// Check key match with sub matchers - part of SERVER-3192 t = db.jstests_and3; t.drop(); t.save( {a:1} ); t.save( {a:'foo'} ); t.ensureIndex( {a:1} ); function checkScanMatch( query, nscannedObjects, n ) { var e = t.find( query ).hint( {a:1} ).explain(); // NOTE The nscannedObjects values aren't necessarily optimal currently, // we're just checking current behavior here. assert.eq( nscannedObjects, e.nscannedObjects ); assert.eq( n, e.n ); } checkScanMatch( {a:/o/}, 1, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {a:/a/}, 0, 0 ); checkScanMatch( {a:{$not:/o/}}, 2, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {a:{$not:/a/}}, 2, 2 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{a:/o/}]}, 1, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{a:/a/}]}, 0, 0 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{a:{$not:/o/}}]}, 2, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{a:{$not:/a/}}]}, 2, 2 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{a:/o/},{a:{$not:/o/}}]}, 1, 0 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{a:/o/},{a:{$not:/a/}}]}, 1, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$or:[{a:/o/}]}, 1, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$or:[{a:/a/}]}, 0, 0 ); checkScanMatch( {$nor:[{a:/o/}]}, 2, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$nor:[{a:/a/}]}, 2, 2 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$and:[{a:/o/}]}]}, 1, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$and:[{a:/a/}]}]}, 0, 0 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$and:[{a:{$not:/o/}}]}]}, 2, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$and:[{a:{$not:/a/}}]}]}, 2, 2 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$or:[{a:/o/}]}]}, 1, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$or:[{a:/a/}]}]}, 0, 0 ); checkScanMatch( {$or:[{a:{$not:/o/}}]}, 2, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$or:[{a:{$not:/o/}}]}]}, 2, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$or:[{a:{$not:/a/}}]}]}, 2, 2 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$nor:[{a:/o/}]}]}, 2, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$nor:[{a:/a/}]}]}, 2, 2 ); checkScanMatch( {$where:'this.a==1'}, 2, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{$where:'this.a==1'}]}, 2, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {a:1,$where:'this.a==1'}, 1, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {a:1,$and:[{$where:'this.a==1'}]}, 1, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{a:1},{$where:'this.a==1'}]}, 1, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {$and:[{a:1,$where:'this.a==1'}]}, 1, 1 ); checkScanMatch( {a:1,$and:[{a:1},{a:1,$where:'this.a==1'}]}, 1, 1 ); function checkImpossibleMatch( query ) { var e = t.find( query ).explain(); assert.eq( 0, e.n ); assert.eq( 'BasicCursor', e.cursor ); } // With a single key index, all bounds are utilized. assert.eq( [[1,1]], t.find( {$and:[{a:1}]} ).explain().indexBounds.a ); assert.eq( [[1,1]], t.find( {a:1,$and:[{a:1}]} ).explain().indexBounds.a ); checkImpossibleMatch( {a:1,$and:[{a:2}]} ); checkImpossibleMatch( {$and:[{a:1},{a:2}]} );