// test read/write permissions // @tags: [live_record_incompatible] m = MongoRunner.runMongod({auth: "", bind_ip: ""}); db = m.getDB("admin"); // These statements throw because the localhost exception does not allow // these operations: it only allows the creation of the first admin user // and necessary setup operations. assert.throws(function() { db.users.count(); }); assert.throws(function() { db.shutdownServer(); }); db.createUser({user: "eliot", pwd: "eliot", roles: ["root"]}); // These statements throw because we have a user but have not authenticated // as that user. assert.throws(function() { db.users.count(); }); assert.throws(function() { db.shutdownServer(); }); db.auth("eliot", "eliot"); users = db.getCollection("system.users"); assert.eq(1, users.count()); db.shutdownServer(); waitProgram(m.pid);