# -*- mode: python -*- # scons file for MongoDB c++ client library and examples import os import sys # options AddOption("--extrapath", dest="extrapath", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", help="comma separated list of add'l paths (--extrapath /opt/foo/,/foo) static linking") AddOption("--prefix", dest="prefix", type="string", nargs=1, action="store", default="/usr/local", help="installation root") env = Environment(BUILD_DIR='#build', CLIENT_ARCHIVE='${CLIENT_DIST_BASENAME}${DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX}', CLIENT_DIST_BASENAME='mongo-cxx-driver', CLIENT_LICENSE='#LICENSE.txt', CLIENT_SCONSTRUCT='#SConstruct', MSVS_ARCH=None, PYTHON=sys.executable) def addExtraLibs(s): for x in s.split(","): if os.path.exists(x): env.Append(CPPPATH=[x + "/include", x], LIBPATH=[x + "/lib", x + "/lib64"]) if GetOption( "extrapath" ) is not None: addExtraLibs( GetOption( "extrapath" ) ) env.Prepend(CPPPATH=["$BUILD_DIR", "$BUILD_DIR/mongo"]) env.Append(CPPDEFINES=[ "_SCONS", "MONGO_EXPOSE_MACROS" ]) nix = False linux = False win = False if "darwin" == sys.platform: addExtraLibs( "/opt/local/" ) nix = True elif sys.platform in ("linux2", "linux3"): nix = True linux = True elif sys.platform == 'win32': win = True if win: env['DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX'] = '.zip' env.Append(CCFLAGS=['/EHsc', '/O2']) else: env['DIST_ARCHIVE_SUFFIX'] = '.tgz' if nix: env.Append(CCFLAGS=["-O3", "-pthread"]) if linux: env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["-Wl,--as-needed", "-Wl,-zdefs", "-pthread"]) boostLibs = ["thread", "filesystem", "system"] conf = Configure(env) for lib in boostLibs: if not conf.CheckLib(["boost_%s-mt" % lib, "boost_%s" % lib], language="C++"): if not win: Exit(1) env['MONGO_BUILD_SASL_CLIENT'] = conf.CheckLibWithHeader( "gsasl", "gsasl.h", "C", "gsasl_check_version(GSASL_VERSION);", autoadd=False) conf.Finish() clientEnv = env.Clone() clientEnv['CPPDEFINES'].remove('MONGO_EXPOSE_MACROS') Export("env clientEnv") env.SConscript('src/SConscript.client', variant_dir='$BUILD_DIR', duplicate=False) mongoclient = env.Alias('mongoclient', ['${LIBPREFIX}mongoclient${LIBSUFFIX}']) env.Default(mongoclient) # install env.Alias("install", GetOption('prefix'))