##################################################### # A note on expansions # ##################################################### # Expansions usually appear in the form ${key|default} # If 'key' is found in the executor's map of currently known # expansions, the corresponding value is used. If the key can # not be found, the default is used. # # Arbitrary expansions can be specified in the YAML configuration # files in the following places: # - The 'expansions' field for buildvariants (branch file) # - The 'expansions' field for distros (distros file) # # A number of 'built-in' expansions are also available for use; these include: # - environment variables available on the host machine # - 'workdir' (references the executor's work directory). # - 'task_id' (references the task id of the task the executor is working on). # - 'build_variant' (references the executing task's buildvariant). # - 'config_root' (references the root directory for the executor's configuration artifacts). stepback: true command_type: system # Files that match an ignore-list pattern will not trigger a build, if they're the only modified # files in the patch. ignore: - ".*" - "!.clang-format" - "!.eslintrc.yml" - "*.md" - "*.rst" - "*.txt" - "/distsrc/**" - "/docs/**" - "/etc/*.yml" - "!/etc/evergreen.yml" - "README" ## Some variables for convenience: variables: # Used when the tests it runs depend only on mongod, mongos, the mongo shell and the tools. - &task_template name: template depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --help run_multiple_jobs: false max_jobs: 0 # If set in combination with run_multiple_jobs, will cap the number of jobs used. # Used for tests that invoke resmoke.py and require no additional setup. - &task_depending_on_all_template <<: *task_template depends_on: - name: compile_all - &benchmark_template name: benchmark_template depends_on: - name: compile_benchmarks commands: - func: "do benchmark setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --help run_multiple_jobs: false - func: "send benchmark results" - &jepsen_config_vars jepsen_key_time_limit: --key-time-limit 15 jepsen_protocol_version: --protocol-version 1 jepsen_read_concern: "" jepsen_read_with_find_and_modify: "" jepsen_storage_engine: "" jepsen_test_name: "" # Empirically, we've had greater success in reproducing the issues found in MongoDB versions # 3.4.0-rc3 and 3.4.0-rc4 when running Jepsen with at least --time-limit=600. jepsen_time_limit: --time-limit 1200 jepsen_write_concern: "" # Template for running Jepsen tests - &run_jepsen_template name: run_jepsen_template depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do jepsen setup" - func: "run jepsen test" vars: <<: *jepsen_config_vars - &jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --help # resmoke_args needs to be overridden to specify one of the jstestfuzz suites should_shuffle: false continue_on_failure: false - &run_jstestfuzz_tests func: "run tests" # Terminate the function when there has been no output to stdout for 30 minutes. E.g. when something is stuck in an infinite loop. # resmoke.py writes the test output to logkeeper and only writes to stdout when starting the next test. # resmoke.py not producing output on stdout means that the test is still running and presumably not going to finish. # Note that timeout_secs is different from exec_timeout_secs, which applies to a task and times out regardless of whether output has been written to stdout. timeout_secs: 1800 vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars # Used for tests that invoke 'resmoke.py --suites=jstestfuzz*'. - &jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_template exec_timeout_secs: 14400 # Time out the task if it runs for more than 4 hours. depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" - *run_jstestfuzz_tests # Templates used by powercycle - &powercycle_remote_credentials private_key_file: $(${posix_workdir})/powercycle.pem private_key_remote: ${powercycle_private_key} aws_key_remote: ${powercycle_aws_key} aws_secret_remote: ${powercycle_aws_secret} # TODO: Remove psutil from virtualenv_requirements when BUILD-3083 is done - &powercycle_ec2_instance aws_ec2_yml: aws_ec2.yml expire_hours: "3" ec2_monitor_files: proc.json system.json monitor_proc_file: proc.json monitor_system_file: system.json remote_dir: /log/powercycle secret_port: "20001" security_group_ids: ${powercycle_aws_security_group_id} security_groups: mci powercycle_testing subnet_id: ${powercycle_aws_subnet_id} ssh_identity: -i ${private_key_file} ssh_key_id: ${powercycle_ssh_key_id} standard_port: "20000" virtualenv_dir: venv_powercycle virtualenv_requirements: psutil windows_crash_cmd: \"notmyfault/notmyfaultc64.exe -accepteula crash 1\" windows_crash_dl: https://download.sysinternals.com/files/NotMyFault.zip windows_crash_dir: notmyfault windows_crash_zip: notmyfault.zip - &powercycle_expansions params: updates: - key: backup_path_after value: ${remote_dir}/afterrecovery - key: backup_path_before value: ${remote_dir}/beforerecovery - key: db_path value: /data/db - key: log_path value: ${remote_dir}/mongod.log - &powercycle_test ec2_artifacts: ${log_path} ${db_path} ${backup_path_after} ${backup_path_before} program_options: --logLevel=info --backupPathBefore=${backup_path_before} --backupPathAfter=${backup_path_after} connection_options: --sshUserHost=${private_ip_address} --sshConnection=\"${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}\" test_options: --testLoops=15 --seedDocNum=10000 --rsync --rsyncExcludeFiles=diagnostic.data/metrics.interim* --validate=local --canary=local crash_options: --crashMethod=internal --crashOption=${windows_crash_cmd} --crashWaitTime=45 --jitterForCrashWaitTime=5 --instanceId=${instance_id} client_options: --numCrudClients=20 --numFsmClients=20 mongodb_options: --rootDir=${remote_dir}-${task_id} --mongodbBinDir=${remote_dir} mongod_options: --mongodUsablePorts ${standard_port} ${secret_port} --dbPath=${db_path} --logPath=${log_path} mongod_extra_options: --mongodOptions=\"--setParameter enableTestCommands=1\" - &unittests name: unittests! execution_tasks: - compile_unittests - unittests - &compile_task_group_template name: compile_task_group_template max_hosts: 1 tasks: [] setup_task: - func: "apply compile expansions" - func: "set task expansion macros" teardown_task: - func: "attach scons config log" - func: "attach report" - func: "attach artifacts" - func: "kill processes" - func: "save code coverage data" - func: "save mongo coredumps" - func: "save failed unittests" - func: "save hang analyzer debugger files" - func: "save disk statistics" - func: "save system resource information" - func: "remove files" vars: files: >- src/build/scons/config.log src/*.gcda.gcov src/gcov-intermediate-files.tgz src/*.core src/*.mdmp mongo-coredumps.tgz src/unittest_binaries/*_test${exe} mongo-unittests.tgz src/debugger*.* src/mongo-hanganalyzer.tgz diskstats.tgz system-resource-info.tgz ${report_file|src/report.json} ${archive_file|src/archive.json} setup_group: - func: "kill processes" - func: "cleanup environment" # The python virtual environment is installed in ${workdir}, which is created in # "set up virtualenv". - func: "set up virtualenv" - func: "set task expansion macros" - func: "clear OOM messages" - command: manifest.load - func: "git get project" - func: "get modified patch files" # NOTE: To disable the compile bypass feature, comment out the next line. # # TODO SERVER-34680: Uncomment the next line when the mongoe binary is downloaded from the base # commit's compile task and included the artifacts tarball for the jsCore_mobile task to use. # - func: "bypass compile and fetch binaries" - func: "update bypass expansions" - func: "get buildnumber" - func: "set up credentials" - func: "fetch and build OpenSSL" - func: "use WiredTiger develop" # noop if ${use_wt_develop} is not "true" - func: "generate compile expansions" teardown_group: - func: "scons cache pruning" - func: "umount shared scons directory" - func: "print OOM messages" - func: "cleanup environment" timeout: - func: "run hang analyzer" ####################################### # Functions # ####################################### functions: "remove files": &remove_files command: shell.exec params: script: | if [ -z "${files}" ]; then exit 0 fi for file in ${files} do if [ -f "$file" ]; then echo "Removing file $file" rm -f $file fi done "git get project" : &git_get_project command: git.get_project params: directory: ${git_project_directory|src} revisions: # for each module include revision as : ${_rev} enterprise: ${enterprise_rev} rocksdb: ${rocksdb_rev} wtdevelop: ${wtdevelop_rev} "fetch artifacts" : &fetch_artifacts command: s3.get params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/artifacts/${build_id}.tgz bucket: mciuploads extract_to: src "fetch binaries" : &fetch_binaries command: s3.get params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} remote_file: ${mongo_binaries} bucket: mciuploads local_file: src/mongo-binaries.tgz "extract binaries" : &extract_binaries command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit ${decompress} mongo-binaries.tgz cp mongodb*/bin/* . "check binary version" : &check_binary_version command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit mongo_binary=$(find mongodb*/bin -name mongo${exe}) # There should only be one mongo shell if [ $(echo $mongo_binary | wc -w) -ne 1 ]; then echo "There is more than 1 extracted mongo binary: $mongo_binary" exit 1 fi # For compile bypass we need to skip the binary version check since we can tag a commit # after the base commit binaries were created. This would lead to a mismatch of the binaries # and the version from git describe in the compile_expansions.yml. if [ "${is_patch}" = "true" ] && [ "${bypass_compile|false}" = "true" ]; then echo "Skipping binary version check since we are bypassing compile in this patch build." exit 0 fi ${activate_virtualenv} bin_ver=$($python -c "import yaml; print(yaml.safe_load(open('compile_expansions.yml'))['version']);" | tr -d '[ \r\n]') # Due to SERVER-23810, we cannot use $mongo_binary --quiet --nodb --eval "version();" mongo_ver=$($mongo_binary --version | perl -pe '/version v(.*)$/; $_ = $1;' | tr -d '[ \r\n]') # The versions must match if [ "$bin_ver" != "$mongo_ver" ]; then echo "The mongo version is $mongo_ver, expected version is $bin_ver" exit 1 fi "fetch benchmarks" : &fetch_benchmarks command: s3.get params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/benchmarks/${build_id}.tgz bucket: mciuploads extract_to: src "get buildnumber" : &get_buildnumber command: keyval.inc params: key: "${build_variant}_master" destination: "builder_num" "run diskstats": &run_diskstats command: shell.exec params: background: true system_log: true script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose # On Windows we can use typeperf.exe to dump performance counters. if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then typeperf -qx PhysicalDisk | grep Disk | grep -v _Total > disk_counters.txt typeperf -cf disk_counters.txt -si 5 -o mongo-diskstats # Linux: iostat -t option for timestamp. elif iostat -tdmx > /dev/null 2>&1; then iostat -tdmx 5 > mongo-diskstats # OSX: Simulate the iostat timestamp. elif iostat -d > /dev/null 2>&1; then iostat -d -w 5 | while IFS= read -r line; do printf '%s %s\n' "$(date +'%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S')" "$line" >> mongo-diskstats; done # Check if vmstat -t is available. elif vmstat -td > /dev/null 2>&1; then vmstat -td 5 > mongo-diskstats # Check if vmstat -T d is available. elif vmstat -T d > /dev/null 2>&1; then vmstat -T d 5 > mongo-diskstats else printf "Cannot collect mongo-diskstats on this platform\n" fi "collect system resource info": &collect_system_resource_info command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src background: true system_log: true script: | ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/collect_resource_info.py -o system_resource_info.json -i 5 # Run a monitor process as a background, system task to periodically # display how many threads interesting processes are using. "monitor process threads": &monitor_process_threads command: shell.exec params: background: true system_log: true script: | proc_list="(bsondump|java|lein|mongo|python|_test$|_test\.exe$)" if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then get_pids() { proc_pids=$(tasklist /fo:csv | awk -F'","' '{x=$1; gsub("\"","",x); print $2, x}' | grep -iE $1 | cut -f1 -d ' '); } get_process_info() { proc_name=""; proc_info=$(wmic process where "ProcessId=\"$1\"" get "Name,ProcessId,ThreadCount" /format:csv 2> /dev/null | grep $1); if [ ! -z $proc_info ]; then proc_name=$(echo $proc_info | cut -f2 -d ','); proc_threads=$(echo $proc_info | cut -f4 -d ','); fi; } else get_pids() { proc_pids=$(pgrep $1); } get_process_info() { proc_name=$(ps -p $1 -o comm=); # /proc is available on Linux platforms if [ -f /proc/$1/status ]; then ${set_sudo} proc_threads=$($sudo grep Threads /proc/$1/status | sed "s/\s//g" | cut -f2 -d ":"); else proc_threads=$(ps -AM $1 | grep -vc PID); fi; } fi while [ 1 ] do get_pids $proc_list if [ ! -z "$proc_pids" ]; then printf "Running process/thread counter\n" printf "PROCESS\tPID\tTHREADS\n" fi for pid in $proc_pids do get_process_info $pid if [ ! -z "$proc_name" ]; then printf "$proc_name\t$pid\t$proc_threads\n" fi done sleep 60 done "set up credentials" : &set_up_credentials command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src silent: true script: | cat > mci.buildlogger < ${private_key_file|/dev/null} chmod 0600 ${private_key_file|/dev/null} fi if [ ! -d ~.aws ]; then mkdir -p ~/.aws fi # If ${aws_profile_remote} is not specified then the config & credentials are # stored in the 'default' profile. aws_profile="${aws_profile_remote|default}" # The profile in the config file is specified as [profile ], except # for [default], see http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/configuration.html if [ $aws_profile = "default" ] ; then aws_profile_config="[default]" else aws_profile_config="[profile $aws_profile]" fi cat <> ~/.aws/config $aws_profile_config region = us-east-1 EOF # The profile in the credentials file is specified as []. cat <> ~/.aws/credentials [$aws_profile] aws_access_key_id = ${aws_key_remote} aws_secret_access_key = ${aws_secret_remote} EOF cat < ~/.boto [Boto] https_validate_certificates = False EOF "upload debugsymbols" : &upload_debugsymbols command: s3.put params: optional: true aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongo-debugsymbols.tgz remote_file: ${mongo_debugsymbols} bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} "fetch debugsymbols archive" : &fetch_debugsymbols_archive command: s3.get params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} remote_file: ${mongo_debugsymbols} bucket: mciuploads local_file: src/mongo-debugsymbols.tgz "extract debugsymbols" : &extract_debugsymbols command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose # Debug symbols are not created for every variant if [ ! -f mongo-debugsymbols.tgz ]; then exit fi ${decompress} mongo-debugsymbols.tgz files="mongo mongod mongos" file_exts="debug dSYM pdb" for file_ext in $file_exts do for file in $files do mv mongodb*/$file.$file_ext . 2>/dev/null || true done rm -r mongodb*/*.$file_ext 2>/dev/null || true done rm mongo-debugsymbols.tgz 2>/dev/null || true "build rocksdb" : command: shell.exec params: script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "${build_rocksdb|}" = "true" ]; then rm -rf rocksdb git clone https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb.git cd rocksdb make USE_RTTI=1 CC=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/gcc CXX=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/g++ static_lib fi "fetch and build OpenSSL" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "${build_openssl|}" = "true" ]; then bash buildscripts/fetch_and_build_openssl.sh "${python|python}" "${openssl_make_flags|}" "${openssl_config_flags|}" fi "use WiredTiger develop" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "${use_wt_develop|}" = "true" ]; then cd src/third_party for wtdir in api dist examples ext lang src test tools ; do rm -rf wiredtiger/$wtdir mv wtdevelop/$wtdir wiredtiger/ done fi "setup android toolchain" : command: shell.exec params: script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "${setup_android_toolchain|}" = "true" ]; then ${activate_virtualenv} PYTHON=$python ${compile_env|} src/buildscripts/setup-android-toolchain.sh ${android_toolchain_system_image_arch} ${android_toolchain_target_arch} fi "scons cache pruning" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose # removes files from the (local) or shared scons cache when it's over a # threshold, to the $prune_ratio percentage. Ideally override # these default values in the distro config in evergreen. ${activate_virtualenv} prune_scons_cache="$python buildscripts/scons_cache_prune.py --cache-dir ${scons_cache_path} --cache-size ${scons_cache_size|200} --prune-ratio ${scons_prune_ratio|0.8}" if [ "${scons_cache_scope}" = "shared" ]; then if [ "${shared_scons_pruning}" = "true" ] && [ "${is_patch}" != "true" ]; then echo "shared_scons_pruning is set to true, checking last prune time" if $python buildscripts/prune_check.py; then echo "Pruning shared cache" $prune_scons_cache if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Prune successful. Resetting last_prune timestamp" $python buildscripts/prune_check.py -w fi else echo "We are less than the 'shared_scons_pruning' num seconds threshold, pruning will be skipped" fi else echo "Shared cache enabled but 'shared_scons_pruning' is not enabled for this variant or we are running a patch build, pruning will be skipped" fi else echo "Legacy local shared cache prune" if [ -d "${scons_cache_path}" ]; then $prune_scons_cache fi fi "umount shared scons directory" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "${scons_cache_scope}" = "shared" ]; then sudo umount /efs || umount /efs || true fi "build cdriver" : command: shell.exec params: script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "${build_cdriver|}" = "true" ]; then CDRIVER_VERSION=1.9.2 rm -rf mongo-c-driver-$CDRIVER_VERSION rm -rf mongo-c-driver curl -LO https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/releases/download/$CDRIVER_VERSION/mongo-c-driver-$CDRIVER_VERSION.tar.gz tar xzf mongo-c-driver-$CDRIVER_VERSION.tar.gz mv mongo-c-driver-$CDRIVER_VERSION mongo-c-driver cd mongo-c-driver # remove this patch once SERVER-33101 is released patch -p1 < ../src/buildscripts/mongoc-stat.c.diff export ${compile_env|} ./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/../src/build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}-tmp --with-libbson=bundled --disable-tests --disable-automatic-init-and-cleanup --disable-ssl --disable-sasl --disable-examples --disable-man-pages --disable-html-docs --disable-shm-counters --enable-shared --disable-static ${cdriver_configure_flags|} make make install mv $(pwd)/../src/build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}-tmp $(pwd)/../src/build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version} fi "build new tools" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src/src/mongo/gotools script: | set -o verbose set -o errexit # make sure newlines in the scripts are handled correctly by windows if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then set -o igncr fi; sed -i.bak "s/built-without-version-string/$(git describe)/" common/options/options.go sed -i.bak "s/built-without-git-spec/$(git rev-parse HEAD)/" common/options/options.go . ./${set_tools_gopath|set_gopath.sh} build_tools="bsondump mongostat mongofiles mongoexport mongoimport mongorestore mongodump mongotop" if [ "${build_mongoreplay}" = "true" ]; then build_tools="$build_tools mongoreplay" fi for i in $build_tools; do ${gorootvars} go build ${tooltags|} -o "../../mongo-tools/$i${exe|}" $i/main/$i.go "../../mongo-tools/$i${exe|}" --version done "get modified patch files" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src shell: bash script: | set -o verbose set -o errexit # For patch builds gather the modified patch files. if [ "${is_patch}" = "true" ]; then # Get list of patched files git diff HEAD --name-only >> patch_files.txt if [ -d src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise ]; then pushd src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise # Update the patch_files.txt in the mongo repo. git diff HEAD --name-only >> ~1/patch_files.txt popd fi fi "update bypass expansions" : &update_bypass_expansions command: expansions.update params: ignore_missing_file: true file: src/bypass_compile_expansions.yml "bypass compile and fetch binaries" : command: shell.exec params: continue_on_err: true working_dir: src shell: bash script: | set -o verbose set -o errexit # For patch builds determine if we can bypass compile. if [[ "${is_patch}" = "true" && "${task_name}" = "compile" ]]; then ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/bypass_compile_and_fetch_binaries.py \ --project ${project} \ --buildVariant ${build_variant} \ --revision ${revision} \ --patchFile patch_files.txt \ --outFile bypass_compile_expansions.yml \ --jsonArtifact artifacts.json fi "send benchmark results" : command: json.send params: name: perf file: src/perf.json "do setup" : - *fetch_artifacts - *update_bypass_expansions - *fetch_binaries - *extract_binaries - *check_binary_version - *get_buildnumber - *set_up_credentials - *run_diskstats - *monitor_process_threads - *collect_system_resource_info "do benchmark setup" : - *git_get_project - *update_bypass_expansions - *get_buildnumber - *set_up_credentials - *fetch_benchmarks "set up virtualenv" : command: shell.exec type: test params: script: | # exit immediately if virtualenv is not found set -o errexit set -o verbose python_loc=$(which ${python|/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/python2}) python3_loc=$(which ${python|/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/python3}) if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then python_loc=$(cygpath -w $python_loc) python3_loc=$(cygpath -w c:/python/Python36/python.exe) fi # Set up virtualenv in ${workdir} virtualenv --python "$python_loc" --system-site-packages "${workdir}/venv" # Add virtualenv for python3 in ${workdir} virtualenv --python "$python3_loc" --system-site-packages "${workdir}/venv_3" "run tests" : - command: expansions.update params: updates: - key: aws_key_remote value: ${mongodatafiles_aws_key} - key: aws_profile_remote value: mongodata_aws - key: aws_secret_remote value: ${mongodatafiles_aws_secret} - *set_up_remote_credentials - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src shell: bash script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [[ ${disable_unit_tests|false} = "false" && ! -f ${skip_tests|/dev/null} ]]; then # activate the virtualenv if it has been set up ${activate_virtualenv} pip install boto3==1.5.27 pip install mock==2.0.0 # Set the TMPDIR environment variable to be a directory in the task's working # directory so that temporary files created by processes spawned by resmoke.py get # cleaned up after the task completes. This also ensures the spawned processes # aren't impacted by limited space in the mount point for the /tmp directory. export TMPDIR="${workdir}/tmp" mkdir -p $TMPDIR if [ -f /proc/self/coredump_filter ]; then # Set the shell process (and its children processes) to dump ELF headers (bit 4), # anonymous shared mappings (bit 1), and anonymous private mappings (bit 0). echo 0x13 > /proc/self/coredump_filter if [ -f /sbin/sysctl ]; then # Check that the core pattern is set explicitly on our distro image instead # of being the OS's default value. This ensures that coredump names are consistent # across distros and can be picked up by Evergreen. core_pattern=$(/sbin/sysctl -n "kernel.core_pattern") if [ "$core_pattern" = "dump_%e.%p.core" ]; then echo "Enabling coredumps" ulimit -c unlimited fi fi fi extra_args="" if [ ${run_multiple_jobs|false} = true ]; then processor_architecture=$(uname -m) num_jobs_available=${num_jobs_available|1} # Reduce the number of available jobs by half when running any sharding*, replica_sets* # and select jsCore passthrough tasks on Windows and ARM to avoid overwhelming test hosts. if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ] || [ "aarch64" = $processor_architecture ]; then case "${task_name}" in replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough \ |replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough \ |replica_sets* \ |sharding* \ ) num_jobs_available=$((${num_jobs_available|2} / 2)) echo "Reducing jobs from ${num_jobs_available|1} to $num_jobs_available" ;; esac fi if [ ${max_jobs|0} -gt 0 ] && [ ${max_jobs|0} -lt $num_jobs_available ]; then extra_args="$extra_args --jobs=${max_jobs}" else extra_args="$extra_args --jobs=$num_jobs_available" fi fi if [ ${should_shuffle|true} = true ]; then extra_args="$extra_args --shuffle" fi if [ ${continue_on_failure|true} = true ]; then extra_args="$extra_args --continueOnFailure" fi # Default storageEngineCacheSizeGB to 1. Override on individual test config if needed. # resmoke will assign to the appropriate parameter on storage engines that support it. set +o errexit echo "${resmoke_args}" | grep -q storageEngineCacheSizeGB if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then extra_args="$extra_args --storageEngineCacheSizeGB=1" fi set -o errexit # Reduce the JSHeapLimit for the serial_run task task on Code Coverage builder variant. if [[ "${build_variant}" = "enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-coverage" && "${task_name}" = "serial_run" ]]; then extra_args="$extra_args --mongodSetParameter {'jsHeapLimitMB':10}" fi path_value="$PATH" if [ ${variant_path_suffix} ]; then path_value="$path_value:${variant_path_suffix}" fi if [ ${task_path_suffix} ]; then path_value="$path_value:${task_path_suffix}" fi if [ "${is_patch}" = "true" ]; then extra_args="$extra_args --tagFile=etc/test_lifecycle.yml --patchBuild" else extra_args="$extra_args --tagFile=etc/test_retrial.yml" fi # The "resmoke_wrapper" expansion is used by the 'burn_in_tests' task to wrap the resmoke.py # invocation. It doesn't set any environment variables and should therefore come last in # this list of expansions. set +o errexit PATH="$path_value" \ AWS_PROFILE=${aws_profile_remote} \ ${gcov_environment} \ ${rlp_environment} \ ${lang_environment} \ ${san_options} \ ${san_symbolizer} \ ${snmp_config_path} \ ${resmoke_wrapper} \ $python buildscripts/evergreen_run_tests.py \ ${resmoke_args} \ $extra_args \ ${test_flags} \ --log=buildlogger \ --staggerJobs=on \ --buildId=${build_id} \ --distroId=${distro_id} \ --executionNumber=${execution} \ --projectName=${project} \ --gitRevision=${revision} \ --revisionOrderId=${revision_order_id} \ --taskId=${task_id} \ --taskName=${task_name} \ --variantName=${build_variant} \ --versionId=${version_id} \ --archiveFile=archive.json \ --reportFile=report.json \ --perfReportFile=perf.json resmoke_exit_code=$? set -o errexit # 74 is exit code for IOError on POSIX systems. if [ $resmoke_exit_code = 74 ]; then echo $resmoke_exit_code > run_tests_system_failure exit 0 fi exit $resmoke_exit_code fi # end if [[ ${disable_unit_tests} && ! -f ${skip_tests|/dev/null} ]] - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o verbose if [ -f run_tests_system_failure ]; then exit $(cat run_tests_system_failure) fi "scons compile" : command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "${is_patch}" = "true" ] && [ "${bypass_compile|false}" = "true" ]; then exit 0 fi rm -rf ${install_directory|/data/mongo-install-directory} extra_args="" if [ -n "${num_scons_link_jobs_available|}" ]; then echo "Changing SCons to run with --jlink=${num_scons_link_jobs_available|}" extra_args="$extra_args --jlink=${num_scons_link_jobs_available|}" fi ${activate_virtualenv} set +o errexit ${compile_env|} $python ./buildscripts/scons.py ${compile_flags|} ${task_compile_flags|} ${scons_cache_args|} $extra_args ${targets} ${additional_targets|} MONGO_VERSION=${version} exit_status=$? # If compile fails we do not run any tests if [ $exit_status -ne 0 ]; then touch ${skip_tests} fi exit $exit_status "generate compile expansions" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose # We get the raw version string (r1.2.3-45-gabcdef) from git MONGO_VERSION=$(git describe) # If this is a patch build, we add the patch version id to the version string so we know # this build was a patch, and which evergreen task it came from if [ "${is_patch}" = "true" ] && [ "${bypass_compile|false}" = "false" ]; then MONGO_VERSION="$MONGO_VERSION-patch-${version_id}" fi ${activate_virtualenv} # shared scons cache testing # if 'scons_cache_scope' enabled and project level 'disable_shared_scons_cache' is not true # 'scons_cache_scope' is set on a per variant basis # 'disable_shared_scons_cache' is set on a project level and applies to all variants # Shared - if scons_cache_scope is set, then use new shared scons cache settings if [ ! -z ${scons_cache_scope} ]; then if [ "${disable_shared_scons_cache}" = "true" ]; then echo "SCons Cache disabled. All shared scons settings will be ignored" scons_cache_scope=none else scons_cache_scope=${scons_cache_scope} fi if [ "$scons_cache_scope" = "shared" ]; then set +o errexit mount | grep "\/efs" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Shared cache is already mounted" else echo "Shared cache - mounting file system" sudo mount /efs || mount /efs fi set -o errexit fi echo "Shared Cache with setting: ${scons_cache_scope}" MONGO_VERSION=$MONGO_VERSION SCONS_CACHE_MODE=${scons_cache_mode|nolinked} SCONS_CACHE_SCOPE=$scons_cache_scope IS_PATCH=${is_patch} ${python|/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/python2} buildscripts/generate_compile_expansions_shared_cache.py --out compile_expansions.yml # Legacy Expansion generation else echo "Using legacy expansion generation" # Proceed with regular expansions generated # This script converts the generated version string into a sanitized version string for # use by scons and uploading artifacts as well as information about for the scons cache. MONGO_VERSION=$MONGO_VERSION SCONS_CACHE_MODE=${scons_cache_mode|nolinked} USE_SCONS_CACHE=${use_scons_cache|false} ${python|/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/python2} buildscripts/generate_compile_expansions.py --out compile_expansions.yml fi "apply compile expansions" : command: expansions.update params: file: src/compile_expansions.yml "do jepsen setup" : - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit # Build libfaketime. A version of libfaketime at least as new as v0.9.6-9-g75896bd is # required to use the FAKETIME_NO_CACHE and FAKETIME_TIMESTAMP_FILE environment variables. # Additionally, a version of libfaketime containing the changes mentioned in SERVER-29336 # is required to avoid needing to use libfaketimeMT.so.1 and serializing all calls to # fake_clock_gettime() with a mutex. git clone --branch=for-jepsen --depth=1 git@github.com:10gen/libfaketime.git cd libfaketime branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) commit=$(git show -s --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar: %s") echo "Git branch: $branch, commit: $commit" make PREFIX=$(pwd)/build/ LIBDIRNAME='.' install - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit git clone --branch=jepsen-mongodb-master --depth=1 git@github.com:10gen/jepsen.git jepsen-mongodb cd jepsen-mongodb branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) commit=$(git show -s --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar: %s") echo "Git branch: $branch, commit: $commit" lein install - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit ${activate_virtualenv} $python -c 'import socket; num_nodes = 5; print("\n".join(["%s:%d" % (socket.gethostname(), port) for port in range(20000, 20000 + num_nodes)]))' > nodes.txt "run jepsen test" : - command: shell.exec type: test timeout_secs: 2700 # Timeout test if there is no output for more than 45 minutes. params: working_dir: src/jepsen-mongodb script: | set -o verbose # Set the TMPDIR environment variable to be a directory in the task's working # directory so that temporary files created by processes spawned by jepsen get # cleaned up after the task completes. This also ensures the spawned processes # aren't impacted by limited space in the mount point for the /tmp directory. # We also need to set the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable so that lein will # recognize this as the default temp directory. export TMPDIR="${workdir}/tmp" mkdir -p $TMPDIR export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Djava.io.tmpdir=$TMPDIR start_time=$(date +%s) lein run test --test ${jepsen_test_name} \ --mongodb-dir ../ \ --working-dir ${workdir}/src/jepsen-workdir \ --clock-skew faketime \ --libfaketime-path ${workdir}/src/libfaketime/build/libfaketime.so.1 \ --mongod-conf mongod_verbose.conf \ --virtualization none \ --nodes-file ../nodes.txt \ ${jepsen_key_time_limit} \ ${jepsen_protocol_version} \ ${jepsen_read_concern} \ ${jepsen_read_with_find_and_modify} \ ${jepsen_storage_engine} \ ${jepsen_time_limit} \ ${jepsen_write_concern} \ 2>&1 \ | tee jepsen_${task_name}_${execution}.log end_time=$(date +%s) elapsed_secs=$((end_time-start_time)) # Since we cannot use PIPESTATUS to get the exit code from the "lein run ..." pipe in dash shell, # we will check the output for success, failure or setup error. Note that 'grep' returns with exit code # 0 if it finds a match, and exit code 1 if no match is found. grep -q "Everything looks good" jepsen_${task_name}_${execution}.log grep_exit_code=$? if [ $grep_exit_code -eq 0 ]; then status='"pass"' failures=0 final_exit_code=0 else grep -q "Analysis invalid" jepsen_${task_name}_${execution}.log grep_exit_code=$? if [ $grep_exit_code -eq 0 ]; then status='"fail"' failures=1 final_exit_code=1 else # If the failure is due to setup, then this is considered a system failure. echo $grep_exit_code > jepsen_system_failure_${task_name}_${execution} exit 0 fi fi # Create report.json echo "{\"failures\": $failures, \"results\": [{\"status\": $status, \"exit_code\": $final_exit_code, \"test_file\": \"${task_name}\", \"start\": $start_time, \"end\": $end_time, \"elapsed\": $elapsed_secs}]}" > ../report.json exit $final_exit_code - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src/jepsen-mongodb script: | set -o verbose # Jepsen system failure if file exists. if [ -f jepsen_system_failure_${task_name}_${execution} ]; then exit $(cat jepsen_system_failure_${task_name}_${execution}) fi "run jstestfuzz": - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose git clone git@github.com:10gen/jstestfuzz.git cp mongodb*/bin/mongod . - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:10gen/mongo-enterprise-modules.git jstests/enterprise_tests git clone --depth 1 git@github.com:10gen/QA.git jstests/qa_tests - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src/jstestfuzz script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then # An "npm" directory might not have been created in %APPDATA% by the Windows installer. # Work around the issue by specifying a different %APPDATA% path. # See: https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/issues/8141 export APPDATA=${workdir}/npm-app-data export PATH="$PATH:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/nodejs" # Windows location else export PATH="$PATH:/opt/node/bin" fi echo "jstestfuzz self-tests are starting" set +o errexit npm test > npm_test-${task_id}.log 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then which node node --version which npm npm --version cat npm_test-${task_id}.log exit 1 fi rm -f npm_test-${task_id}.log set -o errexit echo "jstestfuzz self-tests finished" npm run ${npm_command|jstestfuzz} -- --jsTestsDir ../jstests ${jstestfuzz_vars} - command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "jstests.tgz" source_dir: "src/jstestfuzz" include: - "out/*.js" - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: jstests.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/jstestfuzz/${task_id}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Generated Tests - Execution ${execution} "run idl tests" : - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o verbose set -o errexit ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/idl/run_tests.py "run embedded tests" : command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o verbose set -o errexit ${activate_virtualenv} if [ ${enable_embedded_tests|false} = "ios_tvos_simulator" ]; then ${compile_env|} buildscripts/runiossim.sh ${ios_sim_device} ${ios_sim_runtime} "build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}/bin/mongo_embedded_capi_test" --tempPath /data ${compile_env|} buildscripts/runiossim.sh ${ios_sim_device} ${ios_sim_runtime} "build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}/bin/mongo_embedded_transport_test" --tempPath /data elif [ ${enable_embedded_tests|false} = "android_emulator" ]; then # strip because the binaries with debug symbols are too big for the default storage on the emulator find build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}/bin -type f | xargs $(dirname $(pwd))/android_toolchain/bin/*-linux-android-strip find build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}/lib -type f -name "*.so" | xargs $(dirname $(pwd))/android_toolchain/bin/*-linux-android-strip ${compile_env|} buildscripts/runandroidsim.sh $(dirname $(pwd))/android_sdk ${android_toolchain_system_image_arch} "build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}" "bin/mongo_embedded_capi_test" --tempPath /data ${compile_env|} buildscripts/runandroidsim.sh $(dirname $(pwd))/android_sdk ${android_toolchain_system_image_arch} "build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}" "bin/mongo_embedded_transport_test" --tempPath /data elif [ ${enable_embedded_tests|false} = "native" ]; then "build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}/bin/mongo_embedded_capi_test" "build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}/bin/mongo_embedded_transport_test" fi "run powercycle test" : - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o verbose set -o errexit if [ ! -z "${virtualenv_requirements}" ]; then ${activate_virtualenv} pip install -r pytests/requirements.txt fi - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src shell: bash script: | set -o verbose set -o errexit ${set_sudo} if [ ! -z $sudo ]; then remote_sudo="--remoteSudo" fi ${activate_virtualenv} # The virtualenv bin_dir is different for Linux and Windows bin_dir=$(find $VIRTUAL_ENV -name activate | sed -e "s,$VIRTUAL_ENV,,;s,activate,,;s,/,,g") cmds=". ${virtualenv_dir|venv}/$bin_dir/activate" cmds="$cmds; python -u" # The remote python operates in a virtualenv remote_python="--remotePython=\"$cmds\"" # Initialize report.json. The report will be finalized by powertest.py. report_json="report.json" start_time=$(date +%s) status="\"fail\"" failures=0 exit_code=1 end_time=$start_time elapsed_secs=0 echo "{\"failures\": $failures, \"results\": [{\"status\": $status, \"exit_code\": $exit_code, \"test_file\": \"${task_name}\", \"start\": $start_time, \"end\": $end_time, \"elapsed\": $elapsed_secs}]}" > $report_json generate_report_json="--reportJsonFile=$report_json" # Windows task overrides: # - Execute 10 test loops # - Cap the maximum number of clients to 10 each if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then test_override=--testLoops=10 max_clients=10 for client in --numCrudClients --numFsmClients do override=$(echo ${client_options} | awk "BEGIN {FS=\" |=\"} {for(j=1;j<=NF;j++) if (\$j~/^$client/) {min=(\$(j+1) < $max_clients) ? \$(j+1) : $max_clients; printf \"%s=%d\", \$j,min}}") client_override="$client_override $override" done fi config_file=powertest.yml eval $python pytests/powertest.py \ "--saveConfigOptions=$config_file \ ${connection_options} \ ${program_options} \ $generate_report_json \ $remote_sudo \ $remote_python \ ${test_options} \ $test_override \ ${crash_options} \ ${client_options} \ $client_override \ ${mongodb_options} \ ${mongod_options} \ ${mongod_extra_options}" set +o errexit $python -u pytests/powertest.py --configFile=$config_file # SERVER-34033: Figure out why shell.exec exits at this point. test_status=$? echo "Completed pytests/powertest.py, status: $test_status" exit $test_status - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src shell: bash script: | if [ ! -f report.json ]; then exit 0 fi grep -q "pass" report.json pass=$? # On test success, we only archive mongod.log. if [ $pass -eq 0 ]; then echo "ec2_artifacts: ${log_path}" > ec2_artifacts.yml fi - command: expansions.update params: ignore_missing_file: true file: src/ec2_artifacts.yml "do multiversion setup" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose ${activate_virtualenv} # The Windows build variants are running python 2.7.3 and require TLS 1.2 from pyOpenSSL pip install 'pyOpenSSL ; sys_platform == "win32" or sys_platform == "cygwin"' rm -rf /data/install /data/multiversion $python buildscripts/setup_multiversion_mongodb.py \ --installDir /data/install \ --linkDir /data/multiversion \ --edition ${multiversion_edition|base} \ --platform ${multiversion_platform|linux} \ --architecture ${multiversion_architecture|x86_64} \ --useLatest 3.2 3.4 3.6 "do snmp setup" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose mkdir -p snmpconf cp -f src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise/docs/mongod.conf.master snmpconf/mongod.conf "do watchdog setup" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose bash src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise/jstests/watchdog/charybdefs_setup.sh "cleanup environment" : command: shell.exec params: script: | set -o verbose rm -rf src /data/db/* mongo-diskstats* mongo-*.tgz ~/.aws ~/.boto venv "kill processes" : command: shell.exec params: silent: true script: | process_kill_list="(^cl\.exe$|bsondump|java|lein|lldb|mongo|python|_test$|_test\.exe$)" # Exclude Evergreen agent processes and other system daemons process_exclude_list="(main|tuned|evergreen)" if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then # Get the list of Windows tasks (tasklist list format): # - Transpose the Image Name and PID # - The first column has the process ID # - The second column (and beyond) has task name # - Grep for the task names of interest while ignoring any names that are in the exclude list processes=$(tasklist /fo:csv | awk -F'","' '{x=$1; gsub("\"","",x); print $2, x}' | grep -iE "$process_kill_list" | grep -ivE "$process_exclude_list") # Kill the Windows process by process ID with force (/f) kill_process () { pid=$(echo $1 | cut -f1 -d ' '); echo "Killing process $1"; taskkill /pid "$pid" /f; } else # Get the list of Unix tasks (pgrep full & long): # - Grep for the task names of interest while ignoring any names that are in the exclude list # - The first column has the process ID # - The second column (and beyond) has task name # There are 2 "styles" of pgrep, figure out which one works. # Due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/procps/+bug/1501916 # we cannot rely on the return status ($?) to detect if the option is supported. pgrep -f --list-full ".*" 2>&1 | grep -qE "(illegal|invalid|unrecognized) option" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then pgrep_list=$(pgrep -f --list-full "$process_kill_list") else pgrep_list=$(pgrep -f -l "$process_kill_list") fi # Since a process name might have a CR or LF in it, we need to delete any lines from # pgrep which do not start with space(s) and 1 digit and trim any leading spaces. processes=$(echo "$pgrep_list" | grep -ivE "$process_exclude_list" | sed -e '/^ *[0-9]/!d; s/^ *//; s/[[:cntrl:]]//g;') # Kill the Unix process ID with signal KILL (9) kill_process () { pid=$(echo $1 | cut -f1 -d ' '); echo "Killing process $1"; kill -9 $pid; } fi # Since a full process name can have spaces, the IFS (internal field separator) # should not include a space, just a LF & CR IFS=$(printf "\n\r") for process in $processes do kill_process "$process" done "run kitchen": command: shell.exec type: test params: shell: bash working_dir: src/buildscripts/package_test script: | set -o errexit export KITCHEN_ARTIFACTS_URL="https://s3.amazonaws.com/mciuploads/${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/artifacts/${build_id}.tgz" export KITCHEN_SECURITY_GROUP="${kitchen_security_group}" export KITCHEN_SSH_KEY_ID="${kitchen_ssh_key_id}" export KITCHEN_SUBNET="${kitchen_subnet}" export KITCHEN_VPC="${kitchen_vpc}" ${activate_virtualenv} # set expiration tag 2 hours in the future, since no test should take this long export KITCHEN_EXPIRE="$($python -c 'import datetime; print((datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(hours=2)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))')" for i in {1..3} do # kitchen commands use regex so 'kitchen verify amazon' matches both amazon and amazon2 # that's why we pass $ at the end of "${packager_distro}" if ! kitchen verify "${packager_distro}"\$; then verified="false" kitchen destroy "${packager_distro}"\$ || true sleep 30 else verified="true" break fi done kitchen destroy "${packager_distro}"\$ || true test "$verified" = "true" "fetch test_lifecycle.yml": - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o verbose ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/fetch_test_lifecycle.py \ --metadataRepo git@github.com:mongodb/mongo-test-metadata.git \ --lifecycleFile etc/test_lifecycle.yml \ --referencesFile references.yml \ --destinationFile etc/test_lifecycle.yml \ --revision ${revision} \ ${project} exit_code=$? if [ ${fail_task_on_error|false} = true ]; then exit $exit_code else exit 0 fi "copy ec2 monitor files": ©_ec2_monitor_files command: shell.exec params: background: true system_log: true working_dir: src silent: false script: | while [ 1 ] do # Tar/zip monitor files on remote host. if [ -z "${ec2_monitor_files}" ] || [ -z "${instance_id}" ]; then exit 0 fi # Ensure we use the latest private_ip_address, as it could change if the EC2 instance # has been stopped and started. ${activate_virtualenv} # Specify '--mode start' to ensure the remote instance is running. monitor_ec2_yml=monitor_ec2.yml aws_ec2=$($python buildscripts/aws_ec2.py --imageId ${instance_id} --mode start --yamlFile $monitor_ec2_yml) echo "AMI EC2 instance ${instance_id} status: $aws_ec2" private_ip_address=$($python buildscripts/yaml_key_value.py --yamlFile $monitor_ec2_yml --yamlKey private_ip_address) if [ -z "$private_ip_address" ]; then echo "Cannot determine the IP address for the remote monitor." continue fi cmd="${tar|tar} czf ec2_monitor_files.tgz ${ec2_monitor_files}" ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" ssh_connection_options="$ssh_connection_options -o ConnectionAttempts=3" $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@$private_ip_address \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --commands "$cmd" $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@$private_ip_address \ --operation "copy_from" \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --file ec2_monitor_files.tgz sleep 30 done "set up EC2 instance": &set_ec2_instance - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit ${activate_virtualenv} pip install -r buildscripts/requirements.txt pip install -r pytests/requirements.txt if [ ! -z "${subnet_id}" ]; then subnet_id="-n ${subnet_id}" fi for security_group_id in ${security_group_ids} do security_group_ids="$security_group_ids -g $security_group_id" done if [ -z "${security_group_ids}" ]; then for security_group in ${security_groups} do security_groups="$security_groups -s $security_group" done fi if [ ! -z "${expire_hours}" ]; then expire_hours="-e ${expire_hours}" fi # Clone another instance of this host in EC2. buildscripts/launch_evergreen_ec2_instance.sh \ $expire_hours \ -k ${ssh_key_id} \ $security_groups \ $security_group_ids \ $subnet_id \ -t "AMI Evergreen ${task_id}" \ -y ${aws_ec2_yml} - command: expansions.update params: file: src/${aws_ec2_yml} - command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit # Copy mount_drives.sh script to remote host. ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --operation "copy_to" \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --file buildscripts/mount_drives.sh - command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit # Mount /data on the attached drive(s), more than 1 indicates a RAID set. ${set_sudo} script_opts="-d '${data_device_names}'" if [ ! -z "${raid_data_device_name}" ]; then script_opts="$script_opts -r ${raid_data_device_name}" fi if [ ! -z "${fstype}" ]; then script_opts="$script_opts -t ${fstype}" fi if [ ! -z "${fs_options}" ]; then script_opts="$script_opts -o '${fs_options}'" fi # Mount /log on the attached drive. if [ ! -z "${log_device_name}" ]; then script_opts="$script_opts -l '${log_device_name}'" log="/log" fi group=$(id -Gn $USER | cut -f1 -d ' ') || true user_group="$USER:$group" script_opts="$script_opts -u $user_group" data_db=/data/db cmds="$sudo bash mount_drives.sh $script_opts; ls -ld $data_db $log; df; mount" ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --commands "$cmds" - command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit # Create remote_dir, if specified as expansion macro and is not '.' (pwd). if [[ -z "${remote_dir|}" || ${remote_dir} == "." ]]; then exit 0 fi ${set_sudo} ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" group=$(id -Gn $USER | cut -f1 -d ' ') || true user_group="$USER:$group" set_permission="chmod 777 ${remote_dir}" if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then set_permission="setfacl -s user::rwx,group::rwx,other::rwx ${remote_dir}" fi cmds="$sudo mkdir -p ${remote_dir}; $sudo chown $user_group ${remote_dir}; $set_permission; ls -ld ${remote_dir}" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --commands "$cmds" - command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit # Copy buildscripts and mongoDB executables to the remote host. file_param="--file buildscripts" mongo_executables="mongo mongod mongos" for executable in $mongo_executables do file_param="$file_param --file $executable${exe}" done ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --operation "copy_to" \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ $file_param \ --remoteDir ${remote_dir} - command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit # Set up virtualenv on remote. cmds="python_loc=\$(which \${python|/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/python2})" cmds="$cmds; if [ \"Windows_NT\" = \"$OS\" ]; then python_loc=\$(cygpath -w \$python_loc); fi" cmds="$cmds; virtualenv --python \$python_loc --system-site-packages ${virtualenv_dir|venv}" cmds="$cmds; activate=\$(find ${virtualenv_dir|venv} -name 'activate')" cmds="$cmds; . \$activate" # Install python modules on remote, if required. if [ ! -z "${virtualenv_requirements}" ]; then cmds="$cmds; pip install ${virtualenv_requirements}" fi ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --commands "$cmds" - command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit ${set_sudo} # Set up curator to collect system & process stats on remote. if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then variant=windows-64 else variant=ubuntu1604 fi # Download stable version of curator curator_hash=117d1a65256ff78b6d15ab79a1c7088443b936d0 curator_url="https://s3.amazonaws.com/boxes.10gen.com/build/curator/curator-dist-$variant-$curator_hash.tar.gz" cmds="curl -s $curator_url | tar -xzv" if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then # Since curator runs as SYSTEM user, ensure the output files can be accessed. cmds="$cmds; touch ${monitor_system_file}; chmod 777 ${monitor_system_file}" cmds="$cmds; cygrunsrv --install curator_sys --path curator --chdir \$HOME --args 'stat system --file ${monitor_system_file}'" cmds="$cmds; touch ${monitor_proc_file}; chmod 777 ${monitor_proc_file}" cmds="$cmds; cygrunsrv --install curator_proc --path curator --chdir \$HOME --args 'stat process-all --file ${monitor_proc_file}'" cmds="$cmds; cygrunsrv --start curator_sys" cmds="$cmds; cygrunsrv --start curator_proc" else cmds="$cmds; cmd=\"@reboot cd \$HOME && $sudo ./curator stat system >> ${monitor_system_file}\"" cmds="$cmds; (crontab -l ; echo \"\$cmd\") | crontab -" cmds="$cmds; cmd=\"@reboot cd \$HOME && $sudo ./curator stat process-all >> ${monitor_proc_file}\"" cmds="$cmds; (crontab -l ; echo \"\$cmd\") | crontab -" cmds="$cmds; crontab -l" cmds="$cmds; { $sudo \$HOME/curator stat system --file ${monitor_system_file} > /dev/null 2>&1 & $sudo \$HOME/curator stat process-all --file ${monitor_proc_file} > /dev/null 2>&1 & } & disown" fi ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --commands "$cmds" - command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit ${set_sudo} # Many systems have the firewall disabled, by default. In case the firewall is # enabled we add rules for the mongod ports on the remote. # RHEL 7 firewall rules if [ ! -z "$(which firewall-cmd 2> /dev/null)" ]; then cmds="$sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=ssh/tcp" cmds="$cmds; $sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${standard_port}/tcp" cmds="$cmds; $sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=${secret_port}/tcp" cmds="$cmds; $sudo firewall-cmd --reload" cmds="$cmds; $sudo firewall-cmd --list-all" # ArchLinux, Debian, RHEL 6 firewall rules elif [ ! -z "$($sudo iptables --list 2> /dev/null)" ]; then cmds="$sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT" cmds="$cmds; $sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport ${standard_port} -j ACCEPT" cmds="$cmds; $sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport ${secret_port} -j ACCEPT" if [ -d /etc/iptables ]; then rules_file=/etc/iptables/iptables.rules elif [ -f /etc/sysconfig/iptables ]; then rules_file=/etc/sysconfig/iptables else rules_file=/etc/iptables.up.rules fi cmds="$cmds; $sudo iptables-save | $sudo tee $rules_file" cmds="$cmds; $sudo iptables --list-rules" elif [ ! -z "$($sudo service iptables status 2> /dev/null)" ]; then cmds="$sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport ssh -j ACCEPT" cmds="$cmds; $sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport ${standard_port} -j ACCEPT" cmds="$cmds; $sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport ${secret_port} -j ACCEPT" cmds="$cmds; $sudo service iptables save" cmds="$cmds; $sudo service iptables status" # Ubuntu firewall rules elif [ ! -z "$($sudo ufw status 2> /dev/null)" ]; then cmds="$sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp" cmds="$cmds; $sudo ufw allow ${standard_port}/tcp" cmds="$cmds; $sudo ufw allow ${secret_port}/tcp" cmds="$cmds; $sudo ufw reload" cmds="$cmds; $sudo ufw status" # SuSE firewall rules # TODO: Add firewall rules using SuSEfirewall2 elif [ ! -z "$($sudo /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 help 2> /dev/null)" ]; then cmds="$sudo /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 stop" cmds="$cmds; $sudo /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 off" # Windows firewall rules elif [ ! -z "$(netsh advfirewall show store 2> /dev/null)" ]; then add_rule="netsh advfirewall firewall add rule" cmds="$add_rule name='MongoDB port ${standard_port} in' dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=${standard_port}" cmds="$cmds; $add_rule name='MongoDB port ${standard_port} out' dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=${standard_port}" cmds="$cmds; $add_rule name='MongoDB port ${secret_port} in' dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=${secret_port}" cmds="$cmds; $add_rule name='MongoDB port ${secret_port} out' dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=${secret_port}" cmds="$cmds; netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all | grep -A 13 'MongoDB'" else echo "Firewall not active or unknown firewall command on this platform" exit 0 fi set -o errexit if [ ! -z "$cmds" ]; then ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --commands "$cmds" fi - command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit if [[ "Windows_NT" != "$OS" || -z "${windows_crash_zip}" ]]; then exit 0 fi # Install NotMyFault, used to crash Windows. cmds="curl -s -o ${windows_crash_zip} ${windows_crash_dl}" cmds="$cmds; unzip -q ${windows_crash_zip} -d ${windows_crash_dir}" cmds="$cmds; chmod +x ${windows_crash_dir}/*.exe" ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --commands "$cmds" - *copy_ec2_monitor_files ### Determine & set remote EC2 IP address ### "get EC2 address": &get_ec2_address command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | if [ -z "${instance_id}" ]; then exit 0 fi # Ensure we use the latest private_ip_address, as it could change if the EC2 instance # has been stopped and started. ${activate_virtualenv} # Specify '--mode start' to ensure the remote instance is running. aws_ec2_status_yml=aws_ec2_status.yml aws_ec2=$($python buildscripts/aws_ec2.py --imageId ${instance_id} --mode start --yamlFile $aws_ec2_status_yml) private_ip_address=$($python buildscripts/yaml_key_value.py --yamlFile $aws_ec2_status_yml --yamlKey private_ip_address) echo "private_ip_address: $private_ip_address" > private_ip_address.yml "update EC2 address": &update_ec2_address command: expansions.update params: file: src/private_ip_address.yml ### Process & archive remote EC2 artifacts ### "tar EC2 artifacts": &tar_ec2_artifacts command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | # Tar/zip artifacts on remote host. if [ -z "${ec2_artifacts}" ]; then exit 0 fi cmd="${tar|tar} czf ec2_artifacts.tgz ${ec2_artifacts}" ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --commands "$cmd" "copy EC2 artifacts": ©_ec2_artifacts command: shell.exec params: shell: bash working_dir: src script: | # Copy remote artifacts. if [ -z "${ec2_artifacts}" ]; then exit 0 fi ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --operation "copy_from" \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries|0} \ --file ec2_artifacts.tgz "cleanup EC2 instance": &cleanup_ec2_instance command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | if [ -z ${instance_id} ]; then exit 0 fi ${activate_virtualenv} echo "Terminating $instance_id" aws_ec2=$($python buildscripts/aws_ec2.py --imageId ${instance_id} --mode terminate) echo "Terminated AMI EC2 instance: $aws_ec2" "gather remote mongo coredumps": &gather_remote_mongo_coredumps command: shell.exec params: working_dir: "src" script: | if [ ! -f ${aws_ec2_yml|""} ]; then exit 0 fi ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" remote_dir=${remote_dir|.} # Find all core files and move to $remote_dir cmds="core_files=\$(/usr/bin/find -H . \( -name '*.core' -o -name '*.mdmp' \) 2> /dev/null)" cmds="$cmds; if [ -z \"\$core_files\" ]; then exit 0; fi" cmds="$cmds; echo Found remote core files \$core_files, moving to \$(pwd)" cmds="$cmds; for core_file in \$core_files" cmds="$cmds; do base_name=\$(echo \$core_file | sed 's/.*\///')" cmds="$cmds; if [ ! -f \$base_name ]; then mv \$core_file .; fi" cmds="$cmds; done" ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries} \ --commands "$cmds" \ --commandDir $remote_dir "copy remote mongo coredumps": ©_remote_mongo_coredumps command: shell.exec params: working_dir: "src" script: | if [ ! -f ${aws_ec2_yml|""} ]; then exit 0 fi ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" remote_dir=${remote_dir|.} ${activate_virtualenv} $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --operation "copy_from" \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries} \ --file "$remote_dir/*.core" \ --file "$remote_dir/*.mdmp" # Since both type of core files do not exist on the same host, this command # will always return non-zero. As the core file retrieval is optional, we # always exit successfully. exit 0 "archive remote EC2 artifacts": &archive_remote_ec2_artifacts command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/ec2_artifacts.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/remote_ec2/remote_ec2_artifacts-${task_id}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Remote EC2 Artifacts - Execution ${execution} optional: true "archive remote EC2 monitor files": &archive_remote_ec2_monitor_files command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/ec2_monitor_files.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/remote_ec2/remote_ec2_monitor-${task_id}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Remote EC2 Monitor - Execution ${execution} optional: true "save ec2 task artifacts": - *get_ec2_address - *update_ec2_address - *tar_ec2_artifacts - *copy_ec2_artifacts - *gather_remote_mongo_coredumps - *copy_remote_mongo_coredumps - *cleanup_ec2_instance - *archive_remote_ec2_artifacts - *archive_remote_ec2_monitor_files ### Process & archive local client logs ### "tar local client logs": &tar_local_client_logs command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | client_logs=$(ls crud*.log fsm*.log 2> /dev/null) if [ ! -z "$client_logs" ]; then ${tar|tar} czf client-logs.tgz $client_logs fi "archive local client logs": &archive_local_client_logs command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/client-logs.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/client_logs/mongo-client-logs-${task_id}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Client logs - Execution ${execution} optional: true "save local client logs": - *tar_local_client_logs - *archive_local_client_logs ### Set expansion macros used in each task ### "set task expansion macros": command: expansions.update params: updates: - key: activate_virtualenv value: | # check if virtualenv is set up if [ -d "${workdir}/venv" ]; then if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then # Need to quote the path on Windows to preserve the separator. . "${workdir}/venv/Scripts/activate" 2> /tmp/activate_error.log else . ${workdir}/venv/bin/activate 2> /tmp/activate_error.log fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to activate virtualenv: $(cat /tmp/activate_error.log)" fi python=python else python=${python|/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/python2} fi echo "python set to $(which $python)" - key: activate_virtualenv_3 value: | # check if virtualenv for python3 is set up if [ -d "${workdir}/venv_3" ]; then if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then # Need to quote the path on Windows to preserve the separator. . "${workdir}/venv_3/Scripts/activate" 2> /tmp/activate_error.log else . ${workdir}/venv_3/bin/activate 2> /tmp/activate_error.log fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to activate virtualenv: $(cat /tmp/activate_error.log)" fi python=python else if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then python=/cygdrive/c/python/Python36/python else python=${python3|/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/python3} fi fi echo "python set to $(which $python)" - key: posix_workdir value: eval 'if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then echo $(cygpath -u "${workdir}"); else echo ${workdir}; fi' # For ssh disable the options GSSAPIAuthentication, CheckHostIP, StrictHostKeyChecking # & UserKnownHostsFile, since these are local connections from one AWS instance to another. - key: ssh_connection_options value: -o GSSAPIAuthentication=no -o CheckHostIP=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ConnectTimeout=20 -o ConnectionAttempts=20 - key: ssh_retries value: "10" - key: set_sudo value: | set -o > /tmp/settings.log set +o errexit grep errexit /tmp/settings.log | grep on errexit_on=$? # Set errexit "off". set +o errexit sudo= # Use sudo, if it is supported. sudo date > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sudo=sudo fi # Set errexit "on", if previously enabled. if [ $errexit_on -eq 0 ]; then set -o errexit fi - key: mongo_binaries value: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/binaries/mongo-${build_id}.${ext|tgz} - key: mongo_debugsymbols value: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/debugsymbols/debugsymbols-${build_id}.${ext|tgz} - key: mongo_shell value: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/binaries/mongo-shell-${build_id}.${ext|tgz} - key: skip_tests value: skip_test-${build_id} ### Clear and print OOM messages ### "clear OOM messages": command: shell.exec params: system_log: true script: | ulimit -a # Clear the dmesg ring buffer. The "post" phase will check dmesg for OOM messages. ${set_sudo} $sudo dmesg -c > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Cleared the dmesg ring buffer" else echo "Could not clear the dmesg ring buffer" fi "print OOM messages": # Print out any Out of Memory killed process messages. command: shell.exec params: system_log: true working_dir: src # Temporary files created in src will be cleaned up in "pre". script: | ${set_sudo} # Use dmesg -T option, if supported, to display timestamps. dmesg=dmesg $sudo dmesg -T > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then dmesg="dmesg -T" fi $sudo $dmesg 2> /dev/null > dmesg.txt if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Cannot check for OOM (Out of memory) killed processes on this platform" exit 0 fi grep -iE '(Out of memory|OOM[- ]killer|Killed process)' dmesg.txt > oom.txt if [ -s oom.txt ]; then echo "OOM (Out of memory) killed processes detected" cat oom.txt else echo "No OOM (Out of memory) killed processes detected" fi ### Cleanup after the watchdog FUSE testing ### "cleanup FUSE watchdog": command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | if [ -d /data/thrift ]; then rm -rf /data/thrift fi if [ -d /data/charybdefs ]; then rm -rf /data/charybdefs fi ### Process & archive Code Coverage artifacts ### "process code coverage data": &process_code_coverage_data command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set +o errexit if [ -d "./build" ]; then file_list=$(find ./build -type f -name "*.gcda") if [ -n "$file_list" ]; then for gcda_file in $file_list; do echo "Processing file $gcda_file" /opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/gcov -i $gcda_file base_name=$(echo $gcda_file | rev | cut -f1 -d '/' | cut -f2 -d '.' | rev) gcov_file=$base_name.gcda.gcov if [ -f "$gcov_file" ]; then # Add a prefix to the intermediate file, since it does not have a unique name. # Convert the '/' to '#' in the file path. file_prefix=$(echo $gcda_file | sed -e 's,^\./,,' | rev | cut -f2- -d '/' | rev | tr -s '/' '#') new_gcov_file=$file_prefix#$base_name.gcda.gcov if [ ! -f $new_gcov_file ]; then echo "Renaming gcov intermediate file $gcov_file to $new_gcov_file" mv $gcov_file $new_gcov_file else # We treat this as a fatal condition and remove all of the coverage files. echo "Not renaming $gcov_file as $new_gcov_file already exists!" rm -f *.gcda.gcov exit 1 fi fi rm $gcda_file done fi fi "tar code coverage data": &tar_code_coverage_data command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "src/gcov-intermediate-files.tgz" source_dir: "src" include: - "*.gcda.gcov" "archive code coverage data": &archive_code_coverage_data command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: "src/gcov-intermediate-files.tgz" remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/gcov/gcov-intermediate-files-${task_id}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: gcov intermediate files - Execution ${execution} optional: true "save code coverage data": - *process_code_coverage_data - *tar_code_coverage_data - *archive_code_coverage_data "tar jepsen logs": &tar_jepsen_logs command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "src/jepsen-mongod-logs.tgz" source_dir: "${workdir}/src/jepsen-workdir" include: - "./**.log" "archive jepsen logs": &archive_jepsen_logs command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/jepsen-mongod-logs.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/jepsen/jepsen-mongod-logs-${task_id}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Jepsen mongod Logs - ${execution} optional: true "tar jepsen results": &tar_jepsen_results command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "src/jepsen-results.tgz" source_dir: "src/jepsen-mongodb/store" include: - "./**" "archive jepsen results": &archive_jepsen_results command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/jepsen-results.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/jepsen/jepsen-results-${task_id}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Jepsen Test Results - ${execution} optional: true "save jepsen artifacts": - *tar_jepsen_logs - *archive_jepsen_logs - *tar_jepsen_results - *archive_jepsen_results ### Process & archive mongo coredumps ### "gather mongo coredumps": &gather_mongo_coredumps command: shell.exec params: working_dir: "src" script: | # Find all core files and move to src core_files=$(/usr/bin/find -H .. \( -name "*.core" -o -name "*.mdmp" \) 2> /dev/null) for core_file in $core_files do base_name=$(echo $core_file | sed "s/.*\///") # Move file if it does not already exist if [ ! -f $base_name ]; then mv $core_file . fi done "tar mongo coredumps": &tar_mongo_coredumps command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "mongo-coredumps.tgz" source_dir: "src" include: - "./**.core" - "./**.mdmp" # Windows: minidumps "archive mongo coredumps": &archive_mongo_coredumps command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: mongo-coredumps.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/coredumps/mongo-coredumps-${build_id}-${task_name}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Core Dumps - Execution ${execution} optional: true "save mongo coredumps": - *gather_mongo_coredumps - *tar_mongo_coredumps - *archive_mongo_coredumps ### Process & archive failed unittest artifacts ### "gather failed unittests": &gather_failed_unittests command: shell.exec params: working_dir: "src" script: | mkdir unittest_binaries || true # Find all core files core_files=$(/usr/bin/find -H . \( -name "dump_*.core" -o -name "*.mdmp" \) 2> /dev/null) for core_file in $core_files do # A core file name does not always have the executable name that generated it. # See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34801353/core-dump-filename-gets-thread-name-instead-of-executable-name-with-core-pattern # On platforms with GDB, we get the binary name from core file gdb=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/gdb/bin/gdb if [ -f $gdb ]; then binary_file=$($gdb -batch --quiet -ex "core $core_file" 2> /dev/null | grep "Core was generated" | cut -f2 -d "\`" | cut -f1 -d "'" | cut -f1 -d " ") binary_file_locations=$binary_file else # Find the base file name from the core file name, note it may be truncated. # Remove leading 'dump_' and trailing '..core' or '..mdmp' binary_file=$(echo $core_file | sed "s/.*\///;s/dump_//;s/\..*\.core//;s/\..*\.mdmp//") # Locate the binary file. Since the base file name might be truncated, the find # may return more than 1 file. binary_file_locations=$(/usr/bin/find -H . -name "$binary_file*${exe}" 2> /dev/null) fi if [ -z "$binary_file_locations" ]; then echo "Cannot locate the unittest binary file ($binary_file) that generated the core file $core_file" fi for binary_file_location in $binary_file_locations do new_binary_file=unittest_binaries/$(echo $binary_file_location | sed "s/.*\///") if [ ! -f $new_binary_file ]; then mv $binary_file_location $new_binary_file fi # On Windows if a .pdb symbol file exists, include it in the archive. pdb_file=$(echo $binary_file_location | sed "s/\.exe/.pdb/") if [ -f $pdb_file ]; then new_pdb_file=unittest_binaries/$(echo $pdb_file | sed "s/.*\///") mv $pdb_file $new_pdb_file fi done done "tar failed unittests": &tar_failed_unittests command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "mongo-unittests.tgz" source_dir: "src/unittest_binaries" include: - "./*_test${exe}" "archive failed unittests": &archive_failed_unittests command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: mongo-unittests.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/unittests/mongo-unittests-${build_id}-${task_name}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Unit tests - Execution ${execution} optional: true "save failed unittests": - *gather_failed_unittests - *tar_failed_unittests - *archive_failed_unittests ### Process & archive artifacts from hung processes ### "run hang analyzer": command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o verbose hang_analyzer_option="-o file -o stdout -p ${hang_analyzer_processes|dbtest,java,mongo,mongod,mongos,python,_test} -g bsondump,mongodump,mongoexport,mongofiles,mongoimport,mongoreplay,mongorestore,mongostat,mongotop" if [ ${hang_analyzer_dump_core|true} = true ]; then hang_analyzer_option="-c $hang_analyzer_option" fi ${activate_virtualenv} echo "Calling the hang analyzer: PATH=\"/opt/mongodbtoolchain/gdb/bin:$PATH\" $python buildscripts/hang_analyzer.py $hang_analyzer_option" PATH="/opt/mongodbtoolchain/gdb/bin:$PATH" $python buildscripts/hang_analyzer.py $hang_analyzer_option # Call hang_analyzer.py script for tasks that are running remote mongo processes if [ -n "${private_ip_address}" ]; then core_ext=core if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then core_ext=mdmp fi ssh_connection_options="${ssh_identity} ${ssh_connection_options}" # buildscripts must be installed in ${remote_dir} on the remote host. remote_dir=${remote_dir|.} # Copy mongoDB debug symbols to the remote host. debug_files=$(ls *.debug *.dSYM *.pdb 2> /dev/null) for debug_file in $debug_files do file_param="$file_param --file $debug_file" done if [ ! -z "$file_param" ]; then $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --operation "copy_to" \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries} \ $file_param \ --remoteDir $remote_dir fi # Activate virtualenv on remote host. The virtualenv bin_dir is different for Linux and # Windows. bin_dir=$(find $VIRTUAL_ENV -name activate | sed -e "s,$VIRTUAL_ENV,,;s,activate,,;s,/,,g") cmds=". ${virtualenv_dir|venv}/$bin_dir/activate" # In the 'cmds' variable we pass to remote host, use 'python' instead of '$python' since # we don't want to evaluate the local python variable, but instead pass the python string # so the remote host will use the right python when the virtualenv is sourced. cmds="$cmds; cd ${remote_dir}" cmds="$cmds; PATH=\"/opt/mongodbtoolchain/gdb/bin:\$PATH\" python buildscripts/hang_analyzer.py $hang_analyzer_option" $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries} \ --commands "$cmds" $python buildscripts/remote_operations.py \ --verbose \ --userHost $USER@${private_ip_address} \ --operation "copy_from" \ --sshConnectionOptions "$ssh_connection_options" \ --retries ${ssh_retries} \ --file "$remote_dir/debugger*.*" \ --file "$remote_dir/*.$core_ext" fi "tar hang analyzer debugger files": &tar_hang_analyzer_debugger_files command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "src/mongo-hanganalyzer.tgz" source_dir: "src" include: - "./debugger*.*" "archive hang analyzer debugger files": &archive_hang_analyzer_debugger_files command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongo-hanganalyzer.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/hanganalyzer/mongo-hanganalyzer-${build_id}-${task_name}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Hang Analyzer Output - Execution ${execution} optional: true "save hang analyzer debugger files": - *tar_hang_analyzer_debugger_files - *archive_hang_analyzer_debugger_files ### Process & archive disk statistic artifacts ### "tar disk statistics": &tar_disk_statistics command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "diskstats.tgz" source_dir: "./" include: - "./mongo-diskstats*" - "./mongo-diskstats*.csv" "archive disk statistics": &archive_disk_statistics command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: diskstats.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/diskstats/mongo-diskstats-${task_id}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Disk Stats - Execution ${execution} optional: true "save disk statistics": - *tar_disk_statistics - *archive_disk_statistics ### Process & archive system resource artifacts ### "tar system resource information": &tar_system_resource_information command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "system-resource-info.tgz" source_dir: src include: - "./system_resource_info*" "archive system resource information": &archive_system_resource_information command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: system-resource-info.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/systemresourceinfo/mongo-system-resource-info-${task_id}-${execution}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: System Resource Info - Execution ${execution} optional: true "save system resource information": - *tar_system_resource_information - *archive_system_resource_information ### Attach report & artifacts ### "attach scons config log": command: s3.put params: optional: true aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/build/scons/config.log remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/artifacts/config-${build_id}.log bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: text/plain display_name: config.log "attach report": command: attach.results params: file_location: ${report_file|src/report.json} "attach artifacts": command: attach.artifacts params: optional: true ignore_artifacts_for_spawn: false files: - ${archive_file|src/archive.json} # Pre task steps pre: - func: "kill processes" - func: "cleanup environment" # The python virtual environment is installed in ${workdir}, which is created in # "set up virtualenv". - func: "set up virtualenv" - func: "set task expansion macros" - func: "clear OOM messages" # Post task steps post: - func: "attach report" - func: "attach artifacts" - func: "save ec2 task artifacts" - func: "kill processes" - func: "save local client logs" - func: "save code coverage data" - func: "save jepsen artifacts" - func: "save mongo coredumps" - func: "save failed unittests" - func: "save hang analyzer debugger files" - func: "save disk statistics" - func: "save system resource information" - func: "print OOM messages" - func: "cleanup FUSE watchdog" - func: "cleanup environment" # Timeout steps timeout: - func: "fetch debugsymbols archive" - func: "extract debugsymbols" - func: "get EC2 address" - func: "update EC2 address" - func: "run hang analyzer" ####################################### # Tasks # ####################################### ## The test_lifecycle_excluded_tasks are a list of tasks names which include: ## - Non jstests, i.e., compile, unittests ## - Non standard jstests, i.e., jstestfuzz ## Note that the task name supports glob patterns. test_lifecycle_excluded_tasks: - aggregation_fuzzer* - burn_in_tests - compile* - dbtest* - idl_tests - integration* - jepsen* - jstestfuzz* - lint - mongos* - package - push - rollback_fuzzer* - unittests* - update_fuzzer* tasks: ## compile - build all scons targets except unittests ## - name: compile depends_on: [] commands: - func: "build new tools" - func: "build rocksdb" # noop if ${build_rocksdb} is not "true" - func: "scons compile" vars: targets: core tools dbtest integration_tests dist dist-debugsymbols distsrc-${ext|tgz} ${msi_target|} task_compile_flags: >- --use-new-tools --build-mongoreplay="${build_mongoreplay}" --detect-odr-violations - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "${is_patch}" = "true" ] && [ "${bypass_compile|false}" = "true" ]; then exit 0 fi mv mongodb-src-*.${ext|tgz} distsrc.${ext|tgz} mv mongodb-*-debugsymbols.${ext|tgz} mongo-debugsymbols.tgz || true mv mongodb-*.${ext|tgz} mongodb-binaries.tgz # If strip is on the path (everywhere except windows) then we should strip the test binaries # before tarring them up if [ -x ${strip_path|/usr/bin/strip} ]; then cat build/integration_tests.txt | xargs ${strip_command|/usr/bin/strip} ${strip_command|/usr/bin/strip} dbtest ${strip_command|/usr/bin/strip} mongobridge fi - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "${is_patch}" = "true" ] && [ "${bypass_compile|false}" = "true" ]; then exit 0 fi ${activate_virtualenv} if [ "${has_packages|}" = "true" ] ; then cd buildscripts $python ${packager_script} --prefix `pwd`/.. --distros ${packager_distro} --tarball `pwd`/../mongodb-binaries.tgz -s ${version} -m HEAD -a ${packager_arch} cd .. fi # Create separate shell archive mkdir -p shell-archive/build cd shell-archive ${platform_decompress|tar xzvf} ../mongodb-binaries.tgz find . -mindepth 3 ! -name "mongo${exe}" -type f -exec rm {} \; # delete bin/* except bin/mongo $python ../buildscripts/make_archive.py -o mongodb-shell.${ext|tgz} $(find mongodb-* -type f) cd .. - func: "fetch test_lifecycle.yml" vars: # Do not fail the task if we fail to fetch the test_lifecycle.yml file fail_task_on_error: false - command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "artifacts.tgz" source_dir: "src" include: - "src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise/jstests/**" - "compile_expansions.yml" - "src/mongo/db/modules/subscription/jstests/**" - "src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise/docs/**" - "*.exe" - "jstests/**" - "pytests/**" - "./test*" - "./dbtest*" - "./mongobridge*" - "./mongoe*" - "buildscripts/**" - "*Example" - "*Test" - "./**.pdb" - "./**.msi" - "./etc/*san.suppressions" - "./etc/repo_config.yaml" - "./etc/test_lifecycle.yml" - "./etc/test_retrial.yml" - "./build/integration_tests/**" - "./build/integration_tests.txt" - "./build/**.gcno" - "repo/**" - "src/mongo/util/options_parser/test_config_files/**" - "library_dependency_graph.json" - "src/third_party/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite/tests/draft4/**" - "bypass_compile_expansions.yml" - "patch_files.txt" - "artifacts.json" exclude_files: - "*_test.pdb" - func: "upload debugsymbols" - command: s3.put params: optional: true aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-binaries.tgz remote_file: ${mongo_binaries} bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Binaries - command: s3.put params: optional: true aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/shell-archive/mongodb-shell.${ext|tgz} remote_file: ${mongo_shell} bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Shell - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: artifacts.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/artifacts/${build_id}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: application/tar display_name: Artifacts - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/distsrc.${ext|tgz} remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/sources/mongo-src-${build_id}.${ext|tgz} bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Source tarball # We only need to upload the source tarball from one of the build variants # because it should be the same everywhere, so just use linux-64/windows-64-2k8. build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8-ssl ] # For patch builds that bypass compile, we upload links to pre-existing tarballs, except for the # artifacts.tgz. - command: attach.artifacts params: optional: true ignore_artifacts_for_spawn: false files: - src/artifacts.json ## compile_all - build all scons targets ## - name: compile_all commands: - func: "build new tools" - func: "build rocksdb" # noop if ${build_rocksdb} is not "true" - func: "scons compile" vars: targets: all task_compile_flags: >- --use-new-tools --build-mongoreplay="${build_mongoreplay}" --detect-odr-violations - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/library_dependency_graph.json remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/library_dependency_graph.${build_id}.json bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: application/json display_name: Library Dependency Graph (library_dependency_graph.json) build_variants: [enterprise-ubuntu1604-64] ## compile_unittests - build unittests ## - name: compile_unittests commands: - func: "scons compile" vars: targets: unittests task_compile_flags: >- --detect-odr-violations ## unittests - run unittests ## - name: unittests commands: - func: "run diskstats" - func: "monitor process threads" - func: "collect system resource info" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=unittests run_multiple_jobs: true ## compile_mobile - build the mobile-dev and mobile-test targets only ## - name: compile_mobile commands: - command: manifest.load - func: "git get project" - func: "get buildnumber" - func: "set up credentials" - func: "setup android toolchain" # noop if ${setup_android_toolchain} is not "true" - func: "generate compile expansions" # Then we load the generated version data into the agent so we can use it in task definitions. - func: "apply compile expansions" - func: "build cdriver" # noop if ${build_cdriver} is not "true" # Need to fixup C driver install names on iOS-ish # TODO: Remove this once building the cdriver with cmake, which will allow # us better control over installation names. - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: "src/build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}" script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if command -v xcrun; then # fixup the install names. _LibBsonInstallName=$(xcrun otool -l lib/libbson-1.0.0.dylib | grep mongo-embedded-sdk-${version} | awk '{ print $2 }') xcrun install_name_tool -id '@rpath/libbson-1.0.0.dylib' lib/libbson-1.0.0.dylib xcrun install_name_tool -id '@rpath/libmongoc-1.0.0.dylib' lib/libmongoc-1.0.0.dylib xcrun install_name_tool -change $_LibBsonInstallName @rpath/libbson-1.0.0.dylib lib/libmongoc-1.0.0.dylib fi - func: "scons compile" vars: targets: install-mobile-dev install-mobile-test task_compile_flags: >- --disable-warnings-as-errors --install-mode=hygienic --js-engine=none --link-model=dynamic --prefix='$BUILD_ROOT/mongo-embedded-sdk-$MONGO_VERSION' CPPPATH='$BUILD_ROOT/mongo-embedded-sdk-$MONGO_VERSION/include/libbson-1.0 $BUILD_ROOT/mongo-embedded-sdk-$MONGO_VERSION/include/libmongoc-1.0' LIBPATH='$BUILD_ROOT/mongo-embedded-sdk-$MONGO_VERSION/lib' # Need to sign artifacts on iOS-ish. - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: "src/build/mongo-embedded-sdk-${version}" script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if command -v xcrun; then # Do ad-hoc signing for now, until we have a better answer find ./lib -type f -name "*.dylib" -print0 | xargs -0 -L 1 xcrun codesign -s - fi # Not using archive.targz_pack here because I can't get it to work. - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: "src/build" script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose tar cfvz ./embedded-sdk.tgz ./mongo-embedded-sdk-${version} # Upload it so we can download from EVG. - command: s3.put params: optional: true aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: "src/build/embedded-sdk.tgz" remote_file: ${project}/embedded-sdk/${build_variant}/${revision}/${build_id}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: application/tar display_name: "Embedded SDK Tar Archive" - func: "run embedded tests" # If this is a patch build, blow away the file so our subsequent and optional s3.put # doesn't run. That way, we won't overwrite the latest part in our patches. - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: "src/build" script: | if [ "${is_patch}" = "true" ]; then rm -f src/build/embedded-sdk.tgz fi # A second put, this time to -latest, to give devs a reasonable # way to get the most recent build. - command: s3.put params: visibility: none optional: true aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: "src/build/embedded-sdk.tgz" remote_file: ${project}/embedded-sdk/${build_variant}-latest.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} - func: "scons cache pruning" - func: "umount shared scons directory" - name: compile_benchmarks tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: [] commands: - command: manifest.load - func: "git get project" - func: "get buildnumber" - func: "set up credentials" - func: "build new tools" - func: "use WiredTiger develop" # noop if ${use_wt_develop} is not "true" - func: "generate compile expansions" # Then we load the generated version data into the agent so we can use it in task definitions - func: "apply compile expansions" - func: "scons compile" vars: targets: benchmarks - command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "benchmarks.tgz" source_dir: "src" include: - "./build/benchmarks.txt" - "./build/**_bm" - "./build/**_bm.gcno" - "./build/**_bm.exe" - "./build/**_bm.pdb" - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: benchmarks.tgz remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/benchmarks/${build_id}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: application/tar display_name: Benchmarks ## lint ## - name: lint depends_on: [] commands: - command: manifest.load - func: "git get project" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose ### TODO: Remove python3 when mypy 0.580 is installed in the toolchain. # Since mypy requires python3, we need to activate the venv_3 ${activate_virtualenv_3} pip install -r buildscripts/requirements.txt updated_mypy=$(which mypy) deactivate ### ${activate_virtualenv} # TODO: Remove once the linters have been updated on the variants. pip install -r buildscripts/requirements.txt # The linters require the modules be installed. pip install -r pytests/requirements.txt MYPY=$updated_mypy ${compile_env|} $python ./buildscripts/scons.py ${compile_flags|} --stack-size=1024 lint - <<: *task_template name: burn_in_tests depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "git get project" # The repository is cloned in a directory distinct from src for the modified test detection # because the extraction of the artifacts performed in the 'do setup' causes # 'git diff --name-only' to see all tests as modified on Windows (git 1.9.5). See SERVER-30634. vars: git_project_directory: burn_in_tests_clonedir - func: "do setup" - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: burn_in_tests_clonedir shell: bash script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose # If this is a scheduled build, we check for changes against the last scheduled commit. if [ "${is_patch}" != "true" ]; then burn_in_args="--checkEvergreen" fi # Copy the dbtest executable from the src dir because burn_in_tests.py calls it to get the # list of dbtest suites. cp ../src/dbtest${exe} . pushd ../src ${activate_virtualenv} popd # Capture a list of new and modified tests. build_variant=${build_variant} if [ -n "${burn_in_tests_build_variant|}" ]; then build_variant=${burn_in_tests_build_variant|} fi $python buildscripts/burn_in_tests.py --branch=${branch_name} --buildVariant=$build_variant --testListOutfile=jstests/new_tests.json --noExec $burn_in_args # Copy the results to the src dir. cp jstests/new_tests.json ../src/jstests/new_tests.json - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_wrapper: $python buildscripts/burn_in_tests.py --testListFile=jstests/new_tests.json resmoke_args: --repeat=2 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *benchmark_template name: benchmarks_orphaned tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do benchmark setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=benchmarks run_multiple_jobs: false - func: "send benchmark results" - <<: *benchmark_template name: benchmarks_sharding tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do benchmark setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=benchmarks_sharding run_multiple_jobs: false - func: "send benchmark results" - <<: *run_jepsen_template name: jepsen_register_findAndModify_WT commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do jepsen setup" - func: "run jepsen test" vars: <<: *jepsen_config_vars jepsen_read_with_find_and_modify: --read-with-find-and-modify jepsen_storage_engine: --storage-engine wiredTiger jepsen_test_name: register - <<: *run_jepsen_template name: jepsen_register_linearizableRead commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do jepsen setup" - func: "run jepsen test" vars: <<: *jepsen_config_vars jepsen_read_concern: --read-concern linearizable jepsen_storage_engine: --storage-engine mmapv1 jepsen_test_name: register # Running Jepsen when using the MMAPv1 storage engine for longer periods of time can lead to # out of memory issues and task timeouts during the analysis phase. jepsen_time_limit: --time-limit 300 - <<: *run_jepsen_template name: jepsen_register_linearizableRead_WT commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do jepsen setup" - func: "run jepsen test" vars: <<: *jepsen_config_vars jepsen_read_concern: --read-concern linearizable jepsen_storage_engine: --storage-engine wiredTiger jepsen_test_name: register - <<: *run_jepsen_template name: jepsen_set_linearizableRead commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do jepsen setup" - func: "run jepsen test" vars: <<: *jepsen_config_vars jepsen_read_concern: --read-concern linearizable jepsen_storage_engine: --storage-engine mmapv1 jepsen_test_name: set # Running Jepsen when using the MMAPv1 storage engine for longer periods of time can lead to # out of memory issues and task timeouts during the analysis phase. jepsen_time_limit: --time-limit 300 - <<: *run_jepsen_template name: jepsen_set_linearizableRead_WT commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do jepsen setup" - func: "run jepsen test" vars: <<: *jepsen_config_vars jepsen_read_concern: --read-concern linearizable jepsen_storage_engine: --storage-engine wiredTiger jepsen_test_name: set - <<: *run_jepsen_template # We only run this test on wiredTiger since MMAPv1 doesn't support majority read concern. name: jepsen_read-concern-majority_WT commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do jepsen setup" - func: "run jepsen test" vars: <<: *jepsen_config_vars jepsen_storage_engine: --storage-engine wiredTiger jepsen_test_name: read-concern-majority - <<: *run_jepsen_template # We only run this test on wiredTiger since MMAPv1 doesn't support majority read concern. name: jepsen_read-concern-majority_w1_WT commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do jepsen setup" - func: "run jepsen test" vars: <<: *jepsen_config_vars jepsen_storage_engine: --storage-engine wiredTiger jepsen_test_name: read-concern-majority jepsen_write_concern: --write-concern w1 ## jstestfuzz standalone aggregation generational fuzzer ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: aggregation_fuzzer tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles 50 npm_command: aggregation-fuzzer - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=generational_fuzzer ## jstestfuzz standalone update generational fuzzer ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: update_fuzzer commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: npm_command: update-fuzzer - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=generational_fuzzer ## jstestfuzz replication update generational fuzzer ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: update_fuzzer_replication commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: npm_command: update-fuzzer - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=generational_fuzzer_replication ## rollback generational fuzzer ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: rollback_fuzzer commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles 15 npm_command: rollback-fuzzer - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=rollback_fuzzer ## jstestfuzz ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz --storageEngine=wiredTiger ## jstestfuzz concurrent ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_concurrent tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles ${jstestfuzz_num_generated_files|75} - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz --storageEngine=wiredTiger --numClientsPerFixture=10 ## jstestfuzz concurrent replica set ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles ${jstestfuzz_num_generated_files|75} - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_replication --storageEngine=wiredTiger --numClientsPerFixture=10 ## jstestfuzz concurrent replica set with logical session ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication_session commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles ${jstestfuzz_num_generated_files|75} - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_replication_session --storageEngine=wiredTiger --numClientsPerFixture=10 ## jstestfuzz concurrent sharded cluster ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles ${jstestfuzz_num_generated_files|75} - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_sharded --storageEngine=wiredTiger --numClientsPerFixture=10 ## jstestfuzz concurrent sharded cluster causal consistency ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_causal_consistency commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles ${jstestfuzz_num_generated_files|75} - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency --storageEngine=wiredTiger --numClientsPerFixture=10 ## jstestfuzz concurrent sharded cluster continuous stepdown ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_continuous_stepdown commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles 25 - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_sharded_continuous_stepdown --storageEngine=wiredTiger --numClientsPerFixture=10 ## jstestfuzz concurrent sharded cluster with logical session ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_session commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles ${jstestfuzz_num_generated_files|75} - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_sharded_session --storageEngine=wiredTiger --numClientsPerFixture=10 # jstestfuzz interrupt # - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_interrupt commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_interrupt --storageEngine=wiredTiger # jstestfuzz interrupt # - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_interrupt_replication commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_interrupt_replication --storageEngine=wiredTiger ## jstestfuzz replica set ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_replication tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_replication --storageEngine=wiredTiger ## jstestfuzz initial sync replica set ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_replication_initsync commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles 75 - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_replication_initsync --storageEngine=wiredTiger ## jstestfuzz replica set with logical session ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_replication_session commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_replication_session --storageEngine=wiredTiger ## jstestfuzz sharded cluster ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_sharded tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_sharded --storageEngine=wiredTiger ## jstestfuzz sharded cluster causal consistency ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency --storageEngine=wiredTiger ## jstestfuzz sharded cluster continuous stepdown ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_sharded_continuous_stepdown commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" vars: jstestfuzz_vars: --numGeneratedFiles 50 - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_sharded_continuous_stepdown --storageEngine=wiredTiger ## jstestfuzz sharded cluster with logical session ## - <<: *jstestfuzz_template name: jstestfuzz_sharded_session commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run jstestfuzz" - <<: *run_jstestfuzz_tests vars: <<: *jstestfuzz_config_vars resmoke_args: --suites=jstestfuzz_sharded_session --storageEngine=wiredTiger ## integration test suites ## - <<: *task_template name: aggregation commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=aggregation --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: aggregation_ese depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=aggregation_ese --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: aggregation_auth depends_on: - name: aggregation commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=aggregation_auth --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: aggregation_facet_unwind_passthrough depends_on: - name: aggregation commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=aggregation_facet_unwind_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: aggregation_mongos_passthrough depends_on: - name: aggregation commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=aggregation_mongos_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections depends_on: - name: aggregation commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough depends_on: - name: aggregation commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough depends_on: - name: aggregation commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: audit tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=audit --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: auth commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=auth --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: auth_audit tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=auth_audit --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_mongos_sessions_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_mongos_sessions_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_mongos_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_mongos_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_secondary_reads depends_on: - name: change_streams commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_secondary_reads --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_whole_db_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_whole_db_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_whole_db_mongos_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams_mongos_passthrough commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_whole_db_mongos_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_whole_db_secondary_reads_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams_secondary_reads commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_whole_db_secondary_reads_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_whole_db_sharded_collections_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_whole_db_sharded_collections_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_whole_cluster_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_whole_cluster_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_whole_cluster_mongos_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams_mongos_passthrough commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_whole_cluster_mongos_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_whole_cluster_secondary_reads_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams_secondary_reads commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_whole_cluster_secondary_reads_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: change_streams_whole_cluster_sharded_collections_passthrough depends_on: - name: change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=change_streams_whole_cluster_sharded_collections_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: dbtest tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=dbtest --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: disk_mmapv1 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=disk_mmapv1 --storageEngine=mmapv1 run_multiple_jobs: false - <<: *task_template name: disk_mobile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=disk_mobile --storageEngine=mobile run_multiple_jobs: false - <<: *task_template name: disk_wiredtiger commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=disk_wiredtiger --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: false - <<: *task_template name: durability commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=durability run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: dur_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=dur_jscore_passthrough run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: ese tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose ${activate_virtualenv} python -m pip install -r src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise/jstests/encryptdb/libs/requirements.txt - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=ese --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: failpoints commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=failpoints --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: failpoints_auth commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=failpoints_auth --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: gle_auth commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=gle_auth --shellWriteMode=legacy --shellReadMode=legacy --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: gle_auth_write_cmd commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=gle_auth --shellWriteMode=commands --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=gle_auth_basics_passthrough --shellWriteMode=legacy --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=gle_auth_basics_passthrough --shellWriteMode=commands --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: integration_tests_standalone commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=integration_tests_standalone --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: integration_tests_replset commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=integration_tests_replset --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: integration_tests_sharded commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=integration_tests_sharded --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: external_auth tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=external_auth --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough depends_on: - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough --shellWriteMode=legacy --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd depends_on: - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough --shellWriteMode=commands --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: jsCore tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=core --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: jsCore_mobile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=core --mongod=./mongoe --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_scripting,requires_auth,requires_sharding,does_not_support_stepdowns,requires_eval_command,requires_background_index,incompatible_with_embedded,incompatible_with_embedded_todo_investigate,requires_replication,SERVER-32997 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: jsCore_ese tags: ["wtdevelop"] depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=core_ese --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: jsCore_compatibility depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=core --shellReadMode=legacy --shellWriteMode=compatibility --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: jsCore_auth tags: ["wtdevelop"] depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=core_auth run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: jsCore_minimum_batch_size depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=core_minimum_batch_size --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: jsCore_op_query depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=core_op_query --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: jsCore_txns tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=core_txns --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: mongosTest commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=mongos_test run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: mmap commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=mmap run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: multiversion_auth commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=multiversion_auth --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: multiversion commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=multiversion --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: multiversion_multistorage_engine commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=multiversion_multistorage_engine run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: noPassthrough commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=no_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: noPassthroughWithMongod commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=no_passthrough_with_mongod --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: bulk_gle_passthrough commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=bulk_gle_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: slow1 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=slow1 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: false - <<: *task_template name: serial_run commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=serial_run --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: false - <<: *task_template name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger --shellReadMode=legacy --shellWriteMode=compatibility --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: parallel depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=parallel --storageEngine=wiredTiger - <<: *task_template name: parallel_compatibility depends_on: - name: jsCore_compatibility commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=parallel --shellReadMode=legacy --shellWriteMode=compatibility --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command - <<: *task_template name: concurrency commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" timeout_secs: 21600 # 6 hour timeout vars: resmoke_args: --suites=concurrency --storageEngine=wiredTiger - <<: *task_template name: concurrency_replication commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" timeout_secs: 21600 # 6 hour timeout vars: resmoke_args: --suites=concurrency_replication --storageEngine=wiredTiger - <<: *task_template name: concurrency_sharded_replication commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=concurrency_sharded_replication --storageEngine=wiredTiger - <<: *task_template name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer --storageEngine=wiredTiger - <<: *task_template name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" timeout_secs: 21600 # 6 hour timeout for each test vars: resmoke_args: --suites=concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency --storageEngine=wiredTiger - <<: *task_template name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" timeout_secs: 21600 # 6 hour timeout for each test vars: resmoke_args: --suites=concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer --storageEngine=wiredTiger - <<: *task_template name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" timeout_secs: 21600 # 6 hour timeout for each test vars: resmoke_args: --suites=concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns --storageEngine=wiredTiger - <<: *task_template name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns_and_balancer commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" timeout_secs: 21600 # 6 hour timeout for each test vars: resmoke_args: --suites=concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns_and_balancer --storageEngine=wiredTiger - <<: *task_template name: concurrency_simultaneous commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" timeout_secs: 21600 # 6 hour timeout vars: resmoke_args: --suites=concurrency_simultaneous --storageEngine=wiredTiger - <<: *task_template name: rlp commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=rlp --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=read_concern_linearizable_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: read_concern_majority_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=read_concern_majority_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: write_concern_majority_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=write_concern_majority_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: secondary_reads_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=secondary_reads_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_ese commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_ese --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_ese_0 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_ese_0 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_ese_1 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_ese_1 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_ese_2 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_ese_2 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_ese_3 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_ese_3 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_ese_4 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_ese_4 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_ese_5 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_ese_5 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_ese_6 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_ese_6 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_ese_misc tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_ese_misc --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_auth commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_auth --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_auth_0 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_auth_0 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_auth_1 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_auth_1 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_auth_2 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_auth_2 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_auth_3 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_auth_3 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_auth_4 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_auth_4 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_auth_5 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_auth_5 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_auth_6 tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_auth_6 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: replica_sets_auth_misc tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=replica_sets_auth_misc --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sasl tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sasl --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_0 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_0 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_1 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_1 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_2 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_2 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_3 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_3 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_4 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_4 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_5 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_5 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_6 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_6 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_7 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_7 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_8 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_8 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_9 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_9 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_10 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_10 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_11 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_11 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_12 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_12 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_13 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_13 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_14 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_14 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_misc commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_misc --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_continuous_config_stepdown --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_0 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_0 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_1 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_1 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_2 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_2 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_3 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_3 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_4 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_4 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_5 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_5 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_6 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_6 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_7 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_7 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_8 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_8 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_9 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_9 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_10 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_10 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_11 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_11 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_12 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_12 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_13 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_13 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_14 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_14 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_15 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_15 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_16 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_16 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_17 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_17 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_18 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_18 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_19 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_19 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_20 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_20 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_ese_misc tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_ese_misc --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_0 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_0 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_1 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_1 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_2 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_2 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_3 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_3 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_4 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_4 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_5 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_5 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_6 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_6 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_7 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_7 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_8 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_8 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_9 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_9 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_10 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_10 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_11 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_11 --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_op_query_misc commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_misc --shellReadMode=legacy --storageEngine=wiredTiger --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_find_command run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_0 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_0 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_1 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_1 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_2 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_2 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_3 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_3 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_4 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_4 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_5 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_5 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_6 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_6 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_7 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_7 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_8 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_8 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_9 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_9 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_10 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_10 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_11 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_11 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_12 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_12 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_13 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_13 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_14 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_14 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_15 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_15 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_16 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_16 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_17 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_17 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_18 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_18 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_19 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_19 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_misc tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_misc --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit depends_on: - name: sharding_auth commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_0 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: &sharding_auth_all - name: sharding_auth_0 - name: sharding_auth_1 - name: sharding_auth_2 - name: sharding_auth_3 - name: sharding_auth_4 - name: sharding_auth_5 - name: sharding_auth_6 - name: sharding_auth_7 - name: sharding_auth_8 - name: sharding_auth_9 - name: sharding_auth_10 - name: sharding_auth_11 - name: sharding_auth_12 - name: sharding_auth_13 - name: sharding_auth_14 - name: sharding_auth_15 - name: sharding_auth_16 - name: sharding_auth_17 - name: sharding_auth_18 - name: sharding_auth_19 - name: sharding_auth_misc commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_0 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_1 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_1 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_2 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_2 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_3 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_3 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_4 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_4 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_5 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_5 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_6 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_6 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_7 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_7 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_8 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_8 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_9 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_9 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_10 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_10 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_11 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_11 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_12 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_12 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_13 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_13 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_14 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_14 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_15 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_15 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_16 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_16 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_17 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_17 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_18 tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_18 --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_auth_audit_misc tags: ["wtdevelop", "windows-large"] depends_on: *sharding_auth_all commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_auth_audit_misc --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards commands: - 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<<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_3 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_3 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_4 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_4 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_5 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_5 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_6 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_6 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_7 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_7 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_8 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_8 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_9 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_9 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_10 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_10 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_11 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_11 run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_misc commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do multiversion setup" - func: "run tests" vars: task_path_suffix: /data/multiversion resmoke_args: --suites=sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_misc run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: snmp tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do snmp setup" - func: "run tests" vars: snmp_config_path: SNMPCONFPATH=snmpconf resmoke_args: --suites=snmp --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: ssl tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=ssl --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sslSpecial tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=ssl_special --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: tool commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=tool --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: jsCore_decimal tags: ["wtdevelop"] commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=decimal --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: read_only commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=read_only --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: read_only_sharded commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=read_only_sharded --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: session_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=session_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough_auth depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough_auth --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: sharded_causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=sharded_causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: retryable_writes_jscore_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=retryable_writes_jscore_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: retryable_writes_jscore_stepdown_passthrough depends_on: - name: jsCore commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=retryable_writes_jscore_stepdown_passthrough --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: true - <<: *task_template name: watchdog_mmapv1 commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do watchdog setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=watchdog --storageEngine=mmapv1 run_multiple_jobs: false - <<: *task_template name: watchdog_wiredtiger commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "do watchdog setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=watchdog --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: false - <<: *task_template name: free_monitoring commands: - func: "do setup" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose ${activate_virtualenv} if [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then /cygdrive/c/python/python36/python.exe -m pip install -r buildscripts/requirements.txt fi - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=free_monitoring --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: false - <<: *task_template name: jsonSchema commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=json_schema --storageEngine=wiredTiger run_multiple_jobs: false - name: powercycle exec_timeout_secs: 7200 # 2 hour timeout for the task overall depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "set up remote credentials" vars: <<: *powercycle_remote_credentials - func: "set up EC2 instance" vars: <<: *powercycle_ec2_instance - command: expansions.update <<: *powercycle_expansions - func: "run powercycle test" timeout_secs: 1800 # 30 minute timeout for no output vars: <<: *powercycle_test mongod_extra_options: --mongodOptions=\"--setParameter enableTestCommands=1 --storageEngine wiredTiger\" - name: powercycle_fcv3.6 exec_timeout_secs: 7200 # 2 hour timeout for the task overall depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "set up remote credentials" vars: <<: *powercycle_remote_credentials - func: "set up EC2 instance" vars: <<: *powercycle_ec2_instance - command: expansions.update <<: *powercycle_expansions - func: "run powercycle test" timeout_secs: 1800 # 30 minute timeout for no output vars: <<: *powercycle_test client_options: --numCrudClients=20 --numFsmClients=20 mongod_options: --mongodUsablePorts ${standard_port} ${secret_port} --dbPath=${db_path} --logPath=${log_path} --fcv=3.6 mongod_extra_options: --mongodOptions=\"--setParameter enableTestCommands=1 --storageEngine wiredTiger\" - name: powercycle_replication exec_timeout_secs: 7200 # 2 hour timeout for the task overall depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "set up remote credentials" vars: <<: *powercycle_remote_credentials - func: "set up EC2 instance" vars: <<: *powercycle_ec2_instance - command: expansions.update <<: *powercycle_expansions - func: "run powercycle test" timeout_secs: 1800 # 30 minute timeout for no output vars: <<: *powercycle_test mongod_extra_options: --replSet=powercycle --mongodOptions=\"--setParameter enableTestCommands=1 --storageEngine wiredTiger\" - name: powercycle_replication_smalloplog exec_timeout_secs: 7200 # 2 hour timeout for the task overall depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "set up remote credentials" vars: <<: *powercycle_remote_credentials - func: "set up EC2 instance" vars: <<: *powercycle_ec2_instance - command: expansions.update <<: *powercycle_expansions - func: "run powercycle test" timeout_secs: 1800 # 30 minute timeout for no output vars: <<: *powercycle_test mongod_extra_options: --replSet=powercycle --mongodOptions=\"--setParameter enableTestCommands=1 --oplogSize 20 --storageEngine wiredTiger\" - name: powercycle_syncdelay exec_timeout_secs: 7200 # 2 hour timeout for the task overall depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "set up remote credentials" vars: <<: *powercycle_remote_credentials - func: "set up EC2 instance" vars: <<: *powercycle_ec2_instance - command: expansions.update <<: *powercycle_expansions - func: "run powercycle test" timeout_secs: 1800 # 30 minute timeout for no output vars: <<: *powercycle_test mongod_extra_options: --mongodOptions=\"--setParameter enableTestCommands=1 --syncdelay 10 --storageEngine wiredTiger\" - name: powercycle_write_concern_majority exec_timeout_secs: 7200 # 2 hour timeout for the task overall depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "set up remote credentials" vars: <<: *powercycle_remote_credentials - func: "set up EC2 instance" vars: <<: *powercycle_ec2_instance - command: expansions.update <<: *powercycle_expansions - func: "run powercycle test" timeout_secs: 1800 # 30 minute timeout for no output vars: <<: *powercycle_test client_options: "--numCrudClients=20 --numFsmClients=20 --writeConcern='{\"w\": \"majority\"}'" mongod_extra_options: --mongodOptions \"--setParameter enableTestCommands=1 --storageEngine wiredTiger\" - name: idl_tests depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "do setup" - func: "run idl tests" - name: buildscripts_test tags: ["wtdevelop"] depends_on: [] commands: - func: "git get project" - func: "get buildnumber" - func: "set up credentials" - func: "run tests" vars: resmoke_args: --suites=buildscripts_test - name: package depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "set up remote credentials" vars: private_key_file: ~/.ssh/kitchen.pem private_key_remote: ${kitchen_private_key} aws_key_remote: ${kitchen_aws_key} aws_secret_remote: ${kitchen_aws_secret} - func: "run kitchen" - name: push patchable: false depends_on: - name: "*" stepback: false commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - command: s3.get params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} remote_file: ${mongo_shell} bucket: mciuploads local_file: src/mongo-shell.tgz - command: s3.get params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} remote_file: ${project}/${build_variant}/${revision}/sources/mongo-src-${build_id}.${ext|tgz} bucket: mciuploads local_file: src/distsrc.${ext|tgz} build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8-ssl ] - func: "apply compile expansions" - func: "fetch debugsymbols archive" - func: "set up remote credentials" vars: aws_key_remote: ${repo_aws_key} aws_secret_remote: ${repo_aws_secret} - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src silent: true script: | set -o errexit cat < notary_env.sh export NOTARY_TOKEN=${signing_auth_token_40} EOF echo "${signing_auth_token_40}" > signing_auth_token - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | . ./notary_env.sh set -o errexit set -o verbose mv mongo-binaries.tgz mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} mv mongo-shell.tgz mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} mv mongo-debugsymbols.tgz mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} || true mv distsrc.${ext|tgz} mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz} || true /usr/bin/find build/ -type f | grep msi$ | xargs -I original_filename cp original_filename mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}.msi || true /usr/local/bin/notary-client.py --key-name "server-4.0" --auth-token-file ${workdir}/src/signing_auth_token --comment "Evergreen Automatic Signing ${revision} - ${build_variant} - ${branch_name}" --notary-url http://notary-service.build.10gen.cc:5000 --skip-missing mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}.msi mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz} if [ "${has_packages|}" = "true" ]; then CURATOR_RELEASE="ea8d75dcc1a587111e7418e2428fb67e267af9fe" curl -L -O http://boxes.10gen.com/build/curator/curator-dist-rhel70-$CURATOR_RELEASE.tar.gz tar -zxvf curator-dist-rhel70-$CURATOR_RELEASE.tar.gz ./curator repo --config ./etc/repo_config.yaml --distro ${packager_distro} --edition ${repo_edition} --version ${version} --arch ${packager_arch} --packages repo fi # Put the binaries tarball/zipfile - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz} # Put the shell tarball/zipfile - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz} # Put the source tarball - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz} aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz} build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8-ssl ] # Put the debug symbols - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} aws_key: ${aws_key} permissions: public-read local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} bucket: build-push-testing content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz} optional: true # Put the binaries tarball signature - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sig aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sig # Put the shell tarball signature - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sig aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sig # Put the source tarball signature - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sig aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sig build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8-ssl ] # Put the debug symbols signature - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} aws_key: ${aws_key} permissions: public-read local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sig bucket: build-push-testing content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sig optional: true # Put the signed MSI file - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} permissions: public-read build_variants: ["enterprise-windows-64-2k8", "windows-64-2k8-ssl"] local_file: src/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi bucket: build-push-testing content_type: application/x-msi remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi # Put the binaries tarball sha1 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha1 aws_key: ${aws_key} permissions: public-read bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha1 # Put the shell tarball sha1 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha1 aws_key: ${aws_key} permissions: public-read bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha1 # Put the source tarball sha1 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha1 aws_key: ${aws_key} permissions: public-read bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha1 build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8-ssl ] # Put the debug symbols sha1 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} aws_key: ${aws_key} permissions: public-read local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha1 bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha1 optional: true # Push the signed MSI sha1 - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} permissions: public-read build_variants: ["enterprise-windows-64-2k8", "windows-64-2k8-ssl"] local_file: src/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.sha1 bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.sha1 # Put the binaries tarball sha256 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha256 permissions: public-read aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha256 # Put the shell tarball sha256 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha256 permissions: public-read aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha256 # Put the source tarball sha256 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha256 permissions: public-read aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha256 build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8-ssl ] # Put the debug symbols sha256 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha256 aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha256 optional: true # Put the signed MSI sha256 - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} build_variants: ["enterprise-windows-64-2k8", "windows-64-2k8-ssl"] local_file: src/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.sha256 bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.sha256 content_type: text/plain # Put the binaries tarball md5 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.md5 aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.md5 # Put the shell tarball md5 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.md5 aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.md5 # Put the source tarball md5 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.md5 aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.md5 build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8-ssl ] # Put the debug symbols md5 - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.md5 bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain permissions: public-read remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.md5 optional: true # Put the signed MSI md5 - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} build_variants: ["enterprise-windows-64-2k8", "windows-64-2k8-ssl"] local_file: src/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.md5 bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.md5 - command: s3Copy.copy params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} s3_copy_files: #Binaries - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #Shell - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #Source tarball - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': 'src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'linux-64', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl' ]} #MSI (Windows only) - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'enterprise-windows-64-2k8', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl' ]} #Binaries Signature - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sig', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sig', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #Shell Signature - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sig', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sig', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #Source tarball signature - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sig', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': 'src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sig', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'linux-64', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl' ]} #SHA1 for binaries - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha1', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha1', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #SHA1 for shell - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha1', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha1', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #SHA1 for source tarball - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha1', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': 'src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha1', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'linux-64', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl' ]} #SHA1 for MSI - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.sha1', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.sha1', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': ['enterprise-windows-64-2k8', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl']} #SHA256 for binaries - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha256', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha256', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #SHA256 for shell - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha256', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha256', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #SHA256 for source tarball - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha256', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': 'src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha256', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'linux-64', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl' ]} #SHA256 for MSI files - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.sha256', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.sha256', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': ['enterprise-windows-64-2k8', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl']} #MD5 for binaries - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.md5', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.md5', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #MD5 for shell - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.md5', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-shell-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.md5', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #MD5 for source tarball - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.md5', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': 'src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.md5', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'linux-64', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl' ]} #MD5 for MSIs - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.md5', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.md5', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': ['enterprise-windows-64-2k8', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl'], } # Debug symbols are not created for all variants and the copy is optional. - command: s3Copy.copy params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} optional: true s3_copy_files: #Debug Symbols - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #Debug Symbols Signature - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sig', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sig', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #SHA1 for debug symbols - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha1', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha1', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #SHA256 for debugsymbols - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha256', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha256', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #MD5 for debugsymbols - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.md5', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.md5', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} - name: fetch_test_lifecycle depends_on: [] commands: - func: "git get project" - func: "fetch test_lifecycle.yml" vars: # This task is meant to fail if there is an error while fetching test_lifecycle.yml since # the compile task won't fail. fail_task_on_error: true - name: update_test_lifecycle exec_timeout_secs: 21600 # 6 hour timeout for the task overall depends_on: [] commands: - func: "git get project" - command: shell.exec timeout_secs: 14400 # Timeout if there is no output for 4 hours type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit # Set up the git ssh private key mkdir -p ~/.ssh echo -n "${testlifecycle_ssh_key}" > ~/.ssh/test_lifecycle.pem chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/test_lifecycle.pem export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ~/.ssh/test_lifecycle.pem" # Create the jira credentials configuration file cat > ~/.jira.yml <- --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 --excludeWithAnyTags=SERVER-34286 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-amazon2 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=amazon2 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: amazon2 repo_edition: enterprise scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - amazon2-build - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: failpoints_auth - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_ese - name: powercycle - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_ese - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: amazon2 display_name: SSL Amazon Linux 2 run_on: - amazon2-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: >- --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 --excludeWithAnyTags=SERVER-34286 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-amazon2 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=amazon2 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) multiversion_platform: amazon multiversion_edition: targeted num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: amazon2 repo_edition: org scons_cache_scope: shared shared_scons_pruning: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - amazon2-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: free_monitoring - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push ########################################### # Windows buildvariants # ########################################### - name: windows-64-2k8-debug display_name: "* Windows 2008R2 DEBUG" run_on: - windows-64-vs2015-small expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 platform_decompress: unzip exe: ".exe" push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: win32-debug push_arch: x86_64-2008plus content_type: application/zip num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) compile_flags: --dbg=on --opt=on --win-version-min=ws08r2 -j$(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2 )) MONGO_DISTMOD=2008plus # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) python: python ext: zip use_scons_cache: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/go1.8/go/bin:/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:$PATH" GOROOT="c:/go1.8/go"' tooltags: "" build_mongoreplay: false display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_facet_unwind_passthrough - name: aggregation_mongos_passthrough - name: aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: auth - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough_auth - name: sharded_causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: change_streams - name: change_streams_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_mongos_sessions_passthrough - name: change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: free_monitoring - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_txns - name: jsonSchema - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility # Some concurrency workloads require a lot of memory, so we use machines # with more RAM for these suites. - name: concurrency distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_replication distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_sharded_replication distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns_and_balancer distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_simultaneous distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: read_only - name: read_only_sharded - name: replica_sets distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: retryable_writes_jscore_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: retryable_writes_jscore_stepdown_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: session_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: tool - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - &enterprise-windows-64-2k8-template name: enterprise-windows-64-2k8 display_name: "! Enterprise Windows 2008R2" modules: - enterprise run_on: - windows-64-vs2015-small expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 platform_decompress: unzip exe: ".exe" push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: win32 push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-windows-64 msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=windows-64 CPPPATH="c:/openssl/include c:/sasl/include c:/snmp/include c:/curl/include" LIBPATH="c:/openssl/lib c:/sasl/lib c:/snmp/lib c:/curl/lib" -j$(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2 )) --dynamic-windows --win-version-min=ws08r2 # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) python: python num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) ext: zip use_scons_cache: true multiversion_platform: windows multiversion_edition: enterprise gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/go1.8/go/bin:/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:$PATH" GOROOT="c:/go1.8/go" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000"' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: false jstestfuzz_num_generated_files: 35 display_tasks: - name: replica_sets_auth execution_tasks: - replica_sets_auth_0 - replica_sets_auth_1 - replica_sets_auth_2 - replica_sets_auth_3 - replica_sets_auth_4 - replica_sets_auth_5 - replica_sets_auth_6 - replica_sets_auth_misc - name: replica_sets_ese execution_tasks: - replica_sets_ese_0 - replica_sets_ese_1 - replica_sets_ese_2 - replica_sets_ese_3 - replica_sets_ese_4 - replica_sets_ese_5 - replica_sets_ese_6 - replica_sets_ese_misc - name: sharding_auth execution_tasks: - sharding_auth_0 - sharding_auth_1 - sharding_auth_2 - sharding_auth_3 - sharding_auth_4 - sharding_auth_5 - sharding_auth_6 - sharding_auth_7 - sharding_auth_8 - sharding_auth_9 - sharding_auth_10 - sharding_auth_11 - sharding_auth_12 - sharding_auth_13 - sharding_auth_14 - sharding_auth_15 - sharding_auth_16 - sharding_auth_17 - sharding_auth_18 - sharding_auth_19 - sharding_auth_misc - name: sharding_auth_audit execution_tasks: - sharding_auth_audit_0 - sharding_auth_audit_1 - sharding_auth_audit_2 - sharding_auth_audit_3 - sharding_auth_audit_4 - sharding_auth_audit_5 - sharding_auth_audit_6 - sharding_auth_audit_7 - sharding_auth_audit_8 - sharding_auth_audit_9 - sharding_auth_audit_10 - sharding_auth_audit_11 - sharding_auth_audit_12 - sharding_auth_audit_13 - sharding_auth_audit_14 - sharding_auth_audit_15 - sharding_auth_audit_16 - sharding_auth_audit_17 - sharding_auth_audit_18 - sharding_auth_audit_misc - name: sharding_ese execution_tasks: - sharding_ese_0 - sharding_ese_1 - sharding_ese_2 - sharding_ese_3 - sharding_ese_4 - sharding_ese_5 - sharding_ese_6 - sharding_ese_7 - sharding_ese_8 - sharding_ese_9 - sharding_ese_10 - sharding_ese_11 - sharding_ese_12 - sharding_ese_13 - sharding_ese_14 - sharding_ese_15 - sharding_ese_16 - sharding_ese_17 - sharding_ese_18 - sharding_ese_19 - sharding_ese_20 - sharding_ese_misc tasks: - name: compile_TG requires: - name: burn_in_tests distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: compile_benchmarks distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: burn_in_tests - name: audit - name: auth_audit - name: benchmarks_orphaned - name: benchmarks_sharding - name: buildscripts_test - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: external_auth - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: replica_sets_auth_0 - name: replica_sets_auth_1 - name: replica_sets_auth_2 - name: replica_sets_auth_3 - name: replica_sets_auth_4 - name: replica_sets_auth_5 - name: replica_sets_auth_6 - name: replica_sets_auth_misc - name: replica_sets_ese_0 - name: replica_sets_ese_1 - name: replica_sets_ese_2 - name: replica_sets_ese_3 - name: replica_sets_ese_4 - name: replica_sets_ese_5 - name: replica_sets_ese_6 - name: replica_sets_ese_misc - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth_0 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_1 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_2 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_3 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_4 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_5 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_6 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_7 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_8 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_9 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_10 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_11 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_12 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_13 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_14 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_15 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_16 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_17 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_18 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_19 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_misc distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_0 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_1 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_2 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_3 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_4 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_5 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_6 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_7 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_8 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_9 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_10 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_11 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_12 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_13 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_14 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_15 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_16 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_17 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_18 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_misc distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_0 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_1 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_2 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_3 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_4 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_5 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_6 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_7 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_8 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_9 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_10 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_11 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_12 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_13 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_14 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_15 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_16 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_17 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_18 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_19 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_20 distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_ese_misc distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push distros: - rhel70-small - <<: *enterprise-windows-64-2k8-template name: enterprise-windows-64-2k8-compile-all display_name: "* Enterprise Windows 2008R2 compile_all" display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large # Do not add more tasks to this list. - <<: *enterprise-windows-64-2k8-template name: enterprise-windows-64-2k8-wtdevelop display_name: "~ Enterprise Windows 2008R2 WiredTiger develop" batchtime: 1440 # 1 day modules: - enterprise - wtdevelop expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 use_wt_develop: true platform_decompress: unzip exe: ".exe" msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=windows-64 CPPPATH="c:/openssl/include c:/sasl/include c:/snmp/include c:/curl/include" LIBPATH="c:/openssl/lib c:/sasl/lib c:/snmp/lib c:/curl/lib" -j$(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2 )) --dynamic-windows --win-version-min=ws08r2 # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) python: python num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) ext: zip use_scons_cache: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/go1.8/go/bin:/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:$PATH" GOROOT="c:/go1.8/go" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000"' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: false run_on: - windows-64-vs2015-small tasks: - name: ".wtdevelop .windows-large" distros: "windows-64-vs2015-large" - name: ".wtdevelop !.windows-large" distros: "windows-64-vs2015-small" - <<: *enterprise-windows-64-2k8-template name: enterprise-windows-64-2k8-openssl display_name: "~ Enterprise Windows 2008R2 OpenSSL" batchtime: 1440 # 1 day modules: - enterprise expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 platform_decompress: unzip exe: ".exe" msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --ssl --ssl-provider=openssl MONGO_DISTMOD=windows-64 CPPPATH="c:/openssl/include c:/sasl/include c:/snmp/include c:/curl/include" LIBPATH="c:/openssl/lib c:/sasl/lib c:/snmp/lib c:/curl/lib" -j$(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2 )) --dynamic-windows --win-version-min=ws08r2 # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) python: python num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) ext: zip use_scons_cache: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/go1.8/go/bin:/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:$PATH" GOROOT="c:/go1.8/go" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000"' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: false - name: enterprise-windows-64-2k8-async display_name: "~ Enterprise Windows 2008R2 async" modules: - enterprise run_on: - windows-64-vs2015-small stepback: true batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: platform_decompress: unzip exe: ".exe" push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: win32 push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-windows-64 msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=windows-64 CPPPATH="c:/openssl/include c:/sasl/include c:/snmp/include c:/curl/include" LIBPATH="c:/openssl/lib c:/sasl/lib c:/snmp/lib c:/curl/lib" -j$(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2 )) --dynamic-windows --win-version-min=ws08r2 # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) python: python num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) ext: zip use_scons_cache: true test_flags: --serviceExecutor=adaptive --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/go1.8/go/bin:/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:$PATH" GOROOT="c:/go1.8/go" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000"' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: false tasks: - name: compile_TG distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: jsCore - name: replica_sets - name: sharding - name: enterprise-windows-64-2k8-inmem display_name: Enterprise Windows 2008R2 (inMemory) modules: - enterprise run_on: - windows-64-vs2015-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: platform_decompress: unzip exe: ".exe" push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: win32 push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-windows-64 msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=windows-64 CPPPATH="c:/openssl/include c:/sasl/include c:/snmp/include c:/curl/include" LIBPATH="c:/openssl/lib c:/sasl/lib c:/snmp/lib c:/curl/lib" -j$(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2 )) --dynamic-windows --win-version-min=ws08r2 # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) python: python num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) test_flags: --storageEngine=inMemory --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_persistence,requires_journaling,requires_mmapv1 ext: zip use_scons_cache: true multiversion_platform: windows multiversion_edition: enterprise gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/go1.8/go/bin:/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:$PATH" GOROOT="c:/go1.8/go" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000"' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: false display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: audit - name: auth_audit - name: dbtest - name: concurrency distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large # Some workloads require a lot of memory, use a bigger machine for this suite. - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_auth_audit distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: windows-64-2k8-ssl display_name: SSL Windows 2008R2 run_on: - windows-64-vs2015-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 platform_decompress: unzip exe: ".exe" push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: win32 push_arch: x86_64-2008plus-ssl multiversion_platform: windows_x86_64-2008plus-ssl msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=2008plus-ssl CPPPATH="c:/openssl/include" LIBPATH="c:/openssl/lib" -j$(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2 )) --dynamic-windows --win-version-min=ws08r2 # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) python: python num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) ext: zip use_scons_cache: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/go1.8/go/bin:/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:$PATH" GOROOT="c:/go1.8/go" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000"' tooltags: "-tags ssl" build_mongoreplay: false display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_mongos_passthrough - name: aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: auth - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: free_monitoring - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_txns - name: jsonSchema - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_session - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_session - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: multiversion_auth - name: multiversion_multistorage_engine - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: powercycle - name: powercycle_fcv3.6 # SERVER-34075: Re-enable once powercycle_replication* can test against recoverable rollback changes. # - name: powercycle_replication - name: powercycle_syncdelay - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: serial_run - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: slow1 - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: push distros: - rhel70-small - name: enterprise-windows-64-2k8-debug-unoptimized display_name: Enterprise Windows 2008R2 DEBUG (Unoptimized) modules: - enterprise run_on: - windows-64-vs2015-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 platform_decompress: unzip exe: ".exe" content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --dbg=on --opt=off --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=2008plus CPPPATH="c:/openssl/include c:/sasl/include c:/snmp/include c:/curl/include" LIBPATH="c:/openssl/lib c:/sasl/lib c:/snmp/lib c:/curl/lib" -j$(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2 )) --dynamic-windows --win-version-min=ws08r2 # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) python: python num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) ext: zip use_scons_cache: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/go1.8/go/bin:/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:$PATH" GOROOT="c:/go1.8/go" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000"' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: false tasks: # This variant tests that unoptimized, DEBUG mongos and mongod binaries can run on Windows. # It has a minimal amount of tasks because unoptimized builds are slow, which causes # timing-sensitive tests to fail. - name: compile_TG distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: audit # Do not add more tasks to this list. ########################################### # OSX buildvariants # ########################################### - name: osx-1010-ssl display_name: SSL OS X 10.10 run_on: - macos-1012 batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,requires_ssl_mongo_tools push_path: osx push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: osx-ssl push_arch: x86_64 compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode8.3.app compile_flags: --ssl -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --release --libc++ CCFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" LINKFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" multiversion_platform: osx-ssl num_jobs_available: 1 gorootvars: 'PATH="/usr/local/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/usr/local/go1.8/go CGO_CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/include CGO_CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10 CGO_LDFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl openssl_pre_1.0'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_mongos_passthrough - name: aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: auth - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough_auth - name: sharded_causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: change_streams - name: change_streams_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_mongos_sessions_passthrough - name: change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns_and_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: free_monitoring - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_session - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_session - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough - name: retryable_writes_jscore_passthrough - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: serial_run - name: session_jscore_passthrough - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: slow1 - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: push distros: - rhel70-small - name: osx-1010-debug display_name: "* OS X 10.10 DEBUG" run_on: - macos-1012 expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: osx push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: osx-debug push_arch: x86_64 num_jobs_available: 1 compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode8.3.app compile_flags: --dbg=on --opt=on -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --libc++ CCFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" LINKFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" gorootvars: 'PATH="/usr/local/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/usr/local/go1.8/go CGO_CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10 CGO_LDFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' tooltags: "" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: aggregation - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_txns - name: mongosTest - name: replica_sets - name: tool - &enterprise-osx-1010-template name: enterprise-osx-1010 display_name: Enterprise OS X 10.10 modules: - enterprise run_on: - macos-1012 batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,requires_ssl_mongo_tools push_path: osx push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: osx push_arch: x86_64-enterprise compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode8.3.app compile_flags: --ssl -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --release --libc++ CCFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" LINKFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" num_jobs_available: 1 gorootvars: 'PATH="/usr/local/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/usr/local/go1.8/go CGO_CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/include CGO_CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10 CGO_LDFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl openssl_pre_1.0'" build_mongoreplay: true multiversion_platform: osx multiversion_edition: enterprise display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: audit - name: auth_audit - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: replica_sets_auth - name: sasl - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push distros: - rhel70-small - <<: *enterprise-osx-1010-template name: enterprise-osx-1010-openssl display_name: Enterprise OS X 10.10 OpenSSL expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,requires_ssl_mongo_tools push_path: osx push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: osx push_arch: x86_64-enterprise tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl openssl_pre_1.0'" gorootvars: CGO_CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/include CGO_CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10 CGO_LDFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10 compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode8.3.app compile_flags: --ssl --ssl-provider=openssl -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --release --libc++ CCFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" LINKFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" LIBPATH="$PWD/openssl_install_dir/lib" CPPPATH="$PWD/openssl_install_dir/include" num_jobs_available: 1 build_mongoreplay: true multiversion_platform: osx multiversion_edition: enterprise build_openssl: true openssl_config_flags: "-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" openssl_make_flags: "-j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)" ########################################### # Mobile SDK buildvariants # ########################################### - name: embedded-sdk-macosx-10.10 display_name: "Embedded SDK - macOS 10.10" run_on: - macos-1012 batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,uses_transactions build_cdriver: true cdriver_configure_flags: >- CC="$(xcrun -f --sdk macosx clang)" CXX="$(xcrun -f --sdk macosx clang++)" CPPFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path) -mmacosx-version-min=10.10" CFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path) -mmacosx-version-min=10.10" CXXFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path) -mmacosx-version-min=10.10" LDFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10 -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../lib" compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode9.2.app compile_flags: >- -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --dbg=off --opt=size --enable-free-mon=off --variables-files=etc/scons/xcode_macos.vars disable_unit_tests: true enable_embedded_tests: native tasks: - name: compile_mobile - name: embedded-sdk-iphoneos-10.2 display_name: "Embedded SDK - iOS 10.2" run_on: - macos-1012 batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,uses_transactions build_cdriver: true cdriver_configure_flags: >- --build x86_64-apple-darwin16.6.0 --host arm-apple-darwin CC="$(xcrun -f --sdk iphoneos clang)" CXX="$(xcrun -f --sdk iphoneos clang++)" CPPFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path) -miphoneos-version-min=10.2 -arch arm64" CFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path) -miphoneos-version-min=10.2 -arch arm64" CXXFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path) -miphoneos-version-min=10.2 -arch arm64" LDFLAGS="-miphoneos-version-min=10.2 -arch arm64 -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../lib" compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode9.2.app compile_flags: >- -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --dbg=off --opt=size --enable-free-mon=off --variables-files=etc/scons/xcode_ios.vars disable_unit_tests: true tasks: - name: compile_mobile - name: embedded-sdk-iphonesimulator-10.2 display_name: "Embedded SDK - iOS Simulator 10.2" run_on: - macos-1012 batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,uses_transactions build_cdriver: true cdriver_configure_flags: >- --build x86_64-apple-darwin16.6.0 --host x86_64-apple-darwin CC="$(xcrun -f --sdk iphonesimulator clang)" CXX="$(xcrun -f --sdk iphonesimulator clang++)" CPPFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path) -miphoneos-version-min=10.2" CFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path) -miphoneos-version-min=10.2" CXXFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk iphonesimulator --show-sdk-path) -miphoneos-version-min=10.2" LDFLAGS="-miphoneos-version-min=10.2 -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../lib" compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode9.2.app compile_flags: >- -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --dbg=off --opt=size --enable-free-mon=off --variables-files=etc/scons/xcode_ios_sim.vars disable_unit_tests: true enable_embedded_tests: ios_tvos_simulator ios_sim_device: iPhone-7 ios_sim_runtime: iOS-10-2 tasks: - name: compile_mobile - name: embedded-sdk-appletvos-10.2 display_name: "Embedded SDK - tvOS 10.2" run_on: - macos-1012 batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: build_cdriver: true cdriver_configure_flags: >- --build x86_64-apple-darwin16.6.0 --host arm-apple-darwin CC="$(xcrun -f --sdk appletvos clang)" CXX="$(xcrun -f --sdk appletvos clang++)" CPPFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk appletvos --show-sdk-path) -mtvos-version-min=10.2 -arch arm64" CFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk appletvos --show-sdk-path) -mtvos-version-min=10.2 -arch arm64" CXXFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk appletvos --show-sdk-path) -mtvos-version-min=10.2 -arch arm64" LDFLAGS="-mtvos-version-min=10.2 -arch arm64 -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../lib" test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,uses_transactions compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/XCode9.2.app compile_flags: >- -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --dbg=off --opt=size --enable-free-mon=off --variables-files=etc/scons/xcode_tvos.vars disable_unit_tests: true tasks: - name: compile_mobile - name: embedded-sdk-appletvsimulator-10.2 display_name: "Embedded SDK - tvOS Simulator 10.2" run_on: - macos-1012 batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: build_cdriver: true cdriver_configure_flags: >- --build x86_64-apple-darwin16.6.0 --host x86_64-apple-darwin CC="$(xcrun -f --sdk appletvsimulator clang)" CXX="$(xcrun -f --sdk appletvsimulator clang++)" CPPFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk appletvsimulator --show-sdk-path) -mtvos-version-min=10.2" CFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk appletvsimulator --show-sdk-path) -mtvos-version-min=10.2" CXXFLAGS="-isysroot $(xcrun --sdk appletvsimulator --show-sdk-path) -mtvos-version-min=10.2" LDFLAGS="-mtvos-version-min=10.2 -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path/../lib" test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,uses_transactions compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/XCode9.2.app compile_flags: >- -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --dbg=off --opt=size --enable-free-mon=off --variables-files=etc/scons/xcode_tvos_sim.vars disable_unit_tests: true enable_embedded_tests: ios_tvos_simulator ios_sim_device: Apple-TV-1080p ios_sim_runtime: tvOS-10-2 tasks: - name: compile_mobile - name: embedded-sdk-ubuntu-1604-x86_64 display_name: "Embedded SDK - Ubuntu 16.04 x86_64" run_on: - ubuntu1604-build batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,uses_transactions build_cdriver: true # Normally, we would include -Wl,z,origin here to make origin processing a thing # but see the notes in SConstruct about z,origin and android. cdriver_configure_flags: >- CC="/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/gcc" CXX="/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/g++" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib" # We need --allocator=system here to work around SERVER-XXXXX compile_flags: >- -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --dbg=off --opt=size --enable-free-mon=off --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars --allocator=system disable_unit_tests: true enable_embedded_tests: native tasks: - name: compile_mobile - name: embedded-sdk-android-arm64 display_name: "Embedded SDK - Android arm64" run_on: - ubuntu1604-build batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,uses_transactions build_cdriver: true # Normally, we would include -Wl,z,origin here to make origin processing a thing # but see the notes in SConstruct about z,origin and android. cdriver_configure_flags: >- --host aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu CC=$(dirname $(pwd))/android_toolchain/bin/clang CXX=$(dirname $(pwd))/android_toolchain/clang++ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib" compile_env: JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk8/ compile_flags: >- -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --dbg=off --opt=size --enable-free-mon=off --android-toolchain-path=$(dirname $(pwd))/android_toolchain --variables-files=etc/scons/android_toolchain.vars disable_unit_tests: true enable_embedded_tests: android_emulator setup_android_toolchain: true android_toolchain_system_image_arch: "arm64-v8a" android_toolchain_target_arch: "arm64" tasks: - name: compile_mobile - name: embedded-sdk-android-x86_64 display_name: "Embedded SDK - Android x86_64" run_on: - ubuntu1604-build batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,uses_transactions build_cdriver: true # Normally, we would include -Wl,z,origin here to make origin processing a thing # but see the notes in SConstruct about z,origin and android. cdriver_configure_flags: >- --host x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu CC=$(dirname $(pwd))/android_toolchain/bin/clang CXX=$(dirname $(pwd))/android_toolchain/clang++ LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,\$ORIGIN/../lib" compile_env: JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/jdk8/ compile_flags: >- -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --dbg=off --opt=size --enable-free-mon=off --android-toolchain-path=$(dirname $(pwd))/android_toolchain --variables-files=etc/scons/android_toolchain.vars disable_unit_tests: true # The Android x86_64 emulator requires KVM. enable_embedded_tests: false setup_android_toolchain: true android_toolchain_system_image_arch: "x86_64" android_toolchain_target_arch: "x86_64" tasks: - name: compile_mobile ########################################### # Redhat buildvariants # ########################################### - name: enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit display_name: "! Enterprise RHEL 6.2" modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel62-small expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-rhel62 rlp_environment: MONGOD_UNITTEST_RLP_LANGUAGE_TEST_BTROOT=/opt/basis compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel62 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars CPPPATH="/opt/basis/rlp/rlp/include /opt/basis/rlp/utilities/include" --use-basis-tech-rosette-linguistics-platform=on multiversion_platform: rhel62 multiversion_edition: enterprise num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: rhel62 repo_edition: enterprise scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true jstestfuzz_num_generated_files: 40 display_tasks: - *unittests - name: replica_sets_auth execution_tasks: - replica_sets_auth_0 - replica_sets_auth_1 - replica_sets_auth_2 - replica_sets_auth_3 - replica_sets_auth_4 - replica_sets_auth_5 - replica_sets_auth_6 - replica_sets_auth_misc - name: replica_sets_ese execution_tasks: - replica_sets_ese_0 - replica_sets_ese_1 - replica_sets_ese_2 - replica_sets_ese_3 - replica_sets_ese_4 - replica_sets_ese_5 - replica_sets_ese_6 - replica_sets_ese_misc - name: sharding execution_tasks: - sharding_0 - sharding_1 - sharding_2 - sharding_3 - sharding_4 - sharding_5 - sharding_6 - sharding_7 - sharding_8 - sharding_9 - sharding_10 - sharding_11 - sharding_12 - sharding_13 - sharding_14 - sharding_misc - name: sharding_auth execution_tasks: - sharding_auth_0 - sharding_auth_1 - sharding_auth_2 - sharding_auth_3 - sharding_auth_4 - sharding_auth_5 - sharding_auth_6 - sharding_auth_7 - sharding_auth_8 - sharding_auth_9 - sharding_auth_10 - sharding_auth_11 - sharding_auth_12 - sharding_auth_13 - sharding_auth_14 - sharding_auth_15 - sharding_auth_16 - sharding_auth_17 - sharding_auth_18 - sharding_auth_19 - sharding_auth_misc - name: sharding_auth_audit execution_tasks: - sharding_auth_audit_0 - sharding_auth_audit_1 - sharding_auth_audit_2 - sharding_auth_audit_3 - sharding_auth_audit_4 - sharding_auth_audit_5 - sharding_auth_audit_6 - sharding_auth_audit_7 - sharding_auth_audit_8 - sharding_auth_audit_9 - sharding_auth_audit_10 - sharding_auth_audit_11 - sharding_auth_audit_12 - sharding_auth_audit_13 - sharding_auth_audit_14 - sharding_auth_audit_15 - sharding_auth_audit_16 - sharding_auth_audit_17 - sharding_auth_audit_18 - sharding_auth_audit_misc - name: sharding_ese execution_tasks: - sharding_ese_0 - sharding_ese_1 - sharding_ese_2 - sharding_ese_3 - sharding_ese_4 - sharding_ese_5 - sharding_ese_6 - sharding_ese_7 - sharding_ese_8 - sharding_ese_9 - sharding_ese_10 - sharding_ese_11 - sharding_ese_12 - sharding_ese_13 - sharding_ese_14 - sharding_ese_15 - sharding_ese_16 - sharding_ese_17 - sharding_ese_18 - sharding_ese_19 - sharding_ese_20 - sharding_ese_misc - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards execution_tasks: - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_0 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_1 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_2 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_3 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_4 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_5 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_6 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_7 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_8 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_9 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_10 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_11 - sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_misc - name: sharding_op_query execution_tasks: - sharding_op_query_0 - sharding_op_query_1 - sharding_op_query_2 - sharding_op_query_3 - sharding_op_query_4 - sharding_op_query_5 - sharding_op_query_6 - sharding_op_query_7 - sharding_op_query_8 - sharding_op_query_9 - sharding_op_query_10 - sharding_op_query_11 - sharding_op_query_misc tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG requires: - name: burn_in_tests - name: lint distros: - rhel62-large - name: compile_benchmarks distros: - rhel62-large - name: lint - name: burn_in_tests - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_ese - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_facet_unwind_passthrough - name: aggregation_mongos_passthrough - name: aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: benchmarks_orphaned distros: - centos6-perf - name: benchmarks_sharding distros: - centos6-perf - name: buildscripts_test - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough_auth - name: sharded_causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: change_streams - name: change_streams_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_mongos_sessions_passthrough - name: change_streams_secondary_reads - name: change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_secondary_reads_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_secondary_reads_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns_and_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: ese - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: idl_tests - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_minimum_batch_size - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: jsonSchema - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_session - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication_initsync - name: jstestfuzz_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_session - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion_auth - name: multiversion - name: multiversion_multistorage_engine - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: read_only - name: read_only_sharded - name: replica_sets distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_auth_0 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_auth_1 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_auth_2 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_auth_3 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_auth_4 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_auth_5 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_auth_6 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_auth_misc distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_ese_0 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_ese_1 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_ese_2 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_ese_3 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_ese_4 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_ese_5 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_ese_6 distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_ese_misc distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: retryable_writes_jscore_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: retryable_writes_jscore_stepdown_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: rlp - name: sasl - name: session_jscore_passthrough - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_0 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_1 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_2 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_3 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_4 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_5 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_6 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_7 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_8 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_9 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_10 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_11 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_12 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_13 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_14 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_misc distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_0 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_1 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_2 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_3 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_4 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_5 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_6 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_7 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_8 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_9 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_10 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_11 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_12 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_13 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_14 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_15 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_16 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_17 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_18 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_19 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_misc distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_0 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_1 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_2 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_3 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_4 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_5 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_6 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_7 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_8 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_9 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_10 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_11 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_12 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_13 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_14 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_15 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_16 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_17 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_18 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_auth_audit_misc distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_0 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_1 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_2 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_3 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_4 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_5 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_6 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_7 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_8 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_9 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_10 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_11 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_12 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_13 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_14 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_15 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_16 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_17 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_18 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_19 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_20 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_ese_misc distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_0 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_1 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_2 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_3 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_4 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_5 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_6 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_7 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_8 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_9 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_10 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_11 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards_misc distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_0 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_1 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_2 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_3 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_4 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_5 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_6 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_7 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_8 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_9 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_10 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_11 distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_op_query_misc distros: - rhel62-large - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: secondary_reads_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-coverage display_name: "~ Enterprise RHEL 6.2 DEBUG Code Coverage" modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel62-large batchtime: 10080 # 7 days stepback: false expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 compile_flags: --dbg=on --gcov --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel62 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars multiversion_platform: rhel62 multiversion_edition: enterprise num_jobs_available: $(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2)) # Avoid starting too many mongod's # The gcov instrumentation saves the path the .gcno files were created in as the default path # for the .gcda files. In Evergreen the path will start with /data/mci/[Hashed ID]/src/... where # the hashed ID is unique per task run. GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP is the number of directory levels to # strip from the top of the default path before appending to the GCOV_PREFIX (if any). gcov_environment: GCOV_PREFIX=$(pwd) GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP=4 # Mixing --cache and --gcov doesn't work correctly yet. See SERVER-11084 timeout_secs: 10800 # 3 hour timeout use_scons_cache: false gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_ese - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_mongos_passthrough - name: aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: change_streams - name: change_streams_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_mongos_sessions_passthrough - name: change_streams_secondary_reads - name: change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_secondary_reads_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_secondary_reads_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns_and_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: ese - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_minimum_batch_size - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion_auth - name: multiversion - name: multiversion_multistorage_engine - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: read_only - name: read_only_sharded - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_ese - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough - name: retryable_writes_jscore_passthrough - name: sasl - name: session_jscore_passthrough - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_ese - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: sharding_op_query - name: sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: enterprise-rhel-70-64-bit display_name: "* Enterprise RHEL 7.0" modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel70-small expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-rhel70 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel70 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: rhel70 repo_edition: enterprise scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel70 - name: compile_benchmarks distros: - rhel70 - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: benchmarks_orphaned - name: benchmarks_sharding - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: external_auth - name: replica_sets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: ubuntu1604-debug display_name: "* Ubuntu 16.04 DEBUG" run_on: - ubuntu1604-test expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 num_jobs_available: $(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2)) # Avoid starting too many mongod's compile_flags: MONGO_DISTMOD=ubuntu1604 --dbg=on --opt=on -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars scons_cache_scope: shared shared_scons_pruning: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "" build_mongoreplay: true tasks: - name: compile_TG distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: jsCore - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: rhel62 display_name: SSL RHEL 6.2 run_on: - rhel62-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-rhel62 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel62 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars multiversion_platform: rhel62 multiversion_edition: targeted num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: rhel62 repo_edition: org scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags ssl" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel62-large - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: free_monitoring - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: rhel70 display_name: SSL RHEL 7.0 run_on: - rhel70-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-rhel70 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel70 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars multiversion_platform: rhel70 multiversion_edition: targeted num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: rhel70 repo_edition: org scons_cache_scope: shared shared_scons_pruning: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags ssl" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel70 - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: free_monitoring - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: concurrency distros: - rhel70 - name: concurrency_replication distros: - rhel70 - name: concurrency_sharded_replication distros: - rhel70 - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer distros: - rhel70 - name: concurrency_simultaneous distros: - rhel70 - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: enterprise-rhel-71-ppc64le display_name: Enterprise RHEL 7.1 PPC64LE modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel71-power8-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day stepback: false expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 # We need to compensate for SMT8 setting the cpu count very high and lower the amount of parallelism down compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel71 --release -j$(echo "$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)/2" | bc) CCFLAGS="-mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -mcmodel=medium" --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(echo "$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)/4" | bc) test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: ppc64le packager_distro: rhel71 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: ppc64le-enterprise-rhel71 repo_edition: enterprise gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go CC=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/ppc64le-mongodb-linux-gcc' tooltags: -tags 'sasl ssl' build_mongoreplay: true multiversion_platform: rhel71 multiversion_architecture: ppc64le multiversion_edition: enterprise display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel71-power8-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_ese - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_ese - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sasl - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_ese - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: push distros: - rhel70-small - name: enterprise-rhel-72-s390x display_name: Enterprise RHEL 7.2 s390x modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel72-zseries-test batchtime: 2880 # 2 days stepback: false expansions: compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel72 --release -j3 CCFLAGS="-march=z196 -mtune=zEC12" --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: 2 test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: s390x packager_distro: rhel72 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: s390x-enterprise-rhel72 repo_edition: enterprise gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go CC=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/s390x-mongodb-linux-gcc' tooltags: -tags 'sasl ssl' build_mongoreplay: true multiversion_platform: rhel72 multiversion_architecture: s390x multiversion_edition: enterprise display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel72-zseries-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_ese - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_ese - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sasl - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_ese - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: push distros: - rhel70-small - name: enterprise-rhel-67-s390x display_name: Enterprise RHEL 6.7 s390x modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel67-zseries-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day stepback: false expansions: compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel67 --release -j3 CCFLAGS="-march=z9-109 -mtune=z10" --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars --use-s390x-crc32=off num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: s390x packager_distro: rhel67 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: s390x-enterprise-rhel67 repo_edition: enterprise gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go CC=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/s390x-mongodb-linux-gcc' tooltags: -tags 'sasl ssl' build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel67-zseries-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_ese - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_minimum_batch_size - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_ese - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sasl - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_ese - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: push distros: - rhel62-large ########################################### # Ubuntu buildvariants # ########################################### - name: enterprise-ubuntu1404-64 display_name: Enterprise Ubuntu 14.04 modules: - enterprise run_on: - ubuntu1404-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-ubuntu1404 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=ubuntu1404 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: ubuntu1404 repo_edition: enterprise scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - ubuntu1404-build - name: audit - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: replica_sets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: enterprise-ubuntu1604-64 display_name: Enterprise Ubuntu 16.04 (+Dagger) modules: - enterprise run_on: - ubuntu1604-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux lang_environment: LANG=C push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-ubuntu1604 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=ubuntu1604 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: ubuntu1604 repo_edition: enterprise scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true additional_targets: dagger display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: audit - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: jepsen_register_findAndModify_WT distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: jepsen_register_linearizableRead distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: jepsen_register_linearizableRead_WT distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: jepsen_set_linearizableRead distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: jepsen_set_linearizableRead_WT distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: jepsen_read-concern-majority_WT distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: jepsen_read-concern-majority_w1_WT distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: replica_sets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: watchdog_mmapv1 - name: watchdog_wiredtiger - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: enterprise-ubuntu1604-clang-3.8-libcxx display_name: "! Enterprise Ubuntu 16.04 (Clang 3.8)" modules: - enterprise run_on: - ubuntu1604-test expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 lang_environment: LANG=C compile_flags: --link-model=dynamic --ssl CC=/usr/bin/clang-3.8 CXX=/usr/bin/clang++-3.8 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) CPPPATH=/usr/include/libcxxabi/ scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - ubuntu1604-build ########################################### # SUSE buildvariants # ########################################### - name: enterprise-suse12-64 display_name: Enterprise SLES 12 modules: - enterprise run_on: - suse12-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-suse12 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=suse12 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: suse12 repo_edition: enterprise scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - suse12-build - name: audit - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: replica_sets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: enterprise-suse12-s390x display_name: Enterprise SLES 12 s390x modules: - enterprise run_on: - suse12-zseries-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day stepback: false expansions: push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: s390x-enterprise-suse12 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=suse12 --release -j3 CCFLAGS="-march=z196 -mtune=zEC12" --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: s390x packager_distro: suse12 repo_edition: enterprise gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go CC=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/s390x-mongodb-linux-gcc' tooltags: -tags 'sasl ssl' build_mongoreplay: true multiversion_platform: suse12 multiversion_architecture: s390x multiversion_edition: enterprise display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - suse12-zseries-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_ese - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_ese - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sasl - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_ese - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: push distros: - suse12-test - name: suse12 display_name: SSL SUSE 12 run_on: - suse12-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-suse12 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=suse12 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) multiversion_platform: suse12 multiversion_edition: targeted has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: suse12 repo_edition: org scons_cache_scope: shared shared_scons_pruning: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - suse12-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: free_monitoring - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push ########################################### # Debian buildvariants # ########################################### - name: enterprise-debian71-64 display_name: Enterprise Debian 7.1 modules: - enterprise run_on: - debian71-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-debian71 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=debian71 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: debian71 repo_edition: enterprise scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - debian71-build - name: audit - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: replica_sets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: enterprise-debian81-64 display_name: Enterprise Debian 8.1 modules: - enterprise run_on: - debian81-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-debian81 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=debian81 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: debian81 repo_edition: enterprise scons_cache: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - debian81-build - name: audit - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: replica_sets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: debian71 display_name: SSL Debian 7.1 run_on: - debian71-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-debian71 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=debian71 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars multiversion_platform: debian71 multiversion_edition: targeted num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: debian71 repo_edition: org scons_cache_scope: shared shared_scons_pruning: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - debian71-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: free_monitoring - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: debian81 display_name: SSL Debian 8.1 run_on: - debian81-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-debian81 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=debian81 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars multiversion_platform: debian81 multiversion_edition: targeted num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: debian81 repo_edition: org scons_cache_scope: shared shared_scons_pruning: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - debian81-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: enterprise-debian92-64 display_name: Enterprise Debian 9.2 modules: - enterprise run_on: - debian92-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-debian92 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=debian92 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: debian92 repo_edition: enterprise gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" scons_cache_scope: shared build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - debian92-build - name: audit - name: dbtest - name: ese - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: replica_sets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push - name: debian92 display_name: SSL Debian 9.2 run_on: - debian92-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-debian92 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=debian92 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars # We invoke SCons using --jobs = (# of CPUs / 4) to avoid causing out of memory errors due to # spawning a large number of linker processes. num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) multiversion_platform: debian92 multiversion_edition: targeted num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: debian92 repo_edition: org gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" scons_cache_scope: shared shared_scons_pruning: true build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - debian92-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_txns - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: package distros: - ubuntu1604-packer - name: push ################################ # storage engine buildvariants # ################################ - name: enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-inmem display_name: Enterprise RHEL 6.2 (inMemory) modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel62-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: rlp_environment: MONGOD_UNITTEST_RLP_LANGUAGE_TEST_BTROOT=/opt/basis test_flags: --storageEngine=inMemory --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_persistence,requires_journaling,requires_mmapv1 compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel62 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars CPPPATH="/opt/basis/rlp/rlp/include /opt/basis/rlp/utilities/include" --use-basis-tech-rosette-linguistics-platform=on multiversion_platform: rhel62 multiversion_edition: enterprise num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel62-large - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_mongos_passthrough - name: aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough_auth - name: sharded_causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: change_streams - name: change_streams_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_mongos_sessions_passthrough - name: change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: concurrency distros: - rhel62-large # Some workloads require a lot of memory, use a bigger machine for this suite. - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns_and_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_session - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_session - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: retryable_writes_jscore_passthrough - name: retryable_writes_jscore_stepdown_passthrough - name: rlp - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: sasl - name: session_jscore_passthrough - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-mobile display_name: Enterprise RHEL 6.2 (mobile) modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel62-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: &enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-mobile-expansions rlp_environment: MONGOD_UNITTEST_RLP_LANGUAGE_TEST_BTROOT=/opt/basis # Transactions are only supported on replica sets, and replication is not supported by the # mobile storage engine. test_flags: >- --storageEngine=mobile --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,requires_wiredtiger,requires_replication,requires_sharding,uses_transactions --excludeWithAnyTags=SERVER-32709,SERVER-32869,SERVER-32993,SERVER-32997 compile_flags: >- -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --mobile-se=on --ssl --use-basis-tech-rosette-linguistics-platform=on --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars CPPPATH="/opt/basis/rlp/rlp/include /opt/basis/rlp/utilities/include" MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel62 num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true additional_targets: mongoe display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel62-large - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_facet_unwind_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: dbtest # TODO SERVER-32993: Re-enable the concurrency suite on the mobile storage engine builders. # - name: concurrency # distros: # - rhel62-large # Some workloads require a lot of memory, use a bigger machine for this suite. - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: disk_mobile - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_minimum_batch_size - name: jsCore_mobile - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsonSchema - name: jstestfuzz - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: rlp - name: sasl - name: serial_run - name: session_jscore_passthrough - name: snmp - name: ubuntu1604-arm64-mobile display_name: "Ubuntu 16.04 arm64 (mobile)" modules: - enterprise run_on: - ubuntu1604-arm64-large batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: >- --storageEngine=mobile --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,requires_wiredtiger,requires_replication,requires_sharding,uses_transactions --excludeWithAnyTags=SERVER-32709,SERVER-32869,SERVER-32993,SERVER-32997 compile_flags: >- -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --mobile-se=on --ssl --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars CCFLAGS="-march=armv8-a+crc -mtune=generic" MONGO_DISTMOD=ubuntu1604 num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) max_jobs: 8 # Avoid starting too many mongod's on ARM test servers gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: -gccgoflags "$(pkg-config --libs --cflags libssl libcrypto libsasl2)" -tags 'sasl ssl' build_mongoreplay: true additional_targets: mongoe display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_facet_unwind_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: dbtest # TODO SERVER-32993: Re-enable the concurrency suite on the mobile storage engine builders. # - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: disk_mobile - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_minimum_batch_size - name: jsCore_mobile - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsonSchema - name: jstestfuzz - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: sasl - name: serial_run - name: session_jscore_passthrough - name: enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-required-mobile display_name: "! Enterprise RHEL 6.2 (mobile)" modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel62-small expansions: <<: *enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-mobile-expansions burn_in_tests_build_variant: enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-mobile tasks: # This build variant exists specifically to test that newly added or modified JavaScript tests are # correctly tagged with "requires_replication" and "requires_sharding" prior to the changes being # pushed. It uses the task list from the enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-mobile build variant to # determine the resmoke.py YAML suite configurations to run the tests under. Do not add more tasks # to this list. - name: compile_TG requires: - name: burn_in_tests distros: - rhel62-large - name: burn_in_tests - name: jsCore_mobile - name: enterprise-osx-1010-mobile display_name: Enterprise OS X 10.10 (mobile) modules: - enterprise run_on: - macos-1012 batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: push_path: osx push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: osx push_arch: x86_64-enterprise # Transactions are only supported on replica sets, and replication is not supported by the # mobile storage engine. test_flags: >- --storageEngine=mobile --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,requires_wiredtiger,requires_replication,requires_sharding,uses_transactions,requires_ssl_mongo_tools --excludeWithAnyTags=SERVER-32709,SERVER-32869,SERVER-32993,SERVER-32997 compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode8.3.app compile_flags: >- -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --libc++ --mobile-se=on --release --ssl CCFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" CPPPATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/include LINKFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" num_jobs_available: 1 gorootvars: 'PATH="/usr/local/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/usr/local/go1.8/go CGO_CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/include CGO_CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10 CGO_LDFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl openssl_pre_1.0'" build_mongoreplay: true additional_targets: mongoe display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_facet_unwind_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: dbtest # TODO SERVER-32993: Re-enable the concurrency suite on the mobile storage engine builders. # - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: disk_mobile - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_minimum_batch_size - name: jsCore_mobile - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsonSchema - name: jstestfuzz - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: sasl - name: serial_run - name: session_jscore_passthrough - name: linux-64-ephemeralForTest display_name: Linux (ephemeralForTest) run_on: - rhel62-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: # Transactions are not explicitly supported on the ephemeralForTest storage engine. test_flags: --storageEngine=ephemeralForTest --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_persistence,requires_fsync,SERVER-21420,SERVER-21658,requires_journaling,requires_mmapv1,requires_wiredtiger,uses_transactions compile_flags: -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --dbg=off --opt=on --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "" build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel62-large - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: concurrency distros: - rhel62-large # Some workloads require a lot of memory, use a bigger machine for this suite. - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: tool - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: enterprise-rhel-71-ppc64le-inmem display_name: Enterprise RHEL 7.1 PPC64LE (inMemory) DEBUG modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel71-power8-test batchtime: 10080 # 7 days stepback: false expansions: # We need to compensate for SMT8 setting the cpu count very high and lower the amount of parallelism down compile_flags: --dbg=on --opt=on --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel71 -j$(echo "$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)/2" | bc) CCFLAGS="-mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -mcmodel=medium" --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(echo "$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo)/4" | bc) test_flags: --storageEngine=inMemory --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_persistence,requires_mmapv1,requires_journaling gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go CC=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/ppc64le-mongodb-linux-gcc' tooltags: -tags 'sasl ssl' build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel71-power8-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sasl - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: enterprise-rhel-72-s390x-inmem display_name: Enterprise RHEL 7.2 s390x (inMemory) DEBUG modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel72-zseries-test batchtime: 10080 # 7 days stepback: false expansions: compile_flags: --dbg=on --opt=on --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel72 -j3 CCFLAGS="-march=z196 -mtune=zEC12" --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: 2 test_flags: --storageEngine=inMemory --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_persistence,requires_mmapv1,requires_journaling gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go CC=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/s390x-mongodb-linux-gcc' tooltags: -tags 'sasl ssl' build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel72-zseries-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency distros: - rhel72-zseries-build - name: concurrency_replication distros: - rhel72-zseries-build - name: concurrency_sharded_replication distros: - rhel72-zseries-build - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer distros: - rhel72-zseries-build - name: concurrency_simultaneous distros: - rhel72-zseries-build - name: dbtest - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: sasl - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: ubuntu1404-rocksdb display_name: Ubuntu 14.04 (RocksDB) modules: - rocksdb run_on: - ubuntu1404-test batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: build_rocksdb: true compile_flags: -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --dbg=off --opt=on CPPPATH=$(readlink -f ../rocksdb/include/) LIBPATH=$(readlink -f ../rocksdb/) LIBS=rocksdb --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars --runtime-hardening=off num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) # Transactions are not explicitly supported on the RocksDB storage engine. test_flags: --storageEngine=rocksdb --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1,requires_wiredtiger,uses_transactions use_scons_cache: true gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "" build_mongoreplay: true stepback: false tasks: - name: compile_TG distros: - ubuntu1404-build - name: dbtest - name: jsCore ########################################### # Experimental buildvariants # ########################################### - name: ubuntu1604-debug-asan display_name: ~ ASAN Enterprise SSL Ubuntu 16.04 DEBUG modules: - enterprise run_on: - ubuntu1604-build stepback: true batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 # We need llvm-symbolizer in the PATH for ASAN for clang-3.7 or later. variant_path_suffix: /opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin lang_environment: LANG=C san_options: LSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=etc/lsan.suppressions:report_objects=1" ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1:check_initialization_order=true:strict_init_order=true:abort_on_error=1:disable_coredump=0:handle_abort=0:handle_segv=0:handle_sigbus=0:handle_sigill=0:handle_sigfpe=0 compile_flags: --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_clang.vars --dbg=on --opt=on --allocator=system --sanitize=address --ssl --enable-free-mon=on -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --nostrip multiversion_platform: ubuntu1604 multiversion_edition: enterprise num_jobs_available: $(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 3)) # Avoid starting too many mongod's under ASAN build. gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" build_mongoreplay: true hang_analyzer_dump_core: false scons_cache_scope: shared display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_ese - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_facet_unwind_passthrough - name: aggregation_mongos_passthrough - name: aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough_auth - name: sharded_causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: change_streams - name: change_streams_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_mongos_sessions_passthrough - name: change_streams_secondary_reads - name: change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_secondary_reads_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_secondary_reads_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns_and_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: ese - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: free_monitoring - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_minimum_batch_size - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: jsonSchema - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion_auth - name: multiversion - name: multiversion_multistorage_engine - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: read_only - name: read_only_sharded - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_ese - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough - name: retryable_writes_jscore_passthrough - name: retryable_writes_jscore_stepdown_passthrough - name: sasl - name: session_jscore_passthrough - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_ese - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: ubuntu1604-asan display_name: ~ ASAN SSL Ubuntu 16.04 run_on: - ubuntu1604-build stepback: true batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 # We need llvm-symbolizer in the PATH for ASAN for clang-3.7 or later. variant_path_suffix: /opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin lang_environment: LANG=C san_options: LSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=etc/lsan.suppressions:report_objects=1" ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1:check_initialization_order=true:strict_init_order=true:abort_on_error=1:disable_coredump=0:handle_abort=0:handle_segv=0:handle_sigbus=0:handle_sigill=0:handle_sigfpe=0 compile_flags: --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_clang.vars --opt=on --allocator=system --sanitize=address --ssl -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --nostrip num_jobs_available: $(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 3)) # Avoid starting too many mongod's under ASAN build. gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" build_mongoreplay: true hang_analyzer_dump_core: false scons_cache_scope: shared display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: free_monitoring - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_session - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_session - name: ubuntu1604-debug-ubsan display_name: ~ UBSAN Enterprise Ubuntu 16.04 DEBUG modules: - enterprise run_on: - ubuntu1604-build stepback: true batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 # We need llvm-symbolizer in the PATH for UBSAN. variant_path_suffix: /opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin lang_environment: LANG=C san_options: UBSAN_OPTIONS="print_stacktrace=1:handle_abort=0:handle_segv=0:handle_sigbus=0:handle_sigill=0:handle_sigfpe=0" compile_flags: --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_clang.vars --dbg=on --opt=on --allocator=system --sanitize=undefined --ssl --enable-free-mon=on -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --nostrip multiversion_platform: ubuntu1604 multiversion_edition: enterprise num_jobs_available: $(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 3)) # Avoid starting too many mongod's under UBSAN build. gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true scons_cache_scope: shared display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_ese - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_facet_unwind_passthrough - name: aggregation_mongos_passthrough - name: aggregation_one_shard_sharded_collections - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough_auth - name: sharded_causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: change_streams - name: change_streams_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_mongos_sessions_passthrough - name: change_streams_secondary_reads - name: change_streams_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_secondary_reads_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_db_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_mongos_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_secondary_reads_passthrough - name: change_streams_whole_cluster_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns - name: concurrency_sharded_with_stepdowns_and_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: ese - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: free_monitoring - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_minimum_batch_size - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: jsonSchema - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion_auth - name: multiversion - name: multiversion_multistorage_engine - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: read_only - name: read_only_sharded - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_ese - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_kill_primary_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough - name: retryable_writes_jscore_passthrough - name: retryable_writes_jscore_stepdown_passthrough - name: sasl - name: session_jscore_passthrough - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_ese - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: ubuntu1604-debug-aubsan-lite display_name: "! {A,UB}SAN Enterprise SSL Ubuntu 16.04 DEBUG" modules: - enterprise run_on: - ubuntu1604-build stepback: true expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 # We need llvm-symbolizer in the PATH for ASAN for clang-3.7 or later. variant_path_suffix: /opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin lang_environment: LANG=C san_options: UBSAN_OPTIONS="print_stacktrace=1:handle_abort=0:handle_segv=0:handle_sigbus=0:handle_sigill=0:handle_sigfpe=0" LSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=etc/lsan.suppressions:report_objects=1" ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1:check_initialization_order=true:strict_init_order=true:abort_on_error=1:disable_coredump=0:handle_abort=0:handle_segv=0:handle_sigbus=0:handle_sigill=0:handle_sigfpe=0 compile_flags: --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_clang.vars --dbg=on --opt=on --allocator=system --sanitize=undefined,address --ssl -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --nostrip num_jobs_available: $(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 3)) # Avoid starting too many mongod's under {A,UB}SAN build. gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" build_mongoreplay: true hang_analyzer_dump_core: false scons_cache_scope: shared display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: dbtest - name: jsCore - name: watchdog_wiredtiger - name: ubuntu1604-debug-aubsan-async display_name: "~ {A,UB}SAN Enterprise SSL Ubuntu 16.04 async" modules: - enterprise run_on: - ubuntu1604-build stepback: true batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: # We need llvm-symbolizer in the PATH for ASAN for clang-3.7 or later. variant_path_suffix: /opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin lang_environment: LANG=C san_options: UBSAN_OPTIONS="print_stacktrace=1:handle_abort=0:handle_segv=0:handle_sigbus=0:handle_sigill=0:handle_sigfpe=0" LSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=etc/lsan.suppressions:report_objects=1" ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1:check_initialization_order=true:strict_init_order=true:abort_on_error=1:disable_coredump=0:handle_abort=0:handle_segv=0:handle_sigbus=0:handle_sigill=0:handle_sigfpe=0 compile_flags: --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_clang.vars --dbg=on --opt=on --allocator=system --sanitize=undefined,address --ssl -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --nostrip num_jobs_available: $(($(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 3)) # Avoid starting too many mongod's under {A,UB}SAN build. gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" build_mongoreplay: false hang_analyzer_dump_core: false test_flags: --serviceExecutor=adaptive --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 scons_cache_scope: shared display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_ese - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_facet_unwind_passthrough - name: aggregation_read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: aggregation_sharded_collections_passthrough - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough_auth - name: sharded_causally_consistent_jscore_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: disk_wiredtiger - name: ese - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: integration_tests_replset - name: integration_tests_sharded - name: integration_tests_standalone - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_ese - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_minimum_batch_size - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jsCore_txns - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion_auth - name: multiversion - name: multiversion_multistorage_engine - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthrough - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_concern_majority_passthrough - name: read_only - name: read_only_sharded - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_ese - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_kill_secondaries_jscore_passthrough - name: sasl - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding - name: sharding_ese - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_auth_audit - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_last_stable_mongos_and_mixed_shards - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_op_query_passthrough - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough_wire_ops - name: sharding_op_query - name: slow1 - name: serial_run - name: snmp - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: write_concern_majority_passthrough - name: secondary_reads_passthrough - name: enterprise-ubuntu-dynamic-1604-64-bit display_name: "* Shared Library Enterprise Ubuntu 16.04" modules: - enterprise expansions: test_flags: --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_mmapv1 lang_environment: LANG=C compile_flags: --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=ubuntu1604 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars --link-model=dynamic num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) scons_cache_scope: shared scons_cache_mode: all gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: true build_mongoreplay: true display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: tig-daily-cron display_name: "~ TIG Daily Cron" run_on: - rhel62-large batchtime: 1440 # 1 day stepback: false tasks: - name: update_test_lifecycle - name: fetch_test_lifecycle distros: - rhel62-small - name: enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit-mmapv1 display_name: Enterprise RHEL 6.2 MMAPv1 modules: - enterprise run_on: - rhel62-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: # Transactions are not supported on the MMAPv1 storage engine. test_flags: --storageEngine=mmapv1 --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_wiredtiger,uses_transactions rlp_environment: MONGOD_UNITTEST_RLP_LANGUAGE_TEST_BTROOT=/opt/basis compile_flags: >- --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=rhel62 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars CPPPATH="/opt/basis/rlp/rlp/include /opt/basis/rlp/utilities/include" --use-basis-tech-rosette-linguistics-platform=on multiversion_platform: rhel62 multiversion_edition: enterprise num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) has_packages: true packager_script: packager_enterprise.py packager_arch: x86_64 packager_distro: rhel62 repo_edition: enterprise scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: -tags 'ssl sasl' build_mongoreplay: true tasks: - name: compile_TG - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: disk_mmapv1 - name: dur_jscore_passthrough - name: durability - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_session - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication_initsync - name: jstestfuzz_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_session - name: mmap - name: multiversion - name: multiversion_auth - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: read_only - name: read_only_sharded - name: replica_sets distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough distros: - rhel62-large - name: rlp - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: serial_run - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding distros: - rhel62-large - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: slow1 - name: snmp - name: tool - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: enterprise-windows-64-2k8-mmapv1 display_name: Enterprise Windows 2008R2 MMAPv1 modules: - enterprise run_on: - windows-64-vs2015-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: # Transactions are not supported on the MMAPv1 storage engine. test_flags: --storageEngine=mmapv1 --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_wiredtiger,uses_transactions platform_decompress: unzip exe: .exe gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/go1.8/go/bin:/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:$PATH" GOROOT="c:/go1.8/go" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000"' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" build_mongoreplay: false gorootvars: >- PATH="/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:/cygdrive/c/sasl/:$PATH" CGO_CFLAGS="-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601 -DNTDDI_VERSION=0x06010000" multiversion_platform: windows multiversion_edition: enterprise msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: >- --release --ssl MONGO_DISTMOD=windows-64 CPPPATH="c:/openssl/include c:/sasl/include c:/snmp/include c:/curl/include" LIBPATH="c:/openssl/lib c:/sasl/lib c:/snmp/lib c:/curl/lib" -j$(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 2 )) --dynamic-windows --win-version-min=ws08r2 num_scons_link_jobs_available: $(( $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) / 4 )) python: python num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) ext: zip use_scons_cache: true tasks: - name: compile_TG - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_replication distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_sharded_replication distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: concurrency_simultaneous distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: dbtest - name: disk_mmapv1 - name: dur_jscore_passthrough - name: durability - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_session - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication_initsync - name: jstestfuzz_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_session - name: mmap - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: read_only - name: read_only_sharded - name: replica_sets distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: serial_run - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding distros: - windows-64-vs2015-large - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: slow1 - name: snmp - name: tool - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: enterprise-osx-1010-mmapv1 display_name: Enterprise OS X 10.10 MMAPv1 modules: - enterprise run_on: - macos-1012 batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: # Transactions are not supported on the MMAPv1 storage engine. test_flags: --storageEngine=mmapv1 --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_wiredtiger,uses_transactions,requires_ssl_mongo_tools compile_env: DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/Xcode8.3.app compile_flags: >- --ssl -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --release --libc++ CCFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" LINKFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.10" CPPPATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/include multiversion_platform: osx multiversion_edition: enterprise num_jobs_available: 1 gorootvars: 'PATH="/usr/local/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/usr/local/go1.8/go CGO_CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/include CGO_CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10 CGO_LDFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.10' tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl openssl_pre_1.0'" build_mongoreplay: true tasks: - name: compile_TG - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: audit - name: auth - name: auth_audit - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency - name: concurrency_sharded_causal_consistency_and_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: disk_mmapv1 - name: dur_jscore_passthrough - name: durability - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_decimal - name: jsCore_op_query - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded_session - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt - name: jstestfuzz_interrupt_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_replication_initsync - name: jstestfuzz_replication_session - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_causal_consistency - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_continuous_stepdown - name: jstestfuzz_sharded_session - name: mmap - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: read_concern_linearizable_passthrough - name: read_only - name: read_only_sharded - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_initsync_static_jscore_passthrough - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: rollback_fuzzer - name: serial_run - name: sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough - name: sharding_gle_auth_basics_passthrough_write_cmd - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: slow1 - name: tool - name: update_fuzzer - name: update_fuzzer_replication - name: linux-64-duroff-mmapv1 display_name: Linux (No Journal) MMAPv1 run_on: - rhel62-small batchtime: 1440 # 1 day expansions: push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux-duroff push_arch: x86_64 compile_flags: -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --variables-files=etc/scons/mongodbtoolchain_gcc.vars num_jobs_available: $(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) test_flags: --nojournal --storageEngine=mmapv1 --excludeWithAnyTags=requires_wiredtiger,requires_journaling,uses_transactions scons_cache_scope: shared gorootvars: 'PATH="/opt/go1.8/go/bin:/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin/:$PATH" GOROOT=/opt/go1.8/go' tooltags: "" build_mongoreplay: false display_tasks: - *unittests tasks: - name: compile_all_run_unittests_TG distros: - rhel62-large - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: aggregation_fuzzer - name: auth - name: bulk_gle_passthrough - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication - name: concurrency_sharded_replication_with_balancer - name: concurrency_simultaneous - name: dbtest - name: disk_mmapv1 - name: durability - name: dur_jscore_passthrough - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jstestfuzz - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_replication - name: jstestfuzz_concurrent_sharded - name: jstestfuzz_replication - name: jstestfuzz_sharded - name: mmap - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: replica_sets - name: replica_sets_auth - name: replica_sets_jscore_passthrough - name: serial_run - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: sharding_jscore_passthrough - name: slow1 - name: tool