# This file is a python script that describes the WiredTiger API. class Error: def __init__(self, name, desc, long_desc=None, **flags): self.name = name self.desc = desc self.long_desc = long_desc self.flags = flags errors = [ Error('WT_DEADLOCK', 'conflict between concurrent operations', ''' This error is generated when an operation cannot be completed due to a conflict with concurrent operations. The operation may be retried; if a transaction is in progress, it should be rolled back and the operation retried in a new transaction.'''), Error('WT_DUPLICATE_KEY', 'attempt to insert an existing key', ''' This error is generated when the application attempts to insert a record with the same key as an existing record without the 'overwrite' configuration to WT_SESSION::open_cursor.'''), Error('WT_ERROR', 'non-specific WiredTiger error', ''' This error is returned when an error is not covered by a specific error return.'''), Error('WT_NOTFOUND', 'item not found', ''' This error indicates an operation did not find a value to return. This includes cursor search and other operations where no record matched the cursor's search key such as WT_CURSOR::update or WT_CURSOR::remove.'''), Error('WT_PANIC', 'WiredTiger library panic', ''' This error indicates an underlying problem that requires the application exit and restart.'''), Error('WT_RESTART', 'restart the operation (internal)', undoc=True), ] class Method: def __init__(self, config, **flags): self.config = config self.flags = flags class Config: def __init__(self, name, default, desc, subconfig=None, **flags): self.name = name self.default = default self.desc = desc self.subconfig = subconfig self.flags = flags def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.name, other.name) # All schema objects can have column names (optional for simple tables). column_meta = [ Config('columns', '', r''' list of the column names. Comma-separated list of the form (column[,...]). For tables, the number of entries must match the total number of values in \c key_format and \c value_format. For colgroups and indices, all column names must appear in the list of columns for the table''', type='list'), ] source_meta = [ Config('source', '', r''' set a custom data source URI for a column group, index or simple table. By default, the data source URI is derived from the \c type and the column group or index name. Applications can create tables from existing data sources by supplying a \c source configuration'''), Config('type', 'file', r''' set the type of data source used to store a column group, index or simple table. By default, a \c "file:" URI is derived from the object name. The \c type configuration can be used to switch to a different storage format, such as LSM. Ignored if an explicit URI is supplied with a \c source configuration''', choices=['file', 'lsm']), ] format_meta = column_meta + [ Config('key_format', 'u', r''' the format of the data packed into key items. See @ref schema_format_types for details. By default, the key_format is \c 'u' and applications use WT_ITEM structures to manipulate raw byte arrays. By default, records are stored in row-store files: keys of type \c 'r' are record numbers and records referenced by record number are stored in column-store files''', type='format'), Config('value_format', 'u', r''' the format of the data packed into value items. See @ref schema_format_types for details. By default, the value_format is \c 'u' and applications use a WT_ITEM structure to manipulate raw byte arrays. Value items of type 't' are bitfields, and when configured with record number type keys, will be stored using a fixed-length store''', type='format'), ] lsm_config = [ Config('lsm_auto_throttle', 'true', r''' Throttle inserts into LSM trees if flushing to disk isn't keeping up''', type='boolean'), Config('lsm_bloom', 'true', r''' create bloom filters on LSM tree chunks as they are merged''', type='boolean'), Config('lsm_bloom_config', '', r''' config string used when creating Bloom filter files, passed to WT_SESSION::create'''), Config('lsm_bloom_bit_count', '8', r''' the number of bits used per item for LSM bloom filters''', min='2', max='1000'), Config('lsm_bloom_hash_count', '4', r''' the number of hash values per item used for LSM bloom filters''', min='2', max='100'), Config('lsm_bloom_newest', 'false', r''' create a bloom filter on an LSM tree chunk before it's first merge. Only supported if bloom filters are enabled''', type='boolean'), Config('lsm_bloom_oldest', 'false', r''' create a bloom filter on the oldest LSM tree chunk. Only supported if bloom filters are enabled''', type='boolean'), Config('lsm_chunk_size', '2MB', r''' the maximum size of the in-memory chunk of an LSM tree''', min='512K', max='500MB'), Config('lsm_merge_max', '15', r''' the maximum number of chunks to include in a merge operation''', min='2', max='100'), Config('lsm_merge_threads', '1', r''' the number of thread to perform merge operations''', min='1', max='10'), # !!! max must match WT_LSM_MAX_WORKERS ] # Per-file configuration file_config = format_meta + [ Config('allocation_size', '512B', r''' the file unit allocation size, in bytes, must a power-of-two; smaller values decrease the file space required by overflow items, and the default value of 512B is a good choice absent requirements from the operating system or storage device''', min='512B', max='128MB'), Config('block_compressor', '', r''' configure a compressor for file blocks. Permitted values are empty (off) or \c "bzip2", \c "snappy" or custom compression engine \c "name" created with WT_CONNECTION::add_compressor. See @ref compression for more information'''), Config('cache_resident', 'false', r''' do not ever evict the object's pages; see @ref tuning_cache_resident for more information''', type='boolean'), Config('checksum', 'on', r''' configure file block checksums; permitted values are on (checksum all file blocks), off (checksum no file blocks) and uncompresssed (checksum only file blocks which are not compressed for some reason). The \c uncompressed value is for applications which can reasonably rely on decompression to fail if a block has been corrupted''', choices=['on', 'off', 'uncompressed']), Config('collator', '', r''' configure custom collation for keys. Value must be a collator name created with WT_CONNECTION::add_collator'''), Config('dictionary', '0', r''' the maximum number of unique values remembered in the Btree row-store leaf page value dictionary; see @ref file_formats_compression for more information''', min='0'), Config('format', 'btree', r''' the file format''', choices=['btree']), Config('huffman_key', '', r''' configure Huffman encoding for keys. Permitted values are empty (off), \c "english", \c "utf8" or \c "utf16". See @ref huffman for more information'''), Config('huffman_value', '', r''' configure Huffman encoding for values. Permitted values are empty (off), \c "english", \c "utf8" or \c "utf16". See @ref huffman for more information'''), Config('internal_key_truncate', 'true', r''' configure internal key truncation, discarding unnecessary trailing bytes on internal keys (ignored for custom collators)''', type='boolean'), Config('internal_page_max', '2KB', r''' the maximum page size for internal nodes, in bytes; the size must be a multiple of the allocation size and is significant for applications wanting to avoid excessive L2 cache misses while searching the tree. The page maximum is the bytes of uncompressed data, that is, the limit is applied before any block compression is done''', min='512B', max='512MB'), Config('internal_item_max', '0', r''' the largest key stored within an internal node, in bytes. If non-zero, any key larger than the specified size will be stored as an overflow item (which may require additional I/O to access). If zero, a default size is chosen that permits at least 8 keys per internal page''', min=0), Config('key_gap', '10', r''' the maximum gap between instantiated keys in a Btree leaf page, constraining the number of keys processed to instantiate a random Btree leaf page key''', min='0'), Config('leaf_page_max', '1MB', r''' the maximum page size for leaf nodes, in bytes; the size must be a multiple of the allocation size, and is significant for applications wanting to maximize sequential data transfer from a storage device. The page maximum is the bytes of uncompressed data, that is, the limit is applied before any block compression is done''', min='512B', max='512MB'), Config('leaf_item_max', '0', r''' the largest key or value stored within a leaf node, in bytes. If non-zero, any key or value larger than the specified size will be stored as an overflow item (which may require additional I/O to access). If zero, a default size is chosen that permits at least 4 key and value pairs per leaf page''', min=0), Config('memory_page_max', '5MB', r''' the maximum size a page can grow to in memory before being reconciled to disk. The specified size will be adjusted to a lower bound of 50 * leaf_page_max. This limit is soft - it is possible for pages to be temporarily larger than this value''', min='512B', max='10TB'), Config('os_cache_max', '0', r''' maximum system buffer cache usage, in bytes. If non-zero, evict object blocks from the system buffer cache after that many bytes from this object are read or written into the buffer cache''', min=0), Config('os_cache_dirty_max', '0', r''' maximum dirty system buffer cache usage, in bytes. If non-zero, schedule writes for dirty blocks belonging to this object in the system buffer cache after that many bytes from this object are written into the buffer cache''', min=0), Config('prefix_compression', 'true', r''' configure row-store format key prefix compression''', type='boolean'), Config('split_pct', '75', r''' the Btree page split size as a percentage of the maximum Btree page size, that is, when a Btree page is split, it will be split into smaller pages, where each page is the specified percentage of the maximum Btree page size''', min='25', max='100'), ] # File metadata, including both configurable and non-configurable (internal) file_meta = file_config + [ Config('checkpoint', '', r''' the file checkpoint entries'''), Config('version', '(major=0,minor=0)', r''' the file version'''), ] table_only_meta = [ Config('colgroups', '', r''' comma-separated list of names of column groups. Each column group is stored separately, keyed by the primary key of the table. If no column groups are specified, all columns are stored together in a single file. All value columns in the table must appear in at least one column group. Each column group must be created with a separate call to WT_SESSION::create''', type='list'), ] colgroup_meta = column_meta + source_meta index_meta = format_meta + source_meta table_meta = format_meta + table_only_meta # Connection runtime config, shared by conn.reconfigure and wiredtiger_open connection_runtime_config = [ Config('shared_cache', '', r''' shared cache configuration options. A database should configure either a cache_size or a shared_cache not both''', type='category', subconfig=[ Config('chunk', '10MB', r''' the granularity that a shared cache is redistributed''', min='1MB', max='10TB'), Config('reserve', '0', r''' amount of cache this database is guaranteed to have available from the shared cache. This setting is per database. Defaults to the chunk size''', type='int'), Config('name', 'pool', r''' name of a cache that is shared between databases'''), Config('size', '500MB', r''' maximum memory to allocate for the shared cache. Setting this will update the value if one is already set''', min='1MB', max='10TB') ]), Config('cache_size', '100MB', r''' maximum heap memory to allocate for the cache. A database should configure either a cache_size or a shared_cache not both''', min='1MB', max='10TB'), Config('error_prefix', '', r''' prefix string for error messages'''), Config('eviction_dirty_target', '80', r''' continue evicting until the cache has less dirty pages than this (as a percentage). Dirty pages will only be evicted if the cache is full enough to trigger eviction''', min=10, max=99), Config('eviction_target', '80', r''' continue evicting until the cache becomes less full than this (as a percentage). Must be less than \c eviction_trigger''', min=10, max=99), Config('eviction_trigger', '95', r''' trigger eviction when the cache becomes this full (as a percentage)''', min=10, max=99), Config('statistics', 'false', r''' Maintain database statistics that may impact performance''', type='boolean'), Config('verbose', '', r''' enable messages for various events. Options are given as a list, such as "verbose=[evictserver,read]"''', type='list', choices=[ 'block', 'shared_cache', 'ckpt', 'evict', 'evictserver', 'fileops', 'hazard', 'lsm', 'mutex', 'read', 'readserver', 'reconcile', 'salvage', 'verify', 'write']), ] session_config = [ Config('isolation', 'read-committed', r''' the default isolation level for operations in this session''', choices=['read-uncommitted', 'read-committed', 'snapshot']), ] methods = { 'file.meta' : Method(file_meta), 'colgroup.meta' : Method(colgroup_meta), 'index.meta' : Method(index_meta), 'table.meta' : Method(table_meta), 'cursor.close' : Method([]), 'session.close' : Method([]), 'session.compact' : Method([ Config('trigger', '30', r''' Compaction will not be attempted unless the specified percentage of the underlying objects is expected to be recovered by compaction''', min='10', max='50'), ]), 'session.create' : Method(table_only_meta + file_config + lsm_config + source_meta + [ Config('exclusive', 'false', r''' fail if the object exists. When false (the default), if the object exists, check that its settings match the specified configuration''', type='boolean'), ]), 'session.drop' : Method([ Config('force', 'false', r''' return success if the object does not exist''', type='boolean'), Config('remove_files', 'true', r''' should the underlying files be removed?''', type='boolean'), ]), 'session.log_printf' : Method([]), 'session.open_cursor' : Method([ Config('append', 'false', r''' append the value as a new record, creating a new record number key; valid only for cursors with record number keys''', type='boolean'), Config('bulk', 'false', r''' configure the cursor for bulk-loading, a fast, initial load path (see @ref bulk_load for more information). Bulk-load may only be used for newly created objects and cursors configured for bulk-load only support the WT_CURSOR::insert and WT_CURSOR::close methods. When bulk-loading row-store objects, keys must be loaded in sorted order. The value is usually a true/false flag; when bulk-loading fixed-length column store objects, the special value \c bitmap allows chunks of a memory resident bitmap to be loaded directly into a file by passing a \c WT_ITEM to WT_CURSOR::set_value where the \c size field indicates the number of records in the bitmap (as specified by the object's \c value_format configuration). Bulk-loaded bitmap values must end on a byte boundary relative to the bit count (except for the last set of values loaded)'''), Config('checkpoint', '', r''' the name of a checkpoint to open (the reserved name "WiredTigerCheckpoint" opens the most recent internal checkpoint taken for the object). The cursor does not support data modification'''), Config('dump', '', r''' configure the cursor for dump format inputs and outputs: "hex" selects a simple hexadecimal format, "print" selects a format where only non-printing characters are hexadecimal encoded. The cursor dump format is compatible with the @ref util_dump and @ref util_load commands''', choices=['hex', 'print']), Config('next_random', 'false', r''' configure the cursor to return a pseudo-random record from the object; valid only for row-store cursors. Cursors configured with next_random only support the WT_CURSOR::next and WT_CURSOR::close methods. See @ref cursor_random for details''', type='boolean'), Config('overwrite', 'false', r''' change the behavior of the cursor's insert method to overwrite previously existing values''', type='boolean'), Config('raw', 'false', r''' ignore the encodings for the key and value, manage data as if the formats were \c "u". See @ref cursor_raw for details''', type='boolean'), Config('statistics_clear', 'false', r''' reset statistics counters when the cursor is closed; valid only for statistics cursors''', type='boolean'), Config('statistics_fast', 'false', r''' only gather statistics that don't require traversing the tree; valid only for statistics cursors''', type='boolean'), Config('target', '', r''' if non-empty, backup the list of objects; valid only for a backup data source''', type='list'), ]), 'session.rename' : Method([]), 'session.salvage' : Method([ Config('force', 'false', r''' force salvage even of files that do not appear to be WiredTiger files''', type='boolean'), ]), 'session.truncate' : Method([]), 'session.upgrade' : Method([]), 'session.verify' : Method([ Config('dump_address', 'false', r''' Display addresses and page types as pages are verified, using the application's message handler, intended for debugging''', type='boolean'), Config('dump_blocks', 'false', r''' Display the contents of on-disk blocks as they are verified, using the application's message handler, intended for debugging''', type='boolean'), Config('dump_pages', 'false', r''' Display the contents of in-memory pages as they are verified, using the application's message handler, intended for debugging''', type='boolean') ]), 'session.begin_transaction' : Method([ Config('isolation', '', r''' the isolation level for this transaction; defaults to the session's isolation level''', choices=['read-uncommitted', 'read-committed', 'snapshot']), Config('name', '', r''' name of the transaction for tracing and debugging'''), Config('priority', 0, r''' priority of the transaction for resolving conflicts. Transactions with higher values are less likely to abort''', min='-100', max='100'), Config('sync', 'full', r''' how to sync log records when the transaction commits''', choices=['full', 'flush', 'write', 'none']), ]), 'session.commit_transaction' : Method([]), 'session.rollback_transaction' : Method([]), 'session.checkpoint' : Method([ Config('drop', '', r''' specify a list of checkpoints to drop. The list may additionally contain one of the following keys: \c "from=all" to drop all checkpoints, \c "from=" to drop all checkpoints after and including the named checkpoint, or \c "to=" to drop all checkpoints before and including the named checkpoint. Checkpoints cannot be dropped while a hot backup is in progress or if open in a cursor''', type='list'), Config('force', 'false', r''' checkpoints may be skipped if the underlying object has not been modified, this option forces the checkpoint''', type='boolean'), Config('name', '', r''' if non-empty, specify a name for the checkpoint'''), Config('target', '', r''' if non-empty, checkpoint the list of objects''', type='list'), ]), 'connection.add_collator' : Method([]), 'connection.add_compressor' : Method([]), 'connection.add_data_source' : Method([]), 'connection.add_extractor' : Method([]), 'connection.close' : Method([]), 'connection.reconfigure' : Method(connection_runtime_config), 'connection.load_extension' : Method([ Config('entry', 'wiredtiger_extension_init', r''' the entry point of the extension, called to initialize the extension when it is loaded. The signature of the function must match ::wiredtiger_extension_init'''), Config('prefix', '', r''' a prefix for all names registered by this extension (e.g., to make namespaces distinct or during upgrades'''), Config('terminate', 'wiredtiger_extension_terminate', r''' a optional function in the extension that is called before the extension is unloaded during WT_CONNECTION::close. The signature of the function must match ::wiredtiger_extension_terminate'''), ]), 'connection.open_session' : Method(session_config), 'session.reconfigure' : Method(session_config), 'wiredtiger_open' : Method(connection_runtime_config + [ Config('buffer_alignment', '-1', r''' in-memory alignment (in bytes) for buffers used for I/O. The default value of -1 indicates a platform-specific alignment value should be used (4KB on Linux systems, zero elsewhere)''', min='-1', max='1MB'), Config('checkpoint', '', r''' periodically checkpoint the database''', type='category', subconfig=[ Config('name', '"WiredTigerCheckpoint"', r''' the checkpoint name'''), Config('wait', '0', r''' seconds to wait between each checkpoint; setting this value configures periodic checkpoints''', min='1', max='100000'), ]), Config('create', 'false', r''' create the database if it does not exist''', type='boolean'), Config('direct_io', '', r''' Use \c O_DIRECT to access files. Options are given as a list, such as "direct_io=[data]". Configuring \c direct_io requires care, see @ref tuning_system_buffer_cache_direct_io for important warnings''', type='list', choices=['data', 'log']), Config('extensions', '', r''' list of shared library extensions to load (using dlopen). Optional values are passed as the \c config parameter to WT_CONNECTION::load_extension. For example, extensions=(/path/ext.so={entry=my_entry})''', type='list'), Config('file_extend', '', r''' file extension configuration. If set, extend files of the set type in allocations of the set size, instead of a block at a time as each new block is written. For example, file_extend=(data=16MB)''', type='list', choices=['data', 'log']), Config('hazard_max', '1000', r''' maximum number of simultaneous hazard pointers per session handle''', min='15'), Config('logging', 'false', r''' enable logging''', type='boolean'), Config('lsm_merge', 'true', r''' merge LSM chunks where possible''', type='boolean'), Config('mmap', 'true', r''' Use memory mapping to access files when possible''', type='boolean'), Config('multiprocess', 'false', r''' permit sharing between processes (will automatically start an RPC server for primary processes and use RPC for secondary processes). Not yet supported in WiredTiger''', type='boolean'), Config('session_max', '50', r''' maximum expected number of sessions (including server threads)''', min='1'), Config('statistics_log', '', r''' log database connection statistics to a file (implies setting the \c statistics configuration value to true). See @ref statistics_log for more information''', type='category', subconfig=[ Config('clear', 'true', r''' reset statistics counters after each set of log records are written''', type='boolean'), Config('path', '"WiredTigerStat.%H"', r''' the pathname to a file into which the log records are written, may contain strftime conversion specifications. If the value is not an absolute path name, the file is created relative to the database home'''), Config('sources', '', r''' if non-empty, include statistics for the list of data source URIs, if they are open at the time of the statistics logging. The list may include URIs matching a single data source ("table:mytable"), or a URI matching all data sources of a particular type ("table:"). No statistics that require the traversal of a tree are reported, as if the \c statistics_fast configuration string were set''', type='list'), Config('timestamp', '"%b %d %H:%M:%S"', r''' a timestamp prepended to each log record, may contain strftime conversion specifications'''), Config('wait', '0', r''' seconds to wait between each write of the log records; setting this value configures \c statistics and statistics logging''', min='1', max='100000'), ]), Config('sync', 'true', r''' flush files to stable storage when closing or writing checkpoints''', type='boolean'), Config('transactional', 'true', r''' support transactional semantics''', type='boolean'), Config('use_environment_priv', 'false', r''' use the \c WIREDTIGER_CONFIG and \c WIREDTIGER_HOME environment variables regardless of whether or not the process is running with special privileges. See @ref home for more information''', type='boolean'), ]), }