/** * Check that the special $-prefixed field names $ref, $id and $db all work in expressions, $group, * and $lookup. * * Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because of not being able to create unique index * using hashed shard key pattern. * @tags: [ * assumes_unsharded_collection, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For anyEq. const coll = db.dbref_in_expression; const otherColl = db.dbref_in_expression_2; coll.drop(); otherColl.drop(); assert.commandWorked(otherColl.insert({_id: "id0", x: 1})); assert.commandWorked(otherColl.insert({_id: "id1", x: 2})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({ _id: 0, link: new DBRef(otherColl.getName(), "id0", db.getName()), linkArray: [ new DBRef(otherColl.getName(), "id0", db.getName()), new DBRef(otherColl.getName(), "id1", db.getName()) ] })); function projectOnlyPipeline(projection) { const aggRes = coll.aggregate({$project: projection}).toArray(); const findRes = coll.find({}, projection).toArray(); assert.sameMembers(findRes, aggRes); return aggRes; } // Refer to a DBRef sub-field in a projection. assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({refVal: "$link.$ref"}), [{_id: 0, refVal: otherColl.getName()}]); assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({refVal: "$linkArray.$ref"}), [{_id: 0, refVal: [otherColl.getName(), otherColl.getName()]}]); assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({idVal: "$link.$id"}), [{_id: 0, idVal: "id0"}]); assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({idVal: "$linkArray.$id"}), [{_id: 0, idVal: ["id0", "id1"]}]); assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({idVal: "$link.$db"}), [{_id: 0, idVal: db.getName()}]); assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({idVal: "$linkArray.$db"}), [{_id: 0, idVal: [db.getName(), db.getName()]}]); // Use a DBRef sub-field in an expression. assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({idLen: {$strLenCP: "$link.$id"}}), [{_id: 0, idLen: "id0".length}]); // Project away DBRef values. assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({link: {$ref: 0}, linkArray: 0}), [{_id: 0, link: {$id: "id0", $db: db.getName()}}]); assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({link: 0, linkArray: {$id: 0}}), [{ _id: 0, linkArray: [ {$ref: otherColl.getName(), $db: db.getName()}, {$ref: otherColl.getName(), $db: db.getName()} ] }]); // Assigning to a DBRef field. assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({link: {$ref: 1, $id: 1, $db: "someOtherDB"}}), [{_id: 0, link: new DBRef(otherColl.getName(), "id0", "someOtherDB")}]); // While not a 'feature' we advertise, it is allowed to assign to top-level DBRef fields. assert.eq(projectOnlyPipeline({$ref: "$link.$ref"}), [{_id: 0, $ref: otherColl.getName()}]); // One cannot refer to a top-level DBRef field, however, as it will be interpreted as a variable // dereference. assert.throwsWithCode(() => coll.aggregate({$project: {x: "$$ref"}}).toArray(), 17276); // It can be accessed through $$ROOT, however. assert.eq(coll.aggregate([ // Rather than go through the trouble of inserting a document with a top-level // $-prefixed field, create one in an intermediate $project stage. {$project: {"$ref": "hello world"}}, // Make sure that no optimization coalesces the above projection stage with the // below one. {$_internalInhibitOptimization: {}}, {$project: {x: "$$ROOT.$ref"}} ]) .toArray(), [{_id: 0, x: "hello world"}]); // Do a count (using $group) on a DBRef field. assert.eq(coll.aggregate({$group: {_id: "$link.$db", count: {$sum: 1}}}).toArray(), [{_id: db.getName(), count: 1}]); // Refer to a DBRef field in an accumulator. assert.eq(coll.aggregate({$group: {_id: "$link.$db", count: {$sum: {$size: "$linkArray.$ref"}}}}) .toArray(), [{_id: db.getName(), count: 2}]); // Use $lookup with a DBRef. // Equality match version. const lookupEqualityPipeline = [{$lookup: {from: otherColl.getName(), localField: "link.$id", foreignField: "_id", as: "joinedField"}}, {$project: {link: 0, linkArray: 0}}]; assert.eq(coll.aggregate(lookupEqualityPipeline).toArray(), [{_id: 0, joinedField: [{_id: "id0", x: 1}]}]); // Foreign pipeline. const lookupSubPipePipeline = [{$lookup: {from: otherColl.getName(), let: {idsWanted: "$linkArray.$id"}, pipeline: [{$match: {$expr: {$in: ["$_id", "$$idsWanted"]}}}], as: "joinedField"}}, {$project: {link: 0, linkArray: 0}}]; assert(anyEq(coll.aggregate(lookupSubPipePipeline).toArray(), [{_id: 0, joinedField: [{_id: "id0", x: 1}, {_id: "id1", x: 2}]}])); (function testGraphLookup() { // $graphLookup using DBRef. const graphLookupColl = db.dbref_graph_lookup; graphLookupColl.drop(); // id0 -> id1 -> id2 -> id0 assert.commandWorked(graphLookupColl.insert( {_id: "id0", link: new DBRef(graphLookupColl.getName(), "id1", db.getName())})); assert.commandWorked(graphLookupColl.insert( {_id: "id1", link: new DBRef(graphLookupColl.getName(), "id2", db.getName())})); assert.commandWorked(graphLookupColl.insert( {_id: "id2", link: new DBRef(graphLookupColl.getName(), "id0", db.getName())})); // id3 -> id4 assert.commandWorked(graphLookupColl.insert( {_id: "id3", link: new DBRef(graphLookupColl.getName(), "id4", db.getName())})); assert.commandWorked(graphLookupColl.insert({_id: "id4", link: null})); const graphLookupPipeline = [{ $graphLookup: { from: graphLookupColl.getName(), startWith: "$link.$id", connectFromField: "link.$id", connectToField: "_id", as: "connectedDocuments" } }, {$sort: {_id: 1}}]; const res = graphLookupColl.aggregate(graphLookupPipeline).toArray(); // id0, id1, and id2 are all connected. assert.eq(res[0].connectedDocuments.length, 3); assert.eq(res[1].connectedDocuments.length, 3); assert.eq(res[2].connectedDocuments.length, 3); // id3 is connected to id4. assert.eq(res[3].connectedDocuments.length, 1); // id4 is connected to nothing. assert.eq(res[4].connectedDocuments.length, 0); assert.eq(res.length, 5); })(); // Distinct command for a dbref field. assert.eq(coll.distinct("link.$ref"), [otherColl.getName()]); assert.eq(coll.distinct("link.$id"), ["id0"]); assert.eq(coll.distinct("link.$db"), [db.getName()]); // $merge pipeline. const thirdColl = db.dbref_in_expression_3; thirdColl.drop(); assert.commandWorked(thirdColl.insert({_id: 0, a: 1})); assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({"link.$ref": 1}, {unique: true})); // Merge a document with a 'sentinel' field into the original collection using 'link.$ref' as the // "on" field. thirdColl .aggregate([ {$project: {"link.$ref": otherColl.getName(), "link.$id": "id0", sentinel: "foo"}}, {$merge: {into: coll.getName(), on: "link.$ref", whenMatched: "replace"}} ]) .itcount(); // Check that the merge worked. assert.eq(coll.find({sentinel: "foo"}).itcount(), 1); // Merge using an update pipeline. thirdColl .aggregate([ {$project: {"link.$ref": otherColl.getName(), "link.$id": "id0", sentinel: "foo"}}, { $merge: { into: coll.getName(), on: "link.$ref", whenMatched: [{ $project: {"link.$ref": "otherRef", "link.$id": "otherId", "link.$db": "otherDB"} }], whenNotMatched: "discard" } } ]) .itcount(); assert.eq(coll.find().toArray()[0], {_id: 0, link: new DBRef("otherRef", "otherId", "otherDB")}); })();