# == PLEASE DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT THIS FILE == # For more details, see etc/pip/README.md # # This file was generated via the following command: # $ 'bash' 'buildscripts/generate-pip-constraints.sh' '-r' 'etc/pip/toolchain-requirements.txt' # Common requirements asn1crypto==0.24.0 astroid==1.6.5 boto3==1.9.23 botocore==1.12.23 certifi==2018.10.15 cffi==1.11.5 chardet==3.0.4 cryptography==2.3 defusedxml==0.5.0 docutils==0.14 idna==2.7 isort==4.3.4 Jinja2==2.10 jira==2.0.0 jmespath==0.9.3 lazy-object-proxy==1.3.1 MarkupSafe==1.0 mccabe==0.6.1 oauthlib==2.1.0 pbr==4.3.0 psutil==5.4.7 pycparser==2.19 pydocstyle==2.1.1 PyJWT==1.6.4 pylint==1.9.3 pymongo==3.5.1 python-dateutil==2.7.3 PyYAML==3.13 regex==2018.8.29 requests==2.19.1 requests-oauth==0.4.1 requests-oauthlib==1.0.0 requests-toolbelt==0.8.0 s3transfer==0.1.13 six==1.11.0 snowballstemmer==1.2.1 typing==3.6.6 urllib3==1.23 wrapt==1.10.11 yapf==0.21.0 # Python2 requirements backports.functools-lru-cache==1.5; python_version < "3" Cheetah3==3.1.0; python_version < "3" configparser==3.5.0; python_version < "3" enum34==1.1.6; python_version < "3" funcsigs==1.0.2; python_version < "3" futures==3.2.0; python_version < "3" ipaddress==1.0.22; python_version < "3" mock==2.0.0; python_version < "3" PyKMIP==0.4.0; python_version < "3" singledispatch==; python_version < "3" # Python3 requirements mypy==0.580; python_version > "3" typed-ast==1.1.0; python_version > "3" # Platform-specific components pypiwin32==219; sys_platform == "win32" and python_version < "3" pypiwin32==223; sys_platform == "win32" and python_version > "3" subprocess32==3.5.2; os_name == "posix" and platform_release != "2.6.18-194.el5xen" and platform_release != "2.6.18-274.el5xen" and python_version < "3" # Needed for ssl_ECDHE_suites.js test - testing the TLS suites enabled on each platform sslyze==2.0.1; python_version >= "3.6" and sys_platform == "win32" and (platform_machine == "x86_64" or platform_machine == "AMD64") sslyze==2.0.1; python_version >= "3.6" and sys_platform == "cygwin" and (platform_machine == "x86_64" or platform_machine == "AMD64") sslyze==2.0.1; python_version >= "3.6" and sys_platform == "linux" and (platform_machine == "x86_64" or platform_machine == "i686")