// Test dollar sign operator with $and SERVER-1089 t = db.jstests_and2; t.drop(); t.save( {a:[1,2]} ); t.update( {a:1}, {$set:{'a.$':5}} ); assert.eq( [5,2], t.findOne().a ); t.drop(); t.save( {a:[1,2]} ); t.update( {$and:[{a:1}]}, {$set:{'a.$':5}} ); assert.eq( [5,2], t.findOne().a ); // Make sure dollar sign operator with $and is consistent with no $and case t.drop(); t.save( {a:[1,2],b:[3,4]} ); t.update( {a:1,b:4}, {$set:{'a.$':5}} ); // Probably not what we want here, just trying to make sure $and is consistent assert.eq( {a:[1,5],b:[3,4]}, t.find( {}, {_id:0} ).toArray()[ 0 ] ); // Make sure dollar sign operator with $and is consistent with no $and case t.drop(); t.save( {a:[1,2],b:[3,4]} ); t.update( {a:1,$and:[{b:4}]}, {$set:{'a.$':5}} ); // Probably not what we want here, just trying to make sure $and is consistent assert.eq( {a:[1,5],b:[3,4]}, t.find( {}, {_id:0} ).toArray()[ 0 ] );