// javajstests.cpp // /** * Copyright (C) 2009 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "../db/instance.h" #include "../stdafx.h" #include "../scripting/engine.h" #include "dbtests.h" namespace mongo { bool dbEval(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmd, BSONObjBuilder& result, string& errmsg); } // namespace mongo namespace JSTests { class Fundamental { public: void run() { // By calling JavaJSImpl() inside run(), we ensure the unit test framework's // signal handlers are pre-installed from JNI's perspective. This allows // JNI to catch signals generated within the JVM and forward other signals // as appropriate. ScriptEngine::setup(); globalScriptEngine->runTest(); } }; class BasicScope { public: void run(){ auto_ptr s; s.reset( globalScriptEngine->createScope() ); s->setNumber( "x" , 5 ); ASSERT( 5 == s->getNumber( "x" ) ); s->setNumber( "x" , 1.67 ); ASSERT( 1.67 == s->getNumber( "x" ) ); s->setString( "s" , "eliot was here" ); ASSERT( "eliot was here" == s->getString( "s" ) ); s->setBoolean( "b" , true ); ASSERT( s->getBoolean( "b" ) ); if ( 0 ){ s->setBoolean( "b" , false ); ASSERT( ! s->getBoolean( "b" ) ); } } }; class FalseTests { public: void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); ASSERT( ! s->getBoolean( "x" ) ); s->setString( "z" , "" ); ASSERT( ! s->getBoolean( "z" ) ); delete s ; } }; class SimpleFunctions { public: void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); s->invoke( "x=5;" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT( 5 == s->getNumber( "x" ) ); s->invoke( "return 17;" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT( 17 == s->getNumber( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "function(){ return 17; }" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT( 17 == s->getNumber( "return" ) ); s->setNumber( "x" , 1.76 ); s->invoke( "return x == 1.76; " , BSONObj() ); ASSERT( s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->setNumber( "x" , 1.76 ); s->invoke( "return x == 1.79; " , BSONObj() ); ASSERT( ! s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "function( z ){ return 5 + z; }" , BSON( "" << 11 ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 16 , s->getNumber( "return" ) ); delete s; } }; class ObjectMapping { public: void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); BSONObj o = BSON( "x" << 17 << "y" << "eliot" << "z" << "sara" ); s->setObject( "blah" , o ); s->invoke( "return blah.x;" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 17 , s->getNumber( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "return blah.y;" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "eliot" , s->getString( "return" ) ); s->setThis( & o ); s->invoke( "return this.z;" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( "sara" , s->getString( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "return this.z == 'sara';" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( true , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "this.z == 'sara';" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( true , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "this.z == 'asara';" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "return this.x == 17;" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( true , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "return this.x == 18;" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "function(){ return this.x == 17; }" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( true , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "function(){ return this.x == 18; }" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "function (){ return this.x == 17; }" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( true , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "function z(){ return this.x == 18; }" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "function (){ this.x == 17; }" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "function z(){ this.x == 18; }" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false , s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "x = 5; for( ; x <10; x++){ a = 1; }" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 10 , s->getNumber( "x" ) ); delete s; } }; class ObjectDecoding { public: void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); s->invoke( "z = { num : 1 };" , BSONObj() ); BSONObj out = s->getObject( "z" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 , out["num"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 , out.nFields() ); s->invoke( "z = { x : 'eliot' };" , BSONObj() ); out = s->getObject( "z" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( (string)"eliot" , out["x"].valuestr() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 , out.nFields() ); BSONObj o = BSON( "x" << 17 ); s->setObject( "blah" , o ); out = s->getObject( "blah" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 17 , out["x"].number() ); delete s; } }; class JSOIDTests { public: void run(){ #ifdef MOZJS Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); s->localConnect( "blah" ); s->invoke( "z = { _id : new ObjectId() , a : 123 };" , BSONObj() ); BSONObj out = s->getObject( "z" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 123 , out["a"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( jstOID , out["_id"].type() ); OID save = out["_id"].__oid(); s->setObject( "a" , out ); s->invoke( "y = { _id : a._id , a : 124 };" , BSONObj() ); out = s->getObject( "y" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 124 , out["a"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( jstOID , out["_id"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( out["_id"].__oid().str() , save.str() ); s->invoke( "y = { _id : new ObjectId( a._id ) , a : 125 };" , BSONObj() ); out = s->getObject( "y" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 125 , out["a"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( jstOID , out["_id"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( out["_id"].__oid().str() , save.str() ); delete s; #endif } }; class ObjectModTests { public: void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); BSONObj o = BSON( "x" << 17 << "y" << "eliot" << "z" << "sara" ); s->setObject( "blah" , o , true ); s->invoke( "blah.a = 19;" , BSONObj() ); BSONObj out = s->getObject( "blah" ); ASSERT( out["a"].eoo() ); delete s; } }; class OtherJSTypes { public: void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); { // date BSONObj o; { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendDate( "d" , 123456789 ); o = b.obj(); } s->setObject( "x" , o ); s->invoke( "return x.d.getTime() != 12;" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( true, s->getBoolean( "return" ) ); s->invoke( "z = x.d.getTime();" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 123456789 , s->getNumber( "z" ) ); s->invoke( "z = { z : x.d }" , BSONObj() ); BSONObj out = s->getObject( "z" ); ASSERT( out["z"].type() == Date ); } { // regex BSONObj o; { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendRegex( "r" , "^a" , "i" ); o = b.obj(); } s->setObject( "x" , o ); s->invoke( "z = x.r.test( 'b' );" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false , s->getBoolean( "z" ) ); s->invoke( "z = x.r.test( 'a' );" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( true , s->getBoolean( "z" ) ); s->invoke( "z = x.r.test( 'ba' );" , BSONObj() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( false , s->getBoolean( "z" ) ); s->invoke( "z = { a : x.r };" , BSONObj() ); BSONObj out = s->getObject("z"); ASSERT_EQUALS( (string)"^a" , out["a"].regex() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( (string)"i" , out["a"].regexFlags() ); } delete s; } }; class SpecialDBTypes { public: void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendTimestamp( "a" , 123456789 ); b.appendMinKey( "b" ); b.appendMaxKey( "c" ); b.appendTimestamp( "d" , 1234000 , 9876 ); { BSONObj t = b.done(); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1234000U , t["d"].timestampTime() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 9876U , t["d"].timestampInc() ); } s->setObject( "z" , b.obj() ); ASSERT( s->invoke( "y = { a : z.a , b : z.b , c : z.c , d: z.d }" , BSONObj() ) == 0 ); BSONObj out = s->getObject( "y" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( Timestamp , out["a"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( MinKey , out["b"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( MaxKey , out["c"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( Timestamp , out["d"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 9876U , out["d"].timestampInc() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1234000U , out["d"].timestampTime() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 123456789U , out["a"].date() ); delete s; } }; class TypeConservation { public: void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); // -- A -- BSONObj o; { BSONObjBuilder b ; b.append( "a" , (int)5 ); b.append( "b" , 5.6 ); o = b.obj(); } ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberInt , o["a"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , o["b"].type() ); s->setObject( "z" , o ); s->invoke( "return z" , BSONObj() ); BSONObj out = s->getObject( "return" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5 , out["a"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5.6 , out["b"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , out["b"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberInt , out["a"].type() ); // -- B -- { BSONObjBuilder b ; b.append( "a" , (int)5 ); b.append( "b" , 5.6 ); o = b.obj(); } s->setObject( "z" , o , false ); s->invoke( "return z" , BSONObj() ); out = s->getObject( "return" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5 , out["a"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5.6 , out["b"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , out["b"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberInt , out["a"].type() ); // -- C -- { BSONObjBuilder b ; { BSONObjBuilder c; c.append( "0" , 5.5 ); c.append( "1" , 6 ); b.appendArray( "a" , c.obj() ); } o = b.obj(); } ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , o["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["0"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberInt , o["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["1"].type() ); s->setObject( "z" , o , false ); out = s->getObject( "z" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , out["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["0"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberInt , out["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["1"].type() ); s->invokeSafe( "z.z = 5;" , BSONObj() ); out = s->getObject( "z" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5 , out["z"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , out["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["0"].type() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( NumberDouble , out["a"].embeddedObjectUserCheck()["1"].type() ); // TODO: this is technically bad, but here to make sure that i understand the behavior delete s; } }; class WeirdObjects { public: BSONObj build( int depth ){ BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "0" , depth ); if ( depth > 0 ) b.appendArray( "1" , build( depth - 1 ) ); return b.obj(); } void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); s->localConnect( "blah" ); for ( int i=5; i<100 ; i += 10 ){ s->setObject( "a" , build(i) , false ); s->invokeSafe( "tojson( a )" , BSONObj() ); s->setObject( "a" , build(5) , true ); s->invokeSafe( "tojson( a )" , BSONObj() ); } delete s; } }; void dummy_function_to_force_dbeval_cpp_linking() { BSONObj cmd; BSONObjBuilder result; string errmsg; dbEval( "", cmd, result, errmsg); } DBDirectClient client; class Utf8Check { public: Utf8Check() { reset(); } ~Utf8Check() { reset(); } void run() { if( !globalScriptEngine->utf8Ok() ) { log() << "warning: utf8 not supported" << endl; return; } string utf8ObjSpec = "{'_id':'\\u0001\\u007f\\u07ff\\uffff'}"; BSONObj utf8Obj = fromjson( utf8ObjSpec ); client.insert( ns(), utf8Obj ); client.eval( "unittest", "v = db.jstests.utf8check.findOne(); db.jstests.utf8check.remove( {} ); db.jstests.utf8check.insert( v );" ); check( utf8Obj, client.findOne( ns(), BSONObj() ) ); } private: void check( const BSONObj &one, const BSONObj &two ) { if ( one.woCompare( two ) != 0 ) { static string fail = string( "Assertion failure expected " ) + string( one ) + ", got " + string( two ); FAIL( fail.c_str() ); } } void reset() { client.dropCollection( ns() ); } static const char *ns() { return "unittest.jstests.utf8check"; } }; class LongUtf8String { public: LongUtf8String() { reset(); } ~LongUtf8String() { reset(); } void run() { if( !globalScriptEngine->utf8Ok() ) return; client.eval( "unittest", "db.jstests.longutf8string.save( {_id:'\\uffff\\uffff\\uffff\\uffff'} )" ); } private: void reset() { client.dropCollection( ns() ); } static const char *ns() { return "unittest.jstests.longutf8string"; } }; class CodeTests { public: void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "a" , 1 ); b.appendCode( "b" , "function(){ out.b = 11; }" ); b.appendCodeWScope( "c" , "function(){ out.c = 12; }" , BSONObj() ); b.appendCodeWScope( "d" , "function(){ out.d = 13 + bleh; }" , BSON( "bleh" << 5 ) ); s->setObject( "foo" , b.obj() ); } s->invokeSafe( "out = {}; out.a = foo.a; foo.b(); foo.c();" , BSONObj() ); BSONObj out = s->getObject( "out" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 1 , out["a"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 11 , out["b"].number() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 12 , out["c"].number() ); //s->invokeSafe( "foo.d() " , BSONObj() ); //out = s->getObject( "out" ); //ASSERT_EQUALS( 18 , out["d"].number() ); delete s; } }; class DBRefTest { public: DBRefTest(){ _a = "unittest.dbref.a"; _b = "unittest.dbref.b"; reset(); } ~DBRefTest(){ //reset(); } void run(){ client.insert( _a , BSON( "a" << "17" ) ); { BSONObj fromA = client.findOne( _a , BSONObj() ); cout << "Froma : " << fromA << endl; BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "b" , 18 ); b.appendDBRef( "c" , "dbref.a" , fromA["_id"].__oid() ); client.insert( _b , b.obj() ); } ASSERT( client.eval( "unittest" , "x = db.dbref.b.findOne(); assert.eq( 17 , x.c.fetch().a , 'ref working' );" ) ); } void reset(){ client.dropCollection( _a ); client.dropCollection( _b ); } const char * _a; const char * _b; }; class BinDataType { public: void pp( const char * s , BSONElement e ){ int len; const char * data = e.binData( len ); cout << s << ":" << e.binDataType() << "\t" << len << endl; cout << "\t"; for ( int i=0; icreateScope(); s->localConnect( "asd" ); const char * foo = "asdasdasdasd"; BSONObj in; { BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "a" , 7 ); b.appendBinData( "b" , strlen( foo ) , ByteArray , foo ); in = b.obj(); s->setObject( "x" , in ); } s->invokeSafe( "myb = x.b; print( myb ); printjson( myb );" , BSONObj() ); s->invokeSafe( "y = { c : myb };" , BSONObj() ); BSONObj out = s->getObject( "y" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( BinData , out["c"].type() ); //blah( "in " , in["b"] ); //blah( "out" , out["c"] ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 0 , in["b"].woCompare( out["c"] , false ) ); delete s; } }; class VarTests { public: void run(){ Scope * s = globalScriptEngine->createScope(); ASSERT( s->exec( "a = 5;" , "a" , false , true , false ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 5 , s->getNumber("a" ) ); ASSERT( s->exec( "var b = 6;" , "b" , false , true , false ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 6 , s->getNumber("b" ) ); delete s; } }; class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite( "js" ) { } void setupTests(){ add< Fundamental >(); add< BasicScope >(); add< FalseTests >(); add< SimpleFunctions >(); add< ObjectMapping >(); add< ObjectDecoding >(); add< JSOIDTests >(); add< ObjectModTests >(); add< OtherJSTypes >(); add< SpecialDBTypes >(); add< TypeConservation >(); add< WeirdObjects >(); add< Utf8Check >(); add< LongUtf8String >(); add< CodeTests >(); add< DBRefTest >(); add< BinDataType >(); add< VarTests >(); } } myall; } // namespace JavaJSTests