/* * Copyright (C) 2010 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // client.cpp #include "pch.h" #include "../client/dbclient.h" #include "dbtests.h" #include "../db/concurrency.h" namespace ClientTests { class Base { public: Base( string coll ) { _ns = (string)"test." + coll; } virtual ~Base() { db.dropCollection( _ns ); } const char * ns() { return _ns.c_str(); } string _ns; DBDirectClient db; }; class DropIndex : public Base { public: DropIndex() : Base( "dropindex" ) {} void run() { db.insert( ns() , BSON( "x" << 2 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); db.ensureIndex( ns() , BSON( "x" << 1 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); db.dropIndex( ns() , BSON( "x" << 1 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); db.ensureIndex( ns() , BSON( "x" << 1 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); db.dropIndexes( ns() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); } }; class ReIndex : public Base { public: ReIndex() : Base( "reindex" ) {} void run() { db.insert( ns() , BSON( "x" << 2 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); db.ensureIndex( ns() , BSON( "x" << 1 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); db.reIndex( ns() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); } }; class ReIndex2 : public Base { public: ReIndex2() : Base( "reindex2" ) {} void run() { db.insert( ns() , BSON( "x" << 2 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); db.ensureIndex( ns() , BSON( "x" << 1 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); BSONObj out; ASSERT( db.runCommand( "test" , BSON( "reIndex" << "reindex2" ) , out ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2 , out["nIndexes"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2 , db.getIndexes( ns() )->itcount() ); } }; class CS_10 : public Base { public: CS_10() : Base( "CS_10" ) {} void run() { string longs( 770, 'c' ); for( int i = 0; i < 1111; ++i ) db.insert( ns(), BSON( "a" << i << "b" << longs ) ); db.ensureIndex( ns(), BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ) ); auto_ptr< DBClientCursor > c = db.query( ns(), Query().sort( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1111, c->itcount() ); } }; class PushBack : public Base { public: PushBack() : Base( "PushBack" ) {} void run() { for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) db.insert( ns(), BSON( "i" << i ) ); auto_ptr< DBClientCursor > c = db.query( ns(), Query().sort( BSON( "i" << 1 ) ) ); BSONObj o = c->next(); ASSERT( c->more() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 9 , c->objsLeftInBatch() ); ASSERT( c->moreInCurrentBatch() ); c->putBack( o ); ASSERT( c->more() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 10, c->objsLeftInBatch() ); ASSERT( c->moreInCurrentBatch() ); o = c->next(); BSONObj o2 = c->next(); BSONObj o3 = c->next(); c->putBack( o3 ); c->putBack( o2 ); c->putBack( o ); for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { o = c->next(); ASSERT_EQUALS( i, o[ "i" ].number() ); } ASSERT( !c->more() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, c->objsLeftInBatch() ); ASSERT( !c->moreInCurrentBatch() ); c->putBack( o ); ASSERT( c->more() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, c->objsLeftInBatch() ); ASSERT( c->moreInCurrentBatch() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1, c->itcount() ); } }; class Create : public Base { public: Create() : Base( "Create" ) {} void run() { db.createCollection( "unittests.clienttests.create", 4096, true ); BSONObj info; ASSERT( db.runCommand( "unittests", BSON( "collstats" << "clienttests.create" ), info ) ); } }; class ConnectionStringTests { public: void run() { { ConnectionString s( "a/b,c,d" , ConnectionString::SET ); ASSERT_EQUALS( ConnectionString::SET , s.type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "a" , s.getSetName() ); vector v = s.getServers(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 3U , v.size() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "b" , v[0].host() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "c" , v[1].host() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "d" , v[2].host() ); } } }; class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite( "client" ) { } void setupTests() { add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); add(); } } all; }