timer.h" namespace mongo { void createOplog(); void _logOpObjRS(const BSONObj& op); /** Write operation to the log (local.oplog.$main) @param opstr "i" insert "u" update "d" delete "c" db cmd "n" no-op "db" declares presence of a database (ns is set to the db name + '.') See _logOp() in oplog.cpp for more details. */ void logOp(const char *opstr, const char *ns, const BSONObj& obj, BSONObj *patt = 0, bool *b = 0); void logKeepalive(); /** puts obj in the oplog as a comment (a no-op). Just for diags. convention is { msg : "text", ... } */ void logOpComment(const BSONObj& obj); void oplogCheckCloseDatabase( Database * db ); extern int __findingStartInitialTimeout; // configurable for testing class FindingStartCursor { public: FindingStartCursor( const QueryPlan & qp ) : _qp( qp ), _findingStart( true ), _findingStartMode(), _findingStartTimer( 0 ), _findingStartCursor( 0 ) { init(); } bool done() const { return !_findingStart; } shared_ptr cRelease() { return _c; } void next() { if ( !_findingStartCursor || !_findingStartCursor->c->ok() ) { _findingStart = false; _c = _qp.newCursor(); // on error, start from beginning destroyClientCursor(); return; } switch( _findingStartMode ) { case Initial: { if ( !_matcher->matches( _findingStartCursor->c->currKey(), _findingStartCursor->c->currLoc() ) ) { _findingStart = false; // found first record out of query range, so scan normally _c = _qp.newCursor( _findingStartCursor->c->currLoc() ); destroyClientCursor(); return; } _findingStartCursor->c->advance(); RARELY { if ( _findingStartTimer.seconds() >= __findingStartInitialTimeout ) { createClientCursor( startLoc( _findingStartCursor->c->currLoc() ) ); _findingStartMode = FindExtent; return; } } return; } case FindExtent: { if ( !_matcher->matches( _findingStartCursor->c->currKey(), _findingStartCursor->c->currLoc() ) ) { _findingStartMode = InExtent; return; } DiskLoc prev = prevLoc( _findingStartCursor->c->currLoc() ); if ( prev.isNull() ) { // hit beginning, so start scanning from here createClientCursor(); _findingStartMode = InExtent; return; } // There might be a more efficient implementation than creating new cursor & client cursor each time, // not worrying about that for now createClientCursor( prev ); return; } case InExtent: { if ( _matcher->matches( _findingStartCursor->c->currKey(), _findingStartCursor->c->currLoc() ) ) { _findingStart = false; // found first record in query range, so scan normally _c = _qp.newCursor( _findingStartCursor->c->currLoc() ); destroyClientCursor(); return; } _findingStartCursor->c->advance(); return; } default: { massert( 12600, "invalid _findingStartMode", false ); } } } bool prepareToYield() { if ( _findingStartCursor ) { return _findingStartCursor->prepareToYield( _yieldData ); } return true; } void recoverFromYield() { if ( _findingStartCursor ) { if ( !ClientCursor::recoverFromYield( _yieldData ) ) { _findingStartCursor = 0; } } } private: enum FindingStartMode { Initial, FindExtent, InExtent }; const QueryPlan &_qp; bool _findingStart; FindingStartMode _findingStartMode; auto_ptr< CoveredIndexMatcher > _matcher; Timer _findingStartTimer; ClientCursor * _findingStartCursor; shared_ptr _c; ClientCursor::YieldData _yieldData; DiskLoc startLoc( const DiskLoc &rec ) { Extent *e = rec.rec()->myExtent( rec ); if ( !_qp.nsd()->capLooped() || ( e->myLoc != _qp.nsd()->capExtent ) ) return e->firstRecord; // Likely we are on the fresh side of capExtent, so return first fresh record. // If we are on the stale side of capExtent, then the collection is small and it // doesn't matter if we start the extent scan with capFirstNewRecord. return _qp.nsd()->capFirstNewRecord; } // should never have an empty extent in the oplog, so don't worry about that case DiskLoc prevLoc( const DiskLoc &rec ) { Extent *e = rec.rec()->myExtent( rec ); if ( _qp.nsd()->capLooped() ) { if ( e->xprev.isNull() ) e = _qp.nsd()->lastExtent.ext(); else e = e->xprev.ext(); if ( e->myLoc != _qp.nsd()->capExtent ) return e->firstRecord; } else { if ( !e->xprev.isNull() ) { e = e->xprev.ext(); return e->firstRecord; } } return DiskLoc(); // reached beginning of collection } void createClientCursor( const DiskLoc &startLoc = DiskLoc() ) { shared_ptr c = _qp.newCursor( startLoc ); _findingStartCursor = new ClientCursor(QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout, c, _qp.ns()); } void destroyClientCursor() { if ( _findingStartCursor ) { ClientCursor::erase( _findingStartCursor->cursorid ); _findingStartCursor = 0; } } void init() { // Use a ClientCursor here so we can release db mutex while scanning // oplog (can take quite a while with large oplogs). shared_ptr c = _qp.newReverseCursor(); _findingStartCursor = new ClientCursor(QueryOption_NoCursorTimeout, c, _qp.ns(), BSONObj()); _findingStartTimer.reset(); _findingStartMode = Initial; BSONElement tsElt = _qp.originalQuery()[ "ts" ]; massert( 13044, "no ts field in query", !tsElt.eoo() ); BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( tsElt ); BSONObj tsQuery = b.obj(); _matcher.reset(new CoveredIndexMatcher(tsQuery, _qp.indexKey())); } }; void pretouchOperation(const BSONObj& op); void pretouchN(vector&, unsigned a, unsigned b); void applyOperation_inlock(const BSONObj& op); }