/** * Tests that split aggregations whose merge pipelines are eligible to run on mongoS do so, and * produce the expected results. Stages which are eligible to merge on mongoS include: * * - Splitpoints whose merge components are non-blocking, e.g. $skip, $limit, $sort, $sample. * - Non-splittable streaming stages, e.g. $match, $project, $unwind. * - Blocking stages in cases where 'allowDiskUse' is false, e.g. $group, $bucketAuto. * * Because wrapping these aggregations in a $facet stage will affect how the pipeline can be merged, * and will therefore invalidate the results of the test cases below, we tag this test to prevent it * running under the 'aggregation_facet_unwind' passthrough. * * @tags: [ * do_not_wrap_aggregations_in_facets, * requires_sharding, * requires_spawning_own_processes, * requires_profiling, * ] */ (function() { load("jstests/libs/profiler.js"); // For profilerHas*OrThrow helper functions. load('jstests/libs/geo_near_random.js'); // For GeoNearRandomTest. load("jstests/noPassthrough/libs/server_parameter_helpers.js"); // For setParameterOnAllHosts. load("jstests/libs/discover_topology.js"); // For findDataBearingNodes. const st = new ShardingTest({shards: 2, mongos: 1, config: 1}); const mongosDB = st.s0.getDB(jsTestName()); const mongosColl = mongosDB[jsTestName()]; const unshardedColl = mongosDB[jsTestName() + "_unsharded"]; const shard0DB = primaryShardDB = st.shard0.getDB(jsTestName()); const shard1DB = st.shard1.getDB(jsTestName()); assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.dropDatabase()); // Always merge pipelines which cannot merge on mongoS on the primary shard instead, so we know // where to check for $mergeCursors. assert.commandWorked( mongosDB.adminCommand({setParameter: 1, internalQueryAlwaysMergeOnPrimaryShard: true})); // Enable sharding on the test DB and ensure its primary is shard0. assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: mongosDB.getName()})); st.ensurePrimaryShard(mongosDB.getName(), st.shard0.shardName); // Shard the test collection on _id. assert.commandWorked( mongosDB.adminCommand({shardCollection: mongosColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: 1}})); // We will need to test $geoNear on this collection, so create a 2dsphere index. assert.commandWorked(mongosColl.createIndex({geo: "2dsphere"})); // We will test that $textScore metadata is not propagated to the user, so create a text index. assert.commandWorked(mongosColl.createIndex({text: "text"})); // Split the collection into 4 chunks: [MinKey, -100), [-100, 0), [0, 100), [100, MaxKey). assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({split: mongosColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: -100}})); assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({split: mongosColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 0}})); assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand({split: mongosColl.getFullName(), middle: {_id: 100}})); // Move the [0, 100) and [100, MaxKey) chunks to shard1. assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand( {moveChunk: mongosColl.getFullName(), find: {_id: 50}, to: st.shard1.shardName})); assert.commandWorked(mongosDB.adminCommand( {moveChunk: mongosColl.getFullName(), find: {_id: 150}, to: st.shard1.shardName})); // Create a random geo co-ord generator for testing. var georng = new GeoNearRandomTest(mongosColl); // Write 400 documents across the 4 chunks. for (let i = -200; i < 200; i++) { assert.commandWorked(mongosColl.insert( {_id: i, a: [i], b: {redactThisDoc: true}, c: true, geo: georng.mkPt(), text: "txt"})); assert.commandWorked(unshardedColl.insert({_id: i, x: i})); } let testNameHistory = new Set(); // Clears system.profile and restarts the profiler on the primary shard. We enable profiling to // verify that no $mergeCursors occur during tests where we expect the merge to run on mongoS. function startProfiling() { assert.commandWorked(primaryShardDB.setProfilingLevel(0)); primaryShardDB.system.profile.drop(); assert.commandWorked(primaryShardDB.setProfilingLevel(2)); } /** * Runs the aggregation specified by 'pipeline', verifying that: * - The number of documents returned by the aggregation matches 'expectedCount'. * - The merge was performed on a mongoS if 'mergeType' is 'mongos', and on a shard otherwise. */ function assertMergeBehaviour( {testName, pipeline, mergeType, batchSize, allowDiskUse, expectedCount}) { // Ensure that this test has a unique name. assert(!testNameHistory.has(testName)); testNameHistory.add(testName); // Create the aggregation options from the given arguments. const opts = { comment: testName, cursor: (batchSize ? {batchSize: batchSize} : {}), }; if (allowDiskUse !== undefined) { opts.allowDiskUse = allowDiskUse; } // Verify that the explain() output's 'mergeType' field matches our expectation. assert.eq( assert.commandWorked(mongosColl.explain().aggregate(pipeline, Object.extend({}, opts))) .mergeType, mergeType); // Verify that the aggregation returns the expected number of results. assert.eq(mongosColl.aggregate(pipeline, opts).itcount(), expectedCount); // Verify that a $mergeCursors aggregation ran on the primary shard if 'mergeType' is not // 'mongos', and that no such aggregation ran otherwise. profilerHasNumMatchingEntriesOrThrow({ profileDB: primaryShardDB, numExpectedMatches: (mergeType === "mongos" ? 0 : 1), filter: { "command.aggregate": mongosColl.getName(), "command.comment": testName, "command.pipeline.$mergeCursors": {$exists: 1} } }); } /** * Throws an assertion if the aggregation specified by 'pipeline' does not produce * 'expectedCount' results, or if the merge phase is not performed on the mongoS. */ function assertMergeOnMongoS({testName, pipeline, batchSize, allowDiskUse, expectedCount}) { assertMergeBehaviour({ testName: testName, pipeline: pipeline, mergeType: "mongos", batchSize: (batchSize || 10), allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: expectedCount }); } /** * Throws an assertion if the aggregation specified by 'pipeline' does not produce * 'expectedCount' results, or if the merge phase was not performed on a shard. */ function assertMergeOnMongoD( {testName, pipeline, mergeType, batchSize, allowDiskUse, expectedCount}) { assertMergeBehaviour({ testName: testName, pipeline: pipeline, mergeType: (mergeType || "anyShard"), batchSize: (batchSize || 10), allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: expectedCount }); } /** * Runs a series of test cases which will consistently merge on mongoS or mongoD regardless of * whether 'allowDiskUse' is true, false or omitted. */ function runTestCasesWhoseMergeLocationIsConsistentRegardlessOfAllowDiskUse(allowDiskUse) { // Test that a $match pipeline with an empty merge stage is merged on mongoS. assertMergeOnMongoS({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_match_only", pipeline: [{$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 400 }); // Test that a $sort stage which merges pre-sorted streams is run on mongoS. assertMergeOnMongoS({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_sort_presorted", pipeline: [{$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$sort: {_id: -1}}], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 400 }); // Test that $skip is merged on mongoS. assertMergeOnMongoS({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_skip", pipeline: [{$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$sort: {_id: -1}}, {$skip: 300}], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 100 }); // Test that $limit is merged on mongoS. assertMergeOnMongoS({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_limit", pipeline: [{$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$limit: 300}], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 300 }); // Test that $sample is merged on mongoS if it is the splitpoint, since this will result in // a merging $sort of presorted streams in the merge pipeline. assertMergeOnMongoS({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_sample_splitpoint", pipeline: [{$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$sample: {size: 300}}], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 300 }); // Test that $geoNear is merged on mongoS. assertMergeOnMongoS({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_geo_near", pipeline: [{$geoNear: {near: [0, 0], distanceField: "distance", spherical: true}}, {$limit: 300}], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 300 }); // Test that $facet is merged on mongoS if all pipelines are mongoS-mergeable regardless of // 'allowDiskUse'. assertMergeOnMongoS({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_facet_all_pipes_eligible_for_mongos", pipeline: [ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, { $facet: { pipe1: [{$match: {_id: {$gt: 0}}}, {$skip: 10}, {$limit: 150}], pipe2: [{$match: {_id: {$lt: 0}}}, {$project: {_id: 0, a: 1}}] } } ], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 1 }); // Test that $facet is merged on mongoD if any pipeline requires a primary shard merge, // regardless of 'allowDiskUse'. assertMergeOnMongoD({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_facet_pipe_needs_primary_shard_disk_use_" + allowDiskUse, pipeline: [ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, { $facet: { pipe1: [{$match: {_id: {$gt: 0}}}, {$skip: 10}, {$limit: 150}], pipe2: [ {$match: {_id: {$lt: 0}}}, { $lookup: { from: unshardedColl.getName(), localField: "_id", foreignField: "_id", as: "lookupField" } } ] } } ], mergeType: "primaryShard", allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 1 }); // Test that a pipeline whose merging half can be run on mongos using only the mongos // execution machinery returns the correct results. // TODO SERVER-30882 Find a way to assert that all stages get absorbed by mongos. assertMergeOnMongoS({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_all_mongos_runnable_skip_and_limit_stages", pipeline: [ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$sort: {_id: -1}}, {$skip: 150}, {$limit: 150}, {$skip: 5}, {$limit: 1}, ], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 1 }); // Test that a merge pipeline which needs to run on a shard is NOT merged on mongoS // regardless of 'allowDiskUse'. assertMergeOnMongoD({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_primary_shard_disk_use_" + allowDiskUse, pipeline: [ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$_internalSplitPipeline: {mergeType: "anyShard"}} ], mergeType: "anyShard", allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 400 }); // Allow sharded $lookup. setParameterOnAllHosts( DiscoverTopology.findNonConfigNodes(st.s), "internalQueryAllowShardedLookup", true); // Test that $lookup is merged on the primary shard when the foreign collection is // unsharded. assertMergeOnMongoD({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_lookup_unsharded_disk_use_" + allowDiskUse, pipeline: [ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, { $lookup: { from: unshardedColl.getName(), localField: "_id", foreignField: "_id", as: "lookupField" } } ], mergeType: "primaryShard", allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 400 }); // Test that $lookup is merged on mongoS when the foreign collection is sharded. assertMergeOnMongoS({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_lookup_sharded_disk_use_" + allowDiskUse, pipeline: [ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, { $lookup: { from: mongosColl.getName(), localField: "_id", foreignField: "_id", as: "lookupField" } } ], mergeType: "mongos", allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 400 }); // Disable sharded $lookup. setParameterOnAllHosts( DiscoverTopology.findNonConfigNodes(st.s), "internalQueryAllowShardedLookup", false); } /** * Runs a series of test cases which will always merge on mongoD when 'allowDiskUse' is true, * and on mongoS when 'allowDiskUse' is false or omitted. */ function runTestCasesWhoseMergeLocationDependsOnAllowDiskUse(allowDiskUse) { // All test cases should merge on mongoD if allowDiskUse is true, mongoS otherwise. const assertMergeOnMongoX = (allowDiskUse ? assertMergeOnMongoD : assertMergeOnMongoS); // Test that a blocking $sort is only merged on mongoS if 'allowDiskUse' is not set. assertMergeOnMongoX({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_blocking_sort_no_disk_use", pipeline: [{$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$sort: {_id: -1}}, {$sort: {a: 1}}], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 400 }); // Test that $group is only merged on mongoS if 'allowDiskUse' is not set. assertMergeOnMongoX({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_group_allow_disk_use", pipeline: [{$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$group: {_id: {$mod: ["$_id", 150]}}}], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 299 }); // Test that a blocking $sample is only merged on mongoS if 'allowDiskUse' is not set. assertMergeOnMongoX({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_blocking_sample_allow_disk_use", pipeline: [ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$sample: {size: 300}}, {$sample: {size: 200}} ], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 200 }); // Test that $facet is only merged on mongoS if all pipelines are mongoS-mergeable when // 'allowDiskUse' is not set. assertMergeOnMongoX({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_facet_allow_disk_use", pipeline: [ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, { $facet: { pipe1: [{$match: {_id: {$gt: 0}}}, {$skip: 10}, {$limit: 150}], pipe2: [{$match: {_id: {$lt: 0}}}, {$sort: {a: -1}}] } } ], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 1 }); // Test that $bucketAuto is only merged on mongoS if 'allowDiskUse' is not set. assertMergeOnMongoX({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_bucket_auto_allow_disk_use", pipeline: [ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$bucketAuto: {groupBy: "$_id", buckets: 10}} ], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 10 }); // // Test composite stages. // // Test that $bucket ($group->$sort) is merged on mongoS iff 'allowDiskUse' is not set. assertMergeOnMongoX({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_bucket_allow_disk_use", pipeline: [ {$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$bucket: {groupBy: "$_id", boundaries: [-200, -150, -100, -50, 0, 50, 100, 150, 200]}} ], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 8 }); // Test that $sortByCount ($group->$sort) is merged on mongoS iff 'allowDiskUse' isn't set. assertMergeOnMongoX({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_sort_by_count_allow_disk_use", pipeline: [{$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}, {$sortByCount: {$mod: ["$_id", 150]}}], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 299 }); // Test that $count ($group->$project) is merged on mongoS iff 'allowDiskUse' is not set. assertMergeOnMongoX({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_count_allow_disk_use", pipeline: [{$match: {_id: {$gte: -150, $lte: 1500}}}, {$count: "doc_count"}], allowDiskUse: allowDiskUse, expectedCount: 1 }); } // Run all test cases for each potential value of 'allowDiskUse'. for (let allowDiskUse of [false, undefined, true]) { // Reset the profiler and clear the list of tests that ran on the previous iteration. testNameHistory.clear(); startProfiling(); // Run all test cases. runTestCasesWhoseMergeLocationIsConsistentRegardlessOfAllowDiskUse(allowDiskUse); runTestCasesWhoseMergeLocationDependsOnAllowDiskUse(allowDiskUse); } // Start a new profiling session before running the final few tests. startProfiling(); // Test that merge pipelines containing all mongos-runnable stages produce the expected output. assertMergeOnMongoS({ testName: "agg_mongos_merge_all_mongos_runnable_stages", pipeline: [ {$geoNear: {near: [0, 0], distanceField: "distance", spherical: true}}, {$sort: {a: 1}}, {$skip: 150}, {$limit: 150}, {$addFields: {d: true}}, {$unwind: "$a"}, {$sample: {size: 100}}, {$project: {c: 0, geo: 0, distance: 0}}, {$group: {_id: "$_id", doc: {$push: "$$CURRENT"}}}, {$unwind: "$doc"}, {$replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$doc"}}, {$facet: {facetPipe: [{$match: {_id: {$gte: -200, $lte: 200}}}]}}, {$unwind: "$facetPipe"}, {$replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$facetPipe"}}, { $redact: {$cond: {if: {$eq: ["$redactThisDoc", true]}, then: "$$PRUNE", else: "$$DESCEND"}} }, { $match: { _id: {$gte: -50, $lte: 100}, a: {$type: "number", $gte: -50, $lte: 100}, b: {$exists: false}, c: {$exists: false}, d: true, geo: {$exists: false}, distance: {$exists: false}, text: "txt" } } ], expectedCount: 100 }); // Test that metadata is not propagated to the user when a pipeline which produces metadata // fields merges on mongoS. const metaDataTests = [ {pipeline: [{$sort: {_id: -1}}], verifyNoMetaData: (doc) => assert.isnull(doc.$sortKey)}, { pipeline: [{$match: {$text: {$search: "txt"}}}], verifyNoMetaData: (doc) => assert.isnull(doc.$textScore) }, {pipeline: [{$sample: {size: 300}}], verifyNoMetaData: (doc) => assert.isnull(doc.$randVal)}, { pipeline: [{$match: {$text: {$search: "txt"}}}, {$sort: {text: 1}}], verifyNoMetaData: (doc) => assert.docEq([doc.$textScore, doc.$sortKey], [undefined, undefined]) } ]; for (let metaDataTest of metaDataTests) { assert.gte(mongosColl.aggregate(metaDataTest.pipeline).itcount(), 300); mongosColl.aggregate(metaDataTest.pipeline).forEach(metaDataTest.verifyNoMetaData); } st.stop(); })();