DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" > /dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" . "$DIR/prelude.sh" cd src set -o errexit set -o verbose rm -rf ${install_directory} # By default, limit link jobs to one quarter of our overall -j # concurrency unless locally overridden. We do this because in # static link environments, the memory consumption of each # link job is so high that without constraining the number of # links we are likely to OOM or thrash the machine. Dynamic # builds, where htis is not a concern, override this value. echo "Changing SCons to run with --jlink=${num_scons_link_jobs_available}" extra_args="$extra_args --jlink=${num_scons_link_jobs_available} --separate-debug=${separate_debug}" if [ "${scons_cache_scope}" = "shared" ]; then extra_args="$extra_args --cache-debug=scons_cache.log" fi # Conditionally enable scons time debugging if [ "${show_scons_timings}" = "true" ]; then extra_args="$extra_args --debug=time,memory,count" fi # Build packages where the upload tasks expect them if [ -n "${git_project_directory}" ]; then extra_args="$extra_args PKGDIR='${git_project_directory}'" else extra_args="$extra_args PKGDIR='${workdir}/src'" fi # If we are doing a patch build or we are building a non-push # build on the waterfall, then we don't need the --release # flag. Otherwise, this is potentially a build that "leaves # the building", so we do want that flag. The non --release # case should auto enale the faster decider when # applicable. Furthermore, for the non --release cases we can # accelerate the build slightly for situations where we invoke # SCons multiple times on the same machine by allowing SCons # to assume that implicit dependencies are cacheable across # runs. if [ "${is_patch}" = "true" ] || [ -z "${push_bucket}" ] || [ "${compiling_for_test}" = "true" ]; then extra_args="$extra_args --implicit-cache --build-fast-and-loose=on" else extra_args="$extra_args --release" fi extra_args="$extra_args SPLIT_DWARF=0" if [ "${generating_for_ninja}" = "true" ] && [ "Windows_NT" = "$OS" ]; then vcvars="$(vswhere -latest -property installationPath | tr '\\' '/' | dos2unix.exe)/VC/Auxiliary/Build/" export PATH="$(echo "$(cd "$vcvars" && cmd /C "vcvarsall.bat amd64 && C:/cygwin/bin/bash -c 'echo \$PATH'")" | tail -n +6)":$PATH fi activate_venv set -o pipefail eval ${compile_env} $python ./buildscripts/scons.py \ ${compile_flags} ${task_compile_flags} ${task_compile_flags_extra} \ ${scons_cache_args} $extra_args \ ${targets} MONGO_VERSION=${version} ${patch_compile_flags} | tee scons_stdout.log exit_status=$? # If compile fails we do not run any tests if [[ $exit_status -ne 0 ]]; then touch ${skip_tests} fi exit $exit_status