import json import sys import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Print top n metrics from build metrics json files.') parser.add_argument('--build-metrics', metavar='FILE', type=str, default='build_metrics.json', help='Path to build metrics input json.') parser.add_argument('--cache-pull-metrics', metavar='FILE', type=str, default='pull_cache.json', help='Path to build metrics for cache pull input json.') parser.add_argument('--cache-push-metrics', metavar='FILE', type=str, default='populate_cache.json', help='Path to build metrics for cache push input json.') args = parser.parse_args() clean_build_metrics_json = args.build_metrics populate_cache_metrics_json = args.cache_push_metrics pull_cache_metrics_json = args.cache_pull_metrics cedar_report = [] def single_metric_test(test_name, metric_name, value): return { "info": {"test_name": test_name, }, "metrics": [{"name": metric_name, "value": round(value, 2)}, ] } with open(clean_build_metrics_json) as f: aggregated_build_tasks = {} build_metrics = json.load(f) for task in build_metrics['build_tasks']: if task['builder'] in [ 'SharedLibrary', 'StaticLibrary', 'Program', 'Object', 'SharedObject', 'StaticObject', ]: outputs_key = ' '.join(task['outputs']) if outputs_key in aggregated_build_tasks: if aggregated_build_tasks[outputs_key]['mem_usage'] < task['mem_usage']: aggregated_build_tasks[outputs_key]['mem_usage'] = task['mem_usage'] aggregated_build_tasks[outputs_key]['time'] += ( task['end_time'] - task['start_time']) else: aggregated_build_tasks[outputs_key] = { 'mem_usage': task['mem_usage'], 'time': task['end_time'] - task['start_time'], } for output_files in aggregated_build_tasks: cedar_report.append({ "info": {"test_name": output_files, }, "metrics": [ { "name": "seconds", "value": round( aggregated_build_tasks[output_files]['time'] / (10.0**9.0), 2) }, { "name": "MBs", "value": round( aggregated_build_tasks[output_files]['mem_usage'] / 1024.0 / 1024.0, 2) }, ] }) try: cedar_report.append( single_metric_test( "SCons memory usage", "MBs", build_metrics['scons_metrics']['memory']['post_build'] / 1024.0 / 1024.0)) except KeyError: if sys.platform == 'darwin': # MacOS has known memory reporting issues, although this is not directly related to scons which does not use # psutil for this case, I think both use underlying OS calls to determine the memory: pass cedar_report.append( single_metric_test("System Memory Peak", "MBs", build_metrics['system_memory']['max'] / 1024.0 / 1024.0)) cedar_report.append( single_metric_test("Total Build time", "seconds", build_metrics['scons_metrics']['time']['total'])) cedar_report.append( single_metric_test( "Total Build output size", "MBs", build_metrics['artifact_metrics']['total_artifact_size'] / 1024.0 / 1024.0)) try: cedar_report.append( single_metric_test("Transitive Libdeps Edges", "edges", build_metrics['libdeps_metrics']['TRANS_EDGE'])) except KeyError: pass mongod_metrics = None for artifact in build_metrics['artifact_metrics']['artifacts']: if not mongod_metrics and artifact['name'] == 'build/metrics/mongo/db/mongod': mongod_metrics = artifact if artifact['name'] == 'build/metrics/mongo/db/mongod.debug': mongod_metrics = artifact break if mongod_metrics and mongod_metrics.get('bin_metrics'): cedar_report.append( single_metric_test( "Mongod debug info size", "MBs", mongod_metrics['bin_metrics']['debug']['filesize'] / 1024.0 / 1024.0)) with open(populate_cache_metrics_json) as f: build_metrics = json.load(f) cedar_report.append({ "info": {"test_name": "cache_push_time", }, "metrics": [ {"name": "seconds", "value": build_metrics["cache_metrics"]['push_time'] / (10.0**9.0)}, ] }) with open(pull_cache_metrics_json) as f: build_metrics = json.load(f) cedar_report.append({ "info": {"test_name": "cache_pull_time", }, "metrics": [ {"name": "seconds", "value": build_metrics["cache_metrics"]['pull_time'] / (10.0**9.0)}, ] }) print(f"Generated Cedar Report with {len(cedar_report)} perf results.") with open("build_metrics_cedar_report.json", "w") as fh: json.dump(cedar_report, fh)