DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" > /dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" . "$DIR/prelude.sh" cd src set -o errexit set -o verbose # activate the virtualenv if it has been set up activate_venv additional_args= if [ "$branch_name" != "master" ]; then additional_args="--vulnerabilities_only" fi # BlackDuck crashes on this gzip file because it is not well-formed # invalid compressed data--format violated rm ./src/third_party/zstandard/zstd/tests/gzip/hufts-segv.gz # Remove package.json since it only exists for vscode # MongoDB server does not use Node.JS code so we strip this file to not confuse BlackDuck Detect # Otherwise we need to run npm install to install everything in package.json or disable the NPM # scanner. rm package.json python buildscripts/blackduck_hub.py -v scan_and_report --build_logger=mci.buildlogger --build_logger_task_id=${task_id} --report_file=report.json $additional_args