stepback: false command_type: system pre: post: - command: attach.results params: file_location: src/dsi/dsi/report.json - command: shell.exec # destroy the cluster params: working_dir: src/dsi/dsi script: | set -e set -v cd ./clusters/${cluster} if [ ! -f "test.success" ]; then yes yes | ./terraform destroy; fi - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | # removes files from the (local) scons cache when it's over a # threshold, to the $prune_ratio percentage. Ideally override # these default values in the distro config in evergreen. if [ -d "${scons_cache_path}" ]; then ${python|python} buildscripts/ --cache-dir ${scons_cache_path} --cache-size ${scons_cache_size|200} --prune-ratio ${scons_prune_ratio|0.8} fi functions: "prepare environment": - command: shell.exec params: script: | rm -rf ./* mkdir src - command: manifest.load - command: git.get_project params: directory: src revisions: # for each module include revision as : ${_rev} dsi: ${dsi_rev} workloads: ${workloads_rev} - command: shell.exec # configure environment, has private information, no logging params: working_dir: src/dsi/dsi silent: true script: | ./bin/ cd ./clusters/${cluster} # stage aws credential for terraform cp ../../terraform/* . ../../bin/ ${terraform_key} ${terraform_secret}${version_id}/${revision}/mongod-${version_id}.tar.gz # generate aws private key file echo "${ec2_pem}" > ../../keys/aws.pem chmod 400 ../../keys/aws.pem "bring up cluster": - command: shell.exec # bring up the cluster params: working_dir: src/dsi/dsi silent: true script: | # to create a mongod EC2 cluster set -e set -v cd ./clusters/${cluster} # create all resources and instances ../../bin/ ${cluster} echo "EC2 Cluster CREATED." touch terraform.tfstate.backup tar -czvf cluster_config.tgz infrastructure_provisioning.out.yml terraform.tfstate.backup terraform.tfstate - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: "src/dsi/dsi/clusters/${cluster}/cluster_config.tgz" remote_file: dsi/${build_variant}/${revision}/cluster_configs/cluster_config-${build_id}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: ${cluster}-cluster-config "restore cluster": - command: s3.get params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} remote_file: dsi/${build_variant}/${revision}/cluster_configs/cluster_config-${build_id}.tgz bucket: mciuploads local_file: "src/dsi/dsi/clusters/${cluster}/cluster_config.tgz" - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src/dsi/dsi silent: true script: | set -e set -v cd ./clusters/${cluster} tar -xf cluster_config.tgz "configure mongodb cluster": - command: shell.exec # bring up the mongod params: working_dir: src/dsi/dsi script: | set -e set -v source ./venv/bin/activate cd ./clusters/${cluster} cp mongodb_setup.${setup}.${storageEngine}.yml mongodb_setup.yml ../../bin/ --config echo "${cluster} MongoDB Cluster STARTED." "run test": - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src/dsi/dsi script: | set -e set -v cd ./clusters/${cluster} echo "Run test for ${test}-${storageEngine} with setup ${setup}" ../../bin/run-${test}.sh ${storageEngine} ${setup} ${cluster} echo "Done test for ${test} with setup ${setup}!" - command: "json.send" params: name: "perf" file: "src/dsi/dsi/clusters/perf.json" - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src/dsi/dsi script: | set -e set -v cd ./clusters/${cluster} touch test.success "destroy cluster": - command: shell.exec # destroy the cluster params: working_dir: src/dsi/dsi script: | set -e set -v cd ./clusters/${cluster} # destroy the EC2 cluster yes yes | ./terraform destroy echo "Cluster DESTROYED." "make test log artifact": - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src/dsi/dsi script: | set -e set -v cd ./clusters/${cluster}/reports # move additional file here cp ../infrastructure_provisioning.out.yml . cp ../ . cp ../ . if [ -f "../terraform.log" ]; then cp ../terraform.log .; fi cp ../../perf.json . cd .. rm -rf ../reports mv reports ../ - command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "reports.tgz" source_dir: "src/dsi/dsi/clusters" include: - "reports/**" "upload log file": - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: reports.tgz remote_file: dsi/${build_variant}/${execution}/${revision}/logs/${test}-${build_id}.${ext|tgz} bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: ${test}-test-log - Execution ${execution} "analyze": - command: json.get_history params: task: ${task_name} file: "src/dsi/dsi/history.json" name: "perf" - command: json.get_history params: tags: true task: ${task_name} file: "src/dsi/dsi/tags.json" name: "perf" - command: shell.exec # and override.json for DSI tests is part of dsi repo in dsi/bin type: test params: working_dir: src/dsi/dsi script: | set -o errexit set -v python ./bin/ ####################################### # Tasks # ####################################### tasks: - name: compile commands: - command: manifest.load - command: git.get_project params: directory: src - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose # We get the raw version string (r1.2.3-45-gabcdef) from git MONGO_VERSION=$(git describe) # If this is a patch build, we add the patch version id to the version string so we know # this build was a patch, and which evergreen task it came from if [ "${is_patch|}" = "true" ]; then MONGO_VERSION="$MONGO_VERSION-patch-${version_id}" fi # This script converts the generated version string into a sanitized version string for # use by scons and uploading artifacts as well as information about for the scons cache. MONGO_VERSION=$MONGO_VERSION USE_SCONS_CACHE=${use_scons_cache|false} ${python|python} buildscripts/ --out compile_expansions.yml # Then we load the generated version data into the agent so we can use it in task definitions - command: expansions.update params: file: src/compile_expansions.yml - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose ${python|python} ./buildscripts/ ${compile_flags|} ${scons_cache_args|} core mkdir -p mongodb/bin strip mongo strip mongod strip mongos mv mongo mongodb/bin mv mongod mongodb/bin mv mongos mongodb/bin tar cvf mongodb.tar mongodb gzip mongodb.tar - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb.tar.gz remote_file: dsi/${version_id}/${revision}/mongod-${version_id}.tar.gz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: mongodb.tar.gz # The distributed_correctness_suite_1 task runs the "bring up cluster" task and is # the only one to do so - all other tasks run "restore cluster". As such, # all buildvariants must run distributed_correctness_suite_1 and run it first. # When adding or removing tasks, you also must ensure that the final task # and only the final task runs the "destroy cluster" function. - name: distributed_correctness_suite_1_wiredTiger depends_on: - name: compile variant: linux-standalone commands: - func: "prepare environment" - func: "bring up cluster" - func: "configure mongodb cluster" vars: storageEngine: "wiredTiger" - func: "run test" vars: storageEngine: "wiredTiger" test: "distributed_correctness_suite_1" - func: "make test log artifact" - func: "upload log file" vars: test: "distributed_correctness_suite_1_wiredTiger" - func: "analyze" ####################################### # Modules # ####################################### # if a module is added and to be added to the manifest # be sure to add the module to git.get_project revisions parameter modules: - name: dsi repo: prefix: dsi branch: master - name: workloads repo: prefix: workloads branch: master ####################################### # Buildvariants # ####################################### buildvariants: - name: linux-standalone display_name: Linux Standalone batchtime: 1440 # 24 hours modules: &modules - dsi - workloads expansions: compile_flags: -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) CC=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v3/bin/gcc CXX=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v3/bin/g++ OBJCOPY=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v3/bin/objcopy setup: standalone cluster: single-correctness use_scons_cache: true run_on: - "rhel70-perf-standalone" tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel70 - name: distributed_correctness_suite_1_wiredTiger