// Cannot implicitly shard accessed collections because unsupported use of sharded collection // for target collection of $lookup and $graphLookup. // @tags: [assumes_unsharded_collection] // In MongoDB 3.4, $graphLookup was introduced. In this file, we test the error cases. load("jstests/aggregation/extras/utils.js"); // For "assertErrorCode". (function() { "use strict"; var local = db.local; local.drop(); local.insert({}); var pipeline = {$graphLookup: 4}; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40327, "$graphLookup spec must be an object"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", maxDepth: "string" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40100, "maxDepth must be numeric"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", maxDepth: -1 } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40101, "maxDepth must be nonnegative"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", maxDepth: 2.3 } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40102, "maxDepth must be representable as a long long"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: -1, startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40329, "from must be a string"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40330, "from must be a valid namespace"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: 0 } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40103, "as must be a string"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "$output" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 16410, "as cannot be a fieldPath"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: 0, as: "output" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40103, "connectFromField must be a string"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "$b", as: "output" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 16410, "connectFromField cannot be a fieldPath"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: 0, connectFromField: "b", as: "output" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40103, "connectToField must be a string"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "$a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 16410, "connectToField cannot be a fieldPath"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", depthField: 0 } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40103, "depthField must be a string"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", depthField: "$depth" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 16410, "depthField cannot be a fieldPath"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", restrictSearchWithMatch: "notamatch" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40185, "restrictSearchWithMatch must be an object"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", notAField: "foo" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40104, "unknown argument"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: {from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectFromField: "b", as: "output"} }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40105, "connectToField was not specified"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: {from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", as: "output"} }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40105, "connectFromField was not specified"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: {from: "foreign", connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output"} }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40105, "startWith was not specified"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40105, "as was not specified"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: {startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output"} }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40328, "from was not specified"); // restrictSearchWithMatch must be a valid match expression. pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: 'foreign', startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", restrictSearchWithMatch: {$not: {a: 1}} } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40186, "unable to parse match expression"); // $where and $text cannot be used inside $graphLookup. pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: 'foreign', startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", restrictSearchWithMatch: {$where: "3 > 2"} } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40186, "cannot use $where inside $graphLookup"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: 'foreign', startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", restrictSearchWithMatch: {$text: {$search: "some text"}} } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40186, "cannot use $text inside $graphLookup"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: 'foreign', startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", restrictSearchWithMatch: { x: {$near: {$geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0]}, $maxDistance: 100}} } } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40187, "cannot use $near inside $graphLookup"); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: 'foreign', startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "a", connectFromField: "b", as: "output", restrictSearchWithMatch: { $and: [{ x: { $near: { $geometry: {type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0]}, $maxDistance: 100 } } }] } } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40187, "cannot use $near inside $graphLookup at any depth"); // $graphLookup can only consume at most 100MB of memory. var foreign = db.foreign; foreign.drop(); // Here, the visited set exceeds 100MB. var bulk = foreign.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); var initial = []; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var obj = {_id: i}; obj['longString'] = new Array(14 * 1024 * 1024).join('x'); initial.push(i); bulk.insert(obj); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: initial}, connectToField: "_id", connectFromField: "notimportant", as: "graph" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40099, "maximum memory usage reached"); // Here, the visited set should grow to approximately 90 MB, and the frontier should push memory // usage over 100MB. foreign.drop(); var bulk = foreign.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (var i = 0; i < 14; i++) { var obj = {from: 0, to: 1}; obj['s'] = new Array(7 * 1024 * 1024).join(' '); bulk.insert(obj); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); pipeline = { $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "from", connectFromField: "s", as: "out" } }; assertErrorCode(local, pipeline, 40099, "maximum memory usage reached"); // Here, we test that the cache keeps memory usage under 100MB, and does not cause an error. foreign.drop(); var bulk = foreign.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++) { var obj = {from: 0, to: 1}; obj['s'] = new Array(7 * 1024 * 1024).join(' '); bulk.insert(obj); } assert.writeOK(bulk.execute()); var res = local .aggregate({ $graphLookup: { from: "foreign", startWith: {$literal: 0}, connectToField: "from", connectFromField: "to", as: "out" } }, {$unwind: {path: "$out"}}) .toArray(); assert.eq(res.length, 13); }());