##################################################### # A note on expansions # ##################################################### # Expansions usually appear in the form ${key|default} # If 'key' is found in the executor's map of currently known # expansions, the corresponding value is used. If the key can # not be found, the default is used. # # Arbitrary expansions can be specified in the YAML cofiguration # files in the following places: # - The 'expansions' field for buildvariants (branch file) # - The 'expansions' field for distros (distros file) # # A number of 'built-in' expansions are also available for use; these include: # - environment variables available on the host machine # - 'workdir' (references the executor's work directory). # - 'task_id' (references the task id of the task the executor is working on). # - 'build_variant' (references the executing task's buildvariant). # - 'config_root' (references the root directory for the executor's configuration artifacts). # Others include: # - 'builder' # - 'builder_num' # - 'builde command_type: system ## Some variables for convenience: variables: - &debug_symbol_variants - enterprise-linux-64-amazon-ami - enterprise-rhel-57-64-bit - enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit - enterprise-rhel-70-64-bit - enterprise-suse11-64 - enterprise-ubuntu1404-64 - enterprise-debian71-64 - linux-32 - linux-64 - amazon - rhel55 - rhel62 - rhel70 - suse11 - ubuntu1404 - debian71 - osx-107 - osx-107-ssl ####################################### # Functions # ####################################### functions: "fetch source" : command: git.get_project params: directory: src "get buildnumber": command: keyval.inc params: key: "${build_variant}_v3.0" destination: "builder_num" "fetch binaries" : command: s3.get params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} remote_file: mongodb-mongo-v3.0/${build_variant}/${revision}/binaries/mongo-${build_id}.${ext|tgz} bucket: mciuploads local_file: src/mongo-binaries.tgz "check binary version" : &check_binary_version command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit mongo_binary=$(find mongodb*/bin -name mongo${exe}) # There should only be one mongo shell if [ $(echo $mongo_binary | wc -w) -ne 1 ]; then echo "There is more than 1 extracted mongo binary: $mongo_binary" exit 1 fi bin_ver=$(${python|python} -c "import yaml; print(yaml.safe_load(open('compile_expansions.yml'))['version']);" | tr -d '[ \r\n]') # Due to SERVER-23810, we cannot use $mongo_binary --quiet --nodb --eval "version();" mongo_ver=$($mongo_binary --version | cut -f2 -d ':' | tr -d '[ \r\n]') # The versions must match if [ "$bin_ver" != "$mongo_ver" ]; then echo "The mongo version is $mongo_ver, expected version is $bin_ver" exit 1 fi "setup credentials" : command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src silent: true script: | cat > mci.buildlogger </dev/null 2>&1 # Set errexit after running the pkill commands because pkill will exit with code 1 if it # does not match any processes. This can occur when there are no left-over processes from # a previous task. set -o errexit set -o verbose rm -rf src /data/db/* ~/.aws post: - command: attach.results params: file_location: src/report.json - command: shell.exec params: silent: true script: | ${killall_mci|pkill -9 mongod; pkill -9 mongos; pkill -9 mongo; pkill -9 bsondump; pkill -9 mongoimport; pkill -9 mongoexport; pkill -9 mongodump; pkill -9 mongorestore; pkill -9 mongostat; pkill -9 mongofiles; pkill -9 mongooplog; pkill -9 mongotop; pkill -9 mongobridge; pkill -9 mongod-2.6; pkill -9 mongos-2.6; pkill -9 mongo-2.6; pkill -9 bsondump-2.6; pkill -9 mongoimport-2.6; pkill -9 mongoexport-2.6; pkill -9 mongodump-2.6; pkill -9 mongorestore-2.6; pkill -9 mongostat-2.6; pkill -9 mongofiles-2.6; pkill -9 mongooplog-2.6; pkill -9 mongotop-2.6; pkill -9 mongobridge-2.6; pkill -9 mongod-2.4; pkill -9 mongos-2.4; pkill -9 mongo-2.4; pkill -9 bsondump-2.4; pkill -9 mongoimport-2.4; pkill -9 mongoexport-2.4; pkill -9 mongodump-2.4; pkill -9 mongorestore-2.4; pkill -9 mongostat-2.4; pkill -9 mongofiles-2.4; pkill -9 mongooplog-2.4; pkill -9 mongotop-2.4; pkill -9 buildlogger.py; pkill -9 smoke.py; pkill -9 python; pkill -9 cl; pkill -9 lock_mgr_test; pkill -9 background_job_test; pkill -9 repl_coordinator_impl_heartbeat_test} >/dev/null 2>&1 exit 0 - command: shell.exec params: script: | rm -rf src /data/db/* ~/.aws timeout: - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | echo "Calling the Hang_Analyzer." python ./buildscripts/hang_analyzer.py ### tasks to be run for the branch ### tasks: ## compile ## - name: compile depends_on: [] commands: - command: manifest.load - command: git.get_project params: directory: src revisions: # for each module include revision as : ${_rev} enterprise: ${enterprise_rev} mongo-tools: ${mongo-tools_rev} rocksdb: ${rocksdb_rev} - command: git.apply_patch params: directory: src - func: "get buildnumber" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "build new tools" #noop if ${newtools} is not "true" - func: "build rocksdb" # noop if ${build_rocksdb} is not "true" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" rm -rf ${install_directory|/data/mongo-install-directory} ${scons|scons} ${compile_flags|} --use-new-tools all dist dist-debugsymbols distsrc-${ext|tgz} ${msi_target|} git describe | ${python|python} buildscripts/generate_compile_expansions.py | tee compile_expansions.yml ${asan_symbolizer} ${enable_lsan} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --with-cleanbb --mode files --from-file build/unittests.txt --dont-start-mongod --report-file report.json core mv mongodb-src-*.${ext|tgz} distsrc.${ext|tgz} mv mongodb-*-debugsymbols.${ext|tgz} mongo-debugsymbols.tgz || true mv mongodb-*.${ext|tgz} mongodb-binaries.tgz - command: expansions.update params: file: src/compile_expansions.yml - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose if [ "${has_packages|}" = "true" ] ; then cd buildscripts ${python|python} ${packager_script} --prefix `pwd`/.. --distros ${packager_distro} --tarball `pwd`/../mongodb-binaries.tgz -s ${version} -m HEAD cd .. fi - command: archive.targz_pack params: target: "artifacts.tgz" source_dir: "src" include: - "src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise/jstests/**" - "compile_expansions.yml" - "src/mongo/db/modules/subscription/jstests/**" - "src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise/docs/**" - "*.exe" - "jstests/**" - "./test*" - "./dbtest*" - "./mongobridge*" - "buildscripts/**" - "*Example" - "*Test" - "./**.pdb" - "./**.msi" - "./etc/*san.suppressions" - "./etc/repo_config.yaml" - "repo/**" exclude_files: - "*_test.pdb" - func: "upload debugsymbols" - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-binaries.tgz remote_file: mongodb-mongo-v3.0/${build_variant}/${revision}/binaries/mongo-${build_id}.${ext|tgz} bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Binaries - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: artifacts.tgz remote_file: mongodb-mongo-v3.0/${build_variant}/${revision}/artifacts/${build_id}.tgz bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: application/tar display_name: Artifacts - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/distsrc.${ext|tgz} remote_file: mongodb-mongo-v3.0/${build_variant}/${revision}/sources/mongo-src-${build_id}.${ext|tgz} bucket: mciuploads permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} display_name: Source tarball # We only need to upload the source tarball from one of the build variants # because it should be the same everywhere, so just use linux-64/windows-64-2k8. build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8 ] - name: lint depends_on: [] commands: - command: manifest.load - command: git.get_project params: directory: src revisions: # for each module include revision as : ${_rev} enterprise: ${enterprise_rev} mongo-tools: ${mongo-tools_rev} rocksdb: ${rocksdb_rev} - command: git.apply_patch params: directory: src - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | set -o errexit set -o verbose ${scons|scons} ${compile_flags|} lint ## integration test suites ## - name: aggregation depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} aggregation - name: aggregation_auth depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --auth aggregation - name: aggregation_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger aggregation - name: audit depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} audit - name: audit_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger audit - name: auth depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} auth - name: auth_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger auth - name: dbtest depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${enable_lsan} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} dbtest - name: dbtest_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${enable_lsan} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger dbtest - name: disk depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} disk - name: durability depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} dur - name: failpoints depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} failPoint - name: failpoints_auth depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --auth failPoint - name: gle_auth depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} gle --auth - name: gle_auth_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger gle --auth - name: gle_auth_write_cmd depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} gle --auth --shell-write-mode commands - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger gle --auth --shell-write-mode commands - name: inMemoryExperiment depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --storageEngine=inMemoryExperiment --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} js - name: jsCore depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${enable_lsan} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode commands jsCore - name: jsCore_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${enable_lsan} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode commands --storageEngine=wiredTiger jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${enable_lsan} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode compatibility jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${enable_lsan} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode compatibility --storageEngine=wiredTiger jsCore - name: jsCore_auth depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode commands --auth jsCore - name: jsCore_small_oplog depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${enable_lsan} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode commands --small-oplog jsCore - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${enable_lsan} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode commands --small-oplog --storageEngine=wiredTiger jsCore - name: mongo-perf depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | cp mongodb*/bin/* . git clone git://github.com/mongodb/mongo-perf.git cd mongo-perf/mongo-cxx-driver && ${scons|scons} cd mongo-perf && ${scons|scons} cd mongo-perf && touch mongod.conf if [ "${build_variant|}" = "linux-64-new-query-framework" ] ; then cd mongo-perf && (echo "setParameter = newQueryFrameworkEnabled=1" | tee -a mongod.conf) fi cd mongo-perf && ${python|python} runner.py --config mongod.conf --rhost mongoperf-db.10gen.cc --port 30000 --mongod ../mongod --label ${build_variant|} - name: mmap depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} mmap_v1 - name: mongosTest depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} mongosTest - name: multiversion depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . rm -rf /data/install /data/multiversion ${python|python} buildscripts/setup_multiversion_mongodb.py /data/install /data/multiversion "base" "Linux/x86_64" "1.8" "2.0" "2.2" "2.4" "2.6" PATH=$PATH:/data/multiversion ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} multiVersion - name: noPassthrough depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger noPassthroughWithMongod - name: slow1 depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} slow1 - name: slow1_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger slow1 - name: slow2 depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test timeout_secs: 10800 params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --clean-every=1 --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} slow2 - name: slow2_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test timeout_secs: 10800 params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --clean-every=1 --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger slow2 - name: parallel depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} parallel - name: parallel_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger --wiredTigerEngineConfig=cache_size=1G parallel - name: parallel_compatibility depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode compatibility parallel - name: parallel_compatibility_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode compatibility --storageEngine=wiredTiger --wiredTigerEngineConfig=cache_size=1G parallel - name: concurrency depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} concurrency - name: concurrency_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger --wiredTigerEngineConfig=cache_size=1G concurrency - name: concurrency_compatibility depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode compatibility concurrency - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --shell-write-mode compatibility --storageEngine=wiredTiger --wiredTigerEngineConfig=cache_size=1G concurrency - name: replicasets depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} replSets - name: replicasets_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger replSets - name: replicasets_auth depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --auth replSets - name: replication depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} repl - name: replication_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger repl - name: replication_auth depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --auth repl - name: sasl depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} sasl - name: sharding depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} sharding - name: sharding_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger sharding - name: sharding_auth depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --auth sharding - name: snmp depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . mkdir -p snmpconf cp -f src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise/docs/mongod.conf.master snmpconf/mongod.conf SNMPCONFPATH=snmpconf ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} snmp - name: snmp_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . mkdir -p snmpconf cp -f src/mongo/db/modules/enterprise/docs/mongod.conf.master snmpconf/mongod.conf SNMPCONFPATH=snmpconf ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger snmp - name: ssl depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} ssl --use-ssl - name: sslSpecial depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} sslSpecial - name: tool depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} tool - name: tool_WT depends_on: - name: compile commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - func: "extract binaries" - func: "check binary version" - func: "setup credentials" - func: "get buildnumber" - command: shell.exec type: test params: working_dir: src script: | export MONGO_USE_BUILDLOGGER="true" export MONGO_BUILDER_NAME=MCI_${build_variant} export MONGO_BUILD_NUMBER=${builder_num|} export BUILDLOGGER_URL=${logger_url|https://logkeeper.mongodb.org/} export BUILDLOGGER_CREDENTIALS=./mci.buildlogger export MONGO_PHASE="${task_name}_${execution}" cp mongodb*/bin/* . ${asan_symbolizer} ${python|python} buildscripts/smoke.py --nopreallocj --with-cleanbb --mongod ./mongod --mongo ./mongo --report-file report.json ${test_flags|} --storageEngine=wiredTiger tool - name: push patchable: false depends_on: - name: "*" stepback: false commands: - func: "fetch artifacts" - func: "fetch binaries" - command: s3.get params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} remote_file: mongodb-mongo-v3.0/${build_variant}/${revision}/sources/mongo-src-${build_id}.${ext|tgz} bucket: mciuploads local_file: src/distsrc.${ext|tgz} build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8 ] - command: expansions.update params: file: src/compile_expansions.yml - func: "fetch debugsymbols archive" - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src silent: true script: | set -o errexit mkdir -p ~/.aws cat < ~/.aws/config [default] region = us-east-1 EOF cat < ~/.aws/credentials [default] aws_access_key_id = ${repo_aws_key} aws_secret_access_key = ${repo_aws_secret} EOF cat < notary_env.sh export NOTARY_TOKEN=${signing_auth_token_30} export NOTARY_TOKEN_DEB_LEGACY=${signing_auth_token_deb_legacy} EOF echo "${signing_auth_token_30}" > signing_auth_token - command: shell.exec params: working_dir: src script: | . ./notary_env.sh set -o errexit set -o verbose mv mongo-binaries.tgz mongodb-binaries.${ext|tgz} mv mongo-debugsymbols.tgz debugsymbols-*.${ext|tgz} || true cp mongodb-*.${ext|tgz} mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} cp debugsymbols-*.${ext|tgz} mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} || true mv distsrc.${ext|tgz} mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz} || true /usr/bin/find build/ -type f | grep msi$ | xargs -I original_filename cp original_filename mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}.msi || true notary-client.py --key-name "server-3.0" --auth-token-file ${workdir}/src/signing_auth_token --comment "Evergreen Automatic Signing ${revision} - ${build_variant} - ${branch_name}" --notary-url http://notary-service.build.10gen.cc:5000 --skip-missing mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}.msi mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz} if [ "${has_packages|}" = "true" ]; then CURATOR_RELEASE="ea8d75dcc1a587111e7418e2428fb67e267af9fe" curl -L -O http://boxes.10gen.com/build/curator/curator-dist-rhel70-$CURATOR_RELEASE.tar.gz tar -zxvf curator-dist-rhel70-$CURATOR_RELEASE.tar.gz ./curator repo --config ./etc/repo_config.yaml --distro ${packager_distro} --edition ${repo_edition} --version ${version} --arch "x86_64" --packages repo fi # Put the binaries tarball/zipfile - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz} # Put the source tarball - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz} aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz} build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8 ] # Put the debug symbols - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} aws_key: ${aws_key} build_variants: *debug_symbol_variants permissions: public-read local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz} bucket: build-push-testing content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz} # Put the binaries tarball signature - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sig aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sig # Put the source tarball signature - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sig aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sig build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8 ] # Put the debug symbols signature - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} aws_key: ${aws_key} build_variants: *debug_symbol_variants permissions: public-read local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sig bucket: build-push-testing content_type: ${content_type|application/x-gzip} remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sig # Put the signed MSI file - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} permissions: public-read build_variants: ["enterprise-windows-64", "windows-64", "windows-64-2k8", "windows-64-2k8-ssl", "windows-32"] local_file: src/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi bucket: build-push-testing content_type: application/x-msi remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi # Put the binaries tarball sha1 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha1 aws_key: ${aws_key} permissions: public-read bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha1 # Put the source tarball sha1 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha1 aws_key: ${aws_key} permissions: public-read bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha1 build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8 ] # Put the debug symbols sha1 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} aws_key: ${aws_key} build_variants: *debug_symbol_variants permissions: public-read local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha1 bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha1 # Push the signed MSI sha1 - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} permissions: public-read build_variants: ["enterprise-windows-64", "windows-64", "windows-64-2k8", "windows-64-2k8-ssl", "windows-32"] local_file: src/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.sha1 bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.sha1 # Put the binaries tarball sha256 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha256 permissions: public-read aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha256 # Put the source tarball sha256 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha256 permissions: public-read aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha256 build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8 ] # Put the debug symbols sha256 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} build_variants: *debug_symbol_variants local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha256 aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha256 # Put the signed MSI sha256 - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} build_variants: ["enterprise-windows-64", "windows-64", "windows-64-2k8", "windows-64-2k8-ssl", "windows-32"] local_file: src/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.sha256 bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.sha256 content_type: text/plain # Put the binaries tarball md5 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.md5 aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.md5 # Put the source tarball md5 - command: s3.put params: aws_secret: ${aws_secret} local_file: src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.md5 aws_key: ${aws_key} bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.md5 build_variants: [ linux-64, windows-64-2k8 ] # Put the debug symbols md5 - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} build_variants: *debug_symbol_variants local_file: src/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.md5 bucket: build-push-testing content_type: text/plain permissions: public-read remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.md5 # Put the signed MSI md5 - command: s3.put params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} build_variants: ["enterprise-windows-64", "windows-64", "windows-64-2k8", "windows-64-2k8-ssl", "windows-32"] local_file: src/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.md5 bucket: build-push-testing permissions: public-read content_type: text/plain remote_file: ${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.md5 - command: s3Copy.copy params: aws_key: ${aws_key} aws_secret: ${aws_secret} s3_copy_files: #Binaries - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #Source tarball - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': 'src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'linux-64', 'windows-64-2k8' ] } #Debug Symbols - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': *debug_symbol_variants } #MSI (Windows only) - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'enterprise-windows-64', 'windows-64', 'windows-64-2k8', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl', 'windows-32' ] } #Binaries Signature - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sig', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sig', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #Debug Symbols Signature - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sig', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sig', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': *debug_symbol_variants } #Source tarball signature - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sig', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': 'src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sig', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'linux-64', 'windows-64-2k8' ] } #SHA1 for binaries - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha1', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha1', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #SHA1 for source tarball - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha1', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': 'src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha1', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'linux-64', 'windows-64-2k8' ] } #SHA1 for debug symbols - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha1', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha1', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': *debug_symbol_variants } #SHA1 for MSI - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.sha1', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.sha1', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': ['enterprise-windows-64', 'windows-64', 'windows-64-2k8', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl', 'windows-32'] } #SHA256 for binaries - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha256', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha256', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #SHA256 for source tarball - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha256', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': 'src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.sha256', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'linux-64', 'windows-64-2k8' ] } #SHA256 for debugsymbols - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.sha256', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.sha256', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': *debug_symbol_variants} #SHA256 for MSI files - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.sha256', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.sha256', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': ['enterprise-windows-64', 'windows-64', 'windows-64-2k8', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl', 'windows-32'], } #MD5 for binaries - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.md5', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.md5', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}} #MD5 for source tarball - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tar.gz}.md5', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': 'src/mongodb-src-${src_suffix}.${ext|tar.gz}.md5', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': [ 'linux-64', 'windows-64-2k8' ] } #MD5 for debugsymbols - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}-${task_id}.${ext|tgz}.md5', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-${push_name}-${push_arch}-debugsymbols-${suffix}.${ext|tgz}.md5', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': *debug_symbol_variants } #MD5 for MSIs - {'source': {'path': '${push_path}-STAGE/${push_name}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-${task_id}-signed.msi.md5', 'bucket': 'build-push-testing'}, 'destination': {'path': '${push_path}/mongodb-win32-${push_arch}-${suffix}-signed.msi.md5', 'bucket': '${push_bucket}'}, 'build_variants': ['enterprise-windows-64', 'windows-64', 'windows-64-2k8', 'windows-64-2k8-ssl', 'windows-32'], } ####################################### # Modules # ####################################### # if a module is added and to be added to the manifest # be sure to add the module to git.get_project revisions parameter modules: - name: enterprise repo: git@github.com:10gen/mongo-enterprise-modules.git prefix: src/mongo/db/modules branch: v3.0 - name: mongo-tools repo: git@github.com:mongodb/mongo-tools.git prefix: . branch: v3.0 - name: bdb repo: git@github.com:10gen/bdb-module.git prefix: src/mongo/db/modules branch: master ####################################### # Buildvariants ####################################### buildvariants: ########################################### # Linux buildvariants # ########################################### - name: linux-64 display_name: Linux 64-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel55-test expansions: gorootvars: PATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin:$PATH push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64 compile_flags: -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --release --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel55-build - name: lint - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: inMemoryExperiment - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push - name: linux-64-debug display_name: Linux 64-bit DEBUG modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel55-test expansions: gorootvars: PATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin:$PATH push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux-debug push_arch: x86_64 test_flags: --continue-on-failure compile_flags: --dbg=on --opt=on -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/dbg_on/opt_on" tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel55-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: mmap - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: linux-64-duroff display_name: Linux 64-bit DUR OFF modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel55-test expansions: gorootvars: PATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin:$PATH push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux-duroff push_arch: x86_64 compile_flags: --durableDefaultOff -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/durableDefaultOff" test_flags: --continue-on-failure tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel55-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: mongosTest - name: mmap - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: parallel - name: parallel_compatibility - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow2 - name: tool - name: linux-64-lsm stepback: false display_name: Linux 64-bit LSM modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel55-test expansions: gorootvars: PATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin:$PATH compile_flags: -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --release --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure --wiredTigerCollectionConfig=type=lsm --wiredTigerIndexConfig=type=lsm tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel55-build - name: aggregation_WT - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest_WT - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets_WT - name: replication_WT - name: sharding_WT - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2_WT - name: tool_WT - name: ubuntu1404 display_name: SSL Ubuntu 1404 64-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - ubuntu1404-test expansions: tooltags: "-tags ssl" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-ubuntu1404 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=ubuntu1404 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_distro: ubuntu1404 repo_edition: org tasks: - name: compile distros: - ubuntu1404-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push - name: ubuntu1604 display_name: SSL Ubuntu 1604 64-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - ubuntu1604-test expansions: tooltags: "-tags ssl" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-ubuntu1604 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=ubuntu1604 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_distro: ubuntu1604 repo_edition: org tasks: - name: compile distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push - name: enterprise-linux-64-amazon-ami display_name: Enterprise Linux 64-bit Amazon AMI modules: - enterprise - mongo-tools run_on: - linux-64-amzn-test expansions: tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-amzn64 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=amzn64 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1 --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager-enterprise.py packager_distro: amazon repo_edition: enterprise tasks: - name: compile distros: - linux-64-amzn-build - name: aggregation_auth - name: audit - name: audit_WT - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: failpoints_auth - name: jsCore_auth - name: mmap - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: snmp - name: snmp_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push - name: amazon display_name: SSL Amazon 64-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - linux-64-amzn-test expansions: tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-amazon compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=amazon -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_distro: amazon repo_edition: org tasks: - name: compile distros: - linux-64-amzn-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push - name: linux-32 display_name: Linux 32-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel55-32 expansions: gorootvars: PATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin:$PATH GOARCH=386 GOOS=linux push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: i686 compile_flags: --release --distarch=i686 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --32 --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel55-build - name: aggregation - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: replicasets - name: replication - name: sharding - name: tool - name: push - name: linux-32-debug display_name: Linux 32-bit DEBUG modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel55-32 expansions: gorootvars: PATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin:$PATH GOARCH=386 GOOS=linux push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux-debug push_arch: i686 test_flags: --continue-on-failure compile_flags: --dbg=on --distarch=i686 --opt=on -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --32 --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/debug" tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel55-build - name: aggregation - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: replicasets - name: replication - name: sharding - name: tool ########################################### # Windows buildvariants # ########################################### - name: windows-64 display_name: Windows 64-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - windows-64-vs2013-test expansions: exe: ".exe" push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: win32 push_arch: x86_64 msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --64 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) test_flags: --continue-on-failure ext: zip tasks: - name: compile distros: - windows-64-vs2013-compile - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT #- name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push distros: - rhel70 - name: windows-64-2k8 display_name: Windows 64-bit 2008R2+ modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - windows-64-vs2013-test expansions: exe: ".exe" push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: win32 push_arch: x86_64-2008plus msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --64 --win-version-min=ws08r2 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --distmod=2008plus test_flags: --continue-on-failure ext: zip tasks: - name: compile distros: - windows-64-vs2013-compile - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT #- name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push distros: - rhel70 - name: windows-64-2k8-debug display_name: Windows 64-bit 2008R2+ DEBUG modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - windows-64-vs2013-test expansions: exe: ".exe" push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: win32-debug push_arch: x86_64-2008plus content_type: application/zip test_flags: --continue-on-failure compile_flags: --dbg=on --opt=on --64 --win-version-min=ws08r2 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --distmod=2008plus ext: zip tasks: - name: compile distros: - windows-64-vs2013-compile - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT #- name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: enterprise-windows-64 display_name: Enterprise Windows 64-bit modules: - enterprise - mongo-tools run_on: - windows-64-vs2013-test expansions: tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" exe: ".exe" gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:/cygdrive/c/sasl/:$PATH"' push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: win32 push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-windows-64 msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --64 --ssl --distmod=windows-64 --extrapath="c:\openssl,c:\sasl,c:\snmp" -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --dynamic-windows --win-version-min=ws08r2 --variant-dir=win32 test_flags: --continue-on-failure ext: zip tasks: - name: compile distros: - windows-64-vs2013-compile - name: audit - name: audit_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: mmap - name: replicasets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: snmp_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push distros: - rhel70 - name: windows-64-2k8-ssl display_name: SSL Windows 64-bit 2008R2+ modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - windows-64-vs2013-test expansions: exe: ".exe" gorootvars: 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/mingw-w64/x86_64-4.9.1-posix-seh-rt_v3-rev1/mingw64/bin:/cygdrive/c/sasl/:$PATH"' tooltags: "-tags ssl" push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: win32 push_arch: x86_64-2008plus-ssl msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --64 --ssl --distmod=2008plus-ssl --extrapath="c:\openssl" -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --dynamic-windows --win-version-min=ws08r2 test_flags: --continue-on-failure ext: zip tasks: - name: compile distros: - windows-64-vs2013-compile - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT #- name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push distros: - rhel70 - name: windows-32 display_name: Windows 32-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - windows-32 expansions: exe: ".exe" gorootvars: GOARCH=386 push_path: win32 push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: win32 push_arch: i386 msi_target: msi content_type: application/zip compile_flags: --release --32 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) test_flags: --continue-on-failure ext: zip tasks: - name: compile distros: - windows-64-vs2013-compile - name: aggregation - name: auth - name: dbtest - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: replicasets - name: replication - name: sharding - name: tool - name: push distros: - rhel70 ########################################### # OSX buildvariants # ########################################### - name: osx-107 display_name: OS X 10.7 modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - macos-1012 expansions: push_path: osx push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: osx push_arch: x86_64 gorootvars: CGO_CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.7 CGO_LDFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.7 compile_flags: --allocator=system -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --release --osx-version-min=10.7 --libc++ test_flags: --continue-on-failure tasks: - name: compile - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push distros: - rhel70 - name: osx-107-ssl display_name: SSL OS X 10.7 modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - macos-1012 expansions: push_path: osx push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: osx-ssl push_arch: x86_64 tooltags: "-tags ssl" gorootvars: CGO_CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/include CGO_CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.7 CGO_LDFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.7 compile_flags: --ssl --allocator=system -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --release --osx-version-min=10.7 --libc++ CPPPATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/include num_jobs_unittests: $(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) test_flags: --continue-on-failure tasks: - name: compile - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push distros: - rhel70 - name: osx-107-debug display_name: OS X 10.7 DEBUG modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - macos-1012 expansions: push_path: osx push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: osx-debug push_arch: x86_64 test_flags: --continue-on-failure gorootvars: CGO_CFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.7 CGO_LDFLAGS=-mmacosx-version-min=10.7 compile_flags: --dbg=on --opt=on --allocator=system -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu) --osx-version-min=10.7 --libc++ tasks: - name: compile - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: tool - name: tool_WT ########################################### # Redhat buildvariants # ########################################### - name: enterprise-rhel-57-64-bit display_name: Enterprise RHEL 5.7 64-bit modules: - enterprise - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel55-test expansions: gorootvars: PATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin:$PATH tooltags: -gccgoflags "$(pkg-config --libs --cflags libssl) -L/usr/lib64/sasl2" -tags 'sasl ssl' push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-rhel57 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=rhel57 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager-enterprise.py packager_distro: rhel57 repo_edition: enterprise tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel55-build - name: lint - name: audit - name: audit_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: mmap - name: replicasets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: snmp_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push - name: enterprise-rhel-62-64-bit display_name: Enterprise RHEL 6.2 64-bit modules: - enterprise - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel62-test expansions: gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-rhel62 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=rhel62 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager-enterprise.py packager_distro: rhel62 repo_edition: enterprise tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel62-build - name: audit - name: audit_WT - name: mmap - name: jsCore_auth - name: replicasets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: snmp_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push - name: enterprise-rhel-70-64-bit display_name: Enterprise RHEL 7.0 64-bit modules: - enterprise - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel70 expansions: gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-rhel70 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=rhel70 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager-enterprise.py packager_distro: rhel70 repo_edition: enterprise tasks: - name: compile - name: audit - name: audit_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: mmap - name: replicasets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: snmp_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push - name: rhel55 display_name: SSL RHEL 5.5 64-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel55-test expansions: gorootvars: PATH=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/v2/bin:$PATH tooltags: -gccgoflags "$(pkg-config --libs --cflags libssl)" -tags 'ssl' push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-rhel55 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=rhel55 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_distro: rhel55 repo_edition: org tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel55-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push - name: rhel62 display_name: SSL RHEL 6.2 64-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel62-test expansions: gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" tooltags: "-tags ssl" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-rhel62 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=rhel62 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_distro: rhel62 repo_edition: org tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel62-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push - name: rhel70 display_name: SSL RHEL 7.0 64-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - rhel70 expansions: gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" tooltags: "-tags ssl" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-rhel70 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=rhel70 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_distro: rhel70 repo_edition: org tasks: - name: compile distros: - rhel70 - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push ########################################### # Ubuntu buildvariants # ########################################### - name: enterprise-ubuntu1404-64 display_name: Enterprise Ubuntu 1404 64-bit modules: - enterprise - mongo-tools run_on: - ubuntu1404-test expansions: gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-ubuntu1404 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=ubuntu1404 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1 --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager-enterprise.py packager_distro: ubuntu1404 repo_edition: enterprise tasks: - name: compile distros: - ubuntu1404-build - name: audit - name: audit_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: mmap - name: replicasets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: snmp_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push - name: enterprise-ubuntu1604-64 display_name: Enterprise Ubuntu 1604 64-bit modules: - enterprise - mongo-tools run_on: - ubuntu1604-test expansions: gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-ubuntu1604 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=ubuntu1604 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1 --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager-enterprise.py packager_distro: ubuntu1604 repo_edition: enterprise tasks: - name: compile distros: - ubuntu1604-build - name: audit - name: audit_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: mmap - name: replicasets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: snmp_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push ########################################### # SUSE buildvariants # ########################################### - name: enterprise-suse11-64 display_name: Enterprise SUSE 11 64-bit modules: - enterprise - mongo-tools run_on: - suse11-test expansions: gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-suse11 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=suse11 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1 --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager-enterprise.py packager_distro: suse11 repo_edition: enterprise tasks: - name: compile distros: - suse11-build - name: audit - name: audit_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: replicasets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: mmap - name: snmp - name: snmp_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push - name: suse11 display_name: SSL SUSE 11 64-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - suse11-test expansions: gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" tooltags: "-tags ssl" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-suse11 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=suse11 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_distro: suse11 repo_edition: org tasks: - name: compile distros: - suse11-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push ########################################### # Debian buildvariants # ########################################### - name: enterprise-debian71-64 display_name: Enterprise Debian 7.1 64-bit modules: - enterprise - mongo-tools run_on: - debian71-test expansions: gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" tooltags: "-tags 'ssl sasl'" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.10gen.com push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-enterprise-debian71 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=debian71 --release -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1 --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager-enterprise.py packager_distro: debian71 repo_edition: enterprise tasks: - name: compile distros: - debian71-build - name: audit - name: audit_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: mmap - name: replicasets_auth - name: sasl - name: sharding_auth - name: snmp - name: snmp_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: push - name: debian71 display_name: SSL Debian 7.1 64-bit modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - debian71-test expansions: gorootvars: GOROOT=/opt/go PATH="/opt/go/bin:$PATH" tooltags: "-tags ssl" push_path: linux push_bucket: downloads.mongodb.org push_name: linux push_arch: x86_64-debian71 compile_flags: --ssl --distmod=debian71 -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --release --cc=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/gcc --cxx=/opt/mongodbtoolchain/bin/g++ --variant-dir="linux2/release" test_flags: --continue-on-failure has_packages: true packager_script: packager.py packager_distro: debian71 repo_edition: org tasks: - name: compile distros: - debian71-build - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: tool_WT - name: push ########################################### # Experimental buildvariants # ########################################### - name: ubuntu1404-debug-asan display_name: z ASAN SSL Ubuntu 1404 64-bit DEBUG modules: - mongo-tools run_on: - ubuntu1404-build stepback: false batchtime: 1440 # 3.5 days expansions: tooltags: "-tags 'ssl'" asan_symbolizer: ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=/usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer-3.4 enable_lsan: LSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=etc/lsan.suppressions" ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1 compile_flags: --cc=/usr/bin/clang --cxx=/usr/bin/clang++ --dbg=on --opt=on --allocator=system --sanitize=address --ssl -j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo) --nostrip --variant-dir=build test_flags: --continue-on-failure tasks: - name: compile - name: aggregation - name: aggregation_WT - name: aggregation_auth - name: auth - name: auth_WT - name: dbtest - name: dbtest_WT - name: disk - name: durability - name: failpoints - name: failpoints_auth - name: gle_auth - name: gle_auth_WT - name: gle_auth_write_cmd - name: gle_auth_write_cmd_WT - name: jsCore - name: jsCore_WT - name: jsCore_auth - name: jsCore_compatibility - name: jsCore_compatibility_WT - name: jsCore_small_oplog - name: jsCore_small_oplog_WT - name: mmap - name: mongosTest - name: multiversion - name: noPassthrough - name: noPassthrough_WT - name: noPassthroughWithMongod - name: noPassthroughWithMongod_WT - name: parallel - name: parallel_WT - name: parallel_compatibility - name: parallel_compatibility_WT - name: concurrency - name: concurrency_WT - name: concurrency_compatibility - name: concurrency_compatibility_WT - name: replicasets - name: replicasets_WT - name: replicasets_auth - name: replication - name: replication_WT - name: replication_auth - name: sharding - name: sharding_WT - name: sharding_auth - name: slow1 - name: slow1_WT - name: slow2 - name: slow2_WT - name: ssl - name: sslSpecial - name: tool - name: tool_WT