// Tests that an aggregation pipeline can be optimized away and the query can be answered using // just the query layer if the pipeline has only one $cursor source, or if the pipeline can be // collapsed into a single $cursor source pipeline. The resulting cursor in this case will look // like what the client would have gotten from find command. // // Relies on the pipeline stages to be collapsed into a single $cursor stage, so pipelines cannot be // wrapped into a facet stage to not prevent this optimization. Also, this test is not prepared to // handle explain output for sharded collections. // This test makes assumptions about how the explain output will be formatted, so cannot be run when // pipeline optimization is disabled. // @tags: [ // assumes_unsharded_collection, // do_not_wrap_aggregations_in_facets, // requires_pipeline_optimization, // requires_profiling, // ] (function() { "use strict"; load("jstests/concurrency/fsm_workload_helpers/server_types.js"); // For isWiredTiger. load("jstests/libs/analyze_plan.js"); // For 'aggPlanHasStage' and other explain helpers. load("jstests/libs/fixture_helpers.js"); // For 'isMongos' and 'isSharded'. load("jstests/libs/sbe_util.js"); // For checkSBEEnabled. const coll = db.optimize_away_pipeline; coll.drop(); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 1, x: 10})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 2, x: 20})); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 3, x: 30})); // Asserts that the give pipeline has *not* been optimized away and the request is answered // using the aggregation module. There should be pipeline stages present in the explain output. // The functions also asserts that a query stage passed in the 'stage' argument is present in // the explain output. If 'expectedResult' is provided, the pipeline is executed and the // returned result as validated agains the expected result without respecting the order of the // documents. If 'preserveResultOrder' is 'true' - the order is respected. // // If 'optimizedAwayStages' is non-null, then it should contain a list of agg plan stages that // should *not* be present in the pipeline, since their execution was pushed down into the query // layer. The test will verify that this pushdown is reflected in explain output. function assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline = [], pipelineOptions = {}, expectedStages = null, expectedResult = null, preserveResultOrder = false, optimizedAwayStages = null } = {}) { const explainOutput = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline, pipelineOptions); assert(isAggregationPlan(explainOutput), explainOutput); assert(!isQueryPlan(explainOutput), explainOutput); if (optimizedAwayStages) { for (let stage of optimizedAwayStages) { assert(!aggPlanHasStage(explainOutput, stage), explainOutput); } } let cursor = getAggPlanStage(explainOutput, "$cursor"); if (cursor) { cursor = cursor.$cursor; } else { cursor = getAggPlanStage(explainOutput, "$geoNearCursor").$geoNearCursor; } assert(cursor, explainOutput); assert(cursor.queryPlanner.optimizedPipeline === undefined, explainOutput); if (expectedStages) { for (let expectedStage of expectedStages) { assert(aggPlanHasStage(explainOutput, expectedStage), explainOutput); } } if (expectedResult) { const actualResult = coll.aggregate(pipeline, pipelineOptions).toArray(); if (preserveResultOrder) { assert.docEq(expectedResult, actualResult); } else { assert.sameMembers(expectedResult, actualResult); } } return explainOutput; } // Asserts that the give pipeline has been optimized away and the request is answered using // just the query module. There should be no pipeline stages present in the explain output. // The functions also asserts that a query stage passed in the 'stage' argument is present in // the explain output. If 'expectedResult' is provided, the pipeline is executed and the // returned result as validated agains the expected result without respecting the order of the // documents. If 'preserveResultOrder' is 'true' - the order is respected. function assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline = [], pipelineOptions = {}, expectedStages = null, expectedResult = null, preserveResultOrder = false } = {}) { const explainOutput = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline, pipelineOptions); assert(!isAggregationPlan(explainOutput), explainOutput); assert(isQueryPlan(explainOutput), explainOutput); if (explainOutput.hasOwnProperty("shards")) { Object.keys(explainOutput.shards) .forEach((shard) => assert(explainOutput.shards[shard].queryPlanner.optimizedPipeline === true, explainOutput)); } else { assert(explainOutput.queryPlanner.optimizedPipeline === true, explainOutput); } if (expectedStages) { for (let expectedStage of expectedStages) { assert(planHasStage(db, explainOutput, expectedStage), explainOutput); } } if (expectedResult) { const actualResult = coll.aggregate(pipeline, pipelineOptions).toArray(); if (preserveResultOrder) { assert.docEq(expectedResult, actualResult); } else { assert.sameMembers(expectedResult, actualResult); } } return explainOutput; } // Test that getMore works with the optimized query. function testGetMore({command = null, expectedResult = null} = {}) { const documents = new DBCommandCursor(db, assert.commandWorked(db.runCommand(command)), 1 /* batchsize */) .toArray(); assert.sameMembers(documents, expectedResult); } const groupPushdownEnabled = checkSBEEnabled(db); // Calls 'assertPushdownEnabled' if groupPushdownEnabled is 'true'. Otherwise, it calls // 'assertPushdownDisabled'. function assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown(assertPushdownEnabled, assertPushdownDisabled) { return groupPushdownEnabled ? assertPushdownEnabled() : assertPushdownDisabled(); } let explainOutput; // Basic pipelines. // Test basic scenarios when a pipeline has a single $cursor stage or can be collapsed into a // single cursor stage. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN"], expectedResult: [{_id: 1, x: 10}, {_id: 2, x: 20}, {_id: 3, x: 30}] }); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation( {pipeline: [{$match: {x: 20}}], expectedStage: "COLLSCAN", expectedResult: [{_id: 2, x: 20}]}); // Pipelines with a collation. // Test a simple pipeline with a case-insensitive collation. assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 4, x: 40, b: "abc"})); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {b: "ABC"}}], pipelineOptions: {collation: {locale: "en_US", strength: 2}}, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN"], expectedResult: [{_id: 4, x: 40, b: "abc"}] }); assert.commandWorked(coll.deleteOne({_id: 4})); // Pipelines with covered queries. // We can collapse a covered query into a single $cursor when $project and $sort are present and // the latter is near the front of the pipeline. Skip this test in sharded modes as we cannot // correctly handle explain output in plan analyzer helper functions. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({x: 1})); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$sort: {x: 1}}, {$project: {x: 1, _id: 0}}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN"], expectedResult: [{x: 10}, {x: 20}, {x: 30}], preserveResultOrder: true }); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$sort: {x: 1}}, {$project: {x: 1, _id: 0}}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN"], expectedResult: [{x: 20}, {x: 30}], preserveResultOrder: true }); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$sort: {x: 1}}, {$limit: 1}, {$project: {x: 1, _id: 0}}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN"], expectedResult: [{x: 20}] }); // However, when the $project is computed, pushing it down into the find() layer would sometimes // have the effect of reordering it before the $sort and $limit. This can cause a valid query to // throw an error, as in SERVER-54128. assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: [ {$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$sort: {x: 1}}, {$limit: 1}, {$project: {x: {$substr: ["$y", 0, 1]}, _id: 0}} ], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN"], expectedResult: [{x: ""}] }); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndexes()); assert.commandWorked(coll.insert({_id: 4, x: 40, a: {b: "ab1"}})); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$project: {x: 1, _id: 0}}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"], expectedResult: [{x: 10}, {x: 20}, {x: 30}, {x: 40}] }); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: 20}}, {$project: {x: 1, _id: 0}}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"], expectedResult: [{x: 20}] }); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$project: {x: 1, "a.b": 1, _id: 0}}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_DEFAULT"], expectedResult: [{x: 10}, {x: 20}, {x: 30}, {x: 40, a: {b: "ab1"}}] }); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: 40}}, {$project: {"a.b": 1, _id: 0}}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_DEFAULT"], expectedResult: [{a: {b: "ab1"}}] }); // We can collapse a $project stage if it has a complex pipeline expression. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$project: {x: {$substr: ["$y", 0, 1]}, _id: 0}}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_DEFAULT"] }); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: 20}}, {$project: {x: {$substr: ["$y", 0, 1]}, _id: 0}}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_DEFAULT"] }); assert.commandWorked(coll.deleteOne({_id: 4})); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$skip: 1}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "SKIP"], expectedResult: [{_id: 3, x: 30}] }); // Pipelines which cannot be optimized away. // We cannot optimize away a pipeline if there are stages which have no equivalent in the // find command. assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$count: "count"}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN"], expectedResult: [{count: 2}] }); assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown( function() { return assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$group: {_id: "null", s: {$sum: "$x"}}}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "GROUP"], expectedResult: [{_id: "null", s: 50}], }); }, function() { return assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$group: {_id: "null", s: {$sum: "$x"}}}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"], expectedResult: [{_id: "null", s: 50}], }); }); // Test that we can optimize away a pipeline with a $text search predicate. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({y: "text"})); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation( {pipeline: [{$match: {$text: {$search: "abc"}}}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN"]}); // Test that $match, $sort, and $project all get answered by the PlanStage layer for a $text query. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {$text: {$search: "abc"}}}, {$sort: {sortField: 1}}, {$project: {a: 1, b: 1}}], expectedStages: ["TEXT_MATCH", "SORT", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"], optimizedAwayStages: ["$match", "$sort", "$project"] }); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndexes()); // We cannot optimize away geo near queries. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({"y": "2d"})); assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: [{$geoNear: {near: [0, 0], distanceField: "y", spherical: true}}], expectedStages: ["GEO_NEAR_2D"], }); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndexes()); // Test cases around pushdown of $limit. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({x: 1})); // A lone $limit pipeline can be optimized away. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$limit: 1}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "LIMIT"], }); // $match followed by $limit can be optimized away. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: 20}}, {$limit: 1}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "LIMIT"], expectedResult: [{_id: 2, x: 20}], }); // $limit followed by $match cannot be fully optimized away. The $limit is pushed down, but the // $match is executed in the agg layer. assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: [{$limit: 1}, {$match: {x: 20}}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "LIMIT"], optimizedAwayStages: ["$limit"], }); // $match, $project, $limit can be optimized away when the projection is covered. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$project: {_id: 0, x: 1}}, {$limit: 1}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT"], expectedResult: [{x: 20}], }); // $match, $project, and $limit can be optimized away. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$project: {_id: 0, x: 1, y: 1}}, {$limit: 1}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "FETCH", "LIMIT", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"], expectedResult: [{x: 20}], optimizedAwayStages: ["$limit", "$project"], }); // $match, $project, $limit, $sort cannot be optimized away because the $limit comes before the // $sort. assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$project: {_id: 0, x: 1}}, {$limit: 1}, {$sort: {x: 1}}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT"], expectedResult: [{x: 20}], optimizedAwayStages: ["$project", "$limit"], }); // $match, $sort, $limit can be optimized away. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$sort: {x: -1}}, {$limit: 2}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "LIMIT"], expectedResult: [{_id: 3, x: 30}, {_id: 2, x: 20}], }); // $match, $sort, $limit, $project can be optimized away. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$sort: {x: -1}}, {$limit: 2}, {$project: {_id: 0, x: 1}}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT"], expectedResult: [{x: 30}, {x: 20}], }); // $match, $sort, $project, $limit can be optimized away. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$sort: {x: -1}}, {$project: {_id: 0, x: 1}}, {$limit: 2}], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT"], expectedResult: [{x: 30}, {x: 20}], }); // $match, $sort, $limit, $project can be optimized away, where limits must swap and combine to // enable pushdown. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [ {$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$sort: {x: -1}}, {$limit: 3}, {$project: {_id: 0, x: 1}}, {$limit: 2} ], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT"], expectedResult: [{x: 30}, {x: 20}], }); let pipeline = [{$sort: {x: 1}}, {$limit: 2}, {$group: {_id: null, s: {$sum: "$x"}}}]; assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown( function() { return assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT", "GROUP"], expectedResult: [{_id: null, s: 30}], }); }, function() { return assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT"], expectedResult: [{_id: null, s: 30}], optimizedAwayStages: ["$sort", "$limit"], }); }); // Test that $limit can be pushed down before a group, but it prohibits the DISTINCT_SCAN // optimization. assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: [{$group: {_id: "$x"}}], expectedStages: ["DISTINCT_SCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED"], expectedResult: [{_id: 10}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 30}], }); assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: [{$sort: {x: 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$x"}}], expectedStages: ["DISTINCT_SCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED"], expectedResult: [{_id: 10}, {_id: 20}, {_id: 30}], optimizedAwayStages: ["$sort"], }); pipeline = [{$limit: 2}, {$group: {_id: "$x"}}]; assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown( function() { return assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "LIMIT", "GROUP"], }); }, function() { return assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "LIMIT"], optimizedAwayStages: ["$limit"], }); }); pipeline = [{$sort: {x: 1}}, {$limit: 2}, {$group: {_id: "$x"}}]; assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown( function() { return assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT", "GROUP"], }); }, function() { return assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT"], optimizedAwayStages: ["$sort", "$limit"], }); }); // $limit after a group has no effect on our ability to produce a DISTINCT_SCAN plan. assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: [{$group: {_id: "$x"}}, {$sort: {_id: 1}}, {$limit: 2}], expectedStages: ["DISTINCT_SCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED"], expectedResult: [{_id: 10}, {_id: 20}], }); // For $limit, $project, $limit, we can optimize away both $limit stages. pipeline = [{$match: {x: {$gte: 0}}}, {$limit: 2}, {$project: {_id: 0, x: 1}}, {$limit: 1}]; assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT"], }); // Make sure that we end up using the smaller limit of 1. let explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); let limitStage = getAggPlanStage(explain, "LIMIT"); assert.neq(null, limitStage, explain); assert.eq(1, limitStage.limitAmount, explain); // We can optimize away interleaved $limit and $skip after a project. pipeline = [ {$match: {x: {$gte: 0}}}, {$project: {_id: 0, x: 1}}, {$skip: 20}, {$limit: 15}, {$skip: 10}, {$limit: 7} ]; assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "PROJECTION_COVERED", "LIMIT", "SKIP"], optimizedAwayStages: ["$match", "$limit", "$skip"], }); explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); let skipStage = getAggPlanStage(explain, "SKIP"); assert.neq(null, skipStage, explain); assert.eq(30, skipStage.skipAmount, explain); limitStage = getAggPlanStage(explain, "LIMIT"); assert.neq(null, limitStage, explain); assert.eq(5, limitStage.limitAmount, explain); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndexes()); // $sort can be optimized away even if there is no index to provide the sort. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [ {$sort: {x: -1}}, ], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "SORT"], expectedResult: [{_id: 3, x: 30}, {_id: 2, x: 20}, {_id: 1, x: 10}], }); // $match, $sort, $limit can be optimized away even if there is no index to provide the sort. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 0}}}, {$sort: {x: -1}}, {$limit: 1}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "SORT"], expectedResult: [{_id: 3, x: 30}], }); // $match, $sort, $project, $limit can be optimized away. assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$sort: {x: -1}}, {$project: {_id: 0, x: 1}}, {$limit: 2}], expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "SORT", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"], expectedResult: [{x: 30}, {x: 20}], }); // Test a case where there is a projection that can be covered by an index, but a blocking sort is // still required. In this case, the entire pipeline can be optimized away. assert.commandWorked(coll.createIndex({y: 1, x: 1})); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: [ {$match: {y: {$gt: 0}, x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$sort: {x: -1}}, {$project: {_id: 0, y: 1, x: 1}}, {$limit: 2} ], expectedStages: ["IXSCAN", "SORT", "PROJECTION_COVERED"], expectedResult: [], }); assert.commandWorked(coll.dropIndexes()); // Test that even if we don't have a projection stage at the front of the pipeline but there is a // finite dependency set, a projection representing this dependency set is pushed down. pipeline = [{$group: {_id: "$a", b: {$sum: "$b"}}}]; assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown( function() { return assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "GROUP"], }); }, function() { return assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"], }); }); pipeline = [{$group: {_id: "$a", b: {$sum: "$b"}}}, {$group: {_id: "$c", x: {$sum: "$b"}}}]; assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown( function() { const explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); // Both $group must be pushed down. assert.eq(getPlanStages(explain, "GROUP").length, 2); // PROJECTION_SIMPLE must be optimized away. assert.eq(getPlanStages(explain, "PROJECTION_SIMPLE").length, 0); // At bottom, there must be a COLLSCAN. assert.eq(getPlanStages(explain, "COLLSCAN").length, 1); }, function() { return assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"], }); }); function assertTransformByShape(expected, actual, message) { assert.eq(Object.keys(expected).sort(), Object.keys(actual).sort(), message); for (let key in expected) { assert.eq(expected[key], actual[key]); } } assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown( // When $group pushdown is enabled, $group will be lowered and the PROJECTION_SIMPLE will be // erased. function() { explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); let projStage = getAggPlanStage(explain, "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"); assert.eq(null, projStage, explain); }, // When $group pushdown is disabled, $group will not be lowered and the PROJECTION_SIMPLE will // be preserved. function() { explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); let projStage = getAggPlanStage(explain, "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"); assert.neq(null, projStage, explain); assertTransformByShape({a: 1, b: 1, _id: 0}, projStage.transformBy, explain); }); // Similar as above, but with $addFields stage at the front of the pipeline. pipeline = [{$addFields: {z: "abc"}}, {$group: {_id: "$a", b: {$sum: "$b"}}}]; assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"], }); explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); let projStage = getAggPlanStage(explain, "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"); assert.neq(null, projStage, explain); assertTransformByShape({a: 1, b: 1, _id: 0}, projStage.transformBy, explain); // Asserts that, if group pushdown is enabled, we can remove a redundant projection stage before a // group. function assertProjectionCanBeRemovedBeforeGroup(pipeline, projectionType = "PROJECTION_SIMPLE") { assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown( // The projection and group should both be pushed down, and we expect to optimize away the // projection after realizing that it will not affect the output of the group. function() { let explain = assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation( {pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "GROUP"]}); assert(!planHasStage(db, explain, projectionType), explain); }, // If group pushdown is not enabled we still expect the projection to be pushed down. function() { assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", projectionType, "$group"], }); }); } // Asserts that a projection stage is not optimized out of a pipeline with a projection and a group // stage. function assertProjectionIsNotRemoved(pipeline, projectionType = "PROJECTION_SIMPLE") { assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown( // The projection and group should both be pushed down, and we expect NOT to optimize away // the projection. function() { assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation( {pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", projectionType, "GROUP"]}); }, // If group pushdown is not enabled we still expect the projection to be pushed down. function() { assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", projectionType, "$group"], }); }); } // Test that an inclusion projection is optimized away if it is redundant/unnecessary. assertProjectionCanBeRemovedBeforeGroup( [{$project: {a: 1, b: 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$a", s: {$sum: "$b"}}}]); // Test that an inclusion projection is NOT optimized away if it is NOT redundant. This one // fails to include a dependency of the $group and so will have an impact on the query results. assertProjectionIsNotRemoved([{$project: {a: 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$a", s: {$sum: "$b"}}}]); // TODO SERVER-67323 This one could be removed, but is left for future work. assertProjectionIsNotRemoved( [{$project: {a: 1, b: 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$a.b", s: {$sum: "$b.c"}}}]); // If the $group depends on both "path" and "path.subpath" then it will generate a $project on only // "path" to express its dependency set. We then fail to optimize that out. As a future improvement, // we could improve the optimizer to ensure that a projection stage is not present in the resulting // plan. pipeline = [{$group: {_id: "$a.b", s: {$first: "$a"}}}]; // TODO SERVER-XYZ Assert this can be optimized out. // assertProjectionCanBeRemovedBeforeGroup(pipeline, "PROJECTION_DEFAULT"); // assertProjectionCanBeRemovedBeforeGroup(pipeline, "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"); assertProjectionIsNotRemoved(pipeline); assertProjectionCanBeRemovedBeforeGroup( [{$project: {'a.b': 1, 'b.c': 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$a.b", s: {$sum: "$b.c"}}}], "PROJECTION_DEFAULT"); // Test that a computed projection at the front of the pipeline is pushed down, even if there's no // finite dependency set. pipeline = [{$project: {x: {$add: ["$a", 1]}}}]; assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation( {pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_DEFAULT"]}); // The projections below are not removed because they fail to include the $group's dependencies. assertProjectionIsNotRemoved([{$project: {'a.b': 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$a.b", s: {$sum: "$b"}}}], "PROJECTION_DEFAULT"); assertProjectionIsNotRemoved([{$project: {'a.b': 1}}, {$group: {_id: "$a.b", s: {$sum: "$a.c"}}}], "PROJECTION_DEFAULT"); pipeline = [{$project: {a: {$add: ["$a", 1]}}}, {$group: {_id: "$a", s: {$sum: "$b"}}}]; assertPipelineIfGroupPushdown( // Test that a computed projection at the front of the pipeline is pushed down when there's a // finite dependency set. Additionally, the group pushdown shouldn't erase the computed // projection. function() { explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation( {pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_DEFAULT", "GROUP"]}); }, // Test that a computed projection at the front of the pipeline is pushed down when there's a // finite dependency set. function() { explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_DEFAULT", "$group"], }); }); // We generate a projection stage from dependency analysis, even if the pipeline begins with an // exclusion projection. pipeline = [{$project: {c: 0}}, {$group: {_id: "$a", b: {$sum: "$b"}}}]; assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE", "$project"], }); explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); projStage = getAggPlanStage(explain, "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"); assert.neq(null, projStage, explain); assertTransformByShape({a: 1, b: 1, _id: 0}, projStage.transformBy, explain); // Similar as above, but with a field 'a' presented both in the finite dependency set, and in the // exclusion projection at the front of the pipeline. pipeline = [{$project: {a: 0}}, {$group: {_id: "$a", b: {$sum: "$b"}}}]; assertPipelineUsesAggregation({ pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["COLLSCAN", "PROJECTION_SIMPLE", "$project"], }); explain = coll.explain().aggregate(pipeline); projStage = getAggPlanStage(explain, "PROJECTION_SIMPLE"); assert.neq(null, projStage, explain); assertTransformByShape({a: 1, b: 1, _id: 0}, projStage.transformBy, explain); // Test that an exclusion projection at the front of the pipeline is pushed down if there is no // finite dependency set. pipeline = [{$project: {x: 0}}]; assertPipelineDoesNotUseAggregation( {pipeline: pipeline, expectedStages: ["PROJECTION_SIMPLE", "COLLSCAN"]}); // getMore cases. // Test getMore on a collection with an optimized away pipeline. testGetMore({ command: {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [], cursor: {batchSize: 1}}, expectedResult: [{_id: 1, x: 10}, {_id: 2, x: 20}, {_id: 3, x: 30}] }); testGetMore({ command: {aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}], cursor: {batchSize: 1}}, expectedResult: [{_id: 2, x: 20}, {_id: 3, x: 30}] }); testGetMore({ command: { aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [{$match: {x: {$gte: 20}}}, {$project: {x: 1, _id: 0}}], cursor: {batchSize: 1} }, expectedResult: [{x: 20}, {x: 30}] }); // Test getMore on a view with an optimized away pipeline. Since views cannot be created when // imlicit sharded collection mode is on, this test will be run only on a non-sharded // collection. let view; if (!FixtureHelpers.isSharded(coll)) { view = db.optimize_away_pipeline_view; view.drop(); assert.commandWorked(db.createView(view.getName(), coll.getName(), [])); testGetMore({ command: {find: view.getName(), filter: {}, batchSize: 1}, expectedResult: [{_id: 1, x: 10}, {_id: 2, x: 20}, {_id: 3, x: 30}] }); } // Test getMore puts a correct namespace into profile data for a colletion with optimized away // pipeline. Cannot be run on mongos as profiling can be enabled only on mongod. Also profiling // is supported on WiredTiger only. if (!FixtureHelpers.isMongos(db) && isWiredTiger(db)) { // Should turn off profiling before dropping system.profile collection. db.setProfilingLevel(0); db.system.profile.drop(); db.setProfilingLevel(2); testGetMore({ command: { aggregate: coll.getName(), pipeline: [{$match: {x: 10}}], cursor: {batchSize: 1}, comment: 'optimize_away_pipeline' }, expectedResult: [{_id: 1, x: 10}] }); db.setProfilingLevel(0); let profile = db.system.profile.find({}, {op: 1, ns: 1}).sort({ts: 1}).toArray(); assert.sameMembers( profile, [{op: "command", ns: coll.getFullName()}, {op: "getmore", ns: coll.getFullName()}]); // Test getMore puts a correct namespace into profile data for a view with an optimized away // pipeline. if (!FixtureHelpers.isSharded(coll)) { db.system.profile.drop(); db.setProfilingLevel(2); testGetMore({ command: { find: view.getName(), filter: {x: 10}, batchSize: 1, comment: 'optimize_away_pipeline' }, expectedResult: [{_id: 1, x: 10}] }); db.setProfilingLevel(0); profile = db.system.profile.find({}, {op: 1, ns: 1}).sort({ts: 1}).toArray(); assert.sameMembers( profile, [{op: "query", ns: view.getFullName()}, {op: "getmore", ns: view.getFullName()}]); } } }());