// queryutiltests.cpp : query utility unit tests // /** * Copyright (C) 2009 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "pch.h" #include "../db/queryutil.h" #include "../db/querypattern.h" #include "../db/instance.h" #include "../db/pdfile.h" #include "dbtests.h" namespace QueryUtilTests { namespace FieldRangeTests { class Base { public: virtual ~Base() {} void run() { const FieldRangeSet s( "ns", query(), true ); checkElt( lower(), s.range( "a" ).min() ); checkElt( upper(), s.range( "a" ).max() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( lowerInclusive(), s.range( "a" ).minInclusive() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( upperInclusive(), s.range( "a" ).maxInclusive() ); } protected: virtual BSONObj query() = 0; virtual BSONElement lower() { return minKey.firstElement(); } virtual bool lowerInclusive() { return true; } virtual BSONElement upper() { return maxKey.firstElement(); } virtual bool upperInclusive() { return true; } static void checkElt( BSONElement expected, BSONElement actual ) { if ( expected.woCompare( actual, false ) ) { log() << "expected: " << expected << ", got: " << actual; ASSERT( false ); } } }; class NumericBase : public Base { public: NumericBase() { o = BSON( "min" << -numeric_limits::max() << "max" << numeric_limits::max() ); } virtual BSONElement lower() { return o["min"]; } virtual BSONElement upper() { return o["max"]; } private: BSONObj o; }; class Empty : public Base { virtual BSONObj query() { return BSONObj(); } }; class Eq : public Base { public: Eq() : o_( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) {} virtual BSONObj query() { return o_; } virtual BSONElement lower() { return o_.firstElement(); } virtual BSONElement upper() { return o_.firstElement(); } BSONObj o_; }; class DupEq : public Eq { public: virtual BSONObj query() { return BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 2 << "a" << 1 ); } }; class Lt : public NumericBase { public: Lt() : o_( BSON( "-" << 1 ) ) {} virtual BSONObj query() { return BSON( "a" << LT << 1 ); } virtual BSONElement upper() { return o_.firstElement(); } virtual bool upperInclusive() { return false; } BSONObj o_; }; class Lte : public Lt { virtual BSONObj query() { return BSON( "a" << LTE << 1 ); } virtual bool upperInclusive() { return true; } }; class Gt : public NumericBase { public: Gt() : o_( BSON( "-" << 1 ) ) {} virtual BSONObj query() { return BSON( "a" << GT << 1 ); } virtual BSONElement lower() { return o_.firstElement(); } virtual bool lowerInclusive() { return false; } BSONObj o_; }; class Gte : public Gt { virtual BSONObj query() { return BSON( "a" << GTE << 1 ); } virtual bool lowerInclusive() { return true; } }; class TwoLt : public Lt { virtual BSONObj query() { return BSON( "a" << LT << 1 << LT << 5 ); } }; class TwoGt : public Gt { virtual BSONObj query() { return BSON( "a" << GT << 0 << GT << 1 ); } }; class EqGte : public Eq { virtual BSONObj query() { return BSON( "a" << 1 << "a" << GTE << 1 ); } }; class EqGteInvalid { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet frs( "ns", BSON( "a" << 1 << "a" << GTE << 2 ), true ); ASSERT( !frs.matchPossible() ); } }; struct RegexBase : Base { void run() { //need to only look at first interval FieldRangeSet s( "ns", query(), true ); checkElt( lower(), s.range( "a" ).intervals()[0]._lower._bound ); checkElt( upper(), s.range( "a" ).intervals()[0]._upper._bound ); ASSERT_EQUALS( lowerInclusive(), s.range( "a" ).intervals()[0]._lower._inclusive ); ASSERT_EQUALS( upperInclusive(), s.range( "a" ).intervals()[0]._upper._inclusive ); } }; class Regex : public RegexBase { public: Regex() : o1_( BSON( "" << "abc" ) ), o2_( BSON( "" << "abd" ) ) {} virtual BSONObj query() { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendRegex( "a", "^abc" ); return b.obj(); } virtual BSONElement lower() { return o1_.firstElement(); } virtual BSONElement upper() { return o2_.firstElement(); } virtual bool upperInclusive() { return false; } BSONObj o1_, o2_; }; class RegexObj : public RegexBase { public: RegexObj() : o1_( BSON( "" << "abc" ) ), o2_( BSON( "" << "abd" ) ) {} virtual BSONObj query() { return BSON("a" << BSON("$regex" << "^abc")); } virtual BSONElement lower() { return o1_.firstElement(); } virtual BSONElement upper() { return o2_.firstElement(); } virtual bool upperInclusive() { return false; } BSONObj o1_, o2_; }; class UnhelpfulRegex : public RegexBase { public: UnhelpfulRegex() { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendMinForType("lower", String); b.appendMaxForType("upper", String); limits = b.obj(); } virtual BSONObj query() { BSONObjBuilder b; b.appendRegex( "a", "abc" ); return b.obj(); } virtual BSONElement lower() { return limits["lower"]; } virtual BSONElement upper() { return limits["upper"]; } virtual bool upperInclusive() { return false; } BSONObj limits; }; class In : public Base { public: In() : o1_( BSON( "-" << -3 ) ), o2_( BSON( "-" << 44 ) ) {} virtual BSONObj query() { vector< int > vals; vals.push_back( 4 ); vals.push_back( 8 ); vals.push_back( 44 ); vals.push_back( -1 ); vals.push_back( -3 ); vals.push_back( 0 ); BSONObjBuilder bb; bb.append( "$in", vals ); BSONObjBuilder b; b.append( "a", bb.done() ); return b.obj(); } virtual BSONElement lower() { return o1_.firstElement(); } virtual BSONElement upper() { return o2_.firstElement(); } BSONObj o1_, o2_; }; class Equality { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet s( "ns", BSON( "a" << 1 ), true ); ASSERT( s.range( "a" ).equality() ); FieldRangeSet s2( "ns", BSON( "a" << GTE << 1 << LTE << 1 ), true ); ASSERT( s2.range( "a" ).equality() ); FieldRangeSet s3( "ns", BSON( "a" << GT << 1 << LTE << 1 ), true ); ASSERT( !s3.range( "a" ).equality() ); FieldRangeSet s4( "ns", BSON( "a" << GTE << 1 << LT << 1 ), true ); ASSERT( !s4.range( "a" ).equality() ); FieldRangeSet s5( "ns", BSON( "a" << GTE << 1 << LTE << 1 << GT << 1 ), true ); ASSERT( !s5.range( "a" ).equality() ); FieldRangeSet s6( "ns", BSON( "a" << GTE << 1 << LTE << 1 << LT << 1 ), true ); ASSERT( !s6.range( "a" ).equality() ); } }; class SimplifiedQuery { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet frs( "ns", BSON( "a" << GT << 1 << GT << 5 << LT << 10 << "b" << 4 << "c" << LT << 4 << LT << 6 << "d" << GTE << 0 << GT << 0 << "e" << GTE << 0 << LTE << 10 ), true ); BSONObj simple = frs.simplifiedQuery(); cout << "simple: " << simple << endl; ASSERT( !simple.getObjectField( "a" ).woCompare( fromjson( "{$gt:5,$lt:10}" ) ) ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 4, simple.getIntField( "b" ) ); ASSERT( !simple.getObjectField( "c" ).woCompare( BSON("$gte" << -numeric_limits::max() << "$lt" << 4 ) ) ); ASSERT( !simple.getObjectField( "d" ).woCompare( BSON("$gt" << 0 << "$lte" << numeric_limits::max() ) ) ); ASSERT( !simple.getObjectField( "e" ).woCompare( fromjson( "{$gte:0,$lte:10}" ) ) ); } }; class QueryPatternBase { protected: static QueryPattern p( const BSONObj &query, const BSONObj &sort = BSONObj() ) { return FieldRangeSet( "", query, true ).pattern( sort ); } }; class QueryPatternTest : public QueryPatternBase { public: void run() { ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) == p( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) == p( BSON( "a" << 5 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) != p( BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) != p( BSON( "a" << LTE << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) != p( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 2 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 3 ) ) != p( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << LT << 1 ) ) == p( BSON( "a" << LTE << 5 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << LT << 1 << GTE << 0 ) ) == p( BSON( "a" << LTE << 5 << GTE << 0 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) < p( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( !( p( BSON( "a" << 1 << "b" << 1 ) ) < p( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ), BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) == p( BSON( "a" << 4 ), BSON( "b" << "a" ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ), BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) == p( BSON( "a" << 4 ), BSON( "b" << -1 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ), BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) != p( BSON( "a" << 4 ), BSON( "c" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ), BSON( "b" << 1 << "c" << -1 ) ) == p( BSON( "a" << 4 ), BSON( "b" << -1 << "c" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ), BSON( "b" << 1 << "c" << 1 ) ) != p( BSON( "a" << 4 ), BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << 1 ), BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) != p( BSON( "a" << 4 ), BSON( "b" << 1 << "c" << 1 ) ) ); } }; class QueryPatternNeConstraint : public QueryPatternBase { public: void run() { ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << NE << 5 ) ) != p( BSON( "a" << GT << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << NE << 5 ) ) != p( BSONObj() ) ); ASSERT( p( BSON( "a" << NE << 5 ) ) == p( BSON( "a" << NE << "a" ) ) ); } }; class NoWhere { public: void run() { ASSERT_EQUALS( 0, FieldRangeSet( "ns", BSON( "$where" << 1 ), true ).nNontrivialRanges() ); } }; class Numeric { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet f( "", BSON( "a" << 1 ), true ); ASSERT( f.range( "a" ).min().woCompare( BSON( "a" << 2.0 ).firstElement() ) < 0 ); ASSERT( f.range( "a" ).min().woCompare( BSON( "a" << 0.0 ).firstElement() ) > 0 ); } }; class InLowerBound { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet f( "", fromjson( "{a:{$gt:4,$in:[1,2,3,4,5,6]}}" ), true ); ASSERT( f.range( "a" ).min().woCompare( BSON( "a" << 5.0 ).firstElement(), false ) == 0 ); ASSERT( f.range( "a" ).max().woCompare( BSON( "a" << 6.0 ).firstElement(), false ) == 0 ); } }; class InUpperBound { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet f( "", fromjson( "{a:{$lt:4,$in:[1,2,3,4,5,6]}}" ), true ); ASSERT( f.range( "a" ).min().woCompare( BSON( "a" << 1.0 ).firstElement(), false ) == 0 ); ASSERT( f.range( "a" ).max().woCompare( BSON( "a" << 3.0 ).firstElement(), false ) == 0 ); } }; class UnionBound { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet frs( "", fromjson( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:9},b:{$gt:9,$lt:12}}" ), true ); FieldRange ret = frs.range( "a" ); ret |= frs.range( "b" ); ASSERT_EQUALS( 2U, ret.intervals().size() ); } }; class MultiBound { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet frs1( "", fromjson( "{a:{$in:[1,3,5,7,9]}}" ), true ); FieldRangeSet frs2( "", fromjson( "{a:{$in:[2,3,5,8,9]}}" ), true ); FieldRange fr1 = frs1.range( "a" ); FieldRange fr2 = frs2.range( "a" ); fr1 &= fr2; ASSERT( fr1.min().woCompare( BSON( "a" << 3.0 ).firstElement(), false ) == 0 ); ASSERT( fr1.max().woCompare( BSON( "a" << 9.0 ).firstElement(), false ) == 0 ); vector< FieldInterval > intervals = fr1.intervals(); vector< FieldInterval >::const_iterator j = intervals.begin(); double expected[] = { 3, 5, 9 }; for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i, ++j ) { ASSERT_EQUALS( expected[ i ], j->_lower._bound.number() ); ASSERT( j->_lower._inclusive ); ASSERT( j->_lower == j->_upper ); } ASSERT( j == intervals.end() ); } }; class DiffBase { public: virtual ~DiffBase() {} void run() { FieldRangeSet frs( "", fromjson( obj().toString() ), true ); FieldRange ret = frs.range( "a" ); ret -= frs.range( "b" ); check( ret ); } protected: void check( const FieldRange &fr ) { vector< FieldInterval > fi = fr.intervals(); ASSERT_EQUALS( len(), fi.size() ); int i = 0; for( vector< FieldInterval >::const_iterator j = fi.begin(); j != fi.end(); ++j ) { ASSERT_EQUALS( nums()[ i ], j->_lower._bound.numberInt() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( incs()[ i ], j->_lower._inclusive ); ++i; ASSERT_EQUALS( nums()[ i ], j->_upper._bound.numberInt() ); ASSERT_EQUALS( incs()[ i ], j->_upper._inclusive ); ++i; } } virtual unsigned len() const = 0; virtual const int *nums() const = 0; virtual const bool *incs() const = 0; virtual BSONObj obj() const = 0; }; class TwoRangeBase : public DiffBase { public: TwoRangeBase( string obj, int low, int high, bool lowI, bool highI ) : _obj( obj ) { _n[ 0 ] = low; _n[ 1 ] = high; _b[ 0 ] = lowI; _b[ 1 ] = highI; } private: virtual unsigned len() const { return 1; } virtual const int *nums() const { return _n; } virtual const bool *incs() const { return _b; } virtual BSONObj obj() const { return fromjson( _obj ); } string _obj; int _n[ 2 ]; bool _b[ 2 ]; }; struct Diff1 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff1() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:2},b:{$gt:3,$lt:4}}", 1, 2, false, false ) {} }; struct Diff2 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff2() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:2},b:{$gt:2,$lt:4}}", 1, 2, false, false ) {} }; struct Diff3 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff3() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:2},b:{$gt:2,$lt:4}}", 1, 2, false, true ) {} }; struct Diff4 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff4() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:2},b:{$gte:2,$lt:4}}", 1, 2, false, false) {} }; struct Diff5 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff5() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:2},b:{$gte:2,$lt:4}}", 1, 2, false, false) {} }; struct Diff6 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff6() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:3},b:{$gte:2,$lt:4}}", 1, 2, false, false) {} }; struct Diff7 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff7() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:3},b:{$gt:2,$lt:4}}", 1, 2, false, true) {} }; struct Diff8 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff8() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:4},b:{$gt:2,$lt:4}}", 1, 2, false, true) {} }; struct Diff9 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff9() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:4},b:{$gt:2,$lte:4}}", 1, 2, false, true) {} }; struct Diff10 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff10() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:4},b:{$gt:2,$lte:4}}", 1, 2, false, true) {} }; class SplitRangeBase : public DiffBase { public: SplitRangeBase( string obj, int low1, bool low1I, int high1, bool high1I, int low2, bool low2I, int high2, bool high2I ) : _obj( obj ) { _n[ 0 ] = low1; _n[ 1 ] = high1; _n[ 2 ] = low2; _n[ 3 ] = high2; _b[ 0 ] = low1I; _b[ 1 ] = high1I; _b[ 2 ] = low2I; _b[ 3 ] = high2I; } private: virtual unsigned len() const { return 2; } virtual const int *nums() const { return _n; } virtual const bool *incs() const { return _b; } virtual BSONObj obj() const { return fromjson( _obj ); } string _obj; int _n[ 4 ]; bool _b[ 4 ]; }; struct Diff11 : public SplitRangeBase { Diff11() : SplitRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:4},b:{$gt:2,$lt:4}}", 1, false, 2, true, 4, true, 4, true) {} }; struct Diff12 : public SplitRangeBase { Diff12() : SplitRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:2,$lt:4}}", 1, false, 2, true, 4, true, 5, false) {} }; struct Diff13 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff13() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:1,$lt:4}}", 4, 5, true, false) {} }; struct Diff14 : public SplitRangeBase { Diff14() : SplitRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:1,$lt:4}}", 1, true, 1, true, 4, true, 5, false) {} }; struct Diff15 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff15() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gte:1,$lt:4}}", 4, 5, true, false) {} }; struct Diff16 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff16() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lt:5},b:{$gte:1,$lt:4}}", 4, 5, true, false) {} }; struct Diff17 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff17() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:0,$lt:4}}", 4, 5, true, false) {} }; struct Diff18 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff18() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:0,$lte:4}}", 4, 5, false, false) {} }; struct Diff19 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff19() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:0,$lte:1}}", 1, 5, false, true) {} }; struct Diff20 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff20() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:0,$lte:1}}", 1, 5, false, true) {} }; struct Diff21 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff21() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:0,$lt:1}}", 1, 5, true, true) {} }; struct Diff22 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff22() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:0,$lt:1}}", 1, 5, false, true) {} }; struct Diff23 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff23() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:0,$lt:0.5}}", 1, 5, false, true) {} }; struct Diff24 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff24() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:0}", 1, 5, false, true) {} }; struct Diff25 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff25() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:0}", 1, 5, true, true) {} }; struct Diff26 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff26() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:1}", 1, 5, false, true) {} }; struct Diff27 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff27() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:1}", 1, 5, false, true) {} }; struct Diff28 : public SplitRangeBase { Diff28() : SplitRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:3}", 1, true, 3, false, 3, false, 5, true) {} }; struct Diff29 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff29() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:5}", 1, 5, true, false) {} }; struct Diff30 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff30() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lt:5},b:5}", 1, 5, true, false) {} }; struct Diff31 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff31() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lt:5},b:6}", 1, 5, true, false) {} }; struct Diff32 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff32() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:6}", 1, 5, true, true) {} }; class EmptyBase : public DiffBase { public: EmptyBase( string obj ) : _obj( obj ) {} private: virtual unsigned len() const { return 0; } virtual const int *nums() const { return 0; } virtual const bool *incs() const { return 0; } virtual BSONObj obj() const { return fromjson( _obj ); } string _obj; }; struct Diff33 : public EmptyBase { Diff33() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:{$gt:0,$lt:6}}" ) {} }; struct Diff34 : public EmptyBase { Diff34() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:1,$lt:6}}" ) {} }; struct Diff35 : public EmptyBase { Diff35() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:1,$lt:6}}" ) {} }; struct Diff36 : public EmptyBase { Diff36() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:{$gt:1,$lt:6}}" ) {} }; struct Diff37 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff37() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:{$gt:1,$lt:6}}", 1, 1, true, true ) {} }; struct Diff38 : public EmptyBase { Diff38() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:0,$lt:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff39 : public EmptyBase { Diff39() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:0,$lte:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff40 : public EmptyBase { Diff40() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:{$gt:0,$lte:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff41 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff41() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:{$gt:0,$lt:5}}", 5, 5, true, true ) {} }; struct Diff42 : public EmptyBase { Diff42() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:1,$lt:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff43 : public EmptyBase { Diff43() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:1,$lte:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff44 : public EmptyBase { Diff44() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gte:1,$lt:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff45 : public EmptyBase { Diff45() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:5},b:{$gte:1,$lte:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff46 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff46() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:{$gt:1,$lt:5}}", 5, 5, true, true ) {} }; struct Diff47 : public EmptyBase { Diff47() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:{$gt:1,$lte:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff48 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff48() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:1,$lt:5}}", 5, 5, true, true ) {} }; struct Diff49 : public EmptyBase { Diff49() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gt:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:1,$lte:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff50 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff50() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:1,$lt:5}}", 1, 1, true, true ) {} }; struct Diff51 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff51() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lt:5},b:{$gt:1,$lte:5}}", 1, 1, true, true ) {} }; struct Diff52 : public EmptyBase { Diff52() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lt:5},b:{$gte:1,$lt:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff53 : public EmptyBase { Diff53() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lt:5},b:{$gte:1,$lte:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff54 : public SplitRangeBase { Diff54() : SplitRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:{$gt:1,$lt:5}}", 1, true, 1, true, 5, true, 5, true ) {} }; struct Diff55 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff55() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:{$gt:1,$lte:5}}", 1, 1, true, true ) {} }; struct Diff56 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff56() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:1,$lt:5}}", 5, 5, true, true ) {} }; struct Diff57 : public EmptyBase { Diff57() : EmptyBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:5},b:{$gte:1,$lte:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff58 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff58() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:1,b:{$gt:1,$lt:5}}", 1, 1, true, true ) {} }; struct Diff59 : public EmptyBase { Diff59() : EmptyBase( "{a:1,b:{$gte:1,$lt:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff60 : public EmptyBase { Diff60() : EmptyBase( "{a:2,b:{$gte:1,$lt:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff61 : public EmptyBase { Diff61() : EmptyBase( "{a:5,b:{$gte:1,$lte:5}}" ) {} }; struct Diff62 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff62() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:5,b:{$gt:1,$lt:5}}", 5, 5, true, true ) {} }; struct Diff63 : public EmptyBase { Diff63() : EmptyBase( "{a:5,b:5}" ) {} }; struct Diff64 : public TwoRangeBase { Diff64() : TwoRangeBase( "{a:{$gte:1,$lte:2},b:{$gt:0,$lte:1}}", 1, 2, false, true ) {} }; class DiffMulti1 : public DiffBase { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet frs( "", fromjson( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:9},b:{$gt:0,$lt:2},c:3,d:{$gt:4,$lt:5},e:{$gt:7,$lt:10}}" ), true ); FieldRange ret = frs.range( "a" ); FieldRange other = frs.range( "b" ); other |= frs.range( "c" ); other |= frs.range( "d" ); other |= frs.range( "e" ); ret -= other; check( ret ); } protected: virtual unsigned len() const { return 3; } virtual const int *nums() const { static int n[] = { 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7 }; return n; } virtual const bool *incs() const { static bool b[] = { true, false, false, true, true, true }; return b; } virtual BSONObj obj() const { return BSONObj(); } }; class DiffMulti2 : public DiffBase { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet frs( "", fromjson( "{a:{$gt:1,$lt:9},b:{$gt:0,$lt:2},c:3,d:{$gt:4,$lt:5},e:{$gt:7,$lt:10}}" ), true ); FieldRange mask = frs.range( "a" ); FieldRange ret = frs.range( "b" ); ret |= frs.range( "c" ); ret |= frs.range( "d" ); ret |= frs.range( "e" ); ret -= mask; check( ret ); } protected: virtual unsigned len() const { return 2; } virtual const int *nums() const { static int n[] = { 0, 1, 9, 10 }; return n; } virtual const bool *incs() const { static bool b[] = { false, true, true, false }; return b; } virtual BSONObj obj() const { return BSONObj(); } }; } // namespace FieldRangeTests namespace FieldRangeSetTests { class Intersect { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet frs1( "", fromjson( "{b:{$in:[5,6]},c:7,d:{$in:[8,9]}}" ), true ); FieldRangeSet frs2( "", fromjson( "{a:1,b:5,c:{$in:[7,8]},d:{$in:[8,9]},e:10}" ), true ); frs1 &= frs2; ASSERT_EQUALS( fromjson( "{a:1,b:5,c:7,d:{$gte:8,$lte:9},e:10}" ), frs1.simplifiedQuery( BSONObj() ) ); } }; class MultiKeyIntersect { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet frs1( "", BSONObj(), false ); FieldRangeSet frs2( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 4 ), false ); FieldRangeSet frs3( "", BSON( "a" << LT << 6 ), false ); // An intersection with a trivial range is allowed. frs1 &= frs2; ASSERT_EQUALS( frs2.simplifiedQuery( BSONObj() ), frs1.simplifiedQuery( BSONObj() ) ); // An intersection with a nontrivial range is not allowed, as it might prevent a valid // multikey match. frs1 &= frs3; ASSERT_EQUALS( frs2.simplifiedQuery( BSONObj() ), frs1.simplifiedQuery( BSONObj() ) ); // Now intersect with a fully contained range. FieldRangeSet frs4( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 6 ), false ); frs1 &= frs4; ASSERT_EQUALS( frs4.simplifiedQuery( BSONObj() ), frs1.simplifiedQuery( BSONObj() ) ); } }; class MultiKeyDiff { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet frs1( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 4 ), false ); FieldRangeSet frs2( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 6 ), false ); // Range subtraction is no different for multikey ranges. frs1 -= frs2; ASSERT_EQUALS( BSON( "a" << GT << 4 << LTE << 6 ), frs1.simplifiedQuery( BSONObj() ) ); } }; class MatchPossible { public: void run() { FieldRangeSet frs1( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 4 ), true ); ASSERT( frs1.matchPossible() ); // Conflicting constraints invalid for a single key set. FieldRangeSet frs2( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 4 << LT << 2 ), true ); ASSERT( !frs2.matchPossible() ); // Conflicting constraints not possible for a multi key set. FieldRangeSet frs3( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 4 << LT << 2 ), false ); ASSERT( frs3.matchPossible() ); } }; class MatchPossibleForIndex { public: void run() { // Conflicting constraints not possible for a multi key set. FieldRangeSet frs1( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 4 << LT << 2 ), false ); ASSERT( frs1.matchPossibleForIndex( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) ); // Conflicting constraints for a multi key set. FieldRangeSet frs2( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 4 << LT << 2 ), true ); ASSERT( !frs2.matchPossibleForIndex( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) ); // If the index doesn't include the key, it is not single key invalid. ASSERT( frs2.matchPossibleForIndex( BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) ); // If the index key is not an index, the set is not single key invalid. ASSERT( frs2.matchPossibleForIndex( BSON( "$natural" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( frs2.matchPossibleForIndex( BSONObj() ) ); } }; } // namespace FieldRangeSetTests namespace FieldRangeSetPairTests { class NoNontrivialRanges { public: void run() { FieldRangeSetPair frsp1( "", BSONObj() ); ASSERT( frsp1.noNontrivialRanges() ); FieldRangeSetPair frsp2( "", BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); ASSERT( !frsp2.noNontrivialRanges() ); FieldRangeSetPair frsp3( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 1 ) ); ASSERT( !frsp3.noNontrivialRanges() ); // A single key invalid constraint is still nontrivial. FieldRangeSetPair frsp4( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 1 << LT << 0 ) ); ASSERT( !frsp4.noNontrivialRanges() ); // Still nontrivial if multikey invalid. frsp4 -= frsp4.frsForIndex( 0, -1 ); ASSERT( !frsp4.noNontrivialRanges() ); } }; class MatchPossible { public: void run() { // Match possible for simple query. FieldRangeSetPair frsp1( "", BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); ASSERT( frsp1.matchPossible() ); // Match possible for single key invalid query. FieldRangeSetPair frsp2( "", BSON( "a" << GT << 1 << LT << 0 ) ); ASSERT( frsp2.matchPossible() ); // Match not possible for multi key invalid query. frsp1 -= frsp1.frsForIndex( 0, - 1 ); ASSERT( !frsp1.matchPossible() ); } }; class IndexBase { public: IndexBase() : _ctx( ns() ) , indexNum_( 0 ) { string err; userCreateNS( ns(), BSONObj(), err, false ); } ~IndexBase() { if ( !nsd() ) return; string s( ns() ); dropNS( s ); } protected: static const char *ns() { return "unittests.FieldRangeSetPairTests"; } static NamespaceDetails *nsd() { return nsdetails( ns() ); } IndexDetails *index( const BSONObj &key ) { stringstream ss; ss << indexNum_++; string name = ss.str(); client_.resetIndexCache(); client_.ensureIndex( ns(), key, false, name.c_str() ); NamespaceDetails *d = nsd(); for( int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; ++i ) { if ( d->idx(i).keyPattern() == key /*indexName() == name*/ || ( d->idx(i).isIdIndex() && IndexDetails::isIdIndexPattern( key ) ) ) return &d->idx(i); } assert( false ); return 0; } int indexno( const BSONObj &key ) { return nsd()->idxNo( *index(key) ); } static DBDirectClient client_; private: dblock lk_; Client::Context _ctx; int indexNum_; }; DBDirectClient IndexBase::client_; class MatchPossibleForIndex : public IndexBase { public: void run() { int a = indexno( BSON( "a" << 1 ) ); int b = indexno( BSON( "b" << 1 ) ); IndexBase::client_.insert( ns(), BSON( "a" << BSON_ARRAY( 1 << 2 ) << "b" << 1 ) ); // Valid ranges match possible for both indexes. FieldRangeSetPair frsp1( ns(), BSON( "a" << GT << 1 << LT << 4 << "b" << GT << 1 << LT << 4 ) ); ASSERT( frsp1.matchPossibleForIndex( nsd(), a, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( frsp1.matchPossibleForIndex( nsd(), b, BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) ); // Single key invalid range means match impossible for single key index. FieldRangeSetPair frsp2( ns(), BSON( "a" << GT << 4 << LT << 1 << "b" << GT << 4 << LT << 1 ) ); ASSERT( frsp2.matchPossibleForIndex( nsd(), a, BSON( "a" << 1 ) ) ); ASSERT( !frsp2.matchPossibleForIndex( nsd(), b, BSON( "b" << 1 ) ) ); } }; } // namespace FieldRangeSetPairTests class All : public Suite { public: All() : Suite( "queryutil" ) {} void setupTests() { add< FieldRangeTests::Empty >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Eq >(); add< FieldRangeTests::DupEq >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Lt >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Lte >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Gt >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Gte >(); add< FieldRangeTests::TwoLt >(); add< FieldRangeTests::TwoGt >(); add< FieldRangeTests::EqGte >(); add< FieldRangeTests::EqGteInvalid >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Regex >(); add< FieldRangeTests::RegexObj >(); add< FieldRangeTests::UnhelpfulRegex >(); add< FieldRangeTests::In >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Equality >(); add< FieldRangeTests::SimplifiedQuery >(); add< FieldRangeTests::QueryPatternTest >(); add< FieldRangeTests::QueryPatternNeConstraint >(); add< FieldRangeTests::NoWhere >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Numeric >(); add< FieldRangeTests::InLowerBound >(); add< FieldRangeTests::InUpperBound >(); add< FieldRangeTests::UnionBound >(); add< FieldRangeTests::MultiBound >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff1 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff2 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff3 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff4 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff5 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff6 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff7 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff8 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff9 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff10 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff11 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff12 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff13 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff14 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff15 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff16 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff17 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff18 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff19 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff20 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff21 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff22 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff23 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff24 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff25 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff26 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff27 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff28 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff29 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff30 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff31 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff32 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff33 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff34 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff35 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff36 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff37 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff38 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff39 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff40 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff41 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff42 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff43 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff44 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff45 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff46 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff47 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff48 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff49 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff50 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff51 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff52 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff53 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff54 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff55 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff56 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff57 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff58 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff59 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff60 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff61 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff62 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff63 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::Diff64 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::DiffMulti1 >(); add< FieldRangeTests::DiffMulti2 >(); add< FieldRangeSetTests::Intersect >(); add< FieldRangeSetTests::MultiKeyIntersect >(); add< FieldRangeSetTests::MultiKeyDiff >(); add< FieldRangeSetTests::MatchPossible >(); add< FieldRangeSetTests::MatchPossibleForIndex >(); add< FieldRangeSetPairTests::NoNontrivialRanges >(); add< FieldRangeSetPairTests::MatchPossible >(); add< FieldRangeSetPairTests::MatchPossibleForIndex >(); } } myall; } // namespace QueryUtilTests