.\" Documentation for the MongoDB dump tool .TH MONGOS "1" "June 2009" "10gen" "Mongo Database" .SH "NAME" mongos \- the Mongo sharding server .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBmongos [\fIOPTIONS\fR]\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP \fBmongos\fR is used to setup, configure, and get information about sharded databases. .SH "EXAMPLES" .PP .B ./mongod --port 9999 --dbpath /data/db/a # first server .PP .B ./mongod --port 9998 --dbpath /data/db/b # second server .PP .B ./mongos --configdb localhost:9999 # mongos .PP starts three servers to set up sharding .SH "OPTIONS" .TP .B \-\-help show usage information .TP .B \-\-port N port on which to listen .TP .B \-\-configdb DATABASE+ one or more databases to use as the configuration databases .TP .B \-v+ verbosity .SH "COPYRIGHT" .PP Copyright 2007\-2009 10gen .SH "SEE ALSO" For more information, please refer to the MongoDB wiki, available at http://www.mongodb.org. .SH "AUTHOR" Kristina Chodorow