/** * Basic integration tests for the $let expression. */ (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For assertErrorCode. let coll = db.agg_expr_let; coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({zero: 0, one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, nested: {four: 4}})); function testExpr(expression, output) { const res = coll.aggregate([{$project: {output: expression}}]).toArray(); assert.eq(res.length, 1, tojson(res)); assert.eq(res[0].output, output, tojson(res)); // Test in group: const result = coll.aggregate({$group: {_id: 0, res: {$sum: expression}}}).toArray(); assert.eq(result, [{_id: 0, res: output}]); } // Basic tests. testExpr('$two', 2); testExpr('$$CURRENT.two', 2); testExpr('$$ROOT.two', 2); // Using sub expressions. testExpr({$add: ['$two', '$$CURRENT.three']}, 5); testExpr({$add: ['$$CURRENT.two', '$$ROOT.nested.four']}, 6); // Verify that the variables defined in $let work. testExpr({$let: {vars: {a: 10}, in : '$$a'}}, 10); testExpr({$let: {vars: {a: '$zero'}, in : '$$a'}}, 0); testExpr({$let: {vars: {a: {$add: ['$one', '$two']}, b: 10}, in : {$multiply: ['$$a', '$$b']}}}, 30); // Verify that the outer level variable works in inner level $let. testExpr({ $let: {vars: {var1: 1}, in : {$let: {vars: {var2: "$$var1"}, in : {$sum: ["$$var1", "$$var2"]}}}} }, 2); // Verify that the outer level variables get overwritten by inner level variables. testExpr({ $let: { vars: {var1: "$one"}, in : {$let: {vars: {var2: "$$var1", var1: 3}, in : {$sum: ["$$var2", "$$var1"]}}} } }, 4); // $let changing CURRENT testExpr({$let: {vars: {CURRENT: '$$ROOT.nested'}, in : {$multiply: ['$four', '$$ROOT.two']}}}, 8); testExpr({ $let: { vars: {CURRENT: '$$CURRENT.nested'}, // using original value of CURRENT in : {$multiply: ['$four', '$$ROOT.two']} } }, 8); testExpr({ $let: { vars: {CURRENT: '$nested'}, // same as last in : {$multiply: ['$four', '$$ROOT.two']} } }, 8); testExpr({ $let: { vars: {CURRENT: {$const: {ten: 10}}}, // "artificial" object in : {$multiply: ['$ten', '$$ROOT.two']} } }, 20); testExpr({ $let: { vars: {CURRENT: '$three'}, // sets current to the number 3 (not an object) in : {$multiply: ['$$CURRENT', '$$ROOT.two']} } }, 6); // Swapping with $let (ensures there is no ordering dependency in vars). testExpr({ $let: { vars: {x: 6, y: 10}, in : { $let: { vars: {x: '$$y', y: '$$x'}, // now {x:10, y:6} in : {$subtract: ['$$x', '$$y']} } } } }, // Not commutative! 4); // 10-6 not 6-10 or 6-6 // Unicode is allowed. testExpr({$let: {vars: {'日本語': 10}, in : '$$日本語'}}, 10); // Japanese for "Japanese language". // Can use ROOT and CURRENT directly with no subfield (SERVER-5916). coll.drop(); coll.insert({_id: 'obj'}); assert.eq(coll.aggregate({$project: {_id: 0, obj: '$$ROOT'}}).toArray(), [{obj: {_id: 'obj'}}]); assert.eq(coll.aggregate({$project: {_id: 0, obj: '$$CURRENT'}}).toArray(), [{obj: {_id: 'obj'}}]); assert.eq(coll.aggregate({$group: {_id: 0, objs: {$push: '$$ROOT'}}}).toArray(), [{_id: 0, objs: [{_id: 'obj'}]}]); assert.eq(coll.aggregate({$group: {_id: 0, objs: {$push: '$$CURRENT'}}}).toArray(), [{_id: 0, objs: [{_id: 'obj'}]}]); // Check name validity checks. assertErrorCode(coll, {$project: {a: {$let: {vars: {ROOT: 1}, in : '$$ROOT'}}}}, 16867); assertErrorCode(coll, {$project: {a: {$let: {vars: {FOO: 1}, in : '$$FOO'}}}}, 16867); assertErrorCode(coll, {$project: {a: {$let: {vars: {_underbar: 1}, in : '$$FOO'}}}}, 16867); assertErrorCode(coll, {$project: {a: {$let: {vars: {'a.b': 1}, in : '$$FOO'}}}}, 16868); assertErrorCode(coll, {$project: {a: {$let: {vars: {'a b': 1}, in : '$$FOO'}}}}, 16868); assertErrorCode(coll, {$project: {a: '$$_underbar'}}, 16870); assertErrorCode(coll, {$project: {a: '$$with spaces'}}, 16871); // Verify that variables defined in '$let' cannot be used to initialize other variables. assertErrorCode( coll, [{$project: {output: {$let: {vars: {var1: "$one", var2: "$$var1"}, in : "$$var1"}}}}], 17276); }());