// server-5932 Cursor-based aggregation var t = db.server5932; t.drop(); // // define helpers // // batch size is optional function buildAggCmd(pipeline, batchSize) { return { aggregate: t.getName(), pipeline: pipeline, cursor: (batchSize === undefined ? {} : {batchSize: batchSize}), }; } // batch size is optional function makeCursor(cmdOut, followupBatchSize) { assert.commandWorked(cmdOut); assert.neq(cmdOut.cursor.id, undefined); assert(cmdOut.cursor.id instanceof NumberLong); assert(cmdOut.cursor.firstBatch instanceof Array); return new DBCommandCursor(db, cmdOut, followupBatchSize); } // both batch sizes are optional function aggCursor(pipeline, firstBatchSize, followupBatchSize) { var cmdOut = db.runCommand(buildAggCmd(pipeline, firstBatchSize)); assert.commandWorked(cmdOut); if (firstBatchSize !== undefined) assert.lte(cmdOut.cursor.firstBatch.length, firstBatchSize); return makeCursor(cmdOut, followupBatchSize); } // // insert data // var bigArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) bigArray.push(i); var bigStr = Array(1001).toString(); // 1000 bytes of ',' for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) t.insert({_id: i, bigArray: bigArray, bigStr: bigStr}); // // do testing // // successfully handles results > 16MB (bigArray.length * bytes in bigStr * t.count() == 100MB) var cursor = aggCursor([{$unwind: '$bigArray'}]); // default settings assert.eq(cursor.itcount(), bigArray.length * t.count()); var cursor = aggCursor([{$unwind: '$bigArray'}], 0); // empty first batch assert.eq(cursor.itcount(), bigArray.length * t.count()); var cursor = aggCursor([{$unwind: '$bigArray'}], 5, 5); // many small batches assert.eq(cursor.itcount(), bigArray.length * t.count()); // empty result set results in cursor.id == 0 unless batchSize is 0; var res = t.runCommand(buildAggCmd([{$match: {noSuchField: {$exists: true}}}])); assert.eq(res.cursor.firstBatch, []); assert.eq(res.cursor.id, 0); var res = t.runCommand(buildAggCmd([{$match: {noSuchField: {$exists: true}}}], 0)); assert.eq(res.cursor.firstBatch, []); assert.neq(res.cursor.id, 0); assert.eq(makeCursor(res).itcount(), 0); // parse errors are caught before first batch, regardless of size var res = t.runCommand(buildAggCmd([{$noSuchStage: 1}], 0)); assert.commandFailed(res); // data dependent errors can get ok:1 but fail in getMore if they don't fail in first batch var res = t.runCommand(buildAggCmd([{$project: {cantAddString: {$add: [1, '$bigStr']}}}], 1)); assert.commandFailed(res); var res = t.runCommand(buildAggCmd([{$project: {cantAddString: {$add: [1, '$bigStr']}}}], 0)); assert.commandWorked(res); assert.throws(function() { makeCursor(res).itcount(); }); // error if collection dropped after first batch var cursor = aggCursor([{$unwind: '$bigArray'}], 0); t.drop(); assert.throws(function() { cursor.itcount(); }); // DON'T ADD NEW TEST TO THIS FILE AFTER THIS ONE (unless you reseed the data)