/** * Verifies that the $collStats aggregation stage includes the shard and hostname for each output * document when run via mongoS, and that the former is absent when run on a non-shard mongoD. * @tags: [ * requires_spawning_own_processes, * ] */ (function() { "use strict"; // Test mongoD behaviour using the standalone started by resmoke.py. let testDB = db.getSiblingDB(jsTestName()); let testColl = testDB.test; // getHostName() doesn't include port, db.getMongo().host is const hostName = (getHostName() + ":" + db.getMongo().host.split(":")[1]); // Test that the shard field is absent and the host field is present when run on mongoD. assert.eq(testColl .aggregate([ {$collStats: {latencyStats: {histograms: true}}}, {$group: {_id: {shard: "$shard", host: "$host"}}} ]) .toArray(), [{_id: {host: hostName}}]); // Test that both shard and hostname are present for $collStats results on a sharded cluster. const st = new ShardingTest({name: jsTestName(), shards: 2}); testDB = st.s.getDB(jsTestName()); testColl = testDB.test; assert.commandWorked(testDB.dropDatabase()); // Enable sharding on the test database. assert.commandWorked(testDB.adminCommand({enableSharding: testDB.getName()})); // Shard 'testColl' on {_id: 'hashed'}. This will automatically presplit the collection and // place chunks on each shard. assert.commandWorked( testDB.adminCommand({shardCollection: testColl.getFullName(), key: {_id: "hashed"}})); // Group $collStats result by $shard and $host to confirm that both fields are present. assert.eq(testColl .aggregate([ {$collStats: {latencyStats: {histograms: true}}}, {$group: {_id: {shard: "$shard", host: "$host"}}}, {$sort: {_id: 1}} ]) .toArray(), [ {_id: {shard: "shard0000", host: st.shard0.host}}, {_id: {shard: "shard0001", host: st.shard1.host}}, ]); st.stop(); })();