// rs_config.h // repl set configuration // /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "../../util/net/hostandport.h" #include "../../util/concurrency/race.h" #include "health.h" namespace mongo { class Member; const string rsConfigNs = "local.system.replset"; class ReplSetConfig { enum { EMPTYCONFIG = -2 }; struct TagSubgroup; public: /** * This contacts the given host and tries to get a config from them. * * This sends a test heartbeat to the host and, if all goes well and the * host has a more recent config, fetches the config and loads it (see * from(). * * If it's contacting itself, it skips the heartbeat (for obvious * reasons.) If something is misconfigured, throws an exception. If the * host couldn't be queried or is just blank, ok() will be false. */ ReplSetConfig(const HostAndPort& h); ReplSetConfig(BSONObj cfg, bool force=false); bool ok() const { return _ok; } struct TagRule; struct MemberCfg { MemberCfg() : _id(-1), votes(1), priority(1.0), arbiterOnly(false), slaveDelay(0), hidden(false), buildIndexes(true) { } int _id; /* ordinal */ unsigned votes; /* how many votes this node gets. default 1. */ HostAndPort h; double priority; /* 0 means can never be primary */ bool arbiterOnly; int slaveDelay; /* seconds. int rather than unsigned for convenient to/front bson conversion. */ bool hidden; /* if set, don't advertise to drives in isMaster. for non-primaries (priority 0) */ bool buildIndexes; /* if false, do not create any non-_id indexes */ map tags; /* tagging for data center, rack, etc. */ private: set _groups; // the subgroups this member belongs to public: const set& groups() const { return _groups; } set& groupsw() { return _groups; } void check() const; /* check validity, assert if not. */ BSONObj asBson() const; bool potentiallyHot() const { return !arbiterOnly && priority > 0; } void updateGroups(const OpTime& last) { for (set::iterator it = _groups.begin(); it != _groups.end(); it++) { ((TagSubgroup*)(*it))->updateLast(last); } } bool operator==(const MemberCfg& r) const { if (!tags.empty() || !r.tags.empty()) { if (tags.size() != r.tags.size()) { return false; } // if they are the same size and not equal, at least one // element in A must be different in B for (map::const_iterator lit = tags.begin(); lit != tags.end(); lit++) { map::const_iterator rit = r.tags.find((*lit).first); if (rit == r.tags.end() || (*lit).second != (*rit).second) { return false; } } } return _id==r._id && votes == r.votes && h == r.h && priority == r.priority && arbiterOnly == r.arbiterOnly && slaveDelay == r.slaveDelay && hidden == r.hidden && buildIndexes == buildIndexes; } bool operator!=(const MemberCfg& r) const { return !(*this == r); } }; vector members; string _id; int version; HealthOptions ho; string md5; BSONObj getLastErrorDefaults; map rules; list otherMemberHostnames() const; // except self /** @return true if could connect, and there is no cfg object there at all */ bool empty() const { return version == EMPTYCONFIG; } string toString() const { return asBson().toString(); } /** validate the settings. does not call check() on each member, you have to do that separately. */ void checkRsConfig() const; /** check if modification makes sense */ static bool legalChange(const ReplSetConfig& old, const ReplSetConfig& n, string& errmsg); //static void receivedNewConfig(BSONObj); void saveConfigLocally(BSONObj comment); // to local db string saveConfigEverywhere(); // returns textual info on what happened /** * Update members' groups when the config changes but members stay the same. */ void updateMembers(List1 &dest); BSONObj asBson() const; /** * Getter and setter for _majority. This is almost always * members.size()/2+1, but can be the number of non-arbiter members if * there are more arbiters than non-arbiters (writing to 3 out of 7 * servers is safe if 4 of the servers are arbiters). */ void setMajority(); int getMajority() const; bool _constructed; private: bool _ok; int _majority; void from(BSONObj); void clear(); struct TagClause; /** * This is a logical grouping of servers. It is pointed to by a set of * servers with a certain tag. * * For example, suppose servers A, B, and C have the tag "dc" : "nyc". If we * have a rule {"dc" : 2}, then we want A _or_ B _or_ C to have the * write for one of the "dc" critiria to be fulfilled, so all three will * point to this subgroup. When one of their oplog-tailing cursors is * updated, this subgroup is updated. */ struct TagSubgroup : boost::noncopyable { ~TagSubgroup(); // never called; not defined TagSubgroup(string nm) : name(nm) { } const string name; OpTime last; vector clauses; // this probably won't actually point to valid members after the // subgroup is created, as initFromConfig() makes a copy of the // config set m; void updateLast(const OpTime& op); //string toString() const; /** * If two tags have the same name, they should compare as equal so * that members don't have to update two identical groups on writes. */ bool operator() (TagSubgroup& lhs, TagSubgroup& rhs) const { return lhs.name < rhs.name; } }; /** * An argument in a rule. For example, if we had the rule {dc : 2, * machines : 3}, "dc" : 2 and "machines" : 3 would be two TagClauses. * * Each tag clause has a set of associated subgroups. For example, if * we had "dc" : 2, our subgroups might be "nyc", "sf", and "hk". */ struct TagClause { OpTime last; map subgroups; TagRule *rule; string name; /** * If we have get a clause like {machines : 3} and this server is * tagged with "machines", then it's really {machines : 2}, as we * will always be up-to-date. So, target would be 3 and * actualTarget would be 2, in that example. */ int target; int actualTarget; void updateLast(const OpTime& op); string toString() const; }; /** * Parses getLastErrorModes. */ void parseRules(const BSONObj& modes); /** * Create a hash containing every possible clause that could be used in a * rule and the servers related to that clause. * * For example, suppose we have the following servers: * A {"dc" : "ny", "ny" : "rk1"} * B {"dc" : "ny", "ny" : "rk1"} * C {"dc" : "ny", "ny" : "rk2"} * D {"dc" : "sf", "sf" : "rk1"} * E {"dc" : "sf", "sf" : "rk2"} * * This would give us the possible criteria: * "dc" -> {A, B, C},{D, E} * "ny" -> {A, B},{C} * "sf" -> {D},{E} */ void _populateTagMap(map &tagMap); public: struct TagRule { vector clauses; OpTime last; void updateLast(const OpTime& op); string toString() const; }; }; }